2 billion per enhancer
I set up a build this weekend while away from the game. I logged in this morning to price the build. Many of the enhancers I were looking at were 2 billion PER ENHANCER. Do the developers really think that people want to play a game that only full time farmers get stuff in? I have 42 months in this game, most of my toons are SO'd, and one, ONE, has a couple billion in it. These things are selling for 2 bill each, so, let me think, I would need to game about 20 years at my current rate to get one toon filled with these things.
Do the developers really believe this is what makes for a happy gaming community? I think I am gonna log for a month or two. I can workout, play music, do art, but I'll be damned if I sit and farm for 3 months to afford like 3 of the things that I figure i'll need 18 of. |
Aside from some PVP IOs, what's selling for 2bil+ per enhancement?
I frankly do not care if they are specifically PvGod enhancers. There is no underlying logic in the world that justifies 2 billion per enhancer in this game economy. They can fix it or shove it as far as I am concerned.
I frankly do not care if they are specifically PvGod enhancers. There is no underlying logic in the world that justifies 2 billion per enhancer in this game economy. They can fix it or shove it as far as I am concerned.
I call them PvP IOs because they only drop from PvP kills. As PvP isn't hugely active the rate of drops is low, and demand is high. Prices reflect that. The Devs have put a secondary method, using Alighment Merits to get them. It's expensive, but again, you don't need them and they aren't meant to be in every build.
The sad thing is that a few of the enhancers are actually selling off-market for more than 2B each. The incarnate system in i19 is intended to be a way for people who don't want to make the push for PvP and Purple IOs to power up their normal IO enhanced toons above what is currently possible.
I expect we'll see the price on some of these things come down once incarnate system is live cause people will have an alternative empowerment route.
Alternately you could do hero/villian tips missions (hardly farming) to get the required alignment merits to buy these things w/o inf.
You really don't NEED these things though. Despite the fact that I have 100's of billions of inf worth of value in my bases, I don't have more than 1 toon fully spec'ed out. Honestly I don't need the one too I do have like that. None of this stuff is needed its intended to give people something to strive for once they're 50th....and thus not shockingly are designed to be a grind to complete.
Do you get mad when you see things in RL you can't afford too?
When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...
I believe that they are going for 40-45 of the new merits. correct? Call it 40. So that is 80+ days of gaming for 1 enhancer. and 16 months for a set of 6. a little over that if it is 45 per. Yeah, they fixed it. Woo hoo. everybody throw a party. The Devs fixed it, yeah. ROFLMAO.
If they didnt want them in the game, they should not have made them. if they do want them in the game, they should be available to a regular gamer. on a difficult, not impossible, scale to get. Otherwise they irritate consumers. which is such the intelligent market strategy.
I set up a build this weekend while away from the game. I logged in this morning to price the build. Many of the enhancers I were looking at were 2 billion PER ENHANCER. Do the developers really think that people want to play a game that only full time farmers get stuff in? I have 42 months in this game, most of my toons are SO'd, and one, ONE, has a couple billion in it. These things are selling for 2 bill each, so, let me think, I would need to game about 20 years at my current rate to get one toon filled with these things.
Do the developers really believe this is what makes for a happy gaming community? I think I am gonna log for a month or two. I can workout, play music, do art, but I'll be damned if I sit and farm for 3 months to afford like 3 of the things that I figure i'll need 18 of. |
If you don't think that you are a casual player, then I suppose that there are other ways you can play the game to improve your inf/loot stream.
Also, there are many cost effective builds that do not require such expensive loot. Better that you post your proposed build and then get some community feedback on how you can reduce the cost of it while retaining most of what you are aiming for. I'm pretty sure you can get a build that would be 95% of what you are looking to build right now at under 2B inf, and 90% of what you are looking to do at under 500M inf.
Otherwise this is pretty much just a rant.
