43 -
Quote:Thank you for this, Shell. You've always struck me as someone whose creativity was intertwined with their compassion and this is no exception. You're one of many reasons why I'll miss hopping into this community from time to time.This has to be one of the hardest videos I've ever made. Not just in terms of scale, but because of its origin... and I cried when it was finished.
This is not my last COH video - I still have at least two more I hope to finish before the closing of the game. But it is my 'farewell' to Paragon City, my home away from home.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Well, after leveling up a /faceroll freeform Night Avenger into the low 30's and running 2 out of 3 buggy Adventure Packs (one of which bugged out after the last boss was defeated, didn't complete, and got a GM response of: "Best thing to do is drop the mission and do the entire thing over!"), I have to say my 'Reunited and it feels so...Meh' phase is coming to an end.
For some reason, I just lose interest once my toons get to Monster Island...even with my Cavewoman toon whose backstory meshes with that zone so well. As much as I like the addition of cutscreens and voiceovers to my hero experience, the horrible VO work and cheesiness of the dialogue and it's delivery is starting to wear on me and the lame GM response to my tickets so far is letting me know this will be a temporary visit. I honestly feel like I'm playing a 'Batman: The Brave And The Bold' version of CoH at this point. I will say that 'Whiteout' (the one that actually worked) was very well done.
Luckily I used some leftover Zen to buy a discounted Freeform Slot whenever they add another interesting powerset to try out. Until then, I'll have to decide on whether to give GW2 a try (despite not being happy at the thought of giving NCSoft any money at this point), hit up SWTOR again once it goes F2P, or buy Borderlands 2 and play with friends short-term. -
Look for Pulsewave (former CoHer)'s Updated Power Armor guide. It'll fill you in. With that build and stats, he recommends Basic rank Bountiful Chi Resurgence from the Martial Arts tree with the Resurgent Reiki advantage. Keep that Dodge rating up with some gear and specialization points and the facerolling will continue as you're continuously HoT'ed. He also has other versions of the build for endgame DPS instead of leveling.
Same hilarity with a melee toon when you do a Night Avenger freeform build with Martial Arts attacks instead of claws but the AT build was almost as powerful; just not as optimal. -
Quote:If you mixed it with a little Sci-Fi, I'd be for it.Yes this is true, but I must admit I can understand the resentment. The genre certainly is more popular than others.
EDIT: you know what we need more of? Country-western themed titles - I never did buy Red Dead Redemption but I was excited at someone taking another go at the genre. I think there is an FPS that came out a little while ago that was too, although I forget the name. Would there be any interest in an MMO of that type?
I'd buy a Borderlands MMO in a heartbeat. -
Posi, thank you; thank you to all of you.
There hasn't been a time when I've seen CoH mentioned somewhere in internet comments or in RL when I meet people who are MMO gamers and mention it that I haven't piped in with, "Yeah, City of Heroes really took off after Positron took over". It's almost a reflex for me because I believe it so strongly. Strongly enough, as I imagine for many players as well, to give me a pang in my stomach just to read that this game is just stopping for no sufficient reason that we've been told. You and your team did more to give players what they wanted out of their MMO than anybody else I've ever come across in this entire industry so far.
My best to you and to the rest of the team. We'll miss you and I'll always remember that day of laughs with CuppaJo because of the "zone music incident". LOL
God, I hate this. It's a game and we're all adults but, Christ, I feel like we're all saying goodbye to adopted family members. -
I've thought about it but, after reading the news and others thoughts on the matter, I don't have much motivation to log in until maybe the last few days. We'll see.
I do know one thing, though...NCSoft isn't getting another penny from me until they have a City of Heroes MMO in their roster again with at least some of the old guard. -
I'm not sure how many of you even remember me or my toons since I've been on & off the game since beta. But, I remember many of you and wanted to thank every one of you for the great time I had with you both in game and on the forums.
