Time Manipulation, Null the Gull, and VIP Server questions
1) No, we know next to nothing about the new powerset. Also, why would this delay the execution of something else? It's not like you can respec into the new set or anything.
2) Not sure.
3) I will be making a few new characters there, to snag some names I've wanted for a while, but won't be moving any of my characters there.
4) I'll be staying VIP. The $15 a month has been more than worth it to me, and I expect it to stay that way.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
1. Why would a powerset that won't probably be released for another several months (at best) delay playing a character right now that only needs 5 levels to 50? You liked the character enough to play it to 45, why stop for a powerset you don't even know you'll enjoy?
2. You're talking about the Praetorians that Null shows you for the Dimensional Warder badge? Yes, I've clicked on him on a character that has them all and he told me I had them all. Seemed to work for me.
3. Not planning on moving to the VIP server at all, unless I manage to run out of slots on all the other servers. I'm viewing the VIP server as just a new server to me with a new set of 12 slots.
4. I'm staying VIP on my main account, and really considering going to Premium on my secondary account. The deciding factor for me there will be if Incarnate content is a purchasable item in the Paragon Market. Even if I could purchase it on a character-by-character basis, I would change my second account to Premium.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
Respec is a time killer. It takes time and with the new powers coming, I'll respec and then maybe have to do it again at Freedom. Playtime is more important to me than wasting respec tokens/coupons.
Don't really understand what this has to do with I21 or power changes. The Prestige Sprint powers (I'm assuming you mean the Vet reward ones) are all rewarded to you when you choose that option. If you respec afterwards, or chose them at a low enough level, you could slot the power of your choice (or all of them if you really had a reason to).
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
1. Nobody knows. Detailed information about that powerset has not been made public yet. We'll find out in Open Beta, I suppose.
2. No idea. Not a badge hunter.
3. The only way I'm leaving my (new) home server is feet first. Try playing on Victory if you want a low volume server experience.
4. VIP. Once a new costume set comes out on the market and you'll see you have a mountain of Paragon Points stored, you'll probably take interest in them then.
1) No, we know next to nothing about the new powerset. Also, why would this delay the execution of something else? It's not like you can respec into the new set or anything.
2) Not sure. 3) I will be making a few new characters there, to snag some names I've wanted for a while, but won't be moving any of my characters there. 4) I'll be staying VIP. The $15 a month has been more than worth it to me, and I expect it to stay that way. |
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
1. Why would a powerset that won't probably be released for another several months (at best) delay playing a character right now that only needs 5 levels to 50? You liked the character enough to play it to 45, why stop for a powerset you don't even know you'll enjoy?
2. You're talking about the Praetorians that Null shows you for the Dimensional Warder badge? Yes, I've clicked on him on a character that has them all and he told me I had them all. Seemed to work for me. |
4. I'm staying VIP on my main account, and really considering going to Premium on my secondary account. The deciding factor for me there will be if Incarnate content is a purchasable item in the Paragon Market. Even if I could purchase it on a character-by-character basis, I would change my second account to Premium. |
My characters need a respec badly. I was planning to take a weekend later this month to do it but with all of these new powers coming I'm probably going to wait.
If your chara has serious issues, a respec can help. But don't feel pressed to respec just because you can now change a few percentages here or there. (Unless you really want to do the min/maxing, of course. Then, by all means, go ahed!)
Your decision should not have anything to do with upcoming new powersets, though.
Yes, the developers. (They might decide to change a few things from the way they are now before the set goes live, though.)
and how many slots will be needed for each power in this set?
Some powers benefit more from additional slots than others, but again, only the developers would know right now.
For the past 6 months, I've been grooming a dominator replacement for my controller. She's at 45 now and I was planning to delete the controller when the dominator hits 50. But with these new powers, I may delay her execution.
3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server.
4.Finally, how many of you plan to stay VIP or go to F2P/Premium? I'll probably stay VIP but the Paragon Points don't really interest me at all.
So yes, I certainly intend to remain a V.I.P. customer.
3. The only way I'm leaving my (new) home server is feet first. Try playing on Victory if you want a low volume server experience. |
4. VIP. Once a new costume set comes out on the market and you'll see you have a mountain of Paragon Points stored, you'll probably take interest in them then. |
My suggestion is this: As long as you have fun playing your character, do not respec him unless you will also enjoy the respec process.
