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I just recieved the 60 month vet reward(city travler badge). It says you are able to choose a power from the travel pools available(flight,sj,ss,teleportation)from level 6, but so far I have not been able to choose one. Instead it gives me 5 reward merits. I was wondering why this is? There's not even a button to click in the bottom right hand corner to collect the reward.
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Ok, I think you may be confused as to how this one works.
There's nothing to claim. From now on, when respeccing or making a new character, you don't have to take a pre-requisite to take a travel power. It's not an extra free power. Are you saying that on your level 6 characters you cannot pick a travel power? -
okay i have 2 questions i would like answers to, first why does no one working for nc soft or any company that could help me with CoH crashing all the time bother paying attention to me or helping me even in the slightest way. i haven't gotten any reply from anyone related to CoH. and secondly, does CoH not work in windows 7?
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Have you petitioned and asked for help? If you have, please also understand that this is a holiday weekend in the US (I think). It's going to be slower. Make sure your email addresss on file is up to date and keep an eye out for their response.
And yes, windows 7 is probably officially unsupported. Considering that Vista isn't even officially supported last I checked. -
well, let's see, to be fair, we're still on the OLD forum software with its BROKEN search functions...
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It's not broken, it's just not braindead to use.
People have ALWAYS ignored the search function and you'll find that even if we do end up moving to a new set of forum software with a more intuitive search function they'll still ignore it. -
People have never really PvP'd much in this game, and probably never will. In my opinion, anyhow.
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Pretty much in a nutshell. Most people I know in game rarely, if ever set foot in PVP zones.
And no, improvements to it wouldn't change it. I personally loathe PVP in RPGs. -
We must be rich to not object to paying $15/month on entertainment? oookay fine. $15 is less than what I pay at McDonalds for a meal these days. It's less than just about any other form of entertainment I could purchase. And when you buy in blocks it works out to even less per month. I only work part time, and really it is not expensive. It's exactly the same as just about every other MMO out there.
The 30 second countdown will probably never go away. It was put in place to keep people from escaping without reprocussions mid fight.
I would like a /logout, or a /switch <charactername> (or both) though. -
I'm not sure which is worse ... The Op's suggestion, or people not agreeing with cheaper prices. I shop at WalMart cause it's cheap. If everything there was $5 more expensive for WalMart improvements, would you still shop there?
I'll take your money if you don't want it
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You don't shop around much do you? I buy very few things at wal-mart. It has nothing to do with wal-marts supposed business practices, I can just get a lot of things cheaper at other stores. I know people who only buy groceries at walmart. Only groceries I buy at walmart is my lipton tea and whenever I need something quick to finish a meal. Everything else can be found cheaper elsewhere. Don't even get me started on Wal-Mart's meat department.
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There are Wal-Marts that have meat departments? Why does the very idea of that make me vaguely queasy?
I *try* not to do Wal-mart. However, for many things that means driving to the next town for instead, so they do get some of my business. If only we had Target on this side of the border..... -
Yep, some do. I know clockwork have a weakness to psionics - my psi blasters do more damage to them than similar level critters.
As to which are weak to fire, I *believe* BP zombies are. I know that was the rumor back in the day, but I've never actually tested it, so take that with a grain of salt. -
Ahhh... and here I was, ready to tell her "the forum experts have insured me that you have a 20% accuracy penalty when you SS in battle so turn it off or I'll boot you faster than you can run with that travel power on!"
I play with her every night and she's a really close friend, I wouldn't really boot her, but I would be making fun of her a lot :P
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There once was an accuracy penalty on superspeed, but that was shortlived and a long time ago. They changed it to the suppression that the other posters explained above. -
Its a pain, say when you have 9 toons and you want to log in all of them to check on them.
lets take WoW for an example. it has 11million plus people who play it, regardless if you like the game or not I would say the security is pretty good. Why not have a password protected option for folks who WANT to have it log out to log in screen. or a
/login <toon name> option that would make it so you have to know your own toon name to log into it.
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*shrug* I have over 2 dozen toons. I check on them regularly. I did at one time have well over 60, and I still checked on them regularly. It wouldn't change anything - the 30 second timer would still exist because the reason for *that* hasn't changed, it would only take you the 1 less second to enter your password and click a button. You're asking to open the floodgates to more CS problems to save yourself 9 seconds the once in a blue moon you want to check on all your characters. Umm, no.
And please don't compare to WOW. Blizzard has more money than God and could easily have many many times the CS people per subscriber. It's also a case of "if your friends all did it, should you?"