I also want to thank the Dev Team for an amazing run. You guys have always been the standard I hold any other Dev Team against and none have edged you out to this day. You always gave us the sense that you really cared about our interests in this game and never lost your sense of humor. Posi, I'll always remember the jokes you made to CuppaJo who hysterically PM'ed them to me in response to me (embarrassingly!) reporting that I happened to hear the CoV Dockside zone music during a film scene in an ADULT movie with a hilariously WRONG title even for porn. LOL When I was expecting some canned company response, I get a bunch of devs and forum mods cracking up and making jokes. THAT's when I knew this was the coolest group of people to ever make an MMO. Ever.
I will miss my toons; all of my SYN'sisters. I'll miss their costumes, their faces, their backstories and battlecries full of humorous innuendo. But, I'll miss this community most of all. Farewell, City of Heroes. I was proud to be one of your citizens. -
AR is a surprise for me. Enough to dust off an old AR/Ice that was a great ride before the I5/ED changes.
Electric? Not so much of a surprise. The lifespan of this set has been a smorgasbord of fail on the Devs part since Live. Despite some lame promises and excuses by States years ago, I still can't completely blame them as it's a tricky set to balance. Hopefully they'll surprise us after an overhaul and I can pull my first 50 out of retirement again. -
I just heard of this through VB and Viv on Facebook and wanted to give my best wishes and appreciation to DC and his family. He brought a lot of help to our server and thus made the game that much more enjoyable for everyone even while fighting this terrible ordeal. You can't really ask for much more than that of someone fighting the good fight. Thank you, DC.
It's a shame they didn't do that to the entire MA building. The place is as laggy as an old school Hami Raid on Freedom server at least. :P
Ah, well...my video card was gaining weight anyways! -
Like everything for the most part, but...
...not really feeling the VEAT's just yet. I can be convinced with time, though! -
Please update this guide to reflect the new MoG changes. Great stuff!
Yup. Now that I have Tornado dmg slotted, that's pretty much my chain now as well. For teams that are steamrolling where our dmg isn't worth poop, I revert back to the good old Behind a Wall/Obstacle Quicksand, Rain, Quake unless there's KB happy player on the team and then I'll go ahead throw in the Cages Chain.
Very cool stuff, Wave
I'm loving this troller so far. It's one of the easiest toons I've ever played (and my 2nd 50 was a pre-pre-pre-pre-nerf Spines/Regen! :O). Here's what I've come to see so far with my playstyle....which is basically described as a Debuff/Mez Grenadier for teams.
<ul type="square">
1) Stone Cages is crap for lower levs. You'll do WAY more for your team by taking and slotting a debuff pit like Quicksand or even Snow Storm (thanks for NOT fixing the animation bug yet, Devs...really...). The only tactics that are required for safe application is to drop them from around a corner or behind an obstacle (much like most of the mez/debuff pits in this combo) or, with Snow Storm or any other target power, toggle it out of LoS and then run into LoS for a split second and then run BACK OUT of LoS. I can't tell you how many other Earth Trollers I want to strangle because they go Cage-Happy and end up getting all of the aggro and dying. Especially since Cages NEGATES the Knockdown of your Earthquake and everybody elses KD powers. In post-ED, KD is a very welcome form of mitigation. Knockback still blows though. :P Save Cages for when you get Tornado so you can eek out the grinder damage without sending mobs flying everywhere. In low levels, it's damned near pointless.
2) Hurricane isn't needed. That's right. I said it and mean it. I hated it on my 40's Stormfender (which I deleted without a shred of remorse) and my opinion applies even more on this build. I know about the debuffs and, yes, they are cheetz0rz...but the mob spread isn't worth it and the whole waste of time that 'herdicane' requires is more for fun than efficiency. Yes, I've done it. Yes, it works. But, with all the debuffs/mezzes your disposal with this build on a team, it's like having the choice between a high-powered fan and a fire extinguisher when your sofa's on fire.
