



Came back after a few months of vacation from CoH. Wow...

I was expecting some changes but not this much at once. My Invuln Tanker is crap now. I had to use up all his attack slots to boost my defensive power slots...just to be somewhat of a tank I was before I5. I'm not very pleased. Soloing is absolutely boring and tedious now....

Other than that....my freaking server is a god damn ghost town. Everyone on my friendlist has quit. My SG is gone.

I can deal with the nerfs, but I can't deal with the lack of players in a MULTIPLAYER game. "Hits you on the head with a cyber coffepot" Wake up and do something.



Came back after a few months of vacation from CoH. Wow...

I was expecting some changes but not this much at once. My Invuln Tanker is crap now. I had to use up all his attack slots to boost my defensive power slots...just to be somewhat of a tank I was before I5. I'm not very pleased. Soloing is absolutely boring and tedious now....

Other than that....my freaking server is a god damn ghost town. Everyone on my friendlist has quit. My SG is gone.

I can deal with the nerfs, but I can't deal with the lack of players in a MULTIPLAYER game. "Hits you on the head with a cyber coffepot" Wake up and do something.

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"players come , players go, suchis the nature of mmps"

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets.

LMAO - this is too rich.



but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets.

LMAO - this is too rich.

[/ QUOTE ]

Apparently, they are done with the power sets.

Silly me, I thought that meant they were done with the nerfs.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



doom anyone?



we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets

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The inspiration for my new board name.



we've finished making large changes to the power sets

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The inspiration for my new board name.

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Well it is honest if you don't consider what goes INTO your powers.
In that case yes, they're focking liarz.




but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets.

LMAO - this is too rich.

[/ QUOTE ]

Apparently, they are done with the power sets.

Silly me, I thought that meant they were done with the nerfs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah-up. This is going to be, as my dear mother once said when driving off a cliff on accident (really), "Intensely interesting".

And here I thought Empaths didn't catch any major nerfing. Boy am I a dumb-<censored>.

The nerfage is starting to get beyond the ability of CoHplanner builds to compensate. Fun, fun.


All "doom" kidding aside, I'm really starting to get concerned about the disconnect between the players and the devs.

Am I supposed to dual-box two Kinetics defenders on two accounts to get recharge and END use under some kind of control? Is that really what we're going to end up with here?


This is like some kind of cutesy "arms race" between kids that want to stay up late and their parents. The parents, in the end, always win. Of course, that's exactly the kind of "war" that everybody loses.

Bringing the focus back to CoH, unlike those darn kids, I don't like paying for the "privilege" of having to outsmart people to have some fun.

I can do that for free, somewhere else.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Flame all you want i5 bites the big one you know you aggree.



ok, I've read about 6 pages in this thread and I just have to stop. It's depressing the heck out of me. I5 went live, I logged on a couple of my 50 melee toons and haven't used them since other than to transfer some inf. I was all happy and stuff building trollers (which I never made before) and trying out the sonic def set simply because I had no frame of reference pre-I5 with the builds and was able to have fun with them.

I too am saddened by so many friends and excellent players that have moved on to other games. It seems clear that the future success of CoH is really based in successful marketing to new groups that have no Pre-I5 experience. Not sure how many others noticed but in I4 it was common to see 2 or even 3 bubs on the server activity status when logging in, now Freedom is the only server that occasionally has 2 bubs and I haven't seen 3 bubs once. The Nerfers that be may not notice it, but CoH is a business and it is assured that SOMEBODY is noticing.

I'm going to stick this out for a few more months just to see where it ends up. Anybody remember "New Coke"? That was the bright idea that almost sunk the CocaCola corporation in the 80's. Perhaps portions of I5 are the New Coke of CoH.



we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets

[/ QUOTE ]
The inspiration for my new board name.

[/ QUOTE ]

Smooooooooooooth as the backside of a politician. Words are one thing, but the general sentiment given out counts for something. Something needs to be said from the dev side... like now.

And I miss your avatar!



we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets

[/ QUOTE ]
The inspiration for my new board name.

[/ QUOTE ]

Smooooooooooooth as the backside of a politician. Words are one thing, but the general sentiment given out counts for something.

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Indeed, Jack is smart enough to know the impression the above quote left. Even if the statement were to be technically true, it would remain disingenuous if a large change that weakens heroes were to come out after that statement.

Even if that change were overall, a good and fair idea...

Even if that change was foreshadowed in a post he made months ago...

It still would be disingenuous to leave the impression that the major changes were complete if a mjor change were still in the pipeline.

Something needs to be said from the dev side... like now.

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I'm absolutely certain that CuppaJo will always do everything in her power to give the CoH community as much information as she possibly can, even if that means dragging the Devs over here on the weekend to get that information posted to the CoH forums. If there is ANY way to get us key information, you know Cuppa is working as hard as she can do get it here. Frankly, the devs are working really hard, too, if the times of day they're posting is any indication.

I'll tell you this. CuppaJo might have better luck serving the needs of the CoH community if she weren't so busy looking for threads that violate forum rules, etc.

And I miss your avatar!

[/ QUOTE ]

Me, too. I'll have to come up with something else fun and, I suppose, less sacreligious.



