Statesman Speaks at Origins




This is reassuring. Perhaps have a seminar and take a look at that Suggestion forum? There are tons of awesome ideas floating about there that you could at least acknowledge or consider, States. Powersets and all that good stuff are in there. Take a look. Please?

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Who said he doesen't read it already?



The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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Oh goodness, the rest of it's true then? So you really intend to weaken every set that can handle Invincible solo missions with ease?

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Hopefully, States will post tonight about just what their plans are. They really need to at this point.

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I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

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Hey, it's like the old saying goes...

"Tragedy is when I get an enhancement I don't need. Comedy is when Statesman nerfs your brains out."




Hey, it's like the old saying goes...

"Tragedy is when I get an enhancement I don't need. Comedy is when Statesman nerfs your brains out."

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Mel Brooks said that?




Hey, it's like the old saying goes...

"Tragedy is when I get an enhancement I don't need. Comedy is when Statesman nerfs your brains out."

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Mel Brooks said that?

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Mel Brooks is hardcore like that.



Well, I'm glad someone was taking notes!

The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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As I remember it, Mr. E. was discussing a few ideas in the context of animal or pet sidekicks, i.e., an animal sidekick would start out at level 1, and the character would fight alongside said sidekick to raise that level. I think he may have also mentioned auto-exemplaring down to the animal sidekick's level, but don't quote me on that.

Mr. E. also mentioned, as I recall, that they were considering implementing ways of acquiring temporary powers outside of missions and the arena. I wouldn't be surprised if this became an alternate use for the universities.

Good summation overall, ZB. If I remember anything else important or interesting to add, I'll pop back in.




I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

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Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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Oh goodness, the rest of it's true then? So you really intend to weaken every set that can handle Invincible solo missions with ease?

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Hopefully, States will post tonight about just what their plans are. They really need to at this point.

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I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Yeah, you are probably right.



Well, I'm glad someone was taking notes!

The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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As I remember it, Mr. E. was discussing a few ideas in the context of animal or pet sidekicks, i.e., an animal sidekick would start out at level 1, and the character would fight alongside said sidekick to raise that level. I think he may have also mentioned auto-exemplaring down to the animal sidekick's level, but don't quote me on that.

Mr. E. also mentioned, as I recall, that they were considering implementing ways of acquiring temporary powers outside of missions and the arena. I wouldn't be surprised if this became an alternate use for the universities.

Good summation overall, ZB. If I remember anything else important or interesting to add, I'll pop back in.


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That would kick butt as a pool power.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

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Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!




I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!


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Does that mean that the new Incarnate AT is a trap...?



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

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Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!


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Does that mean that the new Incarnate AT is a trap...?

[/ QUOTE ]

Che che che.... Nerf nerf nerf.... che che che.... nerf nerf nerf...

Nooooo! It's Statesman, come to exact his nerftastic vengence! Run! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! He will nerf the promiscous teenagers down by the lake first!



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!


[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean that the new Incarnate AT is a trap...?

[/ QUOTE ]

Che che che.... Nerf nerf nerf.... che che che.... nerf nerf nerf...

Nooooo! It's Statesman, come to exact his nerftastic vengence! Run! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! He will nerf the promiscous teenagers down by the lake first!

[/ QUOTE ]

The virgin always lives.



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!


[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean that the new Incarnate AT is a trap...?

[/ QUOTE ]

Che che che.... Nerf nerf nerf.... che che che.... nerf nerf nerf...

Nooooo! It's Statesman, come to exact his nerftastic vengence! Run! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! He will nerf the promiscous teenagers down by the lake first!

[/ QUOTE ]

The virgin always lives.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, guess Kali and JackDaniels won't be surviving the nerf bat. Shame, I liked them...

I guess your the only one who's gonna survive, Eye.



I think they should. But I really get the sense that they are going to spring it on us when I5 goes to test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, the surprise is supposed to be part of "the fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

Nerf one hero and you're a villian.
Nerf a million heroes and you're an archvillian.
Nerf them all and you're a god...

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains everything.... Statesman is a Highlander! Everytime he nerfs a hero, he raises his mighty nerf bat to the sky, exclaims "There can be only one!" and gains their former power!


[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean that the new Incarnate AT is a trap...?

[/ QUOTE ]

Che che che.... Nerf nerf nerf.... che che che.... nerf nerf nerf...

Nooooo! It's Statesman, come to exact his nerftastic vengence! Run! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! He will nerf the promiscous teenagers down by the lake first!