I set up a build this weekend while away from the game. I logged in this morning to price the build. Many of the enhancers I were looking at were 2 billion PER ENHANCER. Do the developers really think that people want to play a game that only full time farmers get stuff in? I have 42 months in this game, most of my toons are SO'd, and one, ONE, has a couple billion in it. These things are selling for 2 bill each, so, let me think, I would need to game about 20 years at my current rate to get one toon filled with these things.
Purples and PvPIOs are nice to have and while there are people who have used them to great effect the actual increase in ability for a Purple/PvPIO toon over one using more affordable IOs is small for most content. Unless you're really running the bleeding edge and doing things like soloing AVs/GMs/Pylons you probably don't need them (although it doesn't mean they aren't nice to have).
Also just wanted to comment it's nice to see someone complaining about prices and setting the blame where it belongs rather than on some shadowy market cabal of price fixers... about which I know nothing.
I frankly do not care if they are specifically PvGod enhancers. There is no underlying logic in the world that justifies 2 billion per enhancer in this game economy. They can fix it or shove it as far as I am concerned.
If you think things are overpriced, then you need to convince the entire playerbase to stop paying those amounts.
Lastly, if your build is really THAT intense (which I don't believe for a second), don't you think some modicum of effort is involved? Why are you playing this game, anyways?
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I frankly do not care if they are specifically PvGod enhancers. There is no underlying logic in the world that justifies 2 billion per enhancer in this game economy. They can fix it or shove it as far as I am concerned.
The high-end stuff is for the people who crave that, and if you look at the time/influence investment versus the difference in power, and you will see that purples/PvPIOs offer a slight advantage over your standard IO set for significantly more investment in both time and money. Sure, I have some socked-out builds that cost billions, but I don't do that on all (or even many) of my toons. It isn't worth the time or influence to me. For those other toons, I can make some pretty effective builds with no purples and no PvPIOs.
I would buy your argument and sympathize with your anger a lot more if there weren't many perfectly good set IOs available for less than 10 million each and much much less in many situations.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I look at enhancements such as PvP IOs like this:
First: Shiny! I want that.
Then: I see how much it costs.
Then: I look for a cheaper alternative.
Then: I find it after a minute of looking.
Finally: I pick the cheaper alternative for a fraction of the cost.
Usually I can get enhancements that are at leasy half as effective as the purples/PvP IOs I was looking at for less than 10% of their price.
Besides, the price of everything on the market is determined by players so shouting at devs won't help. You're barking at the wrong tree.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I believe that they are going for 40-45 of the new merits. correct? Call it 40. So that is 80+ days of gaming for 1 enhancer. and 16 months for a set of 6. a little over that if it is 45 per. Yeah, they fixed it. Woo hoo. everybody throw a party. The Devs fixed it, yeah. ROFLMAO.
If they didnt want them in the game, they should not have made them. if they do want them in the game, they should be available to a regular gamer. on a difficult, not impossible, scale to get. Otherwise they irritate consumers. which is such the intelligent market strategy. |
Then I dumped 2 billion on the +dam-res pvp unique IO. Mindless farming, yes, but I had the inf needed in less than 20 days.
I was also going to get the panacea proc, but realized that I'd lose a good chunk of HP if I slotted it, so I didn't bother.
I have no idea what the market worth of my main's build is these days. I know I've dumped at least 4.5 billion into it so far.
The items you want are very rare. Either do what's necessary to get them, or don't and don't have them.
Be well, people of CoH.

Yeah. I do not think the vast majority of the posters are feeling me. i am a 42 month Vet. I did not arrive in the cities yesterday. I understand what you are saying about diminishing returns. I am saying, there is no feasible way for anyone to get one toon fully tricked out with purples and PvP enhancers unless they 1) farm all day every day for a year. (farm, not play) 2) buy in game cash from china illegally.
So, the Devs have set up this situation. the Devs need to fix it. Most people want to spend 3-6 months on one toon, and have something way cool to show for it. if the Devs do not get that then they need to have a serious conference style think tank day.
