Soloing A Giant Monster
Don't let them hit you, you hit them..... Repeat.....
easy sets to do it with: ill/rad, ill/cold, almost anything with /cold lol
longbow boss in the lore pet tree has huge -regen
the basis of soloing a giant monster is to A) nullify its regen so you can whittle it down and B) avoid taking dmg as much as possible

Easy version, lots of pets, and -regen tools.
Tougher, -regen and a lot of dps (often leveraged with -res, too).
Both versions require decent anti damage tools. Most often 1 or more of these... Def, hover/kiting, and using pets to draw aggro,
Easy version, lots of pets, and -regen tools.
Tougher, -regen and a lot of dps (often leveraged with -res, too). Both versions require decent anti damage tools. Most often 1 or more of these... Def, hover/kiting, and using pets to draw aggro, |
the only one it doesnt help much is with scrapyard who has the "run away" mentality lol

I've soloed a few GMs (Jurassik, Kraken, Eochai, Paladin) using a fire/cold corruptor with Warworks pets.
My first attempt was on Jurassik. I was using Tier 3 Warworks (ACU and Victoria). He ran away. A lot. This made it difficult, as he would round corners and have objects obstructing my attacks, so maintaining damage on him was hard.
I just kept using my debuffs as often as they were up, and eventually beat him. I tried again a little later, having upgraded to Tier 4 Warworks, and this time brought some reds, and it was much quicker and less tedious.
I started with Jurassik, since Crey's Folly is largely ignored, so I knew I'd have a good shot of getting him alone, and because he has no debuffs.
The next one was Kraken, who also has no debuffs, and Perez is also not usually occupied.
My only attempt with Jack was going fairly well. I had him to about 1/4 health before he stunned me (I had no Break Frees) and took me out.
The real key, as mentioned is to debuff and keep damage on them. Moving around (more to keep ahead of their running away than as a form of evasion) seems to work.

Thank you, Champion.
My relatively cheaply slotted dark/dark corr 'soloed' Jurrasic with the aid of a HVAS and Shivans. This was pre incarnate slots. I wanted the badge, but it was in the middle of the night and noone wanted to help so I decided to go for it solo. The hardest part was not giving up due to an accute case of boredom.
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
It's easy to solo a GM. Just petition a problem with a strange subject line like "Stuck. Cave will is broken for lost attacker." And then once they show up and ask what the problem is continue to use broken English that doesn't actually make any sense. Eventually the GM will just give up and complete your mission for you even if nothing is wrong.
Oh, you were talking about Giant Monsters...
Never mind.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Can pets solo a GM on their own? Like, taking an extremely good Lore Pet like Vicky and company (or another, doesn't matter) and using a resilient toon like a Tanker just spamming taunt?
Soloed several GMs with my pre-Incarnate Necro/Dark MM: Eochai, Jack in Irons, Paladin (two at once), Kraken, Adamastor, Babbage, Ghost of Scrapyard (eventually) and Deathsurge (eventually - also a 'runner').
There's a lot of -regen, -damage and -to hit on the target, some def and a LOT of healing to my side
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The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
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STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
My Dark/thugs/mm with Rikti pets and dark servant to boot. Gang war also. Killed almost every gm in the game
the only ones i cant seem to do are the Giant Rock men where hami is cause there in 2s
Did every other gm in the game. Some take about 2 mins. Babbage drops quickest. The robot i forget its name in founders took the longest about 11-12 mins.
did most of them before i had incarnate powers now that i do its insanely easy. Also if you switch to hero or villan you get the dmg/acc buff which affects all your pets.
What is the best way to solo a GM? I heard it has been done.
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