Statesman Speaks at Origins




EG you aren't living up to your name!

Run around screaming DOOOOOOMMMMMMMM™!!! for all to see and hear!



If the standard truely was "if invincible offers no challenge prepare yourself for the nerf bat", that wouldn't be so bad. The problem is that the standard really is "if anyone with your powerset has less challenge than we want you to have, prepare for the nerfbat." If you're not min/maxing the build, learn now, the nerfs are going to be designed so that the min-maxers are brought to "normal" so anyone less optimized will be subnormal.

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And this my friends, is my problems with "nerfs" in a nut shell. Yeah sure, SOMETIMES something really IS out of wack and needs fixed, but 9 times out of 10, nerfs happen because a few people learn how to beat the system, and the rest of us "normal" gamers are the ones that end up paying for it. I can't DO what tankers on these boards brag about. I can't herd whole maps... i can't solo AV's. (I have a hard team beliving this one personally..) I can't tank 50 +7's, at all, let alone go cook dinner while i do it. But apperently people here brag they can, the dev's belive them, and nerf us ALL as a resualt. Ah well... at least my tank hit 50, and i hae my memerories of being a "super" hero... seeing as how Statesmen's plan for 50's basically involves rerolling... I'll guess i'll give that a shot... Can you at least tell me, Mr. Statesmen, who you aren't going to nerf anytime soon... so i can give them a shot.... You've said Defender are where you like them... but i've heard that before about... tanks... scrappers.... hammi o's.....

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Strangely, one of the "Tanker" nerfs didn't affect casual players in the *slightest* because they weren't hitting the 90% resistance cap that they added.

Changes can only affect the power levelers/min-maxers. Say they add code to mobs that after you get 30+ mobs within 30' of each other they debuffed defense and resistance around them? How does that affect people that don' herd?

Very little, as if they are getting more than 30+ mobs, they were probably going to die anyways, where as the min-maxers were not even ruffled before, and now they have run into a hard limit that they won't be able to supercede.

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But the poster you answered to is a casual player who wouldn't think of plvl'g his toons on farming missions and bridges!.....and cows have grown wings too, it's amazing!



You're right, caps are a sort of nerf that only affects the min/maxers and leaves the rest alone. That's what many people were asking for in the last round of regen nerfs, a cap on regenneration.

Instead, the key regen powers got nerfed.

I'd be happy if the devs go the route you're talking, but I have my doubts.

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The way they changed that was so that you still had to spend the same number of slots to get the lesser effect. If they had capped it like you were wanting, it would have required less slots and so therefore you could plug them into power pools/attacks more, which would still leave regen "better" in a very important way.

Still here, even after all this time!





YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Please remember this is YOUR opinion... please don't qualify it as a fact.

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I've gotta agree with LiquidX on this actually. Any build can make it to 50 without Stamina; that's a fact. It may be easier with Stamina than without, but it's possible. Thus it's not "required".





YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Please remember this is YOUR opinion... please don't qualify it as a fact.

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I've gotta agree with LiquidX on this actually. Any build can make it to 50 without Stamina; that's a fact. It may be easier with Stamina than without, but it's possible. Thus it's not "required".

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In other words, it won't kill you.





YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Please remember this is YOUR opinion... please don't qualify it as a fact.

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I've gotta agree with LiquidX on this actually. Any build can make it to 50 without Stamina; that's a fact. It may be easier with Stamina than without, but it's possible. Thus it's not "required".

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lol ... sure if you say that you are dependent on others.

DA is either dependent on a buffer OR on getting Stamina. Otherwise there is no way DA can afford that endo drain.

I guess if you argued that it's ok for them to take 25 years to hit level 50 then yeah they could do it but personally I'll grant DA the arguement that they need Stamina.




"Alright, heres the plan. The tank and scrapper are going to get Diabolique's aggro. The Defender is gonna debuff her. Blasters I want you to jump off that building then come in and alpha strike her. Got it? Alright lets go"

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ROFLMAO!!! That's exactly what's going to happen!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



3) I liked his comment concerning Ghost Falcon: I would replace him with a chalk outline. It isn't that Jack doesn't like stores, he just doesn't like the fact everyone can get the same things at them. If he had to do it all over agin, he would have left all enhancements available thru contacts only, with only certain ones being available thru certain contacts. And not just one kind of origin type, but I got the impression maybe only certain types (like maybe enhanced damage, but no enhanced accuracy).

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I can only assume this is to promote soloing lol. Some builds dont get to do their own missions as easily as others (defenders/controllers). Now we turn grouping into a fight to get your mission done so you can buy your basic enhancements... yay?



But, like I said, he only mentioned Talos and IP. So I definitely don't think this is the big "OMG ENHANCEMENT NERF, GAME IS DOOMED" warning we are making it out to be.

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I agree. I hope the system they finally work out in the end has the stores as a place to sell at least and they reduce the cost of buying enhancements at the contacts. Only time will tell though.

