



The lag sound loop is horrible as others have mentioned repeatedly. I, like many, created new toons when I5 went live. While the sound loop started from the get go, I did not start experiencing the lag dramatically til I got my travel power at 14. I noticed that when traveling from mission to mission with my travel power (for all of my toons not just the new one) the lag was horrible, but generally ceased when I enterred a mission. Even when I used my Super Speed etc in a mission I still did not experience the lag I had when in the zones traveling.

I think the changes to damage resistance based toons a good change for the most part. I still think the percents are too low for non-S/L damage for Inv/ or /Inv.

I think the +Def changes are exceptionally bad though. I made the mistake of rolling up a Stone Tank for I5 not remembering that Stone Armor is a +Def ability. Doh! I have no problems against even con minions, con+1 things get interesting, con+2 means a probable death in a non Sonic or Empath member team, and con+3 or above means certain death regardless. This is not just a low level problem due to the disparity/lack of the powers available, enhancement quality available, etc of myself and the players teamed with as I have had the same problem with my /SR at level 40. Thank goodness my /SR has Elude. The only time the issue has not been in effect has been duoing or solo at Heroic or Tenacious level missions.

The change to foe spawning does not seem to work as of yet. Almost every building mission has had numerous spawns in close proximity to one another and has made avoiding big melees near impossible. With my Tank's +Def she has just not been able to handle the number of attacks directed her way. Even with the Taunt change. It says something when, as a Tank, I'm hoping that a few of the baddies will not agro on me and instead divert to the scrapper and blaster just so that I have enough time to pop an inspiration or hit my self heal. The other evening I actually avoided using Taunt after the initial pull because it put me in the red so fast I was dead and just did not know it yet...lol. I did not hit Taunt again til I was at half a bar of health after gobbling 3 Respites and noticing that the /Inv scrapper was in the orange. I hit taunt and saved the scrapper but died. The scrapper still died if I remember correctly. One possible fix would be to shorten the recharge of self healing powers if an increase in +Def is not wished by you. This actually may be a "possible" solution to all of the +Def sets in the future with Quickness (one of those who love the power as is) for /SR getting an increased Health regen that would be enhanceable with more Health slots added to the power since they do not have a self heal.

Hunterseeker 50 AR/DEV, Eire's Anger 50 MA/SR, Souls Seeker 40 DM/INV, Torn Foehammer 36 INV/SS, Elite Strike 31 BS/REG, Frequency Lost 24 Rad/Rad



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

You are truly unbelievable.



Thanks States. Issue 5 has not been the doomsday that many said it would be and for that I'm thankful.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have to be kidding. Paragon is now a ghost town. My friends list is permantly gray.

Sorry but my Tank still hates I5. The Devs had well over a year to make the tanks "work as intended" and these new changes just seem pulled out of their butts. A few inspirations are not going to cut it. Many of us still feel betrayed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen. Betrayed we are.



Since the Dev Team's outright lie when it came to putting off addressing the Electric Blast set by telling us our End Drain would make our set finally come into it's own come PvP time...then nerfing it to a trickle of it's effectiveness when the Arena finally came out...my faith in the devs has been less than inspiring. Then Suppression came and it affected our Stealth + SS + Short Circuit tactic by Suppressing our Invis right before our SC activated and allowing us to take a melee shot from every mob and his brother we were in the middle of. The faith lowered a little more but then I realized that, for PvP, maybe the whole "Ghetto Invis" + SC tactic could have been a bit overpowered...plus I was already 50 way before then and it's not like Electric Blast was a toon you loved to play once you hit 50 compared to other blaster sets so it didn't affect me as much as those levelling their Sparks. That's just one example of me learning to take the bad with the good of the nerfage that has been heaped upon us since then. But this time? Well...

I5 Has good points:

1) New zones are always good.

2) New Epics are good.

3) Updated Artwork is good.

4) Mission Xp/Mission Debt Reduction/Rez Debt Protection/Status Protection additions to certain powers ALL get top billing from me. Brilliant way to get mob grinders like me back in the missions where we should have been in the first place.

