TonyV's consolidated list of QoL improvements
[LIST][*] Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.
[/ QUOTE ]
Eh. I rather like having the incremental ones. Not least because they're often cheaper than the 5-level ones.
[*] List primary and secondary powersets in the team search window and supergroup window.
[/ QUOTE ]
And they can make room for this by getting rid of origin... Either that or hover over the character and find out.
[*] Add a "Looking for members" option to the search interface for team leaders.
[/ QUOTE ]
Asked for many times, still agree 100%.
[*] List store value of items in the auction house and let people sell items there for that price.
[/ QUOTE ]
Eh... Kind of on the fence on that. Wouldn't mind seeing the store value, though - on the other hand, it might make it harder to get things *cheaply.* (Then again, I'm an "auction dumper" - I don't need it, it's up for 6 inf or so.)
[*] Add option to set drop thresholds. (E.g. "I only want uncommon recipes and above, I only want level 2 or 3 inspirations.")
[/ QUOTE ]
This... I think would backfire, both in market impact and individual player impact. ("Why do I never get X recipe?" "You're set to only Uncommon, it's common.")
[*] Have the music in Pocket D and within missions adjust to the music volume, not sound effects.
[/ QUOTE ]
And have them separated elsewhere as well. There are sound effects that fall under "Music" as well, as I recall.
[*] Add an npc_stuck command that runs the /stuck code on spawned NPCs in an instanced mission. If you have to, limit its use to every ten minutes. Or hour. I don't care, but we really need it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think there'd need to be a limit, honestly. If nothing is stuck, it would have nothing to UNstick. But if I get someone stuck in a wall, and /npcstuck them, I don't want to have to wait half an hour to /unstick his buddy that wandered into a map hole and is now untargetable. (frigging sorc TP'ing into a girder...)
[*] Allow us to gift items in the PlayNC store to other people. They'd make great prizes for contests and will earn you more money. I've also known people quit the game because of financial difficulties that I'd be more than willing to pay a month or two for, but that I don't particularly want to exchange personal information with.[*] At the very least, give us the option to get a serial code instead of applying to my account.[*] Change "Your supergroup's rent was due on (date)" to "Your base will go dark on (date)"
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, yes, yes.
[*] Add an option to autopay the base rent instead of having the base go dark. In fact, consider making this the default. No matter how stupid your SG leader is, the only time your supergroup base would go dark is if you literally don't have enough prestige in the bank.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but not as a default, please.
[*] Allow skipping the timer to quit to the login screen.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't argue. I know they don't want you to jump back to the character select screen, but the login screen works for me.
[*] Reduce the time between costume changes to once every 10, 15, or even 20 seconds.
[/ QUOTE ]
15 would be good, especially in the tailor... when you're fixing multiple costumes.
(Generally "yeah" to the rest. )
[ QUOTE ][*] List primary and secondary powersets in the team search window.
[/ QUOTE ]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Lots of good stuff.
<ul type="square">[*] Group salvage in storage bins by type and sort alphabetically within the types.[/list]--TonyV
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd go a step further and replace the salvage storage bin interface with the player salvage interface. It has the tabs for different salvage types and can sort several different ways.
And now for a couple of my own QoL suggestions:
<ul type="square">[*]Change the interface for stores and enhancement salvage bins so the enhancements are grouped in tabs by type (damage, accuracy, invention, etc.) like they are at the auction houses and invention tables.[*]Add a generic quartermaster type store near the auction houses.[*]Give every contact a cell phone (including Faathim) and have them give out their number at the completion of the 1st mission.[/list]
It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Reduce the time between costume changes to once every 10, 15, or even 20 seconds.
[/ QUOTE ]The costume change emotes allowed people to change their costumes every 15 seconds due to a bug. The devs ruled this a performance issue and changed them to match the 30 second regular costume change restrictions. I doubt they'll go back to 15, LET ALONE 10, but 20 might be doable.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Totally Agree. This stuff should have happened already:[ QUOTE ]
1) Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.
3) Add a "Looking for members" option to the search interface for team leaders.
9) Give everyone a Walk inherent power.
12) Add an npc_stuck command that runs the /stuck code on spawned NPCs in an instanced mission. If you have to, limit its use to every ten minutes. Or hour. I don't care, but we really need it.
13) Allow us to gift items in the PlayNC store to other people. They'd make great prizes for contests and will earn you more money. I've also known people quit the game because of financial difficulties that I'd be more than willing to pay a month or two for, but that I don't particularly want to exchange personal information with.