About toughing up the post 30's game, he said something to the effect of I'll increase the xp gained for the tougher fights I just want to increase the challenge (remember challenge=fun and choices=fun). As someone who takes (or should I say took) my DA scrapper on unyeilding rularu missions for fun I guess I agree with him.

I hope that they increase Blasters hitpoints as well as add in Desperation.

One thing about Mr Emmert that really impressed me. He really cares about his fans. When 30 people showed up for his Friday Lan party, he was of course irritated but I also saw disapointment in there. When he was drawing the names out of the hat (the final solution for the fact that there were too many folks) he looked pained. He appologized over and over again to the folks that didn't get in (curse you Origins!!!!!). He was open to joking around with his fans. He went the extra mile on the second oversold Lan and stayed to play with the others that were there. Also, I have many friends that are in the game developement business. I see how many hours they work and how drained they become. His stance on regular working hours for programers warms my heart.

Honestly, I expected him to be a stuck up <this will be censored>. Seriously, when every phrase you say is analyzed to a point that it puts Kremlinzation to shame, that changes people. You have lots of folks coming up to you and saying how great you are or how awful you are, that can't help but change you to some degree. Yet, he wasn't stuck up at all. He honestly had fun with his fans. He beemed with excitement when he played his game.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like alot of the decisions that the team has made <cough> Cloak of Fear whydidyouhaveto changeit whyyyyy? <cough>. For Mr Emmert as a person though I have a great deal of respect. That's something I wouldn't have said before I saw him in action.

One thing that got lost in the many pages of this post. States is going to be a Daddy. I think if challenges=fun he's going to have so much fun on his hands he won't know what to do with himself. <wicked grin>



Yeah.. All in all it sounds like Statesman wants to make make enhancments "special", but all he will succede in doing is making them annoy as hell.

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Its loot by another name, with camping to "gear" up to SO level. Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights?





YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Please remember this is YOUR opinion... please don't qualify it as a fact.

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I've gotta agree with LiquidX on this actually. Any build can make it to 50 without Stamina; that's a fact. It may be easier with Stamina than without, but it's possible. Thus it's not "required".

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lol ... sure if you say that you are dependent on others.

DA is either dependent on a buffer OR on getting Stamina. Otherwise there is no way DA can afford that endo drain.

I guess if you argued that it's ok for them to take 25 years to hit level 50 then yeah they could do it but personally I'll grant DA the arguement that they need Stamina.

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Have you tried doing just that?....a friend of mine doesn't have it (yeah MA/DA without stamina, just end reducers) it slows him down a lot, but he definitely doesn't need stamina.

If you need to hit level 50 right now then you need stamina....



I was playing BS/DA and until I got SO's in Stamina I was finding myself very very pissed.

Of course if you have buffers taking care of your endo problem then sure you can do it (so who's buffing him ).



Lets not get caught up in what is needed or not needed. Its all about individual preference. I can probably figure out a public bus route that will get me to work, so I don't necessarily NEED a car but I will put up with the inflating gas prices, the rush hour traffic, the upkeep and maintenance costs solely because I WANT to I know other people who live by taxi and bus routes. /shrug

There is no wrong side to this. At least thats how I feel anyways.





YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Please remember this is YOUR opinion... please don't qualify it as a fact.

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I've gotta agree with LiquidX on this actually. Any build can make it to 50 without Stamina; that's a fact. It may be easier with Stamina than without, but it's possible. Thus it's not "required".

[/ QUOTE ]

lol ... sure if you say that you are dependent on others.

DA is either dependent on a buffer OR on getting Stamina. Otherwise there is no way DA can afford that endo drain.

I guess if you argued that it's ok for them to take 25 years to hit level 50 then yeah they could do it but personally I'll grant DA the arguement that they need Stamina.

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Now Havok, of course a DA can make 50 without Stamina. They just can't use any of their DA powers though!
Blapping isn't just for Blasters.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Wrong ... wright ... meh ... regardless it's all my fault



Oooo good point EG!

If it's too expensive don't use it!



If it's too expensive don't use it!

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If, and that's a big if, Stamina gets nerfed, expect to hear that a lot.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Or six slot End reducer for the win.



If the standard truely was "if invincible offers no challenge prepare yourself for the nerf bat", that wouldn't be so bad. The problem is that the standard really is "if anyone with your powerset has less challenge than we want you to have, prepare for the nerfbat." If you're not min/maxing the build, learn now, the nerfs are going to be designed so that the min-maxers are brought to "normal" so anyone less optimized will be subnormal.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this my friends, is my problems with "nerfs" in a nut shell. Yeah sure, SOMETIMES something really IS out of wack and needs fixed, but 9 times out of 10, nerfs happen because a few people learn how to beat the system, and the rest of us "normal" gamers are the ones that end up paying for it. I can't DO what tankers on these boards brag about. I can't herd whole maps... i can't solo AV's. (I have a hard team beliving this one personally..) I can't tank 50 +7's, at all, let alone go cook dinner while i do it. But apperently people here brag they can, the dev's belive them, and nerf us ALL as a resualt. Ah well... at least my tank hit 50, and i hae my memerories of being a "super" hero... seeing as how Statesmen's plan for 50's basically involves rerolling... I'll guess i'll give that a shot... Can you at least tell me, Mr. Statesmen, who you aren't going to nerf anytime soon... so i can give them a shot.... You've said Defender are where you like them... but i've heard that before about... tanks... scrappers.... hammi o's.....