5) End Cost reduction on DA. Good Stuff. May roll a /DA toon I'll stick with now.

Bad things:

1) Sound Loop Crash bug. Bad. Though you guys have generally stayed on top of issues like this so I'm not really worried about this one.

2) Different zones...SAME mission types. Even the new stuff added just isn't doing it for me.

3) Defiance can best be described as a shiny new fully loaded Porsche...with a Hyundai Accent engine in it. Ya it'll impress the kiddies...until you sputter trying to pass a Ford Astro on the highway.

4) Controller changes are a Double-Edged Sword. I love Containment. It made me reroll a controller. But the change to the AOE Lockdown powers is just retarded. People actually recommend NOT taking the AOE Hold for some powersets now. When expert players are telling you not to take a power that is supposed to embody the culmination of your AT's role then something is booty-rotten in the state of Rhode Island. Speaking of which...

5) If Controller changes are a double-edged Sword, then Tanker changes, along with Taunt and Global Defense Nerfs to make matters worse, are a half-melted Spork. I'm not a numbers guy. Leave that to all the others that continuously prove you..the game designers...wrong. I go for feel. Invuln did NOT deserve the gutting it did. Fire tankers were NEVER supposed to be better tanks than an Invuln. They were supposed to be more squishy yet do more dmg. They were the Skrankers, not Invuln. So you balance the game according to your "vision" by making Invuln tankers way more squishy than the Skranker...but nerf the Skrankers damage power...riggggght. Getting to the Taunt limits...wow. Glad I built my tank to protect the team whether they had an idiot Blaster/Scrapper/overconfident pet Controller/Voltaic Sentinel or not just to have her role made exponentially harder. In some cases, the extra challenge is nice. But in most cases, where someone ends up aggroing another group or we end up with an ambush wave, I have to see someone die. That's not what I rolled her for, Jack.

6) Global Defense Nerf...it's made sets that needed help in the first place even worse. It's like the PvP end drain nerf to Electric Blast...only on a much grander scale. It makes tanks HERD even though you're supposedly trying to put a stop to that. It's made Ice Tanks even more one-shotable and thank GAWD I play a DM/SR so I don't have to feel the full brunt of the ubar squishiness of the other SR AT mixes.

7) Full-Auto recharge nerf. It sucks but is workable. Combined with the cone range cap, it's a little annoying. Your just making peeps pick-up Gawd awful M30 Grenade and spec FA out altogether. Gotta love mob spread. Should make the jobs of tankers and controllers much more "challenging", eh?

8) /insert any bug or mob AI defect that has yet to be fixed over the past year.

Bah. I have a client I have to get ready for, otherwise I'd post more. I think this is enough for now. I won't say I'm utterly disgusted with I5 or cry DOOOOOOMMMMM, but I can't say I'm all that impressed with it either. Hopefully the upcoming Out of Combat System will add a little luster to a great but fading game.

One more thing...give us some REAL live events for Gawd's sake. Lack of that type of content is killing this game...



I had been an EQ player until I couldn't take the constant nerfs to player powers rather than mobs, the constant bugs and the never raising level cap. Then along came CoH and man I thought i hit the jackpot! A game that gets that not everyone wants to make a job of a game (play every day, belong in guild etc ) and that finally I COULD BE THE DRAGONSLAYER! Meaning I could beat foes by myself but if it was too tuff could get help easy.
But then came i4 and the addition of pvp that maybe 5 people asked for most of whom have titles like Reviewer, Writer, Editor of (insert name of gaming mag/site here) because I didnt seee any posts on site that asked for it. But you promised nothing in pvp would change the way pve was done so all is good. Then nerfs to regen and proposed changes to tanks and controllers all because some at beats another at easily in pvp and I could see the writing on the wall.
Rather than fix AI, pathing or even bring up other power sets to same levels of effectiveness you choose instead the EQ blame the the player path. Why? Players did not invent the powers you did. Players did not make the minions so weak and stupid they will follow across a zone you did. You spent as much time on the CoH villians as you did player powers and yet you blame players 1st 2nd and 3rd.
When 100's of post ask you not to mess with the powers and offer suggestions on what and how to fix issues and you choose to ignore it there really is no point playing. So my brother and i have cancelled our accounts and are off to Blizzard land's World of Warcraft. 4 million subscribers all over the world and yet THEY LISTEN TO THEIR CUSTOMERS! Something you refuse to do except those with titles Reviewer, Writer, Editor of (insert name of gaming mag/site here). c ya