3) Gale. Forced to take it, but don't remove it from your power bar. Just learn to use it...meaning run WAY back and then Gale the mob into your debuff soup. The range on this thing is atrocious but running/jumping back before using it actually makes it situationally effective for that one mob that miraculously gets out of your debuff stew pit.
4) Steamy Mist...also a toss-up. I haven't taken it. Probably still won't. Nice stealth, defense, and resistance. Always great to have. But, IMO, it's a toss-up with this build. Many of your AoE debuffs and mezzes should be fully recharge slotted. Mobs that are AoE Slowed AND Held or Stunned or Repeatedly Falling On Their Azzes with a -Acc Penalty are pretty much a non-threat. It's yet another cool looking power in the Storm set that's too situational in this build to be a must-have. Having said this of both this power and Hurricane...
5) Go ahead...leave Sprint on! Without the cool looking blue-drain toggles, you won't run out of end. Period. I debated taking Stamina but, with it, I hve more blue than a cheesy Fruit Of The Loom commercial.
6) As far as Volcanic Gasses and Freezing Rain go...are you kidding me. Take them and slot them up ASAP!
7) Thunderclap...your choice. You can stack the stuns with Stalags on Bosses and we all love teams running on Invinc and that means buttloads more bosses. That kind of AoE mez is much more than team-friendly.[/list]
I'd write more, but it's NYE and I'm sitting here in the Hyatt Business center with my GF giving me that, "If you waste 1 more minute on that damned comp, you're SO not getting any when the ball drops" look.Just remember to pick and use your powers knowing how to take advantage of the out of LoS drop-quality that many of them give. That's the key for great teaming with this toon. Ask others for solo play. Gotta run, gang!
Hey all
Wow, it's been a whirlwind couple of days that I haven't had much time to sit down and throw in my two cents on the whole thing.
I don't know if you guys know this, but I've been working on City of Heroes since the early part of of 2002....lonnnnng before we launched.
And it has been the absolute greatest experience for me. I had the dream story of how I started in this business (which is truly rare) and how I got to work on a project with a handful of other people to put together this game called City of Heroes. I had no idea how it would be received when it first came out.
From the first day of open beta to each time I sneak on and say hi to people, either as War Witch or my normal characters, you guys are the reason (besides my team, which I adore) that I love doing what I do.
You laugh at my silly NPC comments and easter eggs and you have been nothing but wonderful and supportive since day one.
I'm not going to lie, the decision to leave Cryptic was hard for me. They gave me my start and I will always be grateful for everything they've done for me. Having said that, I LOVE City of Heroes and I love you guys and, ultimately, the choice to stay with the project was a no-brainer.
I'm also thrilled that everyone else who came on board, did. One of the greatest joys I have in working with my team is getting a chance to get to know every single one of them and care about them as if they were an extension of my family (okay, fine, I'm less snarky with my team). What this means is plenty of feeding of food and laughter around cubes.
Ultimately, a job is a job, but it's the people who really make it worth it and I love my team. I'm not being cheesy or trying to sell you anything, I truly do. I work with some top-notch people and they (and you guys, of course) are the reason why I love coming to work each morning.
I am truly blessed to have the job that I do and I'm grateful that I get to do it, every day (even on the days when it sucks - yes, there are those days on occasion) with people who are so hard-working and talented.
NCsoft has been nothing but amazing to me since the first day I met them way back when we were working out of the Jury Court office and I really do enjoy working alongside them every day.
I haven't read all of the comments about how everyone is reacting to the news, but if you do want my opinion (looks like I'm giving it anyway), I'm excited. I'm excited and happy and I will stick around on City of Heroes/Villains as long as they'll have me.
(Man, I can yap when I feel like it...sorry, got all misty-eyed there.)
So to you guys, who have been most faithful over the years and to anyone who is new, I definitely look forward to many more awesome issues and times together with you. You guys are the reason I'm here and I couldn't be happier.
