Controller update
Kewl, thanks Statesman.
Thanks for the update
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...nothing at the moment is set in stone
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Poor earth controllers!
Rend this space....
So... status quo for the Cryptic Dev team, eh?
Still, always good to hear updates though.
Hey States! Thanks for the update! I said this in another thread, but I might as well say it here:
When you Devs get a specific list of changes you're thinking of down, *please* bring 'em by here and let us controllers read them.
A lot of us are happy with our controllers and thus we aren't as vocal on the boards. By letting us know ahead of time what you're contemplating, those of us that are currently happy will respond with our thoughts.
Because not everybody likes to go around and around in the tit for tat way that some of the big threads get to.
Balance is not about making everybody the same. Balance is about making your strengths worth all of your weaknesses.
...nothing at the moment is set in stone
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Poor earth controllers!
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Additional useless acknowledgement, Statesman!
Thanks for all of your suggestions in the Dev Corner. I've noted them all down for analysis.
There's no immediate deadline for changes Archetype wide, though individual power sets might need attention sooner. I just wanted to say that nothing at the moment is set in stone.
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Wow...the sky really IS falling!
I guess he figured repeating that here was apprpos since he mentioned this elsewhere a few days ago. Not thrilling, but it is methodical.
Thanks for the update, States! I am sure I speak for more than just myself when I say that I am eagerly awaiting your ideas on how to help the controller AT out, along with what specific sets are going to recieve attention.
I sincerely hope you will share this information with us when you have some concrete ideas!
Thanks for all of your suggestions in the Dev Corner. I've noted them all down for analysis.
There's no immediate deadline for changes Archetype wide, though individual power sets might need attention sooner. I just wanted to say that nothing at the moment is set in stone.
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LOL, perhaps I am just a cynic at heart but I remember how the Tanker changes came about. Don't praise before you hear their intentions. ;P
Tankers begged for the devs to take a look at their class some of the more vocal folks got them to do it. And we all know that it took a good long while before the smoke cleared from that firing line.
I certainly hope the controller changes go smoother, but Fire and Illusion players had better see the writing on the wall.
Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)
I just want to say I am impressed he managed to read that entire thread - even if he just read the important posts - meaning mine - it is a massive achievement in and of itself. Lets us know when something is decided.
I didn't take the time to read through that huge thread, but was anything ever brought up about giving xp (even if a small amount) from confused enemies? I have a mind control/kinetics controller who is lvl 17, and when I solo I have noticed that confuse is one of my best powers, but I don't get any experience from it Again, I don't know if anyone brought that up in that 200 page thread.
Thanks States for taking care of the controller too
Tama- Guardian
Thanks for all of your suggestions in the Dev Corner. I've noted them all down for analysis.
There's no immediate deadline for changes Archetype wide, though individual power sets might need attention sooner. I just wanted to say that nothing at the moment is set in stone.
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Translation: don't waste your time trying to get that fire controller to 32. ;-)
OK, this is concerning me greatly... I certainly don't want to be a Chicken Little, but historically, every time they have focused on AT issues in the past, it has involved lessening the abilities of the better powers (call it nerfing, bug fixing, balancing or whatever you like). Sure, they will probably beef up some powers that desperately need it, but anything FOTM will likely get hosed.
Devs, I'm sorry, but you just don't have a very good track record in my opinion for these kinds of changes. I constantly feel like I'm playing a board or card game with someone who keeps making up or changing the rules in the middle of play to cheat and make it impossible for me to do well. I know that's not the intent, but that sure is the perception sometimes.
When I create my characters, I do the research and find out what other people find effective so I don't find myself in a situation where I chose stupid powers and can't even beat up on an even con minion or two. That's just smart playing. When the powers I chose get their effectiveness reduced, I feel like I am being punished for actually thinking before acting.
Despite what some readers may think, I'm not whining or complaining about the potential changes to Controllers; I am just stating my concerns based on historical facts. Until the Devs reveal their plans, there is no way to know what they actually plan to do. Statesman and the others have encouraged us to post our opinions on the boards so they know what their customers think and can (presumably) better serve us. So here I am.
I have greatly enjoyed the game and would like to continue to do so! So far, most of the major 'nerfs' have not hit close to home, but this one threatens to, as the characters I have had the most fun with are controllers. If they become even more frustrating to play, it could easily become a deciding issue on whether or not to continue to budget for CoH for my wife and myself.
NOTE: I don't read all the forums regularly, so I missed the original call for comments, otherwise I would have posted this in that thread, and much sooner!
...nothing at the moment is set in stone
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Poor earth controllers!
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yeh, he beat me to it.
or perhaps he's eluding to the emergence of SAND controllers... *runs off to reserve the name Sandman*
Boy i'm glad he went out on a limb with telling us all that
I just wanted to say that nothing at the moment is set in stone.
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This is for all the new players and those that learn very slowly from past experiances...
Boy i'm glad he went out on a limb with telling us all that
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I know.. isn't it amazing? I mean all of my concerns are suddenly GONE. Statesman is so clear and concise and knows exactly what to say.
Erm.. Ok.. seriously though. It is nice to know that the devs ARE still looking and that we haven't been cast aside. I love controling(I actualy feel chalanged when I do it) and my grav controller, but I will admit we need help. I would just have liked to know what kind of help we are getting.
Come on Statesman.. anything.. anything at all? You can even use your patented "Statesman's Super Sonic Ultra Powerfull Encryption System"! So what if we don't understand it. We can at least pretend you told us something.
cryptic is very good name for this company.
controllers are balanced! they're equal parts frustration and joy. pre 32 your written off as a gimped defender yet at the same time your more group dependant than a real defender. post 32 your a self contained group that can solo a dozen oranges/reds at a time.
even though i'm long past the frustration stage I would be willing to have my controller nerfed somewhat if it meant making a trade off so the first 32 levels wouldn't be such hell! that way i might entertain starting another controller maybe grav or earth. as big a booster as I am of controller's... I'd never be able to handle crap I had to go through the first time.
controllers are balanced! they're equal parts frustration and joy.
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Haha! I love that. I don't think I have ever heard it put quite so well before. Although plenty would argue with you, I think that is a good way of putting it. I should stick that in my signature..
Thanks for all of your suggestions in the Dev Corner. I've noted them all down for analysis.
There's no immediate deadline for changes Archetype wide, though individual power sets might need attention sooner. I just wanted to say that nothing at the moment is set in stone.