Splitting the Difference (For Freedom Update)
So basically it sounds like you want to undo side-switching?
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Um... no.
If you want a "side specific" ability, well, you already have one. Run your morality missions.
To blur these changes and making us all basically be the same to one another will give us little to no purpose to choose a banner of heroics or villainy (most will go for heroics since they have more players). |
If you want a "side specific" ability, well, you already have one. Run your morality missions.
To me, a hero or villain can easily be told apart from one another not just from the costume but how they fight... once we start having villains act like heroes, it'll get rather confusing.
Except, of course, theme. Or wanting to run specific arcs. Or just "I feel like it." |
Specific arcs is what Going Rogue's for (and all others are accomplished in Ouroboros).
"I feel like it" is something I personally (so it doesn't hold much weight) have against... hero side and villain side pits us against one another - having someone casually switch sides tends to ruin fights for me.
Someone switching to hero side when the heroes are being beaten in a PVP zone may balance things, but it just completely loses the satisfaction from hero or villain side absolutely winning a match for a day.
That's my opinion, so it's not much.
The whole "Everyone will just be heroic" is as ridiculous a statement as "Free server transfers? Everyone will move to Freedom." Yeah. Didn't happen any of the times they offered those. Hell, people moved *OFF* of Freedoom. |
/rant: Also, a better substitution for this argument isn't "Free server transfers??" it would be "Enhancement Inventions?!"... the argument that enhancement inventions would make origin-specific enhancements obsolete for most players: Which it did - but at least you worked for it. This argument's similar to that: There are more benefits to being a hero than being a villain once you take away the power restrictions. ...us villains have... like... 2 co-op zones (not counting vanguard), compare that to how many danger zones heroes have.
Our powers, story arcs, and patrons is what made it special despite themes.
In hero side, everyone's powers were meant to compliment one another, which was nice since they have all those great co-op areas. Mix that with how many missions and accolade powers you have on that end (as far as I've seen villains have less accolade powers, though I may be wrong), and you'll have the heroes having so much shinies, with us villains having nothing but confusion as to why we even have strike forces on weekdays.
As long as I've played City of, the villains always had less. Heroes had organized areas, easy to understand enemies and rules, tons of great co-op zones and missions for exp, their patrons, and people who loved teaming. Villains had our story arcs, patrons, and powers.
That whole thing of allowing us to choose whatever Patron power we want despite the Patron make them less special, Ouroboros had gotten rid of specific story arcs making each villain unique in experience and accolades, and Going Rogue had gotten rid of the power restrictions (and I can argue that I don't like how much unnecessarily easier things have gotten since they fused the transportation services together, but that's off-topic). But the thing that made them still great: Is that we still had to work for them.
Not everyone switched, not everyone did every story arc, and not everyone got a Patron power.
As far as I can tell, this completely rids of the power restrictions... no more need of having to earn the chance of using villain (solo-friendly) powers on hero-side (team-friendly), or vice versa. Just instant boom, you have it. What'll make villains stick to being with villains other than theme once you remove that? Not everyone sticks with themes, some just go for benefits, and hero-side has the most to benefit from this. ...if we go against theme, us villains get a Defender (finally someone who can buff allies without some sort of obvious weakness)... which just feels wrong and awkward to me.

Actually, now that I think about it, this argument is closer to "Ninja Run?!"... the argument that having Ninja Run as an inherent power would make many players not desperately want to sacrifice one of their powers for a travel power in the early levels. And it's true: Many don't even bother with travel powers before lvl 20 nowadays ever since they just dropped a few bucks for that Martial Arts Booster pack. This is similar as it's "inherent"... they won't have to work hard to get a villainous or heroic benefit. They'll just have it.
I dunno, maybe if they just confirm that Mastermind, Defender, Corrupter, and Dominator aren't available for free players I'll be happier about this change. Because in all honesty, those are classes I see that make heroes heroic and villains villainous. And I seriously hope that Arachnos/Kheldian classes won't be free for players.

In general, this feels like it's moving closer to Champion's Online...
Where everyone has access to every power (if they're subscibed). PVP matches have an overflooding of too many people with "winning powersets" so variety starts getting killed off there...
I liked how much CoH/CoV was split in powers and alliances. But Ouroboros made it impossible to be specific to your arc, Going Rogue made it impossible to be restricted from several benefits each side have, and now this just blurs it even more. Specialization feels like it's dying off with these upgrades.
There might be more to it than I know of, but right now it just seems like there's less by adding more.
Not really. I like side-switching. Those who switch through the Going Rogue method get to keep their inherent abilities from the hero/villain side they originally started on. It won't remove it.
But at least they'd have to work for it.
What I want is there to be a REASON to switch sides. If we can choose to have the heroic powerset as a villain from the beginning, what's the point of starting off as a hero then switching over? Thematic is fine reasoning, but if that were the case, they would've just started as a villain with hero powers instead of bothering to switch.
I would like to request you stop using giant blocks of ridiculously tiny text because while I am marginally interested in what you have to say, I cannot, in actuality, READ WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. :/
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
To me, a hero or villain can easily be told apart from one another not just from the costume but how they fight... once we start having villains act like heroes, it'll get rather confusing.
Hero or Villain?