14) At the very least, give us the option to get a serial code instead of applying to my account.
15) Change "Your supergroup's rent was due on (date)" to "Your base will go dark on (date)"
16) Add an option to autopay the base rent instead of having the base go dark. In fact, consider making this the default. No matter how stupid your SG leader is, the only time your supergroup base would go dark is if you literally don't have enough prestige in the bank.
18) Allow coalition members to use a base's crafting tables, Ouroboros pillar, and storage vault.
22) Add the ability to buy inspirations and enhancements from completed Ouroboros arc contacts.
24) Suppress powers in auction houses.
25) Allow the team leader to kick offline task force members.
[/ QUOTE ]Re: 13 & 14, I want to buy extras and gift them to friends. I can't do this now. This means that I can't give you my money Paragon Studios. Don't you want more of my money?
Seriously, just fix the whole rent issue period. Rent is always due on the 1st, base goes dark on the 5th. Always. Auto-pay should be an option. Coalition members should be an allowed permission on all base items, including storage items.
Re: Contacts, they should sell SOs at a lower price than the stores do, and buy them at the best price regardless of their origin. Seriously. They're supposed to be doing you a favor by offering SOs to you. Well offering to sell me SOs at +25% of what they cost me at the NPC store isn't doing me any favors.
Re: 24 Suppress powers in WW & BM. Please god yes! Why hasn't this been done already???
Ok suggestion, but not important enough to take Dev time away from other stuff (IMO):[ QUOTE ]
4) Group salvage in storage bins by type and sort alphabetically within the types.
5) Sort badges alphabetically in the badge window, or at least badges that have no other logical order. (Defeats, gladiators, etc.)
7) Add option to set drop thresholds. (E.g. "I only want uncommon recipes and above, I only want level 2 or 3 inspirations.")
6) List store value of items in the auction house and let people sell items there for that price.
8) Have the installer open web links in a system's default browser instead of mandating IE.
10) Have the music in Pocket D and within missions adjust to the music volume, not sound effects.
11) Add a game_time command that tells you what time it is in Paragon City.
17) Allow more than one person to use base crafting tables at the same time.
19) Add the ability to quit to the login screen using the quit slash command.
20) Allow skipping the timer to quit to the login screen.
23) Fix the Robo-surgery base item. (Did they fix this already? I honestly don't know.)
26) Allow us to switch from full screen mode to windowed mode and back without having to restart.
27) Change the timestamp scheme of screenshots from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD so that they sort in chronological order.
[/ QUOTE ]While I agree that these would all be nice to have I really, honestly believe that the devs have much much more important things they should be working on. Like fixing the memory leaks, and fixing the game so that it quits lagging for no apparent reason. I mean c'mon now! My machine can run a server, play music, and run other applications in the background while I'm playing other games that have higher system requirements than this one without even the hint of lag. This game lags often and hard even when I've got no other applications running on my machine at all. I don't mean to be rude, but fixing that issue is more important than any of these minor QoL things.
Completely disagree:[ QUOTE ]
2) List primary and secondary powersets in the team search window and supergroup window.
21) Reduce the time between costume changes to once every 10, 15, or even 20 seconds.
[/ QUOTE ]SG window yeah sure, team search window, no way. No emp defenders and non kin controllers already have a hard enough time finding a team.
I think some time ago, there was a QoL thread started by a redname. I wonder how that thread went.
I guess some people will resent the idea of listing primary/secondary sets in the search window because of discrimination. From my experience, if team leaders do care about my powers, they will ask or see my info after invite. If it's the latter, they will kick if mine are not what they want. For such cases, it might be better that the power sets are listed as there will be discrimination anyway. Not to mention that team leaders do prefer certain AT sometimes, maybe the search window should cover up the AT column as well such that nothing can be known about me if discrimination is really a huge issue.
I can imagine that there are cases that a team leader has some slight preference on power sets but not strong enough to cherry pick people. If the search window does not list power sets, he/she will invite whatever but will start to differentiate people if the search does list power sets.
Overall, I'm neutral to the suggestion of listing power sets. I guess it is nice to have for team leaders, but probably will be hated by those who are lft.
Aces_High wrote:
Coalition members should be [color= yellow]an allowed permission[/color] on all base items, including storage items.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was all set to disagree with you here until i reread it before posting and realized that you meant that there should be a permission [color= yellow]option[/color](preferably below your lowest SG rank) per bin. Makes sense to me, especially for some of the larger SG/VG I've seen that actually have 2+ SGs in coalition to accomodate all their members. The majority of SGs will never use this, but for some, it would be a huge QOL thing.