(Note from Cuppa - this is from the Devs - keep it civil in here, stick to the facts , do not personally insult any devs or other players or call people names. Focus on the system, not the people or their opinions)

I wanted to give you all a little heads up on something that we've had in the works since March of this year that is finally seeing the light of day soon.

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First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

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Somehow these statements, highlighted, don't seem to jibe with Stateman's post.

How can we stick to the facts on the test server when the devs give us a stacked deck to test with.

What data can they gain when we aren't playing the same build they are.

There are numerous people who spent days on the test server to assist the devs. Most of that time spent with builds that have nothing even remotely like this new change is going require.

Anything else I post here will just be censored so I will stop.



Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise.

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I guess Enhancement Diversification doesn't count, right? Oh, wait, since it affects the slots, not the powersets themselves, you're in the clear. Even though the slotting affects the powers...

If you had rolled out Enhancement Diversification INSTEAD of I5, I would be far more supportive. But this is just adding insult to injury, or injury to insult - I haven't decided which, yet.



Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's some feedback, YOU ARE A LIAR. I know you hate to be called that and would love to see how you tap dance around the massive enhacement changes as not a change to powersets. /em remembers a famous quote "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"



Something needs to be said from the dev side... like now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm absolutely certain that CuppaJo will always do everything in her power to give the CoH community as much information as she possibly can, even if that means dragging the Devs over here on the weekend to get that information posted to the CoH forums. If there is ANY way to get us key information, you know Cuppa is working as hard as she can do get it here. Frankly, the devs are working really hard, too, if the times of day they're posting is any indication.

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The problem is that, for all of her good work CuppaJo isn't a Cryptic employee, she works for NCSoft.

The Cryptic Dev team needed to be front and center on this one - for both communities. Not just for CoV.

Many, many thanks are owed to Cuppa for all the outstanding work she does. It's a shame her vibe isn't taking hold with the Cryptic Dev team these days.



Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's some feedback, YOU ARE A LIAR. I know you hate to be called that and would love to see how you tap dance around the massive enhacement changes as not a change to powersets. /em remembers a famous quote "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

[/ QUOTE ]
Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.

The right word is misled. We were misled. This really hurts. Contrary to the general forum population, I actually liked the changes in I5. It made my Scrapper fun to play again. But this new enhancement system is a real blow to the player base. I'm losing faith in the Devs. I will, however, try to reserve judgement until it hits Test.



ok my ice tank and SR scrapper are already on the ground, please don't kick them now.



... but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets...

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Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

A large indirect change to the powersets is still a large change to the powersets. I'd say "liar" is a most apt term.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

What is a powerset made up of? Powers, right? So is it fair to say changes to powers ARE changes to a powerset, or are teh only changes to a powerset changes where powers are moved or powers are put in or taken out?

OK then, what do enhancements enhance? They enhance powers. Nothing else in the game, just powers. And NO powers come with 0 enhancement slots. Every single power has at least one. There is no such thing as a power without an enhancement slot.

Enhancements are POWER MODIFIERS. Saying changes to them is NOT a change to powers is like saying changes to allowable deductions is not a change to in income tax. That's nonsense.



I'll go with liar too. Deliberately speaking mistruths...I was gonna post something about flawed game design and why this does nothing to address the underlying issues CoH has...but i am too flabbergasted by this so...i'll just settle for The Dev team (collectively as they all have to wear the blame) are morons who don't understand their own game and what made it fun. They don't play the same version we all play and they have no interest in working with us to make the game better for everyone due to some blind adherance to a flawed concept being pushed by a fork tongued snake oil statesman...err salesman.



Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

What is a powerset made up of? Powers, right? So is it fair to say changes to powers ARE changes to a powerset, or are teh only changes to a powerset changes where powers are moved or powers are put in or taken out?

OK then, what do enhancements enhance? They enhance powers. Nothing else in the game, just powers. And NO powers come with 0 enhancement slots. Every single power has at least one. There is no such thing as a power without an enhancement slot.

Enhancements are POWER MODIFIERS. Saying changes to them is NOT a change to powers is like saying changes to allowable deductions is not a change to in income tax. That's nonsense.

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I'm with Pilcrow, as this reaction snowballs.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



If I were acting as a lawyer to prosecute based on these remarks:

1. Enhancement slots are only found in powers

2. Enhancement slots ONLY change powers

3. Changing Enhancement effectiveness for good or ill = Changing the powers by that same amount.

4. Diversifying being forced is like bussing in the inner cities. It solves nothing and good students will still stay smart as smart players will still be better than poor ones.

This diversifying is a total clueless argument by the Devs and notice how much they listened to all of your testing - NOT ONE BIT.

The interaction with the Devs was political and not in good faith. We have a double nerf and this time no new "content" to soften it.

Statesman you are a clueless amatuer in charge of a game for the first time. The cancellations this time WILL make a difference. I am waiting for your next clueless post that will ignore your players and ask them when they bought all of their enhancements why didn't they buy some they don't need or want?

I mean the players should never be able to decide if they like more damage and more endurance drain versus less damage and less endurance drain - You Statesman CAN ENLIGHTEN US!

Just please make one build only possible for each character and save us all of the embarrassment of playing the non-Statesman way.