I would like to request you stop using giant blocks of ridiculously tiny text because while I am marginally interested in what you have to say, I cannot, in actuality, READ WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. :/

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/ / AIL - Celebrating five years!
I'm merely suggesting these because the differences between villains and heroes are starting to blur far beyond just an idea of specialization. I want my hero to feel like a hero amongst a community of heroes, and a villain to feel like a villain amongst a community of villains. |
It's not what your powers are, but what you do with them.
A ninja blade is not inherently evil. It's a tool. You could use it for evil means, sure, for personal gain and glory. Or you could use it for the greater good. Someone born with the ability to create poisons and other organic chemicals isn't naturally going to turn to a life of crime. A person and their group of friends with Uzis may turn to vigilantism, or even just defending the streets at night rather than be in things for their own profits.
I for one am glad that my reporter character, a prospective Fire/Fire brute will be able to start in Paragon rather than having to get to 20 in Praetoria or the Isles and switch. Her powers burn hotter the more she uses them. Thus, Fury is the perfect inherent for her. Scrapper's Criticals or Tanker's Gauntlet does not fit her.
Awful idea. Sorry.
When I make a dominator and take it to hero side, it's not because I want to turn it into a controller. It's because I dislike redside. Your idea essentially forces people to STAY on X side just to keep their AT's inherent ability.
There are two other problems with this:
1) The balance issues. A Dominator gets a damage secondary. Giving them containment on top of this would mean that they would be doing absurd amounts of damage. At the same time, a Brute with Gauntlet instead of Fury (not like it doesn't have gauntlet light anyways) would be a low damage scrapper. And what would a villain Blaster get?
2) Most inherent effects aren't actually an inherent, they're tied into the powers based on your AT. A Tanker's attacks have to be modified when porting to Scrappers, to remove Gauntlet and add Criticals. How would this work if you changed sides? They'd have to give you new powers.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
1) The balance issues. A Dominator gets a damage secondary. Giving them containment on top of this would mean that they would be doing absurd amounts of damage.
You know what, nevermind, love the idea.

Just kidding, it's still a terrible idea.

I would think that another flaw in this idea is that there is not a 1:1 correlation between the Blue and Red ATs.
What would you match a Corrupter (Scourge) against? Would it be a Blaster (Defiance) or a Defender (Vigilance)? What matches up against a MM?
Really, none of the Blue ATs has an exact 1:1 match in any of the Red ATs. Stalker matches to Scrapper, but so does Brute - all three are about massive melee damage. A Brute may or may not be built to take & hold aggro; she may be built to be a fast-moving destructive force.
So any mechanic that forces a 1:1 correlation inorder to add "flavor" to side switching won't work, sorry.
p.s. - I also have to agree with Aggie - please don't continue to post in the teeny-tiny font.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
To me, a hero or villain can easily be told apart from one another not just from the costume but how they fight... once we start having villains act like heroes, it'll get rather confusing.
I'm going to let you in on something very important.
It's not what your powers are, but what you do with them. |
So Skot whose the hero and villain?

To make it more difficult I used the purple background so you can't recognize any ingame backgrounds, and I included the names because we all know how misleading they can be.
Edit: I had to go and change Filthy Ike's screenshot. I just realized that the last time I was at the tailor the dang thing change his jacket and I didn't catch it. Now he looks like he's supposed to.
Are you trying to break the forums, Forbin?
Nice costumes, BTW.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill