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Strangely, one of the "Tanker" nerfs didn't affect casual players in the *slightest* because they weren't hitting the 90% resistance cap that they added.

Changes can only affect the power levelers/min-maxers. Say they add code to mobs that after you get 30+ mobs within 30' of each other they debuffed defense and resistance around them? How does that affect people that don' herd?

Very little, as if they are getting more than 30+ mobs, they were probably going to die anyways, where as the min-maxers were not even ruffled before, and now they have run into a hard limit that they won't be able to supercede.

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But the poster you answered to is a casual player who wouldn't think of plvl'g his toons on farming missions and bridges!.....and cows have grown wings too, it's amazing!

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huh? you've lost me...

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



I dunno. The stores gives a sense of a city. That business if being transacted there. Removing the stores... well, I supose you could put some NPC contacts there, just like the ones in Bricks and Founders, but people already have a heck of a time finding those guys... why confuse them in the 20s?

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Agreed, considering that I've had to go to the boards and a fansite to figure out how to get my SOs, I'm afraid this will go farther to widen the gap between the min/max-ers and the more casual players.



Thanks, Zombie_Butler, for taking the time to provide this info.

On Blasters: As stated above, by the time a blaster is in enough trouble to warrant the damage buff, they are running for their lives as opposed to taking more shots at mobs.

On Stores: IF all stores are going to be converted to contacts that will supply inspirations, make sure to list ALL inspirations that will eventually be available from that contact in the store screen. Gray them out until they are available but don't leave the player wondering if it's worth his/her while to invest time with a particular contact and then discover that the enhancements offered are of no use.

On Wings: Hire one animator whose duty will be to make wings work for every AT and toon (not as a seperate AT). Take as long as required to make this work. There is no such thing as investing 'too much' programming time for a feature that we've anticipated since prebeta.



I'm sure there's a middleground between "breezing through missions on Invincible" and "how come my blood is all outside of me?"!

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When has this dev team ever found a middle ground with anything? Status Effects? No. -Regen? No. Boss upgrades? No. Endurance Useage? No. Kryptonite type Enemies? No. PvP? No.

Just saying.....

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Agreed, I think some of the frustration with "nerfs" and other changes is that they're rarely small changes... for example, boss changes in I2 increased boss' power AND hit points (while also rolling out the difficulty slider) -- and when they got rolled back the power was rolled back AND taken out of heroic missions. As a tendency, changes to the game tend to be frustrating because it feels like a negotiation where the seller opens with an extreme high offer in order to get us to end up at a high end price.



The whole store thing sounds like its part of States' plan to tweak the whole SO system in the game (increasing costs, so players rely more on drops to trade, etc). Did he say anything further to that issue?

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Sorry I just woke up from a marathon 12 hours worth of sleep. Anyone who goes to cons will understand .

He said that earlier in the developement of the game, he wanted enhancements to be a psudocrafting kind of thing. When he said this I remembered the early days of /b" I have a mut/debuff for sale or trade." I hope he dosen't go that way. I would like to see the power 10 take a hike.

If he does go this route many folks will need help getting enhancements from other heroes (the one's with the contacts built up).



I hope i'm just reading that wrong...or something was lost in translation.....I'm reading that as: don't expect much 50+ content, because we're catering to the young'uns.

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States actually did touch on post 50 content alot during the lecture it's just that my notes are terrible. I hope that someone who can remember what he said will step up to the plate or post as it were. This is actually referring to the type of player that this MMO is atracting.



Stamina- So in other words, he's gonna leave the base system BROKEN and force some AT Builds to give up 3 power selections for Stamina just to be able to WORK? I guess not even CRITICAL issues get the attentions they needed let alone Quality of Life issues...

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YOU DO NOT NEED STAMINA. The "requirement" of Stamina is simply in your head. The Necessity of Stamina has been greatly exagerated.

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Depends on your powersets, IMO. My MA/SR scrapper can't make it through a battle the tougher mobs (playing a solo mission on heroic) without running out of END while running only one toggle at a time... even with two End Reduction DOs in the toggles.

I hate teaming with him because he's always out of END in battles and I end up trying to find ways not to be obviously hiding away from battles because I don't want to be asking for an END break after every battle.

Something is wrong there, IMO.