Statesman Speaks at Origins




The time has clearly come for me to bow out of this game again.

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Can I have your stuff?

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It's times like this that I really wish I had a time machine. With a time machine I could go back in time to ask just before you did. XD

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"What?! What "Hmmm?" Those are not "Hmmm" odds!" - Zeke, CAD

"Not only will a loss seal your fate, but also the fate of the one you are protecting as well." � Himura Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin



What Mr. Emmert should realize is that for HIM rising to a challenge is fun, for others having lead weights added to our feat until rising becomes a challenge is not fun.

The 30s game may not be balanced in his view. But in mine, it is fun.

If the standard truely was "if invincible offers no challenge prepare yourself for the nerf bat", that wouldn't be so bad. The problem is that the standard really is "if anyone with your powerset has less challenge than we want you to have, prepare for the nerfbat." If you're not min/maxing the build, learn now, the nerfs are going to be designed so that the min-maxers are brought to "normal" so anyone less optimized will be subnormal.

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And here is the problem.......

min/maxers can tweak any ruleset to their advantage. You cannot balance a game with this minority of players in mind. It is bad for your business and it is wrong to penalize so many other players for the actions of a select few.

If the devs force the current min/max builds to be challenged, what happens to the people who wanted more freedom in their builds? Or players who took frivilous powers? They will disappear. These players will be forced to respec or build characters with a more optimized min/max build. Why? Because they will have no choice if they want to be effective. Lack of choice will make characters look far too similar and CoH will suffer from the "cookie-cutter" syndrome far worse than we have seen (fire tankers and super jump come to mind).

In the year I've been playing, the devs have yet to do anything that I would have considered too drastic. I haven't agreed with all of their decisions, but I don't expect to, that would be very unrealistic of me (though, it would be nice). I'll just have to wait and see (and hope they don't screw it up).



In the year I've been playing, the devs have yet to do anything that I would have considered too drastic. I haven't agreed with all of their decisions, but I don't expect to, that would be very unrealistic of me (though, it would be nice). I'll just have to wait and see (and hope they don't screw it up).

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Whew...that was a long read...

Anyway, ironically I'm not too swayed by much that Mr. Emmert is supposed to have said at origins save for one thing that alot of people just ignored.

- Looks like they won't do much to Stamina from here. If something changes I'll reserve judgement until I see something on the test server.

- Stores or no stores it really doesn't bother me one way or another. There's a million different directions this one could go. Again, I'll reserve judgement.

- Nerfs are a fact of life in any MMO. I don't mind some of them, I hate other's, but eventually I come to grips with all of them.

- I'm mixed on the herding 50+ guys issue. On the one hand I really hate herding. It's boring that the tank get's to actually play the game and go round up a thousand guys while I sit there for 10 minutes with my thumb in my [explicative deleted]. On the other hand I have to wonder what the solution to this will be. Once again, I'll reserve judgement.

All that aside however I have one gripe. I was really REALLY disappointed to hear this:

No wings it would take up too much programming time

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[censored] /em cry.

Does this mean that even the idea of Trenchcoats are out too? I haven't heard or seen anything one way or another but if anyone has any info on that I'd appreciate a link or something.



No wings it would take up too much programming time

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[censored] /em cry.

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In case you didn't see my post, responding to this very topic - he said there WILL still be a winged AT. What he said was that wings will not be made available in the costume creator, that's all - as far as I know, there never were any plans to make them available to everybody anyway, so that shouldn't come as some shocking revelation. If you want wings, make an Avian AT (or whatever they're going to be called).

As far as trenchcoats go, I don't know.

Like a Runaway Train!
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Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



Well, that's my opinion of hasten. Personally, I think the game SHOULD be redone where STAMINA/REGEN/RUN/JUMP are inherient.....same with Hasten. Eating 2 outta 4 of our power pools for no brainer's just stupid (i know, people go without...I was on that train too, til I respeced on test when respecs came out....and played thru the respec trail...testing it.....over 15 some times. When I saw what Hasten did, got it on live...didn't look back.)

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I have made the same suggestion. Make the Fitness line inherent, and increase the recharge times of all powers by a set amount, almost as good as Hasten, if not just as good, and turn Hasten into a temporary run-speed click power that's a little better than Sprint and gives a 5% DEF advantage ala Hover and Combat Jump.

I basically ran into the same delimma you did with my earlier characters, before I instituted Perma-Elude and Stamina into practically every build I've had since before Issue 2 came out. But I feel obligated if not required to get Hasten and Stamina because I just don't feel like I am performing well without them.



The April fools joke was supposed to be a temporary power of Vaz vomit. That had a percentage chance of making other hero’s vomit.

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Only 2 1/2 months until April 1, 2006!

Tip of the hat to The_Last_Archon



Holy Thread Necromancy, Statesman!



Almost 4 months old! Holy Cow Statesman!



Like your new avatar, Clintonian.

*sneaks off*

Dawnslayer on Virtue.