Water and Holy power sets...
Yes they've been suggestd before but no harm in suggesting them again.
1) Not happening. It would require Ultra-mode to be mandatory, a move the Devs have said multiple times they don't want to do. Im fairly sure they also said that Energy Blast coloured blue is as good a stand in.
2) Unlikely. Energy Blast, again. Or a Peacebringer if you want. The 'light' powers the likes of the Legacy Chain are, guess what? Reskinned and different sounding Energy Blast.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Well ok for 1) but they are talking a lot about introducing more sets after i21 and I thnk there is room for a holy or divine themed set.
1) Im fairly sure they also said that Energy Blast coloured blue is as good a stand in.
I've also never heard them say that making Water would make Ultra mode mandatory, but that could easily have been something I missed. I'm more likely to accept that they said to do Water the way they'd like to would require Ultra Mode levels of graphics, which isn't the same thing.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
The already have several single target, cone and aoe water powers ingame for coralex to use such as waterspout. Some of which was made available in villain patron pools.
Some of the power are already there, they just need to be ported over to player use and added from patron pools to full powersets.
Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.

They have powers that pass for water powers on a limited basis, but when you get down to it they look like poo. It's not a matter of "just need to be ported over" because if they made those powers into something they expected people to play 1-50, it would be acclaimed to be the worst looking powerset ingame.
It's the same reason they didn't take any of the existing pistol attacks (or even dual pistol attacks) when they made the Dual Pistols set. If you're going to make a full powerset meant to showcase something, you do it right.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Basically, water is really, really hard to do well in CG. It's possible to make it believable when it's a "static" surface (i.e. animated water in a static location) and if you're good you can make it believable in semi-static situations (rain, waterfalls, fountains, etc) but making it believable in a dynamic situation, such as would be required for a powerset, is extremely hard without throwing a ton of processing power at it (and even then it looks crap half the time).
Most of the really good stuff is either pre-rendered, tightly controlled in terms of the environment and what you see or running on ludicrous hardware.
Basically, the devs don't want to half-**** it and it's not easy to fully ****
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To keep it simple, "Your fictional holy characters may behave very differently from my perception of (real of fictitious) holy characters, which has the potential to seriously offend some persons."
I always figured a 'holy' dmg type would be energy/fire DoT along with an additional effect of -dmg and additional fire dmg vs undead...
A 'spiritual' or 'holy' damage set really isn't that farfetched.

