Terra Volta Respec Trial
the only "defeat all" aspect is taking out all of the waves, one of the porters from one of the waves seems to have TPd into the hallway as they sometimes do.
Obsidian_Farmer is correct, it's not a defeat all, but sometimes a Porter will get himself out of aggro range and forget to come back. Typically heading back down the hallway will locate the errant Porter but if you haven't cleared then you might have trouble telling which is the runner from the reactor room and which were mobs you skipped (and hence you just defeat them all to be sure).

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
There was a porter we found all by himself in a previously cleared side-room all the way back at the front. Seems incredible that he would go all the way back there.
But that does make more sense than what the DM told me. She insisted that we had to kill every mob on the map. She kept leading us to mobs we had purposely skipped.
[Edited for clarity because I shouldn't try to post this early in the morning ]
There was a porter we found all by himself in a previously cleared side-room all the way back at the front. Seems incredible that he would go all the way back there.
But that does make more sense than what the DM told me. She insisted that we had to kill every mob on the map. She kept leading us to mobs we had purposely skipped.
[Edited for clarity because I shouldn't try to post this early in the morning ]
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Well, GMs are trained on multiple games. They're not necessarily experts on any one of them.
Well, GMs are trained on multiple games. They're not necessarily experts on any one of them.
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My first clue should have been when she asked what contact gave me the mission instead of knowing what the Terra Volta Trial was.
Still, she was nice and best of all prompt. She answered the petition within 5 minutes. I had a good experience for my first time to encounter a GM.
There was a porter we found all by himself in a previously cleared side-room all the way back at the front. Seems incredible that he would go all the way back there.
But that does make more sense than what the DM told me. She insisted that we had to kill every mob on the map. She kept leading us to mobs we had purposely skipped.
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Well, the part about clearing all enemies was wrong. That is not necessary.
I would like to point out that the 'stray porter' problem can occur with both the Sky Raiders *AND* the Rikti, as they both have teleporting mobs.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
There was a porter we found all by himself in a previously cleared side-room all the way back at the front. Seems incredible that he would go all the way back there.
But that does make more sense than what the DM told me. She insisted that we had to kill every mob on the map. She kept leading us to mobs we had purposely skipped.
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Well, the part about clearing all enemies was wrong. That is not necessary.
I would like to point out that the 'stray porter' problem can occur with both the Sky Raiders *AND* the Rikti, as they both have teleporting mobs.
[/ QUOTE ] And to add to this.. the foe wasn't really "way back there".. as that hallway actually circles around the Reactor Room and the foe actually only teleported to the other side of the wall.. which just happens to not be accessible to us without having to go "all the way around".
It may seem like it's far away, but it's actually the same distance as if they teleported into the room with the Radiation Shield.
Also.. besides the hallway, there is a small room off the side of that hallway that the enemy may TP into also. You might have to open the door to find them if you cleared the hallway and still stuck.
I guess I knew the hallway sort of wraps around the reactor but I'm pretty sure that front area is 90 degrees away from it and the reactor's safe room is a lot closer as is all of the hallway... but I could be mistaken. It isn't like the map is enabled and I had left my surveying tools in my other pair of tights
We did fine the little side room and checked it out at the same time we cleared the hallway. At that point we had no other ideas and called the GM. She pointed out we missed a room... which we knew... and convinced me that we had to clear the area to finish the mission. Others on the team who had done the Trial before protested but she was insistent.
She teleported me to the closed door and everyone converged on me. We bulldozed them but still no joy and she informed me there were more enemies to defeat. We all scattered to the four cornsers and one of the team finally found him in the room where we had originally found the key. I happen to be nearby and held him while she blasted him to smithereens at which point the mission complete finally popped up.
From now on I'll use my keyboard's build-in stop watch so I know when the ambushes are finished instead of hanging around the reactor waiting for another ambush that never comes. That was sort of anti-climatic to a section of the trial that was otherwise pure awesome (this was my first successful run).
I guess I knew the hallway sort of wraps around the reactor but I'm pretty sure that front area is 90 degrees away from it and the reactor's safe room is a lot closer as is all of the hallway... but I could be mistaken.
[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, I mis-understood the location of the foe. I guess he really was "way back there". lol
From now on I'll use my keyboard's build-in stop watch so I know when the ambushes are finished instead of hanging around the reactor waiting for another ambush that never comes.
[/ QUOTE ] I usually just set up a "challenge" timer to every TF or Trial that i run, just to see the progress. You can easily use this as a reference to find out when the last wave is coming. Just check the timer when you open the door to the Reactor Room, and if the mission isn't over 30 minutes later.. start hunting!
I usually just set up a "challenge" timer to every TF or Trial that i run, just to see the progress. You can easily use this as a reference to find out when the last wave is coming. Just check the timer when you open the door to the Reactor Room, and if the mission isn't over 30 minutes later.. start hunting!
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To be precise, the final wave spawns at the 30 minute mark.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I remember one time going on the respec...we were trying to figure out when the blasted thing would end. We thought we'd missed a spawn - and yep, it ended up being a porter who'd blinked out and ran all the way back down the hall to the operations room.
Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin
"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately
My SG did the TV respec trial (the 1st, level 24-33 version) hero-side.
The strategies I had read led me to believe that all we really had to do was follow the mission objectives as they came up - rescue security, scientists, get the key, protect the reactor...
After waiting around for about 15 or 20 minutes after the last ambush (we had all lost count) we finally called in a DM. She was very nice but pointed out that we had not defeated all the mobs in the hall or in one of the rooms back in the entry.
Sure enough as soon as we tracked down and defeated the final teleporter the mission completed.
Has this always been a defeat all? Should the Wiki be updated so it no longer suggests stealthing the hall leading to the control room to bypass those mobs?
Just curious. Everyone on the team was surprised to find it was a Defeat All. Several had done it before and didn't recall that being a requirement in the past.