I had been an EQ player until I couldn't take the constant nerfs to player powers rather than mobs, the constant bugs and the never raising level cap. Then along came CoH and man I thought i hit the jackpot! A game that gets that not everyone wants to make a job of a game (play every day, belong in guild etc ) and that finally I COULD BE THE DRAGONSLAYER! Meaning I could beat foes by myself but if it was too tuff could get help easy.
But then came i4 and the addition of pvp that maybe 5 people asked for most of whom have titles like Reviewer, Writer, Editor of (insert name of gaming mag/site here) because I didnt seee any posts on site that asked for it. But you promised nothing in pvp would change the way pve was done so all is good. Then nerfs to regen and proposed changes to tanks and controllers all because some at beats another at easily in pvp and I could see the writing on the wall.
Rather than fix AI, pathing or even bring up other power sets to same levels of effectiveness you choose instead the EQ blame the the player path. Why? Players did not invent the powers you did. Players did not make the minions so weak and stupid they will follow across a zone you did. You spent as much time on the CoH villians as you did player powers and yet you blame players 1st 2nd and 3rd.
When 100's of post ask you not to mess with the powers and offer suggestions on what and how to fix issues and you choose to ignore it there really is no point playing. So my brother and i have cancelled our accounts and are off to Blizzard land's World of Warcraft. 4 million subscribers all over the world and yet THEY LISTEN TO THEIR CUSTOMERS! Something you refuse to do except those with titles Reviewer, Writer, Editor of (insert name of gaming mag/site here). c ya

[/ QUOTE ]

Rock on.

I am going to EQ 2. They are finally listening



Um... Invulnerability is broke. That's the only way I can describe it. I don't think the "challenge level" is all that off but Invulnerability it ain't.

This comes from someone who was *really* looking forward to I5 and rebalanced defenses. I'd left the game by the wayside because Valiance was quite frankly too tough for her own good.

In I5 she isn't, really -- she's actually pretty survivable for what I've played, although that doesn't really include heavy-duty tanking for big teams and/or AVs. But she's not really a brick either, which in my mind is the worse of the two sins *by far*. So she's not getting much more playtime either, and neither is the game (not much interest in other character types).

And the thing is, I don't think getting it right would require much tweaking at this point. But that's the way it's seemed since day one -- I think Tankers (and Invuln Tankers specifically) were never actually "gotten right" yet, and they're still quite a bit off now, though there's been constant improvement up to I4.
I5 tho, was a step sideways overall, not so much a step backwards or forwards.

Then there's always the old option of putting Scrappers and Tankers on even keel for offense and defense. Seems to be the way CoV went -- learning from one's mistakes and all that.



Thanks States. Issue 5 has not been the doomsday that many said it would be and for that I'm thankful.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have to be kidding. Paragon is now a ghost town. My friends list is permantly gray.

[/ QUOTE ]

The servers are consistently more full than they were before I5 hit. That much is obvious just from the login screen. Maybe youre friends don't play anymore, but I5 did not drop off the number of people logging in.



Thanks States. Issue 5 has not been the doomsday that many said it would be and for that I'm thankful.

[/ QUOTE ]
Here for numbers my friend.


COH peeked at about 175,000 subscribers. Since that point is has fallen. I would judge mainly because of ther drastic changes every single issue. It will be interesting to see what the drop off is fo rIssue 5.

You have to be kidding. Paragon is now a ghost town. My friends list is permantly gray.

[/ QUOTE ]

The servers are consistently more full than they were before I5 hit. That much is obvious just from the login screen. Maybe youre friends don't play anymore, but I5 did not drop off the number of people logging in.