Yeah. I do not think the vast majority of the posters are feeling me.
I am saying, there is no feasible way for anyone to get one toon fully tricked out with purples and PvP enhancers unless they 1) farm all day every day for a year. (farm, not play) 2) buy in game cash from china illegally. |
3) Make money playing the market.
So, the Devs have set up this situation. the Devs need to fix it. |
Most people want to spend 3-6 months on one toon, and have something way cool to show for it. |
I feel that a level 50 character with even a couple of purples is "way cool". I don't really feel that I need to be able to get multiple full 6-piece sets of purples to be "way cool".
But if I really wanted to get that, I'd run marketing for twenty minutes a day while doing my other playing normally, and make a couple billion here and there. Pretty soon it adds up to real money.
Probably shouldn't point out the 88 thread...
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
My bot/traps MM is decked out to the gills on PvP and purple IOs. Its taken me a little over 4 years to get her that way (from creation, to right now) I started her when i11 dropped, and the invention system was just new.
I can solo AVs/GMs/TFs and basically do anything the PvE enviroment can throw at me.
I also have about 10 other 50s, all of them with a decent enough IO build. Heck, while waiting for i18 to drop to live, i decked out all my level 50s with accolades and IO builds cuz i was bored. The money basically fell on me due to my marketing, smart buying, and just playing the game (not farming at all), so i really don't know how you came to the conclusion that people can't afford these prices.
Especially when the PLAYERS set the prices. People are obviously able to make hundreds of billions of inf to be able to pay for the prices the things are going for, as the devs have next to 0 control of what players want to pay for items.
Seriously, between A-merits, regular merits, increase in random drops due to mission completes, increased inf that 50s generate, random dayjob increase in drops, and the market itself, its really no wonder that prices are skyhigh, inflation is a pain, and i do so hope the Crazy 88s are really impacting prices are much as they would hope.
Yeah. I do not think the vast majority of the posters are feeling me. i am a 42 month Vet. I did not arrive in the cities yesterday. I understand what you are saying about diminishing returns. I am saying, there is no feasible way for anyone to get one toon fully tricked out with purples and PvP enhancers unless they 1) farm all day every day for a year. (farm, not play) 2) buy in game cash from china illegally.
So, the Devs have set up this situation. the Devs need to fix it. Most people want to spend 3-6 months on one toon, and have something way cool to show for it. if the Devs do not get that then they need to have a serious conference style think tank day. |
i very rarely buy purps, usually im just running a lot of lvl 50 toons/content and about 50% or more of the purps ive gotten are from drops, most of the ones ive bought are cheaper ones (less than 200 mil)
i dont bother with PVP ios for 2 reasons, the first being i basically never pvp, and as mentioned in the previous posts, the pvp IOs arent any more effective than most of the non PVP ios except for the purps whcih are all "superior" rating enhances, most of the set bonuses for pvp IOs arent all that special either
as of now i have 1 toon which is completely IOd and i dont think i spent more than maybe 2 bil on his build and he has 15 purps slotted, im currently working on like 4 other toons right now, one is missing only like 3-5 purps and the others are missing up to about 20 purps, while it is a lot and more annoying now with the inflated purp prices, its still possible to wait for them on drops especially if you run a lot of lvl 50 content

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
couple of easy peasy fixes to the market.
A)Cap all market prices at 250 million. the only people who will cry about this are 1) Farmers 2) China Farmers 3) Farming China Farmers
B) Set it so that in an average 3 month playing at 50 content ( 20 hours per week let's call it, so 240 hours at 50 ) there is a 90% likelihood of getting 6 high end enhancers, purple or Pvp.
This will not crush the game system, and I can tell you why. As has been previously stated, It is a law of extremely diminishing returns. the more you throw of these high end things on one toon, the less you get back. even if 2/3 of 50s were purp'd and Pvp'd out, it would make little diff to content.
this will make your average gamer extremely happy. How nice for some 12 year old to get there first 50, a week later get a purp, sell it for 200 mil, and finance SOs for there next 25 alts for a year. Or be able to build a really nice toon in 6 months, by their own effort, without spending 60 hours a week running the same boring farm. wow, almost sounds fun. wait, i made it fun, danged, sorry Devs, I know you hate that.
