Statesman Speaks at Origins




Sounds like they'll get both, Telva.



Does this mean that my Blastsers can go from experienceing desperation to actually HAVING Desperation?

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Most blasters start out desperate at full health, and go down hill from there. The fact is, is when they started gearing up the enviroment to challange Archtypes with defenses, especially high defenses, the blaster got left behind in a big way.

I really don't see "Desperation" as addressing blaster issues or problems at all. I have no idea where it comes from, or what the reasoning behind "Desperation" is. It really sounds like a power that should be given to scrappers instead. I have my doubts about how useful it will really be. It will need to be able to significantly breach the damage cap as it currently exists, if it doesn't it will be near worthless. The buff effect will need to start with the first hit point of damage taken and not when a blaster is at half or even three quarters health. I don't see this as promoting blaster survivablity, infact, it may do the reverse. It doesnt even sound good on paper or even within the whole concept of being a blaster.

Infact, it seems that it may be even broken before getting out of the box like some people have already been pointing out with the "jump off a building then go nuclear" thing. I could honestly see some blasters going into a mission a 1 hp geared for AoE. This just seems like truely backwards exploit that makes me wonder if the "risk = reward" equation will be satisfied.

I really think blasters need help. I don't think this is the right kind of help. I sincerly hope this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that better, more in depth, more appropriate stuff that is within the concept of being a blaster is comming down the line.

HOWEVER, I really think the dev's fear making blasters what they should be. I really don't think they understand the Archtype or its concept. I think they fear a truely effective, survivable blaster as being able to displace other Archtypes because of its damage range concept, making melee types impotent because they wouldnt be able to engage fast enought to do anything, Controllers have nothing to control past the first volley, and defenders not having anything left to defend against.

Unless the Devs can get past this fear, I think blasters going to have a disproportionate "risk to reward" ratio with more risk than reward. Of course, some of this balancing may be done on the other side of the the Archtype spectrum first.

Blah, why do I write such long posts.



Any future plans for 50 content? At all? I mean, having a lot of content between 20 and 35 is great and all... but we're going to outgrow that quick at the rate you guys keep adding it in. We're all going to hit 50 eventually. Before no one has slots left for new characters, we're going to need something to do at 50... Take a poll guys, seriously. (P.S. CoV is not an answer)

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Yes, we're working on 50 level only content.

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No more Hami raids!

I suggest repelling a giant invasion. That was fun last time.

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with all the lvl 50s, it will last 5 seconds.
they need another full scale Rikti Invasion. Including destructable Rikti Ships, but make them HARD to take down, that way the lvl 50s have something to do instead of PWN THE RIKTI TILL KINGDOM COME.



Something was mentioned about "No wings, too difficult to program." Am I reading this right? No winged ATs or am I jumping the gun?

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That's correct, sorry for the lack of clarity. I saw how confusing the sentence was when I woke up but by then it was too late to change it.



with all the lvl 50s, it will last 5 seconds.
they need another full scale Rikti Invasion. Including destructable Rikti Ships, but make them HARD to take down, that way the lvl 50s have something to do instead of PWN THE RIKTI TILL KINGDOM COME.

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Make the Rikti spawn at level 56.

Scalable upwards for your team difficulty level.

Oh, and they teleport.

Five feet away from you.

In waves.

Personally, I want to see waves of Rikti fighter craft surrounded by drones flying around carpet bombing everyone, too.

And a pony.

A pony ridden by a Rikti Monkey.






The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.


Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.



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LOL yea. <smackdown> See what happens when you take your notes on the back of a flier. OOO that's gotta hurt.
<picks up the pieces of face and goes about normal Zombie duties> "Freshen your drink sir?"




Unless of course we get some heavier resistances and/or an HP upgrade....

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Actually Jack did mention an HP upgrade.
(I'm the guy who actually asked the question so I payed REAL close attention to the answer

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Could you ellaborate please? Did he say an HP upgrade for Blasters is coming? An idea they're considering? or totally off-limits? Mentioning an HP upgrade could mean just about anything.

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I asked what they had planned to make blasters less squishey and he said they were getting "more hit points" (no hard numbers were given) and the new enherent power.

NOT a recovering Alt-o-holic, and dang proud of it!

"You don't get badges for getting debt, you get badges for dusting yourself off and doing the same damn thing all over again, and that's the Blaster way." Demobot

It doesn't TAKE all kinds, there just ARE all kinds....



I asked what they had planned to make blasters less squishey and he said they were getting "more hit points" (no hard numbers were given) and the new enherent power.

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Do you remember what he said about the post 50 plans? As stated in the OP my notes on this are jumbled.




A pony ridden by a Rikti Monkey.

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If I don't get anything else as a level 50, I want this.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say




I'm RICK JAMES, B***h!

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I'll be your Charlie Murphy and slap your [censored] around.

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Hey not, I'm not that kind of guy.

...I expect dinner and a movie, first.