[/ QUOTE ]



The servers are consistently more full than they were before I5 hit. That much is obvious just from the login screen. Maybe youre friends don't play anymore, but I5 did not drop off the number of people logging in.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have been playing since DAY 1. All I have to do is just look around. The city is empty now.



I5: Overpowered but fun. (Sorta godmode fun, but still fun)

I4: Overpowered but irritating.

[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty much agree with you Sword...but aren't these backwards?



Issue 5 is great! Keep up the good work!



I5: Overpowered but fun. (Sorta godmode fun, but still fun)

I4: Overpowered but irritating.

[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty much agree with you Sword...but aren't these backwards?

[/ QUOTE ]

GAH! Yes, that was written the wrong way around. Grrr, damn my lack of proof-reading.

I4: Overpowered but fun

I5: Owerpowered but irritating.



My characters are loving I5, and so are my friends, thanks for it.
Maybe now we can put more of an emphasis on content rather than balance?



I5: Overpowered but fun. (Sorta godmode fun, but still fun)

I4: Overpowered but irritating.

[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty much agree with you Sword...but aren't these backwards?

[/ QUOTE ]

It varies from toon to toon. For example: My Dark/Dark Scrapper now plays like a invunrable tanker, which has destroyed the beatiful stalker-like playstyle I loved. Meanwhile my Assult/Energy Blaster can now survive it's mishes and is my new favorite.

Some builds have been carroted into bordem
Some nerfed into destruction
Some Carroted into function
My suggustion is posting your toons and your problems with them before saying anything.
States seems to listen to that kind of thing.



On controller holds...

...At level 25 with SO's my controller can finally hold the mobs with some degree of reliability (in terms of having them charged when needed). Up until SO's they were almost waste of spaces in my build.

However... now since I have to use them that much more often for less effect, my endurance is blown through rather quickly. No, I don't have stamina yet: I barely have room for my secondary, and I was hoping to be able to get by without Stamina for awhile. Guess I was wrong.

And this is a Mind Controller and I only have two AoE hold/sleep/immob/disorients/etc right now, and the sleep's duration/recharge is ok, except I have to re-apply it everytime someone AoE's.


If the changes stand, can at least the ACC be increased and the end cost decreased?

Also, loving the debt changes.

Heroes of Justice: Geratron - 50 FA/FM Tanker
Villains of Infinity: Psychotron - 50 FM/FA Brute, Operative Gerald - 50 Arachnos Widow
Rogues of Exalted: Peanut Butter Fairy - 50 FM/FA Brute



I5....how do I feel about I5....

Well, I run on Dial up. I never expect things to run well, but the stability has gone through the floor since I5. I can recall about half a dozen times in the last year plus that my client has crashed pre I5. It crashed that many times during my positron task force just last week. Constant LCMs, etc. The stability needs to be looked at some more.

As much as the community has lambasted the development team as a whole for the Global defense rollback, I believe it was the right direction to go. I'm not sure if the exact actions in that direction were the right ones, but I am convinced you have the right idea. People complain and make it sound like everyone's leaving because of nerfs. Everyone I've met/talked to IRL who's left the game left not because of nerfs, but because of a lack of challange. And in playing a pair of melee characters in the late game, I felt it too. Bringing the challange back was the right thing to do.

Now for those specific things:

The defense sets (FF, SR, Ice) you're looking more into. It's definitly warrented. My SR survives largely because I'm a canny player and because I have a heal in her primary, which also debuffs accuracy. I built her very defensively, and it pays off, she's playable for sure. But when SR and her heal fails, there's nothing left. If I get a defense debuff (I'm looking at you antimatter, you and your minions), it very quickly becomes game over. SR needs something else, not sure what. I play my invuln tank along side a fire and an Ice of the same level. The fire outpreforms me against everything but smash and lethal, and I edge him out only slightly there, but the Ice is left far behind. They need a real buff, not a simple pat on the head. Both the other two players are excellent, their builds are solid, so it's not that. FF on the other hand got a double whammy. All FF does is defense and knockback. Knockback is largely reviled by teams, and only one or two tools are required for defense by knockback, not four, and their defense got hit hard. Adding psi defense was a start, the resist insps will help, but there's a long way to go there.

