IO Sets - When to start?




So, I'm a level 22 Arrow/mm blaster and am thinking I may start getting some IO sets (Thunderstrikes) into my build.

Can I get some advice on whether waiting until my 30's is better or do you think now is fine too?




The Trust



a lot of people wait till lvl 32 & start slotting lvl 35 IOs. I believe that is when the gen IOs out perform SOs. I personally hate running to the store every 5 levels to replace all the red enhancements so I usually start slotting gen IOs in my 20s. Occasionally frankenslotting some set IOs here & there. I usually don't start worrying about doing full sets till I get into the 40s



If I'm aiming for set bonuses, then I'll seriously start slotting Set IOs once I hit the low to mid-30s and have at least 4 slots allocated to the power.

If you don't care about set bonuses, then you can slot individual Set pieces whenever you want. I'd still waiting at least until the low to mid-30s before using any expensive pieces (not counting the special procs, etc.) so there'll be less chance of you wanting to replace them later on.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I'll start slotting IO pieces in less desirable (ie holds, slows, etc.) sets at 22. They tend to be VERY cheap, and give a lot more bang for the buck. And if they are drops, better yet! I don't slot for bonuses until I hit 32, and then stuff like your t-strikes - not anything too expensive. Trouble is, it's hard to get any of the solid IO pieces (like t-strikes) in the 30's range.

Should be mentioned that lot of people don't bother until their final build. I understand that, too. Personally, I want any of my game experience to be as fun as possible, and that usually means being effective as possible. Also, I don't do my builds in advance - there are always powers I don't care for as much, and ones I just love that sounded a bit goofy (even ones I've found goofy on other toons, sometimes I find a great use for on that particular build). I find these things out by playing, so I'm mentally "building as I go."



Depends on the individual set for me.

If the set is something like Kinetic Combat or Eradication I'll slot max level ones at 32 and 27 respectively. Since those particular sets cap at 35 and 30, there is no point in waiting until higher levels to slot them. And if I plan on slotting those sets I'll make sure I have at least 4 slots in the powers I plan on putting them in.

Any procs I want to slot will also be done as soon as I can afford them or I reach the minimum level for slotting them.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I've decided to slot any procs that I can at this point, however, because I want Thunderstrikes, I have to wait until 27 anyway.

Thanks for the quick replies folks!



The Trust



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Trouble is, it's hard to get any of the solid IO pieces (like t-strikes) in the 30's range.
After I concluded that I preferred using the Thunderstrike Set for my ranged attacks, I starting having retired alts put up fishing bids (ie lowball bids) for the recipes. I kinda lost track of who was doing what since I was also fishing for other Sets. This started 2 years ago, back before the Market merge and Gleemail, so I had hero and villain alts on all three of the servers I am on with bids up.

Last month, I started crafting all of the recipes I snagged to finally clear up my Market slots on my characters. To my surprise, I overdid it with the Thunderstrikes. I think I have more than 40 complete sets of them in the 34-36 range. To make room for them and my other newly crafted Set pieces in my Bases' storage bins, I have been selling off a lot of my carefully hoarded Set pieces that are out of the mid-30s range this past month. So, c'mon, buy my (good) crap so I can free up my Market slots (again)!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I usually start IO slotting around level 12 or 15. Around level 30 or so, I start actually CARING what I slot and plan it out a little better. I don't bother with putting too much cash and effort in until 47 when I can keep the investment.



Originally Posted by Genetic Freak View Post
I've decided to slot any procs that I can at this point, however, because I want Thunderstrikes, I have to wait until 27 anyway.

Thanks for the quick replies folks!

I find that waiting while using DOs and SOs is not very fun. Instead, I slot cheap disposable IO sets. Specifically, I hate it when I am using DOs or SOs and level up and suddenly all my accuracy or recharge is gone for the rest of the mission. As a result, last year I pretty much stopped using them, and I exclusively slot IOs starting at level 7. Past level 30 I'll slot an SO if it drops and I have a spot for it, because you level so much slower at that point. But in the low levels, I basically refuse to touch TOs, DOs or SOs anymore because of the expiring in mid-mission.

As was mentioned many off-type sets (stun, sleep, slow, hold) have pieces (Acc/End, Acc/Rech, Acc/end/Rech) that can be slotted into blasts and are extremely affordable. I know I pickup the recipes for around 5k each and often get the salvage for free while running missions, or just buy the one or two that is missing off the market. Slow sets also have one or two with a damage component that is very handy.

When I need damage getting ruin, salvo, farstrike etc. doubles and triples are cheap and a very effective way to make your leveling go smooth.

For your melee attacks, if you plan to run Kinetic combat, start out with smashing haymaker instead because it is very affordable and still gives a decent bit of defense, and then just swap out as you get the money.

I used to slot things with recovery bonuses (Paralytic in the holds, Razzle Dazzle from stun, etc) but now with inherent stamina I don't need that and can just use whatever is cheapest.

And, for those who "wait until they are 50" here is a quick cost comparison for you, compliments of Catwhoorg:
At level 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 buying a single ACC SO at each 5 level increment (so no 'greening up') = 266,112 inf
Crafting from memory including buying the salvage at a reasonably patient (ie overnight cost) is ~60,000 inf.

It is cheaper to never use SOs and only go with IOs if you're patient and are willing to craft yourself. But crafting takes less time than running to the store every 5 levels.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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