Great. Now I have writer's cramp.
Love you guys!
AKA War Witch
[/ QUOTE ]
WW's such a hottie. -
As someone who's written an AR/Ice guide...I fully endorse this thread!
Long live the Sui-ssault Rifle/Ice Blaster build! -
Will do and thanks for the heads-up!
Great guide, Robo! Informative with funny category names.
Do you have any sample builds?
[/ QUOTE ]
Here's my I8 build. Even more changes have occured since I last even looked at this guide so I may do a quick rehash now that the NERFpacolypse is over. Here we go...
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: SYN'dicate I8
Level: 50
Archetype: Blaster
Primary: Assault Rifle
Secondary: Ice Manipulation
01) --> Slug==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(7)Rechg(11)Rechg(13)
01) --> Chilblain==> Acc(1)
02) --> Buckshot==> Acc(2)Dmg(5)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)Rechg(11)EndRdx(13)
04) --> Burst==> Acc(4)Acc(15)Range(15)
06) --> Hasten==> Rechg(6)Rechg(9)Rechg(9)
08) --> Hurdle==> Jump(8)
10) --> Stimulant==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Build Up==> Rechg(16)Rechg(17)Rechg(17)
18) --> Flamethrower==> Acc(18)Dmg(19)Dmg(19)Dmg(21)EndRdx(23)Rechg(39)
20) --> Ice Patch==> Rechg(20)Rechg(21)EndRdx(39)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(23)EndMod(25)
24) --> Aid Self==> Heal(24)Heal(25)Heal(29)Rechg(31)Rechg(37)EndRdx(39)
26) --> Ignite==> Dmg(26)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)
28) --> Shiver==> Acc(28)Acc(29)Slow(31)Slow(31)Slow(34)EndRdx(40)
30) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(46)
32) --> Full Auto==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Rechg(34)Rechg(34)
35) --> Freezing Touch==> Acc(35)Acc(36)Hold(36)Hold(36)Hold(37)EndRdx(37)
38) --> Resuscitate==> Rechg(38)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)EndRdx(43)
41) --> Shocking Bolt==> Acc(42)Hold(42)Hold(42)Hold(43)EndRdx(43)
44) --> Static Discharge==> Acc(44)Acc(45)Dmg(45)Dmg(45)Dmg(46)Range(46)
47) --> Charged Armor==> DmgRes(47)DmgRes(48)DmgRes(48)EndRdx(48)EndRdx(50)
49) --> M30 Grenade==> Acc(49)Acc(50)EndRdx(50)
01) --> Power Quick==> Empty(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Defiance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Some things to keep in mind and to be reminded of:
<ul type="square">
- This is an (almost) ALL Ranged build for PvE ONLY! I look forward to seeing how Invention Origins are going to spice up the AR primary attacks.
- Any powers that are NOT double-slotted for Accuracy are meant to be used during a build-up cycle or either don't need/deserve extra slots. The Holds and Support powers are double-slotted to allow for efficient set-up.
- If you have Dmg/Rng HO's laying around, I'd suggest you plug them into your Cone Attacks as well as putting one in Ignite as well. Shiver's Slow over Ice Patch SOOO makes Ignite worth taking, but the relatively short reticule range is annoying without a range enhancer or two.
- For post-50 play, I replaced Beanbag with the Rez from the Med Pool, but I DO NOT recommend this if you're still solo levelling. You'll want that Stun to take out annoying Lt's until you get your Hold powers later on. So TAKE Beanbag while levelling if you solo, but feel free to spec it out once you get your holds later. I never used it after Freezing Touch.
- My stance on M30 Grenade has somewhat changed since ED. While levelling, it's another source of AoE dmg and that's a good thing Post-ED. For the endgame (Yeah, I know...WHAT endgame LOL), I use it's KB component to get a mobs attention and herd them into the Ice Patch as well as to create a diversion during the rare group retreat. I replaced EMP with it simply because I still am unimpressed with EMP as an Ancillary Pool Power. If it's recharge wasn't longer than Martha Stewart's PMS cycle, then I'd keep it and stack it's stun with Beanbag for bosses.