And to Tony's original suggestion for a WALK function: [color= yellow] yes, please, want nao![/color]
Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoaa, now. The non-multiples of 5 are important due to how the system handles exemplaring and IO value scaling. Some of my characters would be pretty noticeably less playable if all of my 43-level enhancements were changed to 45-level ones. I wouldn't want the other levels thrown out unless that were revised.
For many of your suggestions dealing with search and sort behavior, I'd prefer those being optional 'sort by...'s
Give everyone a Walk inherent power.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd prefer a 1%-100% speed slider. Harder to do, but much more useful.
Allow skipping the timer to quit to the login screen.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are so many weird rumors floating around about why logouts work as they do... this isn't my #1 preference, but any logout/character swapping improvements would be really, really convenient.

[*] Add a "Looking for members" option to the search interface for team leaders.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure, why not.
[*] Sort badges alphabetically in the badge window, or at least badges that have no other logical order. (Defeats, gladiators, etc.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Good luck. Apparently, they're in some sort of order than makes sense to Positron. What I'd rather have is a toggle similar to the show/hide recipes you don't have the ingredients for.
{Show only complete badges/show only incomplete badges / Show all.}
[*] List store value of items in the auction house and let people sell items there for that price.[*] Add option to set drop thresholds. (E.g. "I only want uncommon recipes and above, I only want level 2 or 3 inspirations.")[*] Add a game_time command that tells you what time it is in Paragon City.[*] Add an npc_stuck command that runs the /stuck code on spawned NPCs in an instanced mission. If you have to, limit its use to every ten minutes. Or hour. I don't care, but we really need it.[*] Add an option to autopay the base rent instead of having the base go dark. In fact, consider making this the default. No matter how stupid your SG leader is, the only time your supergroup base would go dark is if you literally don't have enough prestige in the bank.[*] Reduce the time between costume changes to once every 10, 15, or even 20 seconds.[*] Add the ability to buy inspirations and enhancements from completed Ouroboros arc contacts.[*] Suppress powers in auction houses.[*] Allow the team leader to kick offline task force members.[*] Allow us to switch from full screen mode to windowed mode and back without having to restart.
[/ QUOTE ] I like these.
Add an option to autopay the base rent instead of having the base go dark. In fact, consider making this the default. No matter how stupid your SG leader is, the only time your supergroup base would go dark is if you literally don't have enough prestige in the bank.
[/ QUOTE ]
For me, this is by far my #1 thing.
I've got 6 solo lairs and there may be gaps of time before I get around to visiting one. When I do log in, I inevitably have to tread to PO/Atlas to do what, in real life, I don't even have to bother with.
Please please please add auto rent pay capabilities!
Give everyone a Walk inherent power.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd prefer a 1%-100% speed slider. Harder to do, but much more useful.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like both these ideas, but I can just imagine:
New guy: "OMG! why am i moving so slooow?!?!"
Vet: "Your speed slider is at 1..."
Give everyone a Walk inherent power.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd prefer a 1%-100% speed slider. Harder to do, but much more useful.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like both these ideas, but I can just imagine:
New guy: "OMG! why am i moving so slooow?!?!"
Vet: "Your speed slider is at 1..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Super speed, super jump, and any of the sprints would toggle it off.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Just a couple of responses to points made here:
1) I see your point about listing primary and secondary powersets in the search window. My main train of thought was people who only want certain powersets for whatever they're doing tend to ask everyone in tells, "Are you emp?" (Or whatever they're looking for.) I don't particularly like being bugged by the tells, and I'm sure they'd rather not have to ask. The people who don't really care one way or another don't bother to ask and wouldn't care what it said in the search window.
However, I suppose there is a contingent of people who don't bother to ask now because it's not that important to them, but that if it were there in the search window, given the choice between an Empathy defender and a Force Field defender, might always choose the Empathy defender.
So I dunno, I'm willing to compromise on that one. (Not that any of these suggestions are "Do it or I'm leaving!" problems; they're all just tweaks that would make life better.)
2) As for the costume change suggestion, it's dependent, of course, on the technical capability to do so. If there weren't any technical reason for there to be no delay at all, I'd have asked it to be zero seconds. Apparently there is, so really the suggestion just boils down to, "Please make it low as possible without negatively impacting the game." The reason why is because sometimes I accidentally change into the wrong costume, and I feel silly having to sit there waiting 30 second to change back, and it's annoying if I want to make tweaks to more than one costume at Icon.