Joking aside, this whole idea is terrible, because it's based on a very damaging premise - that heroes and villains are somehow intrinsically different in terms of what they ARE. And they aren't. Asking me to essentially glue Alignment ID cards to the chests of my characters ties my hands so bad it's impossible to tell a good story.
I'll refer to an old truth I keep banding about: A hero is defined not by the clothes he wears or the powers he wields, but by what he does and why he does it. Costumed heroes and costumed villains are the same thing, they're just people with powers. It's what they do with these powers that defines whether one is a hero or a villain. The less of a difference there is between heroes and villains BY MANDATE, the happier I'll be. Sure, the editor is powerful enough that if you want to make YOUR heroes and villains iconically distinct, you very much can. Just don't ask me to make mine distinct against my will.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have a Praetorian Mastermind. If he'd been born on Primal Earth though, he'd be a heroic Mastermind. Not one that started off evil and went good. Just, heroic from the get go.
He is Doctor Zahir Rolando, and he was a fire support technician for the Praetorian Police Department. His robots are semi-autonomous, non-sapient battle units. Three act as fire support, two are defensive units, and one is a siege unit. His Traps are various devices he uses to protect those around him, enhance his robots performance, and damage the enemies will to fight.
There is nothing villainous about the powers he uses. He, as a person, has no intent towards villainy. He just wants to prevent a war between his homeworld and Primal Earth, where he's met nice people and even encountered his counterpart, markedly different are they though in terms of modes of operation.
If he was born on Primal Earth, he'd have likely followed the same life path to bring his expertise to the PPD, or maybe the U.N/NATO.
We know people aren't born evil. We know tools and innate skills have no inherent morality to them, only the way that they are used. We've even got a Latin phrase for it for our medical practitioners: 'Primum non nocere' which in English is 'Above all else, do no harm'. Because medical knowledge could be used to harm someone with incredible intensity and efficiency if used in a malign manner.
We've thankfully gotten Side Switching. And now, we'll have an option to start characters out without having the first 20 levels pre-determined for them based on what they can do, rather than who they are and what they may do. To step backwards would be a dark day in terms of players freedom for concept and character, and as has been mentioned before, mechanically difficult as well
I feel the new starting area is a good move. Though I do like the redside prison break, the change will bring a fresh start for an old tutorial. Most people skip the tutorial now as it is. Plus imagine you and a buddy are bashing badies but once you reach the end you part ways and become bitter rivals in pvp. So what if the hero turns out to be a mastermind. The alignment system will still work people are gonna want to switch sides for badges, tf's/sf's, and let's not forget villian bank missions are awesome. The real problem is making content pointless i.e. the alpha slot nolonger requiers doing the arc, capes and auras can be unlocked with reward merits, and vet rewards seem alot less prestiges. Those are the things that bother me. But then again what do I know.
I'm just curious if this new tutorial will kill off Praetoria.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
So I thought... how about making the class inherent skills to be only available to your morality? As in, you get no inherent abilities for your class until you switch sides. Example: Controlling classes would be generic controlling classes with all their power choices, but once they switch over to Hero they earn their Containment inherent ability, or once they switch over to Villain they earn their Domination inherent ability? |
A Mind/Fire Dominator, who are already pretty much win with Containment would deal a stupid amount of damage in most situations. How the lack of Domination would stack up against Big Bad soloing, I don't know... but anyway...
I play dominators because I want to play that playstyle with that inherant, and controlers for the same reason, I don't want my character to drastically change depending on which content I feel like taking them through.
Not for me. I love that 100k prestige bonus my praets get the first time they join an SG.
More than that, though, any character I put in Praetoria has to be somehow politically minded. I can't just have a nice guy who wants to do nice things, because in a grey and grey morality, there are no nice guys, just different shades of *******. If I DO ever make characters with a keen political mind and an overpowering desire to belong to community, group or faction, I'll return to Praetoria, but for more general characters who, you know, have THEIR OWN background, it's the old game for me.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
So of what little I know of the upcoming Freedom update, there's going to be a new starting mission that's similar to the tutorial, but in here you get to choose which side (hero/villain) you want them to be... so basically that's saying that everyone has the same access to every class?
This isn't too much of a new thing, as you'll see people switch from villain to rogue to hero, or hero to vigilante to villain. But the thing was: You had to work hard to switch over. I mean, even if you were a Praetorian you still had to go through several missions before you could get your typically villainous class onto the hero side.
/Start Rant (you don't have to read this):
Now people get to start off as however they wish? This... is problematic theme-wise.
We already see a gigantic amount of players on the blue-side. Giving the heroes access to villain classes without having to work to switch over seems a bit much when our classes are basically all that we villains had going for us.
And back when PVP in the smaller servers were still kicking greatly - the villains often were beaten by the teaming heroes. But a lone hero would easily be cut down by a solo villain. And a group of heroes would be repelled by a group of teaming villains, but it was just hard to encourage villains to work together. All in all this experience was VERY TRUE to the idea of villains and heroes...
But now... Mastermind Heroes?? Dominator Heroes?? Defender Villains?? Shouldn't those be kept to a minimum (they're the minority in comics)? Having them to work hard to switch sides was pretty good for a formula, but now this will just make the balance ridiculous thematically.
/End Rant
So I thought... how about making the class inherent skills to be only available to your morality?
As in, you get no inherent abilities for your class until you switch sides.
Controlling classes would be generic controlling classes with all their power choices, but once they switch over to Hero they earn their Containment inherent ability, or once they switch over to Villain they earn their Domination inherent ability?
Or perhaps specify these inherent skills even further?
As in, you get your inherent abilities from the beginning, but it'll be far more specialized once you switch sides.
Tankers and Brutes will still get to keep their inherent abilities Gauntlet and Fury in the beginning, but once they switch to hero or villain side their abilities become far more specialized. Gauntlet in villain side will offer a small percentage to Fear effects, and Fury will not fill as quickly in hero side but will increase as teammates are hurt.
And maybe have either of these changes affect you when switching to Rogue or Vigilante?
I'm merely suggesting these because the differences between villains and heroes are starting to blur far beyond just an idea of specialization.
I want my hero to feel like a hero amongst a community of heroes, and a villain to feel like a villain amongst a community of villains.
This also gives us more purpose when sticking to being a vigilante or rogue, in my honest opinion. When we want to feel like a hero amongst villains, we go rogue. When we want to feel like a villain amongst heroes, we go vigilante.
To blur these changes and making us all basically be the same to one another will give us little to no purpose to choose a banner of heroics or villainy (most will go for heroics since they have more players).