Red Valkyrja

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I guess you totally missed the part that caused my amazement... or are intentionally being obtuse to make me look more stupid than I would otherwise appear.

    Also, to take on the statement above, it is not that I think new players are dumb... but more that they are ignorant of what things they may need to know, or remember in the first place. Also, I can't imagine most newer players have any idea there is a Test Server... I know I didn't learn about it until LONG after I had started playing (in fact, I didn't join the forums until months after I started playing... and didn't learn about Test until well after that).
    I'm not sure that any player unfamiliar with the game or even MMO's in general really even thinks about their build in the first hour. I know I didn't, not until I had played for a lot longer than an hour, more like after my 14 days of free trial time had run out and I started subscribing to the game.

    About the only people I would think that that hour can be spent doing something better than leveling another character up to level 6, is someone who's played the game long enough that they can get past level 10 in that same hour.

    A new player, is going to spend a lot more time in the character creator than than will on getting to level 6, because our CC is just that awesome. They may forget to save their costume the first time, they probably wont the second time around. Isn't nice that we even have that option now?
  2. You can get it here.

    As for the relevant announcement you can see it here.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Have things like people wanting to be able to preview attack animations and the like been taken into consideration with the for-purchase powersets? Will they be selectable and then buyable like costume pieces, or will they be grayed-out and unable to even be looked at like the GR sets?

    Guessing the latter, but I can speak for myself, at least, and say I'm a little hesitant to put real money into a set when I don't know what it looks like.
    Were I new player, I'd pick a powerset that looked interesting or fit a concept and probably ignore any powersets requiring me to purchase them until I saw it in action in the game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    You call it hilarious, once might be amusing, but if they're doing it on a regular basis... starts seeming kind of childish.
    You mean like the original thread that spawned this?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    /agree with this

    if your toons not even lvl 6 just save the costume and reroll
    Seriously, I've rerolled 20's, let alone who knows how many level 6s.
  6. Red Valkyrja

    SG Info Question

    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    Really irks me when someone gives an invite - I've never met the person, grouped with them or anything. Yet somehow they want me in their SG.
    One of my used of /ignore
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    Last word I recall hearing on this from the Devs wasn't "we don't want to" but "we don't see any point." Still a no but not quite as emphatic.
    The last word I heard from a dev about powerset repsecs is that it would invalidate all the work the company has done to make this game alt-friendly.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
    I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.

    If we can have VIP servers please make one female only.

    You have /petition

    ...included in your subscription fee.

    You have /ignore

    ...included in your subscription fee.

    That you seem to think that females wont harass other females

  9. Woot!

    New job, so this will be the first 2XP weekend I will be able to join in since I started playing, almost 4 years ago.
  10. So after spending all of Saturday moving into my new apartment and getting no sleep from being so sore, what did I do... flew down to Comic Con, walked around from 10am until a quarter to 5. Went to dinner at CafeDiem with a friend that joined me at the Con, then we went to the Corvette Diner for desert with the same friend. Finally got in at 11:30.

    I'm beat, but I had fun. Got my Vicky and got my Praetorian Guard.

    <goes wondering off to PAX West site>

  11. Red Valkyrja

    Cliff Notes

    Originally Posted by LordPig View Post

    I've been kind of gone

    but other game is now doing annoying stuff, can I get a cliff notes version of the stuff since going rogue.

    You were gone?

    Never noticed...


  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    And Vatican City is not a City, but a country.
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    It's both.
    And that's even freakier.
  13. I'm going to maintain the status quo.
  14. Six 50's all with Alphas unlocked, two have at least their Alphas slotted, one of them has two T3's.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cinder_Flux View Post
    I still don't get it.

    I have played this game for over 6 yrs and have yet to see a healer AT.
    Nor have I. Though at times I've heard people calling for one and at other times I've heard people claiming to be one.

    At that point I usually cross the street and avoid eye contact.
  16. Red Valkyrja

    Tip drop rate

    On the same character I've gone through multiple mission without getting a single Tip to drop and there there are times like last night where I had three drop... while I was in my Morality mission. <shrug> RNG is random.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goddamage View Post
    I always thought it is a bit unfair that there's no hero equivalent to the villain mastermind power set. I also understand that one could just work through Praetoria and go hero at the end, but that's not the same.

    Another reason for this would be to have an Angel summoning power (pointed out in another thread). I'm sure everyone could see how cool that would be. I suppose it wouldn't be necessary to have a Hero MM to have that particular power, but it sorta wouldn't make sense as a Villain power.