[/ QUOTE ]

The virgin always lives.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, guess Kali and JackDaniels won't be surviving the nerf bat. Shame, I liked them...

I guess your the only one who's gonna survive, Eye.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who are you? Why do you always engage in these sick conversations with me?




Why do you always engage in these sick conversations with me?

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No clue, Eye. I wish I could blame Drugs or Alcohol, but sadly I cannot.

Who are you?

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I'm RICK JAMES, B***h!



Nerfs: Mr. Emmert through out the lecture constantly said that arising to challenges =fun. He said that all Ats should be able to do a mission on heroic solo. However, if invincible offers no challenge prepare yourself for the nerf bat (there goes my illusion/rad <sigh&gt.

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Guess that means we pretty much all get nerfed. At least all my characters seem to wind up being set to invincible eventually. As long as you throw just 2-3 mobs at me though, that'll be the case. Making levels mean more would just hurt grouping. Weakening the players wouldn't be the answer either. Hardcore players can handle more than non-hardcore. Casual players, exploring concepts, can be a lot weaker characters than an optimized one.

Increase the size of the spawns, as well as the levels, when we kick up the difficulty. That'll help even with tankers/scrappers, as bigger spawns, at least in the 40s, means more of the likes of sappers, psionic users, and the like.

Right after that he said that if you can agro 50 guys and not be defeated something is wrong.

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Amen to that. And being able to kill 50 in one shot is wrong as well.

He also stated that no one should be able to cap with out a defender. I’m assuming this means defense but it’s one of those shorthand notes and could also mean damage.

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I'd agree with that. There should be a defensive benefit to having a defender along for any class. The 50 mob situation, for instance...bad if you can do it solo. But grouped with support, why not?

He mentioned that the 30’s game and above is NOT Balanced (his emphasis). He said that he wanted to make it more challenging and exciting to get a Yes!! I beat it feeling. He didn’t mention specifics other than differing damage types.

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I'd agree with that, it isn't a challenge for certain builds, it isn't balanced. SOs really start to break those builds at 22, but with additional powers and enhancement slots leading into the 30s, it becomes much more prevelant. Don't know about the YES! I beat it feeling though. That's fine for some things, optional things, which provide an additional reward to justify it. But for day to day play, a lot of times it is nice and relaxing to just churn through some stuff. That stuff shouldn't be boring, but it also shouldn't be a Yes, I beat it! type situation. Intenseness can often be coupled with frustration. Like PvP, it should be avoidable a lot of the time.




Why do you always engage in these sick conversations with me?

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No clue, Eye. I wish I could blame Drugs or Alcohol, but sadly I cannot.

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I blame the public school system...and rap music...and the [censored] teletubby.

And good thing you didn't say that you were my father, because I have proof that you aren't.



Right after that he said that if you can agro 50 guys and not be defeated something is wrong.

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Amen to that. And being able to kill 50 in one shot is wrong as well.

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Well why would it be wrong to be able to kill 50 in one shot if you have an extremely powerful AoE (i.e. Nova)? If someone can herd 50 even level minions into a central area, why would it be wrong for a Blaster to be able to kill 50 even level minions? The minions are all clustered together and are within range of the Nova. What's wrong? The only thing wrong i see here is the fact that someone was able to herd 50 minions so the Blaster could Nova them.



I'm RICK JAMES' B***h!

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Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue




I'm RICK JAMES, B***h!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be your Charlie Murphy and slap your [censored] around.



They will NOT do this. They want to datamine even if they roll back stuff. I beleive that some of their "mistakes" have been following a datamining agenda.

They will not post anything until the change is on test when they will urge people to test it out and see how really unplayable it is.

Good god, will anyone play anything but a defender or a controller next issue? This new blaster power looks pretty sucktastic to me.



Well, I'm glad someone was taking notes!

The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

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Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

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As I remember it, Mr. E. was discussing a few ideas in the context of animal or pet sidekicks, i.e., an animal sidekick would start out at level 1, and the character would fight alongside said sidekick to raise that level. I think he may have also mentioned auto-exemplaring down to the animal sidekick's level, but don't quote me on that.

Mr. E. also mentioned, as I recall, that they were considering implementing ways of acquiring temporary powers outside of missions and the arena. I wouldn't be surprised if this became an alternate use for the universities.

Good summation overall, ZB. If I remember anything else important or interesting to add, I'll pop back in.


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Pets? As in a little puppy that you raise as your own? Wow, now that would be cool. I need a puppy