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FYI: CuppaJo just created a thread in the Blaster Forums about Desperation which is set for I5. So the OP was right on target with that one.

Good Job!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Well why would it be wrong to be able to kill 50 in one shot if you have an extremely powerful AoE (i.e. Nova)? If someone can herd 50 even level minions into a central area, why would it be wrong for a Blaster to be able to kill 50 even level minions? The minions are all clustered together and are within range of the Nova. What's wrong? The only thing wrong i see here is the fact that someone was able to herd 50 minions so the Blaster could Nova them.

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The two are opposite sides of the same coin. A tanker able to survive that many mobs means big reward, little risk. A blaster able to take that many mobs out with just 1 shot means big reward, little risk. One means a long fight doesn't matter. The other means the fight is super short. Both lead to herding. The greatest rewards should stem from greater risk, not the safest route.

Some sort of hardcoded can't pull more cap doesn't appeal to me at all. It means if you have a skilled group that's rocking the place, you can't push yourself any harder. Nor can you really nerf the melee archtypes enough that they can't herd. They'll pop insps, they'll get buffs, and they'll do it. So unless you nerf them to the point where they have blaster defenses, they'll find a way to herd. You want to reward skill, keep an element of risk, the instant death must go.

And at the worst, if it all works somehow, and you stop mass herding but leave the 9th tier powers alone, it just means you're herding less mobs, at even less risk, just gotta do it more often.

Fights that are over instantly aren't fun. A bit of chaos, a bit of potential for chaos, that's what makes for engaging gameplay and helps to develop more skilled players.

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Alright, i can see ya there. You win



Actually I think why he wants to remove the stores is simply because it's perhaps not something that fits well in his comic world that he envisions.

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Not too much comic left in this superhero MMO.



As a side note, I have another quote from Statesman at Origins. This one is in regard to people who are complaining that male models can't get shoulder kittens.

"My heart bleeds for them." [sarcasm heavily present in previous statement]




I hate to proclaim Dooooooom, but seriously now I think that removal of stores, without some kind of fixes to drops and how contacts handle enhancments, would be a complete disaster. Can we say.. Nail in the coffin? Not speaking for everyone, but I certainly would be gone.

End of Doom post. I realy hope this doesn't happen.. ever. If it does I hope something reasonable is done to compensate. I am suprised more people aren't freaking out about this.

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I just have trouble believing that they would implement such a drastic move. I can understand not having stores, if they had done it at the beginning. It makes the quality drops worth much more and makes enhancements feel like real advancement rather than required upgrades. But it would be a major change to remove stores now.

And when he talks about removing stores, I assume that also means the origin-specific contacts that sell enhancements; Serafina is a store as much as Pandora's Box is, as far as the game is concerned, except you have to do a mission ahead of time. (The mission can be done by anybody, not just magic origin heroes, so she makes a convenient store.)

I think the thing that would bother me most about removing stores is the resulting need to trade for enhancements. I'm thinking of the horrible horrible flea market in the Hive after every Hami raid. That was the real capper on top of that already annoying lagfest, and a major disincentive to going on a raid. I refuse to haggle on a regular basis. It's not an enjoyable part of the game for me.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



I dunno. The stores gives a sense of a city. That business if being transacted there. Removing the stores... well, I supose you could put some NPC contacts there, just like the ones in Bricks and Founders, but people already have a heck of a time finding those guys... why confuse them in the 20s?

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Agreed. And several times, I've met other heroes in stores, teamed up and did several mishs together. And I really like Pep's description "sense of a city." Very accurate.



As a side note, I have another quote from Statesman at Origins. This one is in regard to people who are complaining that male models can't get shoulder kittens.

"My heart bleeds for them." [sarcasm heavily present in previous statement]


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It's on like a chicken bone, now.

And no, I don't know what that means either. Darn skipper.



First off - sorry I didn't jump in on this thread until now - I stayed in Columbus visiting with family and taking care of some business, until late tuesday night. Yesterday I had a lot of work to catch up on - so I'm just now getting caught up on forums. So, if this thread is already dead, ah well - but I think I can shed light on a couple of things, so if anyone's still reading, here goes:
Something was mentioned about "No wings, too difficult to program." Am I reading this right? No winged ATs or am I jumping the gun?

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That's correct, sorry for the lack of clarity. I saw how confusing the sentence was when I woke up but by then it was too late to change it.

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Actually, my understanding of this was that there IS still going to be a winged AT. Someone had asked if wings were going to be available as a costume choice for everybody, and that's where Jack responded in the negative (programming the animations would take too long) - but I recall him definitively stating that the winged AT is still in the pipeline.

BTW - love your sig, Zombie Butler Remember this line? "Ranger Brad, I'm a scientist. I don't believe in anything."

Like a Runaway Train!
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Do you remember what he said about the post 50 plans? As stated in the OP my notes on this are jumbled.

