23 -
There we go, much thanks for Chase for giving me a version that bloody works.
Great job, by the way, it's nice to see a little wackiness in the City of Heroes now and then, it keeps us limber -
Oh hey, do you have a popup blocker or an addon that could be stopping it?
[/ QUOTE ]
Security System, but I've turned it off on a few tries. -
Wait a bit? How long are you waiting for it to download? Because it does take a while to load.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've been at it for AT LEAST a day and no progress whatsoever. -
Am I the only one having problems downloading the damn thing?
I've tried updating Adobe, I've tried viewing it in Firefox AND IE, I've tried DOWNLOADING it in both, and still, nothing.
What the hell is going on here? -
This is probably why Statesman and whoever else left, a playerbase FILLED with spoiled brats.
[/ QUOTE ]
Are you kidding me? OK wait just a min. We are Customers... If some of these people have been here since the very beginning the have spent well over $650 for this god dam game. That does not make them spoiled brats or any other BS you want to say. It makes them customers that expect something of value for their money... They have paid for a game that by any standard could just as easily been free to play and had about the same content with 3 expansions for far less of a cost to their users. But this was the model they chose for what its worth. They do not get to have it BOTH ways.
You can not in one breath disenfranchise the people that pays your bills and turn around and expect them to keep paying extra for content that should be free to them considering how much these games cost a user to maintain.
I have only been in the game 4 months true, so I only have $84.99 in, but I also stocked up on time cards for several months as well, so I actually have $129.99 in the game at the moment. that does NOT make me a spoiled brat, that makes me a god dam paying customer, so don't give me your bull garbage about being spoiled. I paid for this out the nose! And thus far the only thing of value in it I find? My friends that are also suckers and paying out the nose. If anything that does not make us spoiled, it makes us Stupid for doing business with a company that thinks so poorly of their paying customers.
Now Obviously I will not waste my money on such a poorly conceived and overpriced addon. and at least its only an optional thing. But if they start making this a regular event with equally irrelevant addon packs for similar prices... I don't think the paying user base will remain as loyal as they have been...
NOT buying the items will encourage them to rethink this poor strategy. That does not make us Spoiled! That makes us Smart consumers!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
No, choosing not to buy this does not make you spoiled.
Whining about it's very existance as optional fluff, does.
I am sorry, but I think you have it backwards. Most are NOT happy with the idea of spending additional monies for something we have been getting all along included in our current subscription fees.
[/ QUOTE ]
have the numbers been released on how many bought the pack? As it stands we have no idea if 'most', 'few', 'many', or 'no one' likes the idea or bought the pack. there are some people here who have bought the pack, some who refuse, and some very vocal people who claim many people think or believe something. we know that some people bought it and some people didn't but we wont know the success or failure of the pack untill they release the numbers.
Its my opinion and the opinion of the EULA that the 15 a month goes to getting access to the game and does not entitle me to anything else. The fact that NCsoft constantly updates, creates new content, and patches the game is fantastic and a good business move on their part. If the game becomes stagnant then people stop playing and paying. We technically only pay to play the game as is, we dont pay to get new content.
bottom line is that if you feel its a good deal then buy the pack, if you think its a rip off then don't. Its really just that simple. If this pack had some game altering effect then I would have some kind of problem with it, however its just fluff so who cares.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe Mark Twain said it best-
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -
Wow, $9.99 for a few costume parts? That's a bit steep. $4.99 I might spring for. I love the game and complain about very little, but considering there are not any temp powers or more than basically two costume options it's a bit pricy, IMHO.
And just to beat the trolls to the punch, yeah I know. I don't have to buy it. And at this price I probably won't. But I will give my opinion just the same, thank you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, if people do not express there opinion about how displeased they are with this "Wedding Pack" idea, how will NCSoft know not to do it again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, they should never take the time to whip up something extra for you again.
Give me a break people, what we pay them is BARELY proportional to the work they put in .
There's no freakin' powers attached, no freakin' badges, no freakin' story arcs. This is PURELY an option they whipped up for the romantic roleplayers out there.
You don't like it, don't buy it and shut up.
This is probably why Statesman and whoever else left, a playerbase FILLED with spoiled brats. -
okay Ex since your fielding questions, does this mean that the ENTIRE City of Heroes and Villans staff is staying on? like say...Jlove, Warwitch, and all the rest?
And this is kind of wishful thinking but since you guys are now officially with NCsoft...does this mean we can have CuppaJo back?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everyone from the current team signed on with NCsoft, this includes.
Sexy Jay
Ghost Widow
War Witch
all the programmers and other design staff that are not currently under signature names.
[/ QUOTE ]
/me Notes with Nervousness that the biggies are all named individually... _except_ States.
[/ QUOTE ]
As Terra said, he's staying with Cryptic to work on Marvel Universe Online and other potential projects.
He's pretty much been doing nothing for about a year now, ever since he made Positron Lead Dev.