- For this build, I'm still up in the air about the Snipe attack. With all the control you have plus AR attacks' range bonus (even without SO's plunked in them), you're better off firing 2 Slugs into a Held/Slowed/Slipping mob. And it's still crap for pulling because of the KD component. Use Burst for single-pulls and benefit from it's tick interrupting the pet dropper AI.[/list]
If you have any questions or additional input then feel free to post, gang. I'll use what I can as food for thought while I get enough energy to revise this guide. -
Costumes...it would be the storyline but that needs something to make it more immersive.
OMG, let it go already! LOL
Speaking of Electric, though...some type of morbid fascination made me pull SYN'amp off the 50's Shelf and use one of her numerous respecs. I wanted to give her a well-rounded build that could maybe have some fun in PvP when I got bored as well as find a way to make end drain work as well as contribute more hold time to Hami Raids.
So I went with Electric Mastery and made SC 3ED/3Dmg. With Powerboost I can still drain Minions to zero end with SC and Ball Lightning, but they are all pretty much dead by the time I hit them with Static Discharge next. Lt's take the same Chain plus Static Discharge to be almost to Fully drained. Bosses? Why bother?
Bottom line, it's just faster to kill them all now and End drain is kind of a novelty at this point. I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but SYN'amp's going back to being parked in the Hive. I played her for hours today and, though I could pull it off, it just wasn't as fun. In fact, it was pretty disappointing.
Please look at the Primary set and get creative, Devs... -
I do like having War Witch in Pocket D though...
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"It's okay...I'm not the designated driver..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, she sure is. Hang around her long enough and she'll tell ya she's drinkin some hippie crap chai tea.
[/ QUOTE ]
No man...Chai Tea LATTE. It's all in the latte.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gotta be cold, though. -
Hah. Actually I don't have Whirlwind on any of my toons.
Had it on a Storm Defender I deleted just for kicks and that's about it.
wow great. So now I have a power that is, for all intents and purposes for a Kinetics defender, garbage. I was using it to aid squishies. See a boss on them, hit whirlwind and follow and keep the thing on it's back while using the flopping mob to Transfuse off of. Wow, yeah, some SERIOUS 'sploits there. Tried doing my usual tactic the other day and my transfusion goes off halfway across the room as the mob is sent flying. *big thumbs up*
So, Hasten got it's def removed, SSpeed got it's stealth removed in PvP and Suppressed in PvE, and WW had it's entire fundamental use buggered. Watch, now they'll have it so every time you use flurry you lose 125 xp. Or they'll add a 20sec recharge on Air Supp because you can use it to chain-KD a +2 boss. OMG 'SPLOITS!!!ELEVENTYONE!!!!
It is SERIOUSLY about time you handed out a free respec per month, because what somebody uses reliably one day is utter CRAP the next, and they can't fix it till they level up high enough to run the NEXT respec trial.
[/ QUOTE ]
And the people that cry DOOOOM can't seem to see that exploits *must* be blocked off, or eventually more people will be taking advantage of it.
It can be upsetting when your normal usage is changed too, but you have to live with it *if* it doesn't open new and different exploits.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with you for the most part as I can see (with some regret) that a nerf is coming for Air Sup in the future. But the devs have shown a history, with some notable exceptions, of not only OVERnerfing powers but of overlooking the effects those nerfs have had on powersets that really didn't need nerfing in the first place...and then there's the "Whoops! We forgot to let ya know!" factor. It's like going into surgery for an ingrown toenail and then you wake up to the Doc handing you your shoes and saying, "Oops! Won't be needing this left one anymore...we had to take the leg". LOL
It's not DOOOOOOOOM...but it's sure damned annoying.