And to whomever is championing the "make it an option!", umm how is that really any help? Little jimmie could still have his characters deleted by his brother if he knows how to do it - scroll through the options, turn on log to characters screen, do exactly that and delete the characters or steal their stuff. It makes no sense at all for the devs to do this. -
There was a porter we found all by himself in a previously cleared side-room all the way back at the front. Seems incredible that he would go all the way back there.
But that does make more sense than what the DM told me. She insisted that we had to kill every mob on the map. She kept leading us to mobs we had purposely skipped.
[Edited for clarity because I shouldn't try to post this early in the morning]
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Well, GMs are trained on multiple games. They're not necessarily experts on any one of them. -
Im confused how do i get a different secondary power set, like people say the are elec/ma brutes, the only thing i can see how to do is pick a secondary build with the same power set ie. elec.
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Short answer is you make up another character. Primary and secondary sets are not changeable short of deleting the character and remaking them. -
I don't buy your complaint that it inconveniences you.
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Good thing I never said it inconvenienced me nor did I start this thread. I said it'd be nice to have the option.
Get over yourself.
You can't be trusted to keep your own account safe so no one can have the option to log out to character selection? Please.
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I get the distinct sensation that you've never worked in customer service or tech support. Am I right?
Believe me, the stupid things that people do because it "seemed like a good idea at the time" would astound you. If it saves CS some work to have everyone take an extra second to input their password when switching characters (which is really all it takes unless you're an INCREDIBLY slow typist) then it is worth it. -
For the last, are you putting what you want to be blue between the tags?
{color:blue} my text goes here {/color} -
To be honest, it's really going to be a question that only you can answer. Defenders do decent enough damage, particularly those who can buff their damage or debuff enemy resistance. However it's less than corruptor damage. If that difference is enough to make you try to pull your hair out is really only something you can find out for yourself. Defenders can and do solo well, but quickly? Different people have different opinions on that. You'll have to form your own.
Done. Thanks for update regarding bugs. I sent a ticket, we'll see how it's handled. Here is an idea for 63 month veteran reward....Free "Going Rogue" hehe. Seeing as how i've spent 900 bucks on this game so far, I think a free expansion would be in order hahaha. Nah, just kidding. Would be cool though.
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Actually there was leak a while back of a Vet Power that is likely to be the 63 month reward called Veteran Reveal. This would be usable once per hour and would have the effect of removing the Fog of War from whatever map you use it on.
I can't seem to find the link to the image and description right now. I'm sure someone will come along who has it though.
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Fog of War? Perhaps this is a term i've not heard used before.
By the way, i sent in a ticket, and the same day, today, I got my 60 month veteran reward.
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Fog of war is that black stuff - semi transparent in some zones, opaque in others - that covers the map. -
Think today will be the big AE nerf to make everyone angry, even the people who dont farm it.
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There's not usually patches on mondays, just maintenance. -
Standard monday morning Maintenance - they'll be up soonish. The window is from 9-11 EST, but may not take all of that.
You will have access to villains with your old account. They are one and the same now.
Okay understood ._.
i dont think canadians Future Shop or best buy sells it ==
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They used to. If you ask they should be able to get it in.
If you have an EB games near you, they stock them, or did last time I was in one.
And if you get a preloaded visa gift card you should be able to buy the game from NcSoft's site IIRC. Never tried it, but it should work.
If you have a paypal account(not sure if minors can get one or not) you can use that - they can attach directly to bank accounts, even Canadian ones.
Failing that, you can always ask your parents to use their credit card to buy it and pay them back with cash. -
Did you, at any point, cancel your account?
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This. And if you log into your account, what day does it state you'll get your next vet reward? -
wow thanks for answers, also are there arcs that are only for one person, do you have to create them or are there others you can just select and do?
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You can peruse all published arcs as well as make your own. Each account can publish for public use up to three arcs. You do not have to publish an arc to play it yourself. -
it should also be noted that anything past 3 SOs of any enhancement is completely redundant, as enhancements lose effectiveness due to Enhancement Diversification
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This. Probably what you're seeing is a combination of heavy slotting and stacking healing set bonuses. The Power Build up theory isn't far off either. -
So they should continue to let those enemies riddle them/their comrades, who they can *also* feel pain from full of bullets and do nothing? *scratches head*
Rogue. Rogue. Rogue.
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Thirded. Rouge is the color red in French or a cosmetic typically applied to the cheek & lips in English..
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I half wonder if the Devs decided to name it that to see how many forum posters and people in game could misspell it.