Finally invuln. You're not going to get the least bit of arguement from me that the old invuln was over powered. It most certainly was. But the changes are too harsh. Unless I am facing enemies using primarily smash and lethal, or enemies designed to defeat pure defense (high accuracy, autohit), my SR scrapper out preforms my invuln tank as a primary melee character in a team. Sure, the scrapper can't hold aggro, but she can survive it, where the tank can't. Both are defensively built. Both are in the late game. I have yet to understand why, when the development team has demonstrated that they revile herding that the new way for an invuln to survive aggro is to herd. It makes no sense to me.

Non-melee -

Defiance is a neat idea, as is vigilance, but they're not fixes to the AT's problems. In rare cases they will help. You'll only find the hardcore trying to monopolise on them. Blasters need more survivability. I have heard from reliable sources that there are, or at least were, plans to redesign the blaster secondaries. I think that will go a long way to helping.

Controllers VS Defenders: There has never been a lot of quantitative difference between these two ATs. With containment, there's even less. Defenders have always felt that controllers tread too closely to their sandbox, containment pretty much plunks them right in it. There is little noticable difference, none in some cases, between a buff/debuff power used by a controller and one used by a defender, so the choice of which AT to bring always came down to "Do we want damage or control?", only now the controllers do enough damage that the pick up team can get both from a controller. Why recruit a defender again? Unless you're looking for a specific buff/debuff power that a defender will have at x level and a controller will not, there' s not much reason to pick the defender over the controller. This needs to be changed, and defenders need it much more urgently than they need Vigilance.

Did I say nerf controller secondaries? No. I don't want that. 80% or 65%, joe blaster isn't going to notice much of a difference. What I think defenders really need is for our primary power to be very obviously different from the controller secondaries. Say a defender's recovery aura hits teammates so long as they're on the same map without having to bunch them up around her, our toggle defenders can target an ally, OR object OR enemy for their toggle anchor, their choice; allowing defenders to self buff at a penalty (50% of the value, possibly less, subject to rebalancing). Defenders to my mind are supposed to be the hardier, more well rounded and soloable cousins of the controller, the masters of buff and debuff. I'd just like that to be demonstrated more.

Controllers alone: To pay for containment, controllers had to give up multi-pets (understandable), half the duration of their AoE holds, had the recharge on their AoE control powers doubled and were only allowed to hit a fixed number of targets with those powers. One word: Ouch. Honestly, if I wanted to play a moderate damage dealer with a buff/debuff set, I'd have built a defender, not a controller. I'd rather not have containment and had my control back, it's what set them apart. My controllers aren't any happier about being made into defenders than my defenders are about controllers being the new defenders.

Lastly, and this is honestly lastly, I would really like to see the methodology change around here. I appreciate that you post and tell us things, but really, posting and telling us about changes after the fact, or breaking sets with no real rhyme or reason to our eyes with no explanation is not winning you any friends. We're your customers, we love this game too, and we don't want to see it go away. All you have to do is level with us. This is not a new complaint, this is one I've had since the integration/instant healing mutual exclusivity fiasco in december, and with every passing month it gets worse.

First off, you're trying too hard to fix everything at once. You recognise a problem and try to fix it right away, but quite often it feels like you're trying to kill flies with shotgun. Sure, it works, but you're going to take out a lot more than just the fly. Phase shift is a perfect example. I am quite certain that the problem you had with phase shift is that it could be exploited by pet users and people using it for glowie missions. If pet users were the problem, you could have made pets release automatically when the controller/defender phases. If glowie people were the problem, make glowies unclickable while phased. If there was another problem you could have tackled it directly. But instead of tackling it directly, you used the shotgun, and nerfed it for everyone, which makes little sense to me.

Another example is the changes put on test to mob hit points in an effort to nerf AoE damage, without actually nerfing AOE damage. It made life more difficult for everyone, and AoE was still a problem. Shotgun solutions often work, but the fallout of having to patch up the walls afterwards make it kinda silly to use them. The flyswatter would be more effective and less messy.