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Well, I didn't take notes, so take the following with a very large grain of salt (a boulder? ). As I recall, he mentioned something about unlocking a new story arc where your hero has earned an arch-nemesis of his/her own. The idea being that a certain villain group has discovered your weakness, and will be highly resistant to your powers (ie. they have developed kryptonite weapons to combat Superman). You will be highly vulnerable to them, and have to work your way thru a very challenging story arc to gradually regain your powers' effectiveness against them. Sounded pretty cool to me, if I understood it correctly.

Like a Runaway Train!
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I hate to proclaim Dooooooom, but seriously now I think that removal of stores, without some kind of fixes to drops and how contacts handle enhancments, would be a complete disaster.

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...I think the thing that would bother me most about removing stores is the resulting need to trade for enhancements.

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The particulars of how this will be implemented were not clear, but the feeling I got from the whole thing was there would indeed be many changes to the way the game drops enhancements. To the second poster, I'm sorry to say, but the impression I got was that the intention was to create rarity of enhancements, as opposed to the current situation, where everyone's enh's are max'ed out all the time, and there isn't enough stuff to spend influence on to create any kind of ingame economy. The only thing approximating an economy in this game thus far was the trading of Hami-o's. I think the Cryptic team (or at least Statesman) would like to see players actually making choices other than simply, "which couple of powers should I NOT 6-slot?"

The biggest point Jack had to make was that he felt the current game is severly lacking in choices - people can run all thier toggles, max out all their enhancements, etc. These are things I expect will change - and naturally there will be people who don't like change, or don't like being forced to make those decisions, who will complain or even leave the game. But I think most of us will adapt our playstyle, and I honestly believe the changes Jack was talking about are good for the longevity of the game. As it currently stands, it's pretty easy to get bored with it. Just look at the number of people CoH has lost over the last 6 months.

Like a Runaway Train!
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Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



Thank you "MUUUUtant.. MUUUtilation, I wonder" "I also wonder" That movie had so many great lines in it.

Thank you for the extra input. Writen with a clarity I lacked. Wish you were here for the store debate .

Yes, this thread is dead, just wanted to thank you on filling in the cracks and the compliment on my signature.



The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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This is reassuring. Perhaps have a seminar and take a look at that Suggestion forum? There are tons of awesome ideas floating about there that you could at least acknowledge or consider, States. Powersets and all that good stuff are in there. Take a look. Please?

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You looked at a vague statement, read what you wanted to in it (which happened to be not what he meant), then got in a bit of neener-neener douchebaggery condescension.





Hey, it's like the old saying goes...

"Tragedy is when I get an enhancement I don't need. Comedy is when Statesman nerfs your brains out."

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Mel Brooks said that?

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Mel Brooks is hardcore like that.

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I like that time Mel Brooks portrayed Requiem.

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And we could get Rick Morranis to play Lord Recluse.

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I note that there is a Dr. Hedia Lamarr in the World Wide Red arc.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



What's wrong with criticals is that Bosses do not have more hit points and so die before the scrappers critical advantage can make them really shine on teams.

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Criticals help a lot against AVs and monsters, and Selene has managed to crit for over a thousand points against those. I don't recall which attack it was, but it was pretty impressive to me.

Of course, with defender debuffs, I'm fairly certain a scrapper could never generate so much damage my blaster would go "wow".

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Well, generally speaking, blasters are more efficient at damage-dealing than scrappers when it comes to large teams.

I agree that scrappers don't have a lot to do against minions and lts with an AoE blaster or two around. It can get pretty boring. With bosses (eight person spawns especially), the situation is easier for scrappers as the blasters aren't going to be melting the bosses down that fast unless they're single-target focused.

I'm trying to figure out why the Devs are making a new game. We can't get to what caps without a defender? Does this mean an aim/buildup nerf? Is it a nerf on flooring the defense cap so as to kill the Def based characters like SR and Ice tanks? Is it just resist so that scrappers will ahve far less resist than they do now?

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We have no idea what it means. I hesitate to assume anything without more information (say, having I5 actually on test).

So players will be spending 6 slots on powers and get virtually no return unless there's a defender present? Why slot at all if you MUST team with defenders and controllers?

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For example, this is simply a possible scenario and may have nothing to do with what they have in mind. It's also unlikely because it steps over the line the devs tend to respect in the game when they do nerf.

Statesman has really confused me with this crap. The time has clearly come for me to bow out of this game again.

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I think that's probably not necessary, or at least I'd suggest waiting to see what I5 brings. I wouldn't quit based on things I assume to be the case from what was reported here.

Heck, one of the things that could actually convince me to quit was reported as something Statesman said, and I took care to say "if this happens..." Anyway, Statesman clarified that it wasn't what he meant at all.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



That movie had so many great lines in it.

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sure did
"Is this one of your Earth jokes?"

Wish you were here for the store debate .

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Me too - would've been fun to get involved while it was still going on. Oh well. Hey - do you have plans to go to Gencon? I'm planning on putting together a little dinner get-together for CoH'ers there - if you want, I'll keep you posted.

Like a Runaway Train!
SS's Crey Profile
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Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!