3) I'm missing how characters would be less playable if level 43 enhancements were changed to level 45, other than you would have to wait two more levels before slotting them. When you sidekick/exemplar, correct me if I'm wrong, but your IOs scale with you, no? So if you're exemplared down to level 15, having a level 45 IO would actually benefit you a little more than a level 43 IO?
The system works really well, I think, for normal IOs. I'd just like to see it extended to the other crafted IOs also. Shoot, I'd even be willing to say that I'd like it extended to all enhancements, even down to the low-level trainings ones, with maybe an exception for level one enhancements for the tutorial.
Anyway, just my two cents' worth!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Give everyone a Walk inherent power.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd prefer a 1%-100% speed slider. Harder to do, but much more useful.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, People can't have their cake and eat it too. You get stealth from superspeed and end/rech from speedboost. If you don't like the speed, either quit the team or ask the buffer to not give you SB.
*Edit* totally need a walk button. Then costume contest could turn into Walkoffs and David Bowie could be our judge
The system works really well, I think, for normal IOs. I'd just like to see it extended to the other crafted IOs also. Shoot, I'd even be willing to say that I'd like it extended to all enhancements, even down to the low-level trainings ones, with maybe an exception for level one enhancements for the tutorial.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like the current system with all levels of IO available instead of every 5. Because it opens up opportunity to buy something cheaper. If a level 35 recipe is expensive, the level 34 and 36 ones maybe cheaper. That's how I can do low-balling an item by bidding 10 different levels. Low-balling will be a lot harder when the recipes are only available every 5 levels because the bids will be more concentrated, and there will be a lot more competition between bids to do low-balling.
But this is from the point of view of buying something cheap. I can understand why you want things to be available only every 5 levels. I think it boils down to your habit of how you use the market.
Make gladiator badges selectable by clicking, like other badges.
I like the current system with all levels of IO available instead of every 5. Because it opens up opportunity to buy something cheaper. If a level 35 recipe is expensive, the level 34 and 36 ones maybe cheaper.
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually have a theory about that. Yes, level 35 enhancements will probably still be more expensive than level 34 and 36 enhancements are now. However, I would think that because there would be a much larger supply of level 35 enhancements (presumably all of those people who would have gotten level 36 through level 39 enhancements will now get 35s instead), the price of level 35 enhancements will drop far below what it is now. Ditto recipes.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I'm a fan of everything posted. I'm genuinely surprised none of this has happened yet.
Just a tiny QoL thing to add in here. Please put flight after fitness in the power lists... 5 years with no alphabetical order in the powers list is slightly annoying.
I like the current system with all levels of IO available instead of every 5. Because it opens up opportunity to buy something cheaper. If a level 35 recipe is expensive, the level 34 and 36 ones maybe cheaper.
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually have a theory about that. Yes, level 35 enhancements will probably still be more expensive than level 34 and 36 enhancements are now. However, I would think that because there would be a much larger supply of level 35 enhancements (presumably all of those people who would have gotten level 36 through level 39 enhancements will now get 35s instead), the price of level 35 enhancements will drop far below what it is now. Ditto recipes.
[/ QUOTE ]
But this is only about the supply. There will be more bids on the level 35 correspondingly. I guess at the end, the average price won't be affected much.
Actually, how low-balling works is to grab the out-lying statistics of the selling price. Sometimes, people sell things cheap. A low selling price doesn't mean that you can buy it cheap, because the item goes to the person who made the highest bid. If there are a lot of bids, it's less likely that you can buy it cheap because I've to compete with other bids. In other words, I've to out bid all the others to win. That's why I say if things are available every 5 levels, it's harder to low ball because there are too many bids to compete with.
But anyway, I'm not against your suggestion. In one of my post above, I said that the suggestion is ok for some other reasons. I'm just pointing out that low balling will be harder. If you're not a frequent low baller like me, you might not realize such thing.
<ul type="square">[*] Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
You can take my 33s when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers.
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.
[/ QUOTE ]
/Unsigned. This would screw up some builds I have where the IOs in the power are all 3 levels above the level at which I got the power (down to Level 30). That way, I have a build that gives best returns when exemped with very low levels of performance degradation. Blocking out in increments of 5 would destroy the ability to construct a build like this.
Add option to set drop thresholds.