The second? We know this game. We know how it works. If you think something's overpowered and want to change it, make it perfectly clear what you think and what you want to see and try different things on test. For example, you've been tweaking Regen for the past three issues. How much easier it would have been if you'd done this:

Look, folks, we're concerned that the scrapper secondary, regeneration is overpowered. Our datamining pretty much confirms it. We're not sure exactly how we're going to address this, but it does need addressing. For the next several weeks we're going to put patches on the test server to test out different possible solutions, and we encourage you to test. After each testing window, we'll roll back the patch and put on a different one. None of these will be going live, they're for testing purposes only. We're going to see how far we can break the set, and then build it back up to what we think is inline with the rest of the scrapper secondaires. With each new patch you'll be able to visit contact a in b location to get a free respec and will be able to buy up to x enhancement for free from contact y in z location to enable your testing. Reminder: Free respecs do not stack.

Let the players help you, don't pit yourself against them.

Surprisingly I'm running out of things to say. I'll let others finish.



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me preface this by saying I did not read this entire thread, and I'm not sure I ever will.

From what perspective do you find this to be a "BEST" Statesman? I was here when I4 was launched and I don't remember it having anywhere near the number of bugs that I5 has. If this is one of your best I would hate to be around for one of your worst.

We have the sound loop which caused my computer to hang completely, had never happened before that. I hear this was an issue on test. If so how did it go live.

Then there is the voids in the caves which were not there pre-I5 as I had done many cave missions prior to I5 and not seen it once. Nice that you give us an update that breaks things.

There are the Lost connection to map server issues which I had only happened infrequently before, and no seem to happen every time I play.

Never mind that lag has gotten worse as well, even without the free trial folks around.

I'm sure there are more things I could bring up, but most of those would be beating a dead horse.

Seems to me that you claim far more praise for I5 than you deserve. When you've fixed the bugs, most of which were there in testing, then maybe you can make some claims about it being one of the best issues. But unless you plan on further issues being more problematic I wouldn't continue bandying the BEST word about in reference to I5.

P.S. Nerf this message if you must but it won't make my opinion of I5 any better.



For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

What about the 'no-defence' set.. Regen?

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



I'm with Iron Vixen on the Invulnerability bludgeoning: Post-I5 the passive Resists just aren't worth taking or slotting, and Tough Hide and Invincibility have overshadowed them. It's a shame when one passive power (Tough Hide) provides more survivability than three of the same type (All three +Res powers). Invulnerability has six powers that offer resistance, and more than half of them aren't worth taking at all with the mis-aimed nerfs. +Def is not the name of Invulnerability; +Res is.

Let's also not forget, for each nerf you hit the Inv Tanks with, you hit the Inv Scrappers X-times harder.

Please lower the Invincibility Buffs. Invincibility was the only thing overpowered about Invulnerability before Issue 5 and the Global Defense Nerfs. There wasn't anything wrong with any of the resistances; Why were they nerfed in lieu of the obviously overpowering Invincibility?



Mr. Emmert, reading this self-congratulatory piece, I wonder if you're mentally dysfunctional due to disease, nature or chemical abuse.

Subscriptions seem to be down. The majority of servers aren't busy. I see few Tankers online. I've seen people form TFs, specifically excluding Tankers and Controllers. Why? Because there is a fairly wide impression that the ATs are "gimped." I'm not talking about a forum opinion; I'm talking about what I read in the Broadcast channels on Triumph and Virtue. So, now I'm waiting for the mandatory 5-man minimum for every TF. One of each AT. From recent Developer behavior that would fit the mold.

I read somewhere that you spent a lot of time at GenCon with the people publishing the CoH RPG. I sincerely hope that you didn't mention your Balance Vision to them. No one deserves to be laughed at by their peers. Although, I know some of the people at Eden Studios, and I'm quite sure that they're polite enough not to do it to your face.