He'll be missed, but hey, like I said, he wasn't doing anything anymore. -
"Toons" stems from the earliest of MMO's (most notably the Realm and Ultima Online) in which character WERE very cartoon-y. WoW has only made this term more prevalent.
* This means that you can no longer “escape debt” by being defeated by a PC after taking massive damage from NPCs, nor will you be penalized with a massive amount of debt if you are defeated by an NPC after taking a huge amount of damage from a PC.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ugh, was that really happening? So if Statesman runs up and knocks me down to 1hp and then a player hits me .367 milliseconds later I get almost full debt? How is healing calculated into this? Regen?
Need more info here...
[/ QUOTE ]
NOTE: The Signature Heroes/Villains in Recluse's Victory are meant to no longer give debt, any debt they're giving now is bugged and will be fixed. -
I knew that you were gonna give us Heroes cops we can actually look upon with pride, but Mecha-driving and KHELDIAN cops?
Wow. -
Congratulations. You have succeeded in developing a not only factual, but overly upbeat guide for INV/ Tankers in a time where spirits towards this type of Tanker are lower than they probably should be.
5 stars. -
I feel Defiance is a step in the right direction, however it could use some work.
Here's some suggestions
1. It needs to kick in sooner, I'd say about when your Health is about 50-65%
2. It should always be working, when you're at 90% you get a litlte Defiance boost, when you're in the Red, your defiance bar is full.
3. In addition to bolstering damage, your attacks should also become more accurate. I'm not asking for an ACC buff as high as the Damage buff, but it should still be a fair amount. In the comic books when a chracter is hitting harder as they get weaker, they CONCENTRATE their attacks, so they're not just hitting harder, they're hitting more accurately.
Or you can take these ideas and mix them up in any way you desire that creates a better system. -
Wow, and all the community was asking for was for no more stacking/for the things to die with their creators.
For years, I was anti-stamina and anti-hasten (I still don't see ANY instances where Hasten is "needed". Ever), but recently, I've begun to see how some genuinely need Stamina.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've been anti-Stamina and anti-Hasten for years now? In a game that's only been out about 14 months?
[/ QUOTE ]
I exaggerated a little to demonstrate my point on how much I dislike how people tell newbies they NEED Hasten in order to function at all. All it does is create cookie-cutters.
Reason everyone goes and buys'em though is that you never get the right ones.
You end up at the end of a level 39 mission with 3 L36 DO's, one SO -probably a runspeed or defense-debuff of whatever you're not (WHY do freakshow drop mutations and occasionally magic? why do crey drop magic also? why does EVEYRONE DROP BLOODY MAGIC?), and a whole bunch of trainings, most of which you dumped to make room...
At the same time though, enemies are scaled to the assumption that you've got 6 SO's [or 6HO's starting at 40] in everything.
So we'd need the drops to change, or the villains to change, otherwise we're in trouble if we can't buy what we need.
[/ QUOTE ]
QFE. Just deleting the stores WILL cause problems, because drops are too random. -
Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...
[/ QUOTE ]
YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't believe I need stamina for most of my characters. However, other have stated some of the builds just do not work right without it.
For years, I was anti-stamina and anti-hasten (I still don't see ANY instances where Hasten is "needed". Ever), but recently, I've begun to see how some genuinely need Stamina.
I'll never get Stamina for any of the Characters I don't want it on, same with Hasten. -
Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...
Stores- WHY does he hate them so much? Why does he want them removed? A place to actually get the enhancements I need is going bye-bye as well as any chance to get rid of ones I don't need in a matter that isn't wasteful is not an option to me? WHY?
Nerfs- He just better ONLY nerf enough to the point that Invincible is a challenge, if going beyond the Heroic difficulty suddenly becomes suicide for Scrappers (the Solo class), then we'll see that they have no idea what the hell they're doing.
Skills- If you don't get this right on the 3rd try, just give up and quit wasting everyone's time.
Blasters- That sounds like an interesting buff, let's see if it works in practice...
I'm not normally one to rant against the Devs, but I just feel compelled to at the moment... -
Anyway, back to the point: why wasn't the BAB included in this story arc? He is, apparently, part of the team---or am I wrong in this? If he's part of the team, then his omission from the story seems strange and the OP has legitimate cause to wonder er WHY?
So, to sum up: better story, better art--still not as good as the old series. And, er, why isn't BAB in the Story??
[/ QUOTE ]
The Back Alley Brawler is primarily associated with the group he used to lead, the Regulators. He worked with the Freedom Phalanx during the Rikti War but has been in semi-retirement for some time.
As I said in my previous post however, the Brawler will be the main character of a story-arc that will start in issue #7. A specific threat will force him to get more actively involved.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't Back Alley Brawler also the CEO of Hero Corps?