No, they've said what is now Energy Blast was their first attempt way back in the day 7 years ago. That doesn't mean they think it's an adequate stand-in today.
I've also never heard them say that making Water would make Ultra mode mandatory, but that could easily have been something I missed. I'm more likely to accept that they said to do Water the way they'd like to would require Ultra Mode levels of graphics, which isn't the same thing. |
Techbot Alpha is correct that they said that a water based power would require Ultra Mode and that they were unwilling to have a power that not everyone could use (ie use without looking incredibly awful.)
Personally, I have found Fire coloured in blues to make a very nice Water power.
Really depends on a character's personal viewpoint of what it "holy". For one of mine it's plants.
for these two i largely go with recoloring existing powers. for water i use energy blast and kin melee, and for holy energy blast again, maybe fire melee. mechanically, energy seems to be the opposite of negative energy(most defensive sets that are strong against one show a weakness to the other, much like ice and fire) so that works as well as i have needed.
Well, as stated, water powers would either A) look horrible, or B) require more processing power just to display them.
"Holy" powers are very unlikely to happen.
Because it brings in religious conotations to the game that the devs do NOT want to have to deal with.
Think about it, have you seen ANYTHING in this game that can be tied in with an existing real world religion? The only religions even mentioned in the game are either A) ancient ones that no one practices anymore, or B) completely fictional and existing only in the game.
If you put a "holy" powerset in the game, you are going to have huge problems with people getting offended all over the place when other people start making religious-themed characters. There's a reason politics and religion are off-limits topics on the forums, and that is the same reason that we most likely won't see a "holy" powerset.
The game doesn't need publicity like that.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Personally I could see 'spiritual', rather than 'holy'. Really they're the same thing to some extent but the former doesn't imply religion and all the potential offense people could take at it should it not happen to fit their own.
Really, spiritual or holy anything is more of a power source, rather than a power itself. The question is, is that magic or natural origin? By the ingame descriptions I'd say probably magic.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Hm, well...
While a water based powerset would be nice, it will require a sizable graphics system (though, Bile Spray and Typhoon from the Leviathan Mastery set do well)
As for Holy... well, I wouldn't mind that, but that would then invoke the Magic power set, such as cantrips and the like, and that would render one of the origins somewhat null and void. I like the fact that the origins define missions and enhancements, while the powers can be anything you wish, they just have the magic/divine/infernal descriptor inherently.
For holy, it may be a good idea to change the colour of a power you like, or, as many people including myself do, go a pure human peacebringer and just say you aren't one ICly. (though, this can render soloing very difficult, and void stalkers would be a consistently confusing presence in missions).
My Angel is a Fire/Fire Blaster - she has a mighty Fire Sword, just like the Archangels.
Honestly, there are so many possible powers combinations that would potentially be "holy" that we don't need new powersets:
Holy Sword - Broad Sword; Fire or Ice Melee; Fire or Ice Manipulation; Katana; Dual Blades
Hammer (as in Thor) - Mace
Blasts - any Blast set, colored as you see fit; Peacebringers
The main objection to haveing a specific powerset called "Holy" (usually a blasting set) is who defines "Holy" - are we only talking about Judeo-Christian definitions? What about others?
anywho, /unsigned.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Think about it, have you seen ANYTHING in this game that can be tied in with an existing real world religion? The only religions even mentioned in the game are either A) ancient ones that no one practices anymore, or B) completely fictional and existing only in the game. If you put a "holy" powerset in the game, you are going to have huge problems with people getting offended all over the place when other people start making religious-themed characters. There's a reason politics and religion are off-limits topics on the forums, and that is the same reason that we most likely won't see a "holy" powerset. The game doesn't need publicity like that. |
The main objection to having a specific powerset called "Holy" (usually a blasting set) is who defines "Holy" - are we only talking about Judeo-Christian definitions? What about others? |
You can create a religion-based character now without needing a "holy" set. And it doesn't step on anyone's toes.
If you create a set and say that the power of the set comes from some sort of holiness, you're probably going to piss someone off with it.
Since there really isn't anything you can do with a "holy" set that you can't do already with something else, there is no reason to piss people off for no real reason.
Besides, you don't really expect them to add another damage type to the game just for that set, do you? It's going to have one of the damage types already in existence.
Since we can color our powers pretty much however we want now, just take whichever set you like the mechanics of the best and color it whatever your definition of holy powers would be.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
"Holy" powers are very unlikely to happen.
Why? Because it brings in religious conotations to the game that the devs do NOT want to have to deal with. Think about it, have you seen ANYTHING in this game that can be tied in with an existing real world religion? The only religions even mentioned in the game are either A) ancient ones that no one practices anymore, or B) completely fictional and existing only in the game. If you put a "holy" powerset in the game, you are going to have huge problems with people getting offended all over the place when other people start making religious-themed characters. There's a reason politics and religion are off-limits topics on the forums, and that is the same reason that we most likely won't see a "holy" powerset. The game doesn't need publicity like that. |
But if that card must be played, fine. Swap 'holy' for 'divine'. Wow, that was easy. Can't refute that. We have divine in the game. Divine beings, divine essence, divine avalanche...
Now just figure out what such a power type entails, iron out the mechanics and bam...

An angel MM would be great! I want Word of Power for an attack.
If we can have demon MM, we can have angels too, darnit.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
An angel MM would be great! I want Word of Power for an attack.
![]() If we can have demon MM, we can have angels too, darnit. |
Water powers... ok, I get the technical limitations of that. Just because my computer can handle it doesn't mean everyone's who plays this can. I see the point there, and I like it when devs allow for lower settings to accommodate lower-end users.
Holy powers... I see the "religious" issuer most of you brought up, but like a few others pointed out, there's no problem with having "Dark" powers or "Demon Summoning". That's why I said Holy (Light) power set. That said, I suppose a "Light" power set is easily accomplished with the "Energy" powers.
Good discussion, though. Thanks all.
I'll take the Hero MM and Angel Summoning to a new thread.
The Hero MM concept doesn't really work; Heroes very rarely have minions.
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You don't summon (unfallen) Angels. They appear, to deliver the Word or some Smiting (or both). Bonus points if they have a Terrorize aura that affects everyone.
They're not necessarily going to be Nordic androgynes or plump babies, either. I'm thinking of something more like M. L'Engle's version - a swirling, barely comprehensible mass of wings and eyes.
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An angel MM would be great! I want Word of Power for an attack.
![]() If we can have demon MM, we can have angels too, darnit. |
Demons/Monsters, this was in greek mythology. Angels were not. Or if one would like, the Gods were at points like the angels one thinks of today as angels (or the majority of people anyhow).
Messengers? Come down to earth as people/animals/what have you. All things the greek gods themselves did.
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Surely someone has suggested these before, but "search" didn't bring up anything, so yeah...
1. Non-Ice based water power sets.
2. Holy (or Light) based power sets... counter of Dark power sets.
3. Pimp Mastermind... with "ho" minions. (jk, of course)