No RPG designer would dare use that amount of condescension when speaking to customers. I do not believe this has occurred to you, but you should not have to tell someone else how to have fun. That you have to, should be an obvious sign that something is wrong. It's my opinion that (as far as software companies go) only Microsoft rivals Cryptic Studios' arrogance towards their customers.

I subscribe because of a small group of friends that I've made in the game. I continually try to convince them to move to WoW. However, we don't all like fantasy. So, if another MMORPG in the superheroic genre starts up, I know where several subscriptions will be going. No threat, simple fact.

There's no reason to go into numbers concerning changes to powers, it's all about attitude and vision. I bought the game last year after GenCon when I was told that there would be no PvP. Now, not only is there PvP, but now the game's design is based upon it. Speaking of GenCon, I got the distinct impression this year wasn't as successful as last year. It must have been the lack of large crowds that I remember from '04.

The worst part is that this post, and all the others like it, mean nothing. I don't know why the attitude of the developers has taken such a drastic turn from what I remember last year. Frankly, at this point, I don't care. My favorite character is forcibly retired due to unplayability. I don't care about a respec. That isn't going to give me back Lancelot Strong. I didn't herd, and I didn't powerlevel people. Not that it matters. My supergroup thought I was "the Man." I won't spoil that legend with the gimped version your new issue would allow. The only reason I haven't deleted him, is fear that I would lose my Kheldians if I did.

I play to enjoy the game with my friends. I don't care about new content. I don't care about new powersets. In my opinion, the game is dying, and the faster the better. I really used to love this game. But, your arrogance and disrespect towards your customer base has killed that.

I need to put an end to this rambling rant. So I'll end it here.

Lancelot Strong --
Level 50 Inv/SS Tanker on Triumph [Retired]

Tashkent Zen --
Level 25 Mind/Psi Dominator on Virtue

Hector Slade --
Level 34 SS/WP Brute on Virtue



Once you hit 50 with any character, Kheldians are unlocked permanently on your account. I know, I deleted my level 50 Invul tank. I can still make Kheldians. I don't want to, I dislike them greatly, but I can.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



I5... The new area is nice... Sonic and bows are cool... ummmmmmmmm... Ya thats about it.

The changes to controllers absolutely sucks, the new ability is lame. I would much rather have the ability to hold, actually hold stuff, then this more dmg when I actually get a hold off. The timer on them really is a kicker since I do not use hasten, well I did not use it untill now, since I have been FORCED to do it they seem to recharge alittle faster. I miss my pets greatly, I cannot wait to COV comes out so that I can play a mastermind and have more pets and greater abilities then any of the controller sets, which is really stupid in my opinion.

I feel really bad for Tankers, all of them really. I have started going out of my way to Invite them into teams so that they can get into them. I noticed how bad it had gotten when I was on a team and a tanker joined it, The team really cut him down and he was soon booted, just because he was a tanker. I felt that this was really bad so I quite the team.

Wow has the server population gone down, its very depressing to see this too, but not unexpected. People will just not pay to play a game inwhich they keep getting screwed over by the devs. Its really sad that they do not care anything about what we have to say on anything. I noticed this at GenCon too. Everyime I would try and bring up I5 and things about it, the topic was quickly changed to the RPG game or the hero Clicks game of COH. I thought that was very stupid and stopped trying to talk with them about the game. I went and viewed the DnD online game instead.

Incloseing,. I5 for the most part sucks.

Statesman, you need to retire and let someone who cares take over. Either that or get yours eyes checked, your vision sucks big time.