Also, since BAB is gonna be the main character of the arc, does that mean we'll see Blue Steel with him? -
Keep in mind that this is my OPINION. I'm not saying the new comic is good or bad, just what I think.
First of all, I loved the Blue King comics. It had a good blend of action and comedy, the two things I look for in anything I read (cept for Wheel of Time, that doesn't need comedy to be cool). I liked the characters and the dialouge and thought it went really well with the storyline, as in it could have happened in the game without affecting any of us players.
The new comics... suck. They have no comedy at all and they don't have HEROES! These guys are not the Freedom Phalanx I imagine. I always thought that the greatest of the heroes in the city of heroes would be... not losers. Sister Psyche is a crazy lady, Manticore is a jerk, and Synapse is some trailer trash whack job. Positron is the only one I saw as heroic, trying to keep the rest of the team away so they don't get hurt.
And how can you have a super hero comic without super powers?! I always thought that was the basis for the whole thing, but I guess not. I don't know about you guys, but I don't find internal struggles that take up an entire comic as fun.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're not being fair in your evaluation of the Freedom Phalanx in this story.
When it all first started, they let random, nameless ROOKIES help them fight a combination Clockwork attack/Gang war. They humbly fought alongside these puny low-security-level Scrappers and blasters against what should have been a somewhat simple task. Then these rookies start DYING all around them. Then their own powers failed, they could not save these poor kids and barely had the means to save THEMSELVES.
Now zip ahead in time a little....
I don't know if you realize, but if you had a "flicker" of someone always yelling at you in the back of your head no matter WHAT actions you did or medications you took, wouldn't you go a little crazy/paranoid? I certainly would. Give Sister Psyche a break, not only did she lose her powers AND watch those who followed her die, she also has to deal with 2 people in her head.
Then there's Synapse, this guy was [censored] by Crey with SICK eletrical torture and he can't sue Crey because they'll either buy out the courts or silence anyone who'd help him. He found solace in the fact that he could help people with these powers, these same powers would also protect himself from ever coming to harm. Now without these powers, he can't help people, he can't even save HIMSELF should Crey ever decide to hunt him down. He's got something legitimate to fear, I don't blame him for becoming a suspicious shut-in.
Manticore, I can't defend this guy too well, he IS a little arrogant being a rich boy, but he does want to seem to help his teammates, not just himself. He doesn't understand the pain everyone else has gone through because he's just a guy with a bow and souped-up arrows. -
I think I remember making a similar suggestion around the end of Beta- only this was an actual villain (who was more or less Godzilla-sized) classified as a "Giga-Villain" who would stomp around Atlas Park/King's Row/Steel Canyon and brag about how invincible he was and how no single hero could ever hope to best him.
Defeating him would consist of one or two methods- 1. Hold him off and stop him from attacking key places (shelters, Police stations etc) until either the Freedom Phalanx or a "Giga-Hero" in the vein of Atlas or Talos shows up. or 2. All players work together to win this impossible battle until they defeat him (much like the Winter Lords or Pumpkins). Oh, and in any case it would be a Dev controlling this character, so it'd be something more than just a giant NPC.
Though I will admit, a giant monster attacking a popular city zone would probably be even better, though it should be something other than a giant lizard or ape (come on, think of something different). -
I love the idea of my character just hagning out in the base even when I'm not there, I'm not so sure I want him doing any REAL fighting without me (I wouldn't mind the no-damage Fluff-Fights that go on between the Military and villians in some zones though).
And the idea of a servant(s) protecting us as we slumber is a must! I don't know if any of you have ever seen the tv Anime series the Big O, but having my own Norman Burg (a mild-mannered butler with a BFG and whole belts full of grenades) protecting my base would rock! -
i am so up set with timed wolf misison i kn ew shaodow hunter was timed but then got my toon to the frist one worked so hard at it. only to be so dispointed, i did even try to do it. and i let the next one time out. it realy sucks that the wolf misisons are timed.and a timed av thats nuts. its hard enogth gettinga good team to trake out shadow hunter i wont even try. i am not injoyingb this game anymore, and i played it from the day it can=me availble i paly nioght and day many hors at a time. i am so so upset with it now. i might go to wow like so many others have all ready done.
[/ QUOTE ]Then go and take your pathetic typing skills with you!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ha! What typing skills? Don't you mean, typing attempts?
[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed, I was simply trying to show some mercy. -
i am so up set with timed wolf misison i kn ew shaodow hunter was timed but then got my toon to the frist one worked so hard at it. only to be so dispointed, i did even try to do it. and i let the next one time out. it realy sucks that the wolf misisons are timed.and a timed av thats nuts. its hard enogth gettinga good team to trake out shadow hunter i wont even try. i am not injoyingb this game anymore, and i played it from the day it can=me availble i paly nioght and day many hors at a time. i am so so upset with it now. i might go to wow like so many others have all ready done.
[/ QUOTE ]Then go and take your pathetic typing skills with you!