



Statesman you are a clueless amatuer in charge of a game for the first time. The cancellations this time WILL make a difference. I am waiting for your next clueless post that will ignore your players and ask them when they bought all of their enhancements why didn't they buy some they don't need or want?

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Wait a tick....so you are hoping that the cancelations will hurt the devs, but you can't wait til Statesman's next post...does this mean that you are going to keep your CoH account even thought you don't like the changes?

If so, due to all your remarks, that makes you a fool.

-The Legendary J-Man-



you can still browse without having an account...

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

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yeah..... right.



Your trolling is as amatuer as Statesmans game design.

Let a professional teach you and try again 2 out of 10.

I cancelled for several months - was asked to return by RL friends - did so and have cancelled billing again. You could open your mouth and ask or realize that some players after 18 months may be sick and tired of forced respeccing due to dev incompetance.

Explain please to me how it is anything but incompetance to not have even 1 single AT properly balanced after 18 months?

Please enlighten me? 18 months and complete and utter changing of the game yet again for the second time in 2 months and you feel the game is in good hands?

Explain to me how they have balanced other games? Explain how we said they do not play our game and now we find out AGAIN they play a version that is even further nerfed and balanced since MARCH. Ask a Regen scrapper how perma-nerf feels.



i like the new zone,good job with that.and that there are more badges.my only problem is that i am expected to do those long TFs over again and other will get credit for only doing them once.this should be fixed.



Here's some feedback, YOU ARE A LIAR. I know you hate to be called that and would love to see how you tap dance around the massive enhacement changes as not a change to powersets. /em remembers a famous quote "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"


Well.. "liar" is not the right word.

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Well, that depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.



I'm a regen scrapper! It feels GREAT! (cuz i got to 50 before all the nerfs so i don't have to worry about debt. if i did, it'd suck.)




Stand UP.



Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.

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What is a powerset made up of? Powers, right? So is it fair to say changes to powers ARE changes to a powerset, or are teh only changes to a powerset changes where powers are moved or powers are put in or taken out?

OK then, what do enhancements enhance? They enhance powers. Nothing else in the game, just powers. And NO powers come with 0 enhancement slots. Every single power has at least one. There is no such thing as a power without an enhancement slot.

Enhancements are POWER MODIFIERS. Saying changes to them is NOT a change to powers is like saying changes to allowable deductions is not a change to in income tax. That's nonsense.

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Yeap, I think we have a winner for the liar count out there...Ding, Ding, Ding LIAR!! In time we might actually get someones attention, and they might actually fix NOT nerf what we pay for. Pay = the thing they get because of us. ***Attention all Cryptic Employees.....with what we have been through PRAY to whatever you want that something even remotly close to CoH / CoV comes out, if it does.....might I say EQ? Retire quick peeps.



Can we roll back the i5 nerfs and just stick with ED? We didnt need both.



Can we roll back the i5 nerfs and just stick with ED? We didnt need both.

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Indeed the I5 changes coupled with ED is overkill
At the verry least the I5 changes should be cut in half.

I'm all for challenge and ED provides plenty of that by itself.




Wait a tick....so you are hoping that the cancelations will hurt the devs, but you can't wait til Statesman's next post...does this mean that you are going to keep your CoH account even thought you don't like the changes?

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I cancelled for a good long while and it didn't prevent me periodically auditing the forums to make sure things went as badly as I expected them to.

Your posting Q.A. is on par with Cryptic's game Q.A.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I'll concede that the "double penalty" of increased Mob accuracy at higher cons isn't meaningful (we, after all, aren't supposed to be fighting +3's). That concession still doesn't make +Defense better.

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if you were saying +3's based off actuall levels i'd have agreed with you, but a +3 based on con level is supposed to be extremely dangerous but not impossible after all +3 cons are red and not purp if you'd kindly refer to your game manual it will tell you such and also recomend that you have a team but it should not be nessicary



eeeew you bumped this topic!!!



if you'd kindly refer to your game manual it will tell you such and also recomend that you have a team but it should not be nessicary

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HAHAHAHA! That's the funniest thing I've heard... refer to the game manual, like it'd have some useful information.



HAHAHAHA! That's the funniest thing I've heard... refer to the game manual, like it'd have some useful information.

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what i see as funny is it actually still has some (but very little) useful information like the con system data eventhough you seem to think that the manual has aboslutely no useful information
and all i was trying to point out is that +3minions are supposed to be beatible where as a +3 conned boss is also supposed to be beatible and a +3 level boss is not considering that this boss then cons +5(purple) and NOT +3(red) so please try not to bend my words and/or flame me for a viable post since i was not the first to mention this and i was simply pointing out the person's reasoning is incorrect
and i did not bump this topic because that I5 did change this con system which was kinda broken (due to tanks being able to fight +6's) so it does fit even the slightest and now the con system is broken because purps are almost impossible to beat with teams because small teams don't have enough people and big teams cause higher numbered spawns thus the difficulty slider becomes a 1-2 position slider