I5 how do I start this but by saying that I feel that u took the wrong on this one guys I know u wanted balance in the game but why make the Hero s weaker to make that balance work there where other ways to do that and u took the easy way out. You could have made the bad guys harder more powerful and ure balance would have been met and if this is all about PvP(we both know that it is ) why not just make the powers hurt other sets differently I a fan of comics have been all my life and I ve read alot that pit s Hero v Hero and when this happens both the Hero s are at there best and have there full strength and the fight is great now take what uve done to the Hero s in this game and put it in the battles in the comics and u would loose a lot of readers. For example put Wolverine (in this game a regin claw scrapper) v the Hulk (a invul tanker with super strength) now this is probl a joke fight right we all know that Logan will not beat the Hulk but it a nice thought if ure a fan of Logan but the way u have the powers set now he would not even get the thought it would just be fact with no if and or but about it how fun would that be uve take the joy of "what if" away from the player; we as player have spent hours and hours of our lives play this game and I been here since I2 so I know Ive clocked alot of time in on this game and for the most part I luv every min of it but being a Hero now after I5 is not as fun as it was in I4. I had a regen Scrapper and now I have a ninja who can heal a little bit ( oh BTW that hole thing about making IH a click thing sux in a AV fight with Aoe hiting u u die fast with a heal there) without the touch and weave on my D I would not use my toon at all uve made him a close up blaster I know I ve test it on the server and even with the T&W I still die faster then I did in I4 when I had Instant healing as a toggle I know u thought it was too powerful I think ure crazy but if that what u think fine but it was not too powerful it had it weakness it took a lot of end to use it and that was fine I still died when I had it I still got debt but I new where I stood and how I felt when it was a toggle I was a Hero now Im just a ninja who die alot more and now Im just a player who s not have as much fun as I did when I started this MMO. I know their is no one who will answer this but I write it to get it off my chest (meaning Dev) it just the way I feel about the changes that I5 brought don t get me wrong not all the changes where bad u made some good ones and as a player I thank u for them but I would like u to take a long look at changes u made to the AT and when ure done take a look at the Hero s u grew up with and see if u would feel the same about them if someone done what uve done to ours thank u for ure time...



Mr. Emmert, reading this self-congratulatory piece, I wonder if you're mentally dysfunctional due to disease, nature or chemical abuse.

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Maybe just meglomanic is more likely. He`s found a little pocket where he can be king. CoH. Unfortunately, we`re his subjects and he treats us according to his whim, rather than our wants.

Subscriptions seem to be down. The majority of servers aren't busy. I see few Tankers online. I've seen people form TFs, specifically excluding Tankers and Controllers. Why? Because there is a fairly wide impression that the ATs are "gimped."

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I actually suspect it`s because of the nature of all these constant nerfs, the arrogent way the devs thrust them on us and the message they send us at the same time. : "Screw you. Take it or leave it."
And that has killed the "loving feeling" a lot of people had for the game.
isn`t it ironic that CoH was at its most popular last year BEFORE the nerfs? At a time that we must`ve been incredibly badly balanced? (Although no one I know remembers us being badly balanced as a rule...)

I read somewhere that you spent a lot of time at GenCon with the people publishing the CoH RPG. I sincerely hope that you didn't mention your Balance Vision to them. No one deserves to be laughed at by their peers. Although, I know some of the people at Eden Studios, and I'm quite sure that they're polite enough not to do it to your face.

No RPG designer would dare use that amount of condescension when speaking to customers. I do not believe this has occurred to you, but you should not have to tell someone else how to have fun. That you have to, should be an obvious sign that something is wrong. It's my opinion that (as far as software companies go) only Microsoft rivals Cryptic Studios' arrogance towards their customers.

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There's no reason to go into numbers concerning changes to powers, it's all about attitude and vision.

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Yes it is. And common sense.

I bought the game last year after GenCon when I was told that there would be no PvP.

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Actually Lance, one of the many anomolies you notice when looking at how the devs work is that, though it appears PvP was an after thought, hence all the scratchy, badly thought out changes, in fact it was laid out from the very beginning.

The worst part is that this post, and all the others like it, mean nothing. I don't know why the attitude of the developers has taken such a drastic turn from what I remember last year. Frankly, at this point, I don't care.

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I didn't herd, and I didn't powerlevel people. Not that it matters. My supergroup thought I was "the Man." I won't spoil that legend with the gimped version your new issue would allow.

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I play to enjoy the game with my friends. I don't care about new content. I don't care about new powersets. In my opinion, the game is dying, and the faster the better. I really used to love this game. But, your arrogance and disrespect towards your customer base has killed that.

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i dont know about the game actually dying. But every other aspect of your point is totally correct.