If your chara has serious issues, a respec can help. But don't feel pressed to respec just because you can now change a few percentages here or there. (Unless you really want to do the min/maxing, of course. Then, by all means, go ahed!) Your decision should not have anything to do with upcoming new powersets, though. |
1. My controller can't not pull her weight in the Incarnate Game. She needs stronger more offensive powers.
2. I want to try to completely fill the powers I select. Tweaks for bettter control/consistency.
3. I've learned more about the game since I've come and I need to apply that knowledge in newer builds. Some powers don't work as I thought or I don't really use them much according to herostat analysis over the past few months.
Otherwise, why would you want to delete one chara just because you want to create another? |
My characters need a respec badly. I was planning to take a weekend later this month to do it but with all of these new powers coming I'm probably going to wait.
1.Does anyone know what the time manipulation powers are and how many slots will be needed for each power in this set? For the past 6 months, I've been grooming a dominator replacement for my controller. She's at 45 now and I was planning to delete the controller when the dominator hits 50. But with these new powers, I may delay her execution. 2.Also, I was in pocket d and I clicked on Null the Gull. I could of sworn I killed all of those enemies on all of my characters when I maturated them but I"m showing I haven't killed any of them. Is anyone showing completed when you click on the bird? Do you have to defeat the enemies personally or as part of group too? 3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server. 4.Finally, how many of you plan to stay VIP or go to F2P/Premium? I'll probably stay VIP but the Paragon Points don't really interest me at all. I really wish they would fix some of the incarnate bugs(cooldown timers, disconnects, and Trial leader bump). I've crafted so many slots I really would like to be able to use them more during play. |
Null the Gull is an NPC in Pocket D where players can go to accept or deny several team buffs and travel powers, and also to see progress on the Dimensional Warder Badge. He is located on the "villain side", on top of a box van, at coordinates (-168, 12, -864).
He can
*Accept or deny speed altering buffs from other players. (Other portions of speed-altering *buffs will always be applied; only the speed increase will be ignored.)
Affected powers are: Speed Boost, Increase Density, Inertial Reduction, Enforced Morale, and Accelerate Metabolism.
*Accept or deny Group Fly/Group Energy Flight/Team Teleport.
*Always accept, always deny, or always ask to accept Mystic Fortune.
*Show your progress towards the Dimensional Warder Badge.
Time Manipulation is like this I am guessing it a Slow down power I guess, Halt Regen, Movement and Also Stop or speed up time, it's a Debuff and is use mostly by Support toons and i believe that what they said.
Vip Server, I won't move too that sever, It's a Server for Paying Costumers . I see Alot of Elites Jerks moving too this Server and Alot of people who wants to get alway form Noobs, New players and the Free to pay People.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
My characters need a respec badly. I was planning to take a weekend later this month to do it but with all of these new powers coming I'm probably going to wait.
1.Does anyone know what the time manipulation powers are and how many slots will be needed for each power in this set? For the past 6 months, I've been grooming a dominator replacement for my controller. She's at 45 now and I was planning to delete the controller when the dominator hits 50. But with these new powers, I may delay her execution. |
2.Also, I was in pocket d and I clicked on Null the Gull. I could of sworn I killed all of those enemies on all of my characters when I maturated them but I"m showing I haven't killed any of them. Is anyone showing completed when you click on the bird? Do you have to defeat the enemies personally or as part of group too? |
3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server. |
4.Finally, how many of you plan to stay VIP or go to F2P/Premium? I'll probably stay VIP but the Paragon Points don't really interest me at all. I really wish they would fix some of the incarnate bugs(cooldown timers, disconnects, and Trial leader bump). I've crafted so many slots I really would like to be able to use them more during play. |
Just tried today and he tells me I'm all complete. I honestly don't know of any character I have which has partial completion with which to check, and I don't know which two mission you are referring to to validate if you are using the correct missions. Also, who/what is Heartless Attitude? I know that isn't a named NPC required for Dimensional Warder.
This is a personal comment here. The healer types are wonderful but they get little credit in this game. That's why I want to delete this specific character. The game doesn't reward these types for the work they do. Since I don't get rewarded for my work here, my character gets deleted. Time Manipulation may make the character more valuable so I'll wait before I delete. Only MMs and Controllers get this power. |
I think that's some of the confusion. Are you saying that you will only have 1 single Controller at any one time and that you can't start a second one with the new powerset while the old one is still on the account? That's the only way that Time Manipulation will have an effect on your existing character - your personal decision to only have a single controller at a time.