Okay, kill fun. Make it even harder to get these things, cut the drop rate by half, and triple the merit costs for them, and please raise the market cap to 5 billion per sale. and the cap for cash on hand to 20 billion. You will make 14 people out there soooo happy. The rest of us can go pound sand.
if the Devs do not get that then they need to have a serious conference style think tank day.
Try to say this out loud -
"Hey Devs, you need to have a serious conference style think tank day!"
Go ahead, I dare you

It's *almost" sig worthy for the lulz.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Yeah. I do not think the vast majority of
the posters are feeling me. i am a 42 month Vet. I did not arrive in the cities yesterday. I understand what you are saying about diminishing returns. I am saying, there is no feasible way for anyone to get one toon fully tricked out with purples and PvP enhancers unless they 1) farm all day every day for a year. (farm, not play) 2) buy in game cash from china illegally. So, the Devs have set up this situation. the Devs need to fix it. Most people want to spend 3-6 months on one toon, and have something way cool to show for it. if the Devs do not get that then they need to have a serious conference style think tank day. |
bulk of your assertions are flat out wrong.
1> Many people have toons "fully tricked out with purples and PvP
enhancers". I have a couple myself. While I am an active marketeer, I'm
not an "all day every day farmer", and I have never been involved in an
RMT transaction - hell, I won't even buy the extra packs from NCsoft,
nevermind illicit crap.
So, this claim is flat out wrong.
2> "So, the Devs have set up this situation". No, they didn't. What they
DID do is set drop rates for any "loot", and they set up a Market/Auction
system whereby players can trade this loot with each other using the in-
game currency... Prices are set by players - not devs.
So, this claim is flat out wrong.
From my perspective, there are only a finite handful of very simple choices
for you.
1> You can tilt at windmills as you currently are doing - rest assured, it
will garner little (if any) sympathy. We simply don't care because your
claims are flat out wrong.
2> You can find alternatives to slotting purples and PvP IOs. As other
posters have noted, those items are not NEEDED to make an effective
toon or play the game well. In many cases, the benefits those items
provide can typically be found in other, far cheaper, and far more available
3> You can learn to do the activities that will allow you to gain the items
you want if #2 isn't cutting it for you. Marketeering, specifically, is easy
to do, and over time, will get you far more inf than farming for the same
amount of time invested... Of course, combining farming and marketeering
is even faster if you're so-inclined (I simply prefer marketeering myself)
4> You can quit - If you do, I'll ask the age old question - Can I haz ur stuff?

In conclusion, yes, there is an element of "sticker shock" for first time
marketeers (I went through it myself way back when). That said, getting
past that moment, and getting to the point where the prices are no longer
a problem is pretty easy and fairly quick if you choose to make the minimal
effort needed.
Best of Luck,
PS> Just read your prior post (made while I was typing this)...
Caps won't do what you want - what they *will* do is ensure that
most (if not all) of the real, and valuable items will be sold "off-
market" as some of the top items currently are, creating a real
black market for those goods... GL with that...
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
I set up a build this weekend while away from the game. I logged in this morning to price the build. Many of the enhancers I were looking at were 2 billion PER ENHANCER. Do the developers really think that people want to play a game that only full time farmers get stuff in? I have 42 months in this game, most of my toons are SO'd, and one, ONE, has a couple billion in it. These things are selling for 2 bill each, so, let me think, I would need to game about 20 years at my current rate to get one toon filled with these things.
Do the developers really believe this is what makes for a happy gaming community? I think I am gonna log for a month or two. I can workout, play music, do art, but I'll be damned if I sit and farm for 3 months to afford like 3 of the things that I figure i'll need 18 of.