[/ QUOTE ]
This could be subject to massive abuse.
Have the installer open web links in a system's default browser instead of mandating IE.
[/ QUOTE ]
Add an npc_stuck command that runs the /stuck code on spawned NPCs in an instanced mission. If you have to, limit its use to every ten minutes. Or hour. I don't care, but we really need it.
[/ QUOTE ]
/Signed * INFINITY
Allow us to gift items in the PlayNC store to other people. They'd make great prizes for contests and will earn you more money. I've also known people quit the game because of financial difficulties that I'd be more than willing to pay a month or two for, but that I don't particularly want to exchange personal information with.
[/ QUOTE ]
Allow coalition members to use a base's crafting tables, Ouroboros pillar, and storage vault.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd love to be able to provide this functionality to my coalition members.
Change the timestamp scheme of screenshots from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD so that they sort in chronological order
[/ QUOTE ]
Would definitely make organizing things easier.
Allow us to gift items in the PlayNC store to other people. They'd make great prizes for contests and will earn you more money. I've also known people quit the game because of financial difficulties that I'd be more than willing to pay a month or two for, but that I don't particularly want to exchange personal information with.
At the very least, give us the option to get a serial code instead of applying to my account.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dear god we agree on two things lol.
The 30 second countdown will probably never go away. It was put in place to keep people from escaping without reprocussions mid fight.
I would like a /logout, or a /switch <charactername> (or both) though.
Hey all, especially developers who can make this happen.
Instead of posting a whole bunch of threads with "I want this, I want that" in them, I've been collecting some QoL improvements that I'd like to see in one list. Today, I present this list to you for your consideration. Some may be harder than others, but I think that all of them are worthwhile. Please feel free to discuss, and I'll start working on my next list. 
TonyV's Big List of QoL Improvements
<ul type="square">[*] Have rare recipes only come in increments of five, like normal recipes. Do away with non-multiples of five completely from the auction window.[*] List primary and secondary powersets in the team search window and supergroup window.[*] Add a "Looking for members" option to the search interface for team leaders.[*] Group salvage in storage bins by type and sort alphabetically within the types.[*] Sort badges alphabetically in the badge window, or at least badges that have no other logical order. (Defeats, gladiators, etc.)[*] List store value of items in the auction house and let people sell items there for that price.[*] Add option to set drop thresholds. (E.g. "I only want uncommon recipes and above, I only want level 2 or 3 inspirations.")[*] Have the installer open web links in a system's default browser instead of mandating IE.[*] Give everyone a Walk inherent power.[*] Have the music in Pocket D and within missions adjust to the music volume, not sound effects.[*] Add a game_time command that tells you what time it is in Paragon City.[*] Add an npc_stuck command that runs the /stuck code on spawned NPCs in an instanced mission. If you have to, limit its use to every ten minutes. Or hour. I don't care, but we really need it.[*] Allow us to gift items in the PlayNC store to other people. They'd make great prizes for contests and will earn you more money. I've also known people quit the game because of financial difficulties that I'd be more than willing to pay a month or two for, but that I don't particularly want to exchange personal information with.[*] At the very least, give us the option to get a serial code instead of applying to my account.[*] Change "Your supergroup's rent was due on (date)" to "Your base will go dark on (date)"[*] Add an option to autopay the base rent instead of having the base go dark. In fact, consider making this the default. No matter how stupid your SG leader is, the only time your supergroup base would go dark is if you literally don't have enough prestige in the bank.[*] Allow more than one person to use base crafting tables at the same time.[*] Allow coalition members to use a base's crafting tables, Ouroboros pillar, and storage vault.[*] Add the ability to quit to the login screen using the quit slash command.[*] Allow skipping the timer to quit to the login screen.[*] Reduce the time between costume changes to once every 10, 15, or even 20 seconds.[*] Add the ability to buy inspirations and enhancements from completed Ouroboros arc contacts.[*] Fix the Robo-surgery base item. (Did they fix this already? I honestly don't know.)[*] Suppress powers in auction houses.[*] Allow the team leader to kick offline task force members.[*] Allow us to switch from full screen mode to windowed mode and back without having to restart.[*] Change the timestamp scheme of screenshots from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD so that they sort in chronological order.[/list]I'll hold off on the MA suggestions until I see what you tweak in Issue 15. I also have several pie-in-the-sky QoL suggestions (API to the database for external web sites, for example), but I've tried to keep the above list to things that are relatively simply and doable.
Thanks for your consideration!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)