Primary/secondary powers




Im confused how do i get a different secondary power set, like people say the are elec/ma brutes, the only thing i can see how to do is pick a secondary build with the same power set ie. elec.



MA( martial arts ) is not a secondary power for brutes. in the Mission Architect system you can have custom npc's that have attack powers as both primary and secondary. i think you need to add more info to your question though as it is very vauge in what you are asking.

if your refering to second build, then you can only pick from the primary/secondary you have already chosen.



The primary and secondary sets are the two things that make up the character.

One is usually offense, the other defense, depending on the archetype. You cannot re-choose OTHER sets, even for a 2nd build. A new build only allows you to rechoose in a different order and slot differently those same two sets you start with.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Im confused how do i get a different secondary power set, like people say the are elec/ma brutes, the only thing i can see how to do is pick a secondary build with the same power set ie. elec.

[/ QUOTE ]

Short answer is you make up another character. Primary and secondary sets are not changeable short of deleting the character and remaking them.



Yeah figured out that one thanks. Rushed through character creation and forgot i had picked elec/elec.