CoH/CoV problems
okay i have 2 questions i would like answers to, first why does no one working for nc soft or any company that could help me with CoH crashing all the time bother paying attention to me or helping me even in the slightest way. i haven't gotten any reply from anyone related to CoH. and secondly, does CoH not work in windows 7?
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Have you petitioned and asked for help? If you have, please also understand that this is a holiday weekend in the US (I think). It's going to be slower. Make sure your email addresss on file is up to date and keep an eye out for their response.
And yes, windows 7 is probably officially unsupported. Considering that Vista isn't even officially supported last I checked.
okay i have 2 questions i would like answers to, first why does no one working for nc soft or any company that could help me with CoH crashing all the time bother paying attention to me or helping me even in the slightest way. i haven't gotten any reply from anyone related to CoH. and secondly, does CoH not work in windows 7?
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Have you petitioned and asked for help? If you have, please also understand that this is a holiday weekend in the US (I think). It's going to be slower. Make sure your email addresss on file is up to date and keep an eye out for their response.
And yes, windows 7 is probably officially unsupported. Considering that Vista isn't even officially supported last I checked.
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Correct. Vista, a RELEASED OS, is still not considered officially supported.
Last I heard, W7 was still in beta.
*Just checked, yep, still in beta although the RC is out.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Was it working before you switched to Windows 7? Try reinstalling your OS that you were using if you want to play. Also, I remember reading in the tech forum of people with duo/+ processors running different OS' on each processor. Try that. If that doesn't work, try patience. You are using an unsupported OS. Maybe the NC peeps are researching the issue before they get back with you, or, maybe, they are enjoying time with their families during the holiday weekend.
it sorta was working before i changed OS but i tried changing it so it would work better, that and for some reason my copy of windows wasn't accepting my cd key, but before i switch it would crash when ever i teamed with anyone and still would crash without teaming just alot less common, now it does the updater then crashes at the little thing that pops up and says loading
:em dramatically evil Heroic voice: THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR THE TECH FORUMITES!! NINUS AWAY!!! :fwoooosh!:
Sounds like not only an OS problem, but I'm guessing a hardware problem. Just a guess. Tech Forum... thataway ^^
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
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I wouldn't expect the City Of devs to actually do much about an unreleased, beta version of an OS that's giving the game trouble...
I'd run COH in vista if you've got it, or xp since it's actually supported, is that not a feature of 7? (not that I think it'd run xp, but vista?)
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
CoH ran fine, if not better under windows 7 when i had it installed than my Xp Sp3 . probably because it handled all my memory better.
The only issue I had was with a driver. I had to get a specific one from nVidia, but yeah, those answers are probably on that other forum
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okay i have 2 questions i would like answers to, first why does no one working for nc soft or any company that could help me with CoH crashing all the time bother paying attention to me or helping me even in the slightest way. i haven't gotten any reply from anyone related to CoH. and secondly, does CoH not work in windows 7?