    So, what other Hero MM powers would be cool? Robots, Ninjas, and Soldiers could stay, but Villains could keep Demons, Thugs, and Zombies... I'd say those aren't really suitable for Heroes. To replace those, on the Hero side I'd add Angels, Beast/Animal summoning, and Police Back-up.
    Well, all of my angels are bent on the destruction of mankind, except for my Main, who despite her name is not actually an angel. As for a Blueside MM, I roll an Illusion Controller or join a full team on my Defender. Usually has a better pet AI, but not always. ^.^
  18. I will at least be able to attend on Sunday. Wish I could have attended the entire show for my first time there.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
    Just you wait, the next time you look at the image, Manticore will sneak back in there.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
    I'll give you a topic. Galaxy City is neither a Galaxy nor a City. Discuss amongst yourselves.
    And Vatican City is not a City, but a country.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    No, they've said what is now Energy Blast was their first attempt way back in the day 7 years ago. That doesn't mean they think it's an adequate stand-in today.

    I've also never heard them say that making Water would make Ultra mode mandatory, but that could easily have been something I missed. I'm more likely to accept that they said to do Water the way they'd like to would require Ultra Mode levels of graphics, which isn't the same thing.
    They have stated in the past, more recently I think I heard it mentioned in U-Stream as well.

    Techbot Alpha is correct that they said that a water based power would require Ultra Mode and that they were unwilling to have a power that not everyone could use (ie use without looking incredibly awful.)

    Personally, I have found Fire coloured in blues to make a very nice Water power.

    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I always figured a 'holy' dmg type would be energy/fire DoT along with an additional effect of -dmg and additional fire dmg vs undead...

    A 'spiritual' or 'holy' damage set really isn't that farfetched.
    Really depends on a character's personal viewpoint of what it "holy". For one of mine it's plants.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BROOOTALITY View Post
    It's reasons like this that so many people switch to consoles.
    Even if they should ever port CoH over to a console platform, I surely would not abandon my computer to play on it. Another game tried the whole PC/console platform, guess what, it blew chunks.

    I've had very few graphics issues myself and haven't had to roll back, but then I've been a little slow in updating my drivers, seems that's been a good thing this round.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Maaaan, those Rx10 links won't open for me. I was really looking forward to seeing what he thinks is a "good build," too.
    What it looks like is that Rx10 allocated only as many slots to a power that would accommodate the different Enhancements that can be slotted into said power.

    For instance Nullify Pain allows for:
    Reduce Endurance Cos
    Enhance Heal
    Increase Attack Rat

    So Rx10 only put 3 slots in Nullify Pain, slotting one each of the above, and did the same for every single power in both primary and secondary of his Merc/Pain MM. There were the occasional Set IO, but only ever one of them.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    My characters need a respec badly. I was planning to take a weekend later this month to do it but with all of these new powers coming I'm probably going to wait.

    1.Does anyone know what the time manipulation powers are and how many slots will be needed for each power in this set? For the past 6 months, I've been grooming a dominator replacement for my controller. She's at 45 now and I was planning to delete the controller when the dominator hits 50. But with these new powers, I may delay her execution.
    Unknown at this time, but each power will need at least one slot...


    2.Also, I was in pocket d and I clicked on Null the Gull. I could of sworn I killed all of those enemies on all of my characters when I maturated them but I"m showing I haven't killed any of them. Is anyone showing completed when you click on the bird? Do you have to defeat the enemies personally or as part of group too?
    I have seen the appropriate answers for characters that have Dimensional Warder Badge, have taken out some of the Praetorians, and have done zero.

    3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server.
    I will make at least one character over there but I have absolutely no intention of moving any of my characters to the VIP server. As for the play on non-overpopulation servers, yes it is very different. Thankfully.

    4.Finally, how many of you plan to stay VIP or go to F2P/Premium? I'll probably stay VIP but the Paragon Points don't really interest me at all. I really wish they would fix some of the incarnate bugs(cooldown timers, disconnects, and Trial leader bump). I've crafted so many slots I really would like to be able to use them more during play.
    I will remain subscribed to the game until they turn the lights out.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Not for me. I love that 100k prestige bonus my praets get the first time they join an SG.
    Same here, Forbin and some friend of mine were baffled about why I keep making Praetorians (besides the awesome stories.) Apparently, they were unaware of the Prestige bonus for signing on an ex-Praet.