Best class to play for fun?
What is left you have not played?
Maybe the vaguest question I've ever heard.
Sounds like you're burned out on the game. Try taking a break for a bit.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Well, I kinda have taken a break. I know that's pretty vague, but let me try adding details. I like scrappers pretty well. They're my favorite class.
So, in everyone's experience, what is your favorite scrapper that looks the flashiest, is fairly complex gameplay, and is just overall fun?
Try a Fortunata that has "some" of the melee skills. Your tough but not scrapper/brute/tank yawn what can kill me? tough. You get blasts, melee, aoes a pbaoe in the claws and psi scream... Confuses and holds even an immob thats a decent damage blast at the same time. They ain't shabby.
I'm enjoying my widower and my Crabs too but... a Crab is cast pets aoe melee and blasts. They dont get much for control or the fun mess the mob's AI confuse and this lack of variety might bore you.
And electric/Ninja Stalker is quite fun too... for completely different reasons. It's got fun melee for a stalker and great defence. But its all defence and caltrops and trickery. Be on the edge o your seat cause when your hit... Your HIT! That'll wake yah up alright.
Plant/Rad troller is pretty neat fit.
DP/Dark cor was a blast... but now he is a bit pale compared to the Crabman. Crabbie cant heal and rez and debuff regen so well though... He's so much glorious blasty blastin out of a not so glass cannon though... hard to say.
Experiment with crazy builds. Avoid the nigh indestructable 3 classes to eliviate boredom. (mind you i play these guys a lot. I find them fun... I just know somebody whose yawning already at repetition is going to find them a tad dull... perhaps.)
Personal opinion.
Fire/Regen scrapper. Should keep you on your toes.
A Stone/Fire brute would also be high on my list of outright awesome.
Well, I kinda have taken a break. I know that's pretty vague, but let me try adding details. I like scrappers pretty well. They're my favorite class.
So, in everyone's experience, what is your favorite scrapper that looks the flashiest, is fairly complex gameplay, and is just overall fun? |
That said, by "complex" are you looking for... I don't know, "busy?" Because I'd probably put "Dual blades/regen" there. Play with the combos, and it's up to you to stay alive. Willpower if regen's too clicky. /DA if you want to add a bit of control, though I think you lose some of the "flashy" there. (Alternately, you're a dustbunny of doom.)
Or, moving away from melee - I'm not fond of most veats, but a Huntsman, though you lose melee (end up being more bane going for melee, not to mention redraw.)
Alternately - answer more questions.
Where do you tend to start finding yourself "bored?"
What do you find interesting - visuals, power, support, "busy-ness," ? (For instance, for that last - I had a Bots/FF Mastermind that nearly put me off the whole AT. Set up bots, buff bots, give orders... um.... wait... pick next target. *yawn.* Was recommended a Thug/Poison, and loved it. Bots/Traps is fun, too. Because I have "stuff to do.")
I'll also give you a suggestion or two from my Altaholic's guide - Join or form a group. Either a SG, themed in some way, or - more likely - a "theme team" or "superteam" with people you know will be on at certain times. It can be a set group, or something like the Iron Eagles. (Which is another sort of challenge - death = character deletion.) Basically, find new ways to make it interesting for yourself.
What is the best class to play that doesn't get boring? I've played pretty much everything and a lot of it just seems boring at this point. What's a good class that I can play and not get bored with?
(By bored I mean, the toon gets stale and I get tired of playing it because it's bland.) |
It varies from person to person.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I can definitely say without a shadow of doubt that my electric melee/shield defense/fire scrapper is the most fun to play.
Not any em/sd scrapper. Just mine. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Well, I kinda have taken a break. I know that's pretty vague, but let me try adding details. I like scrappers pretty well. They're my favorite class.
So, in everyone's experience, what is your favorite scrapper that looks the flashiest, is fairly complex gameplay, and is just overall fun? |
It's not necessarily powerful, and the flash is in what -you- know you can do, if it comes to it. But it's enough that I've stuck with it for the last 7 years, even after playing other scrappers, defenders, controllers, etc. The challenge of making a scrapper that's purposed for team use can make for some very dynamic encounters in the game.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
For mindless gut stomping fun it's hard to beat a scrapper or a brute.
The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.
You need a MFing Warshade.
My warshade was far and away the most fun experience I've ever had with this game.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
So, in everyone's experience, what is your favorite scrapper that looks the flashiest, is fairly complex gameplay, and is just overall fun?

My main is a broadsword/regeneration scrapper, and I have the most fun, engaging time playing him. His build is based on the name, so he's set up to tank and support as well as scrap. It's a reactive set that requires situational awareness to play by itself, and you'll want to watch your teammate's health bars/status bars to swap roles accordingly.
It's not necessarily powerful, and the flash is in what -you- know you can do, if it comes to it. But it's enough that I've stuck with it for the last 7 years, even after playing other scrappers, defenders, controllers, etc. The challenge of making a scrapper that's purposed for team use can make for some very dynamic encounters in the game. |
So I build my scrappers to take a lot of abuse, and wind up pseudo-tanking and using things like Confront and the Nemesis Staff temp power to pull aggro off the squishies at range when I can't get there in time to stab their foe in the face. Juggling those things between (or in the middle of combos) and leaping all over the battlefield keep me on my toes, and I personally love it.
DB/regen will DEFINITELY be a clickfest, