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  1. Don't let them hit you, you hit them..... Repeat.....
  2. I recently let my sub drop for a week, all my incarnate stuff was still there when I re-subbed. The only issue that did linger is all my characters slots were locked. I have all of the unlocks available, but just have to unlock each one.
  3. I would recommend going to the archetype & powers section of the forum, there are alot of build suggestions over there. when I start a new toon I'll look at those for ideas, but everyone plays different and some of the max builds can get expensive. I don't have a stone/fire so I cant give any specific help.
  4. Chuggernaut

    Stuck in SSD2

    i believe that in the back room there is a filing cabinet that is a glowie but didn't make noise. (not positive, I've only ran it once)
  5. About a year or so ago, I inherited a SG that was packed full of base salvage. I took one of every peice and put it on the market to find anything that had a demand. I there were actually collectors looking for it I listed it for 1 inf just to get the quick sale. the rest that didn't have a demand, I converted to rare salvage.
  6. Also, Be careful with Oppressive Gloom, if you get into a really large group with a few bosses the -HP can start ticking off pretty good without affecting the bosses very much. and Dark Regen is one of the best self heals in the game.
  7. on my DB/DA scrapper I swapped the fitness pool out for taking boxing, tough & weave. think its the "fighting" pool. once you get to choose the epic pool, take body mastery for conserve power & physical perfection. (believe you have to take a lower tier before conserve power) DA is alot more fun once you dont have to stop after every mob to wait for your blue bar to catch up.

    and welcome back
  8. Then be prepared to not want to craft anything for atleast 2 weeks. Also, once you get all the 10-40 badges, you can burn through some of the total crafted badges inventing buffs in the super group base.
  9. My main is a Dual Blade/Dark Armor scrapper. Alot of fun leveling with its own side game of watching the End bar going down faster than a blonde after prom.
  10. I would try disabling the 3d sound in the main options in game under graphics & audio tab. I believe that there are a few options under the audio box but it is almost at the bottom of the list.
  11. you have to buy another copy of the game for a new account. you can send yourself a "invite friend" from your account management page and get a little free time.
  12. I would check and see if they have any deals going on. I did the refer a friend to my own e-mail and set up a second account with the Architect Edition that I got for $9.99. Then I did the invite back when GR went on sale at best buy.

    EDIT: AE is currently $19.99
  13. I have found that binding all of my main attacks/heals/buffs to the number pad really helps. I personally have a very severe case of scrapper lock, so when i wade my Dual Blade/Dark Armor scrapper into a fight the last thing I want to do is hold on to the mouse. I gotta pound buttons! once in the fight just tab to the next victim, hit "f" pummel, rinse, repeat. Before they changed it so that defensive toggles no longer dropped when mezzed I had all of my toggles (usually got 9 running when fighting) in the second power tray & had them bound to the 1-9 keys. but now the defensive toggles don't drop so its not as important.
  14. a lot of people wait till lvl 32 & start slotting lvl 35 IOs. I believe that is when the gen IOs out perform SOs. I personally hate running to the store every 5 levels to replace all the red enhancements so I usually start slotting gen IOs in my 20s. Occasionally frankenslotting some set IOs here & there. I usually don't start worrying about doing full sets till I get into the 40s
  15. I usually sell the first 2 inspirations that drop during the tutorial zone for some quick start up inf on a new toon. after that I usually dont bother with selling (or buying) them on the market (except as a "pay it forward" kind of inf dump).
  16. Chuggernaut


    Also, if you run it has a clock built into it.
  17. Do you use herostats? it gives a pretty good readout of time remaining & will change color as the buff is about to expire. when I am running a buff character, I typically dont watch the timer I just make sure that the list stays green & make sure that none of my teammates drop off the list
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Titaniuma View Post
    Ah thanks. I'll be buying Going Rogue in December.

    Might want to check the CoH home page, You can get Going Rouge complete for $9.99 at Best Buy on Monday Nov. 29th, that's like $30 off
  19. The auto-doc sells small green & blue insp. You can (if I remember correctly) also sell enhancements, recipes, & salvage. can be useful while in a TF since you cant talk to other contacts.
  20. ummm, both of the items that used as a sample are BASE salvage, which does not drop anymore. the only people that are buying that salvage are doing it just to say they have a full collection.
  21. IF you bought the going rouge complete collection it comes with 30 days game time included. Just have to upgrade your old account.

    For the most part, the warehouse/office/cave missions still are pretty repetitive still. I personally suffer from severe scrapper lock so I normally dont focus on the surroundings.

    Inventions are pretty cool, once you slot them you do not out level them & the sets can get you some pretty good extras. And inf is easy to come by now. I came back about a year or so ago after a few years away, jumped on one of my old characters that I got into the mid 30's before I left. He had about 10,000 inf on him & all enhancements were red, played for about an hour, sold drops at WW & thought I was rich when I broke 1,000,000.

    BTW, 1,000,000 isnt rich, most mid level set IOs start around 1,000,000 a piece if you are not willing to wait
  22. This thread makes me want to go purple out my warshade & then delete him.
  23. I believe that when you activate the code it asks you which pack you want. or if you already have one it gives you the other by default.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dreamt View Post
    I guess I have the maximum number of storage in my smallest possible base. I have no teleporters. I have no med bay. Whatever else is possible; I don't have any of those either.

    I do have:
    1) Portal in. Purple thingie that lets you enter and leave via the base portals out in Paragon.
    2) Workroom. 8 salvage bins. 1 enhancement bin.
    3) Workroom. 6 salvage bins. 1 enhancement bin. Vault/Safe that magically connects to Vault Reserve.
    4) Control room. 1 abstract art thing that provides control. 2 bookcase. 2 desks. 1 salvage bin.
    5) Power room. 1 glowie crystal thingie on the floor that provides power. 1 small crystal thingie on the wall that provides aux power.

    So I have a plot that allows me all that I need until I want a med bay or teleporters to various zones? What does buying a larger plot get you? Just room for decor? (Forget those questions. Rhetorical)

    Not sure what to do yet. Obviously I don't want to remove all the salvage from the bins (15x30= 450), but I may have enough alts to just carry everything plus vault reserve. Logistically it may be possible. Have to do some math and see. Plus Auction is obviously an option. I may find I have 30 brass or something that I don't need to have so much on hand.

    Anyway thank you for the information. Now that I am not exhausted from hours of futile effort on the base, I need to plan out options. Also I have a PM that Firefox blocked from popping up that I need to look at.

    The only thing in your base right now that uses power & control is the Vault, in which case the power & control you have is overkill. Like Kat said, if you want, delete/sell the power & control items/rooms, buy the oversight room & combo unit. get the smallest porter room with 1 porter (has to be crafted) then just hang the other beacons off to the side. I have a small storage only base that has no power or control. then I just coalition with another SG to use the porters.