Statesman Speaks at Origins




Saved me the trouble. Making the game more annoying in an attempt to slow you down is not a challenge, it's just...well annoying.

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I would consider the removal of stores to be a huge annoyance. You're already penalized for choosing the wrong origin if you need non-Power-10 SOs and your origin-specific enemies don't like you (having gone through the 20s with two Magic-origin negative energy characters, I'm looking squarely at the Banished Pantheon for this). Having to go through that to get ANY SOs at all? Ugh.



Why do we assume "challenging" means "as challenging as avoid getting boned in prison"?

I'm sure there's a middleground between "breezing through missions on Invincible" and "how come my blood is all outside of me?"!

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Thank you. I was feeling rather depressed, but that made me laugh.

I dunno why there seems to be no middle ground, but my feeling is that something is either too difficult or too easy. Right now, for me, the game is right where it ought to be. To increase the difficulty puts it in the realm of masochistic difficulty.



about the desperation abilty. All it seems to do is inspire the blasters do teeter on the edge of death (but that isnt much of a diffrence now, they allready do involuntary(dont flame me, I know how it is to live on the edge with my blaster too)(wow tripple parentheses!))



Saved me the trouble. Making the game more annoying in an attempt to slow you down is not a challenge, it's just...well annoying.

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I would consider the removal of stores to be a huge annoyance. You're already penalized for choosing the wrong origin if you need non-Power-10 SOs and your origin-specific enemies don't like you (having gone through the 20s with two Magic-origin negative energy characters, I'm looking squarely at the Banished Pantheon for this). Having to go through that to get ANY SOs at all? Ugh.

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Same here.. I know he wanted to nerf our ability to get SOs. That in itself is just a horrible move. The fact that he wants to remove stores is.. [censored] scarey. You can't even get all the ehancers you need from contacts. You can't sell to contacts. Some people won't even get a contact with the right enhancers. Hell, my controller doesn't even do her own missions because it is to slow to solo. Won't this kind of encourage soloing? You need to max out that contact so they will sell to you. You won't be relying on drops. Most of the time I never get my own origin droped much less a SO.

Then again maybe some intelegence will be used in the changes and fixes will come to the nature of drops and how contacts handle enhancements. Maybe just global contacts, but that seems to much like a store.

Edit: I actualy tried this game without stores(unless it was to sell). It wasn't fun at all.



about the desperation abilty. All it seems to do is inspire the blasters do teeter on the edge of death (but that isnt much of a diffrence now, they allready do involuntary(dont flame me, I know how it is to live on the edge with my blaster too)(wow tripple parentheses!))

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/em Flames visciously

I acctualy like the idea. I'm ussaly halfway down in a fight, I think it'll make for a good boost. Also, it doesn't take away from the stratigic value of Blasters. While Scrappers realy on luck to do more damage a Blaster just has to lose HP, but a blaster has so little HP that any loss is risky.

I'm very pleased with this, but I have the feeling there will be more. Like scaling range hopefuly.



The stores at least give us the illusion of SOME kind of economy in this city. We can't enter any of the stores that the mundane humans can and buy a gyro or a pizza or go bowling. And as difficult as it is to obtain the DO and SO enhancements that you can use without resorting to the stores, removing them would be a Very Bad Idea. Heck, without a place to sell the useless enhancements we DO get (level 40 training?!) we might as well not have random drops at all.



Main worry:

This means one of our main fixes is... more damage.

1) Strings attached however. It better be a massive increase because if you thought it was hard getting a heal before, just wait till the team starts TELLING the defender not to because they want more damage.

team blaster: from dead to deader.
Solo: possibly less downtime [take on one group normally for a better chance at a full alpha-kill on the next? THIS could be interesting in a way...]

2) Hopefully this doesn't come with the damage debuff I fear it may.

3) Will it really be all that useful? Usually we go from full-green to orange or blinking red for about a SECOND, before the rest of the volley's animations finish us off.

So unless its a fully linear thing, or a series of buffs that activate for a bit of time when we fall under certain numbers... I'm not sure we'll even GET to taste that extra damage in the later levels where we'd need it.

Early on? sure, hellions can take a while to finish you off. But later? ... oops!



Main worry:

This means one of our main fixes is... more damage.

1) Strings attached however. It better be a massive increase because if you thought it was hard getting a heal before, just wait till the team starts TELLING the defender not to because they want more damage.

team blaster: from dead to deader.
Solo: possibly less downtime [take on one group normally for a better chance at a full alpha-kill on the next? THIS could be interesting in a way...]

2) Hopefully this doesn't come with the damage debuff I fear it may.

3) Will it really be all that useful? Usually we go from full-green to orange or blinking red for about a SECOND, before the rest of the volley's animations finish us off. So unless its a fully linear thing, or a series of buffs that activate for a bit of time when we fall under certain numbers... I'm not sure we'll get to taste that extra damage in the later levels where we'd need it.