If that's not what you mean (your account will only have one controller at a time) then I'm not sure you understand the respec process.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
But even if you think that Time Manipulation will be stronger offensively, you won't be able to respec into the powerset on an existing character. Your controller will still have the healer (Empathy??) powerset, even after a respec.
I think that's some of the confusion. Are you saying that you will only have 1 single Controller at any one time and that you can't start a second one with the new powerset while the old one is still on the account? That's the only way that Time Manipulation will have an effect on your existing character - your personal decision to only have a single controller at a time. If that's not what you mean (your account will only have one controller at a time) then I'm not sure you understand the respec process. |
But since I don't know...I'll wait.
In regards to your "still be a healer" comment, I'm hoping to just select more powers from the Ancillary Power & Inherent(tp, stealth, fight, etc.) Pools this round.
I'm done with controllers, I will not be created anymore. All my crowd control new characters are dominators who have offensive powers. My issue is about retaining the 1 controller I have now.
I have no interest in playing on a low end server, why did you mention this?
3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server. |
In your original post:
I was suggesting you play on that server if you wanted to see how different the game would be. |
I didn't like the play on Union.
The details of Time Manipulation aren't out yet, but I would expect it to be on par for what other sets 'require' for slots. I wouldn't expect it to be too far out of balance in comparison.
Time Manipulation will be a buff set, meaning it will be available as a secondary for Controllers, Masterminds, and Corruptors, and a primary for Defenders. Direct offensive abilities of the set will be minimal if any at all, outside of buffs to your other powers.
Respec in relation to Time Manipulation will have no effect since its a new set and you can't change sets during respecs currently. If you don't enjoy your controller now, Time Manipulation will not have an effect on that, so it shouldn't hurt to delete them, however there's nothing stopping you from having more than one controller, so if you have slots open on the server you want, there's no reason to delete either.
The prestige sprint powers are identical to the regular sprint powers, just with a different animation/effect that goes with it. Especially if you're short on slots in the rest of your main powers, any of the sprint power is the LAST place I would place extra slots into. Even if you're not short on slots, there shouldn't be a need to put additional slots into them 99% of the time, and I personally would find another power from your primary, secondary, pool, fitness, or epic sets to put that slot into because it can almost always be of more use in there. I would put additional ones in swift or hurdle from the fitness pool before in sprint only because it will always be on and doesn't take endurance to begin with.
Personally, if I even claim them, which I don't most of the time to eliminate clutter powers I won't use, I usually put either an end redx in there, or a run speed boost in there and leave it until I can afford a stealth proc to put in there instead. If it still takes too much end, turn it off in fights. Speed shouldn't be an issue at higher levels once you get a travel power so more speed shouldn't be necessary either.
2.Also, I was in pocket d and I clicked on Null the Gull. I could of sworn I killed all of those enemies on all of my characters when I maturated them but I"m showing I haven't killed any of them. Is anyone showing completed when you click on the bird? Do you have to defeat the enemies personally or as part of group too?
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
But the respec will probably allow me to apply slots to it like the prestige powers.
But since I don't know...I'll wait. |
Time Manipulation is going to be a new Primary (Defenders) or Secondary (Controller, MM, Corruptor) powerset. Not a Power Pool or Ancillary Pool.
I've read through your post and responses on this several times, and the things you're saying just don't make sense.
We don't know what kind of Slotting Time Manipulation will need. We do know that in order to get the pool, you have to make a new character.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
My characters need a respec badly. I was planning to take a weekend later this month to do it but with all of these new powers coming I'm probably going to wait.
1.Does anyone know what the time manipulation powers are and how many slots will be needed for each power in this set? For the past 6 months, I've been grooming a dominator replacement for my controller. She's at 45 now and I was planning to delete the controller when the dominator hits 50. But with these new powers, I may delay her execution.
2.Also, I was in pocket d and I clicked on Null the Gull. I could of sworn I killed all of those enemies on all of my characters when I maturated them but I"m showing I haven't killed any of them. Is anyone showing completed when you click on the bird? Do you have to defeat the enemies personally or as part of group too?
3.Also, how many of you are going to move to the VIP server? VIP sounds nice but Freedom has so many people. This game will become very different if played on a low volume server.
4.Finally, how many of you plan to stay VIP or go to F2P/Premium? I'll probably stay VIP but the Paragon Points don't really interest me at all. I really wish they would fix some of the incarnate bugs(cooldown timers, disconnects, and Trial leader bump). I've crafted so many slots I really would like to be able to use them more during play.