Statesman Speaks at Origins




Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...

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YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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I don't believe I need stamina for most of my characters. However, other have stated some of the builds just do not work right without it.

For years, I was anti-stamina and anti-hasten (I still don't see ANY instances where Hasten is "needed". Ever), but recently, I've begun to see how some genuinely need Stamina.

I'll never get Stamina for any of the Characters I don't want it on, same with Hasten.



Would be Powerade, but that damn Matrix Online took it.

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Personally, I'm just waiting for the "ZOMG! The Dev's nerfed Powerade!" threads on the MxO forums.



You don't need it yes.
But its really nice, though. We won't all die if it goes away. Just more downtime. And in this ADD America, I won't have it dammit!



Statesman said that they can not remove Stamina in its current form from the game.

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Well, it seems to me everyone believes that the endurance regen rate, as it stands, is far too slow. Why not increase the overall regen rate of endurance while decreasing the effectiveness from Stamina?

The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp. Another idea was new power sets and missions attached to these power sets that would require the new power sets to complete them.

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Eh... That already exists with Kheldians. In my opinion, replayability in any game is nice, but Statesman needs to realize that there are some of us that really like focusing on one character.

Hold on to your seats folks, he HATES the stores in Talos and IP. As soon as he is able he will get rid of them.

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I'd like to see the reason behind this. Personally, I think Cryptic needs to look for more ways to let us go into buildings in the city, not less. As it is, most of the doors in the city are locked off to us. If they're going to go to an all contact system, at least put these contacts indoors, instead of sitting them out on the streets with every other contact. It doesn't even have to be in an existing store. We could go visit the contact's dingy apartment, for all I care.

Mr. Emmert through out the lecture constantly said that arising to challenges =fun.

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While I'm likely one of the few that views this as good news, I'm not holding my breath. It seems everytime Cryptic increases the difficulty of something in the name of balancing the 30+ game, it is deemed too difficult for the soloers and removed. Case in point: boss changes. I had a lot of fun with those difficult bosses, but they removed because they were too hard for some soloers - which I can completely understand.



You don't need it yes.
But its really nice, though. We won't all die if it goes away. Just more downtime. And in this ADD America, I won't have it dammit!

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It's like I've said before...

Stamina is like a Porsche. You certainly don't need one, but darned if it doesen't look nice in the garage.



Would be Powerade, but that damn Matrix Online took it.

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Personally, I'm just waiting for the "ZOMG! The Dev's nerfed Powerade!" threads on the MxO forums.

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What does the Z stand for...?



Would be Powerade, but that damn Matrix Online took it.

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Personally, I'm just waiting for the "ZOMG! The Dev's nerfed Powerade!" threads on the MxO forums.

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What does the Z stand for...?

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I know what your saying, I'm just poking at you, infact I'm kind of agreeing with you.

Porshe, pshh. Give me this.


Posted that so? Congrats on 8000 posts by the way.



I know what your saying, I'm just poking at you, infact I'm kind of agreeing with you.

Porshe, pshh. Give me this.

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Eh, I'd prefer a fricken tank.



[ QUOTE ] that so? Congrats on 8000 posts by the way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything. I honestly don't pay that much attention to it.



I'd like that Nathan's Hotdog mobile. If that doesn't pick up girls, I don't know what does.



I'd like that Nathan's Hotdog mobile. If that doesn't pick up girls, I don't know what does.

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<ears [censored] up>



[ QUOTE ] that so? Congrats on 8000 posts by the way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything. I honestly don't pay that much attention to it.

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Thats even more scary...



I'd like that Nathan's Hotdog mobile. If that doesn't pick up girls, I don't know what does.

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The Megas, of course. Chicks dig giant robots.



Maybe the giant robot could transform with the hotdog mobile creating...a giant robot eating a hotdog.



[ QUOTE ] that so? Congrats on 8000 posts by the way.

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Thanks. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything. I honestly don't pay that much attention to it.

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Thats even more scary...

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What can I say... Despite what some people think, I'm not in it for the post count.

...I'm in it for the Chicks.




...I'm in it for the Chicks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats your pickup line?

LiquidX: "Hey baby, I got 8000 posts all for you."




...I'm in it for the Chicks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats your pickup line?

LiquidX: "Hey baby, I got 8000 posts all for you."

[/ QUOTE ]

It's better then my last one.

"Hey baby, do you like Italian? 'Cuz you've got Angel Hair!"



::Runs across the thread screaming::


::Voice fades into distance::




...I'm in it for the Chicks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats your pickup line?

LiquidX: "Hey baby, I got 8000 posts all for you."

[/ QUOTE ]

It's better then my last one.

"Hey baby, do you like Italian? 'Cuz you've got Angel Hair!"

[/ QUOTE ]

/em rimshot



You do realize that you and I disrailed one of the most informative topics in awhile?

And here is one of my pickup lines "Hey, are you going to your car by yourself later?"



I'm surprised more people aren't flipping out about the Stamina comments. he said he wasn't going to remove it, or make it inherent. He didn't say he wasn't going to nerf it. He did however say he wants players to make a choice about what powers to use and when.

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I said it elsewhere, but the Stamina thing boggles me. They couldn't figure out a way to drop it by 80% and then just apply that 80% to our base regen rate or something?

I'm *sure* there's a few fairly simple solutions that end up as a nice buff to non-Stamina people (less downtime is more fun than standing around), and does little or nothing to the current Stamina users (which is like, what, 80% of players?).


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well think of it this way: as heros stopping a mugging we could:
1: swoop in and fly off with the victim, saving them
2: attempt to talk the mugger out of mugging the victim.
3: stand inbetween the mugger and the victim.
4: call the police
5: call several other muggers and see if the mugger is within his rights to do so.
6: punch the mugger in the head knocking him to kingdom come

guess what we do?
guess what the dev's are gonna do?



10 bucks to the person that names the Comedian with that bit.



::Runs back into the thread::


::Runs into a tree::