Early on? sure, hellions can take a while to finish you off. But later? ... oops!

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That's a good point--in a team situation, and even sometimes when soloing, a Blaster goes from healthy to dead in one volley. If they're lucky, two or three volleys. That's not nearly enough time for this damage buff to make a difference.



Desperation, that is perfect ability for Blasters on so many levels.

Makes sense for balance as well, it gives us survivability by letting us kill things before they kill us, but won't allow us to cruise through with no risk because we have to be challenged to be strong. And it holds with the Blaster damage dealing role. I like it. Good move Jack.




Depending on exactly how its implemented it probably means we'll just blow through the early levels easier, and hit the same wall in the upper levels.

Unless of course we get some heavier resistances and/or an HP upgrade.... but without those? I fail to see how we'll have much of a chance to use this. Even with a defender... since we'd either be full [a really fast empath whose great at timing, or a bubbler], or dead anyways...

Don't get me wrong, I think its a very nice idea... But I'm just wondering if we'll ever get to see it. A buff you can't actually use is no buff at all.

Perhaps it would work better as a response to the whole "tankers do too much damage" idea instead: knock'em back down to 60% but let'em hit 80-85% by the time they're in the red. They can afford to whittle down.



I hate to proclaim Dooooooom, but seriously now I think that removal of stores, without some kind of fixes to drops and how contacts handle enhancments, would be a complete disaster. Can we say.. Nail in the coffin? Not speaking for everyone, but I certainly would be gone.

End of Doom post. I realy hope this doesn't happen.. ever. If it does I hope something reasonable is done to compensate. I am suprised more people aren't freaking out about this.



I'm surprised more people aren't flipping out about the Stamina comments. he said he wasn't going to remove it, or make it inherent. He didn't say he wasn't going to nerf it. He did however say he wants players to make a choice about what powers to use and when.



Oh crap.. You're right.

>^>.<^< Mewf!



This game caters to new MMO players (roughly 40% of the player base is new to MMOrpgers).

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I hope i'm just reading that wrong...or something was lost in translation.....I'm reading that as: don't expect much 50+ content, because we're catering to the young'uns. Replay as a new AT !!! It's fun to kill Frostfire 15 times while doing your main character, then starting over again with BRAND NEW powers and killing Frostfire another random 17 times.


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This amuses me because I think in terms of killing Dr. Vahzilok 17 times, and Frostfire is a new thing to do.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I'm surprised more people aren't flipping out about the Stamina comments. he said he wasn't going to remove it, or make it inherent. He didn't say he wasn't going to nerf it. He did however say he wants players to make a choice about what powers to use and when.

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What I want him to do is make it less neccasary. Then I could respec out of it and take more tactical powers. But thats just crazy old me.



What I want him to do is make it less neccasary. Then I could respec out of it and take more tactical powers. But thats just crazy old me.

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Well put your dev hat on for a minute. How do you make something less necessary? How do you make something more necessary?

We have two aims. To make Stamina "less necessary" and to "encourage" people to slot for more than just 1 Acc and 5 Damage? How do you, as a dev, go about that?



I'm surprised more people aren't flipping out about the Stamina comments. he said he wasn't going to remove it, or make it inherent. He didn't say he wasn't going to nerf it. He did however say he wants players to make a choice about what powers to use and when.

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I said it elsewhere, but the Stamina thing boggles me. They couldn't figure out a way to drop it by 80% and then just apply that 80% to our base regen rate or something?

I'm *sure* there's a few fairly simple solutions that end up as a nice buff to non-Stamina people (less downtime is more fun than standing around), and does little or nothing to the current Stamina users (which is like, what, 80% of players?).




They couldn't figure out a way to drop it by 80% and then just apply that 80% to our base regen rate or something?

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Around 50% or something would be better. Like Statesman said, four other power pools with (near) Stamina's boost being inherent would be too powerful.



Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...

Stores- WHY does he hate them so much? Why does he want them removed? A place to actually get the enhancements I need is going bye-bye as well as any chance to get rid of ones I don't need in a matter that isn't wasteful is not an option to me? WHY?

Nerfs- He just better ONLY nerf enough to the point that Invincible is a challenge, if going beyond the Heroic difficulty suddenly becomes suicide for Scrappers (the Solo class), then we'll see that they have no idea what the hell they're doing.

Skills- If you don't get this right on the 3rd try, just give up and quit wasting everyone's time.

Blasters- That sounds like an interesting buff, let's see if it works in practice...

I'm not normally one to rant against the Devs, but I just feel compelled to at the moment...





Urge... DOO--

I can't!




Did Manticore go on the rug again?



Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...

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YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.



Its pretty nice though.

I have an idea. Sell Gatorade in vending machines. Lasts an hour, costs around 1000 infl. Same effect as stamina.



Would be Powerade, but that damn Matrix Online took it.



Its pretty nice though.

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Hey, not denying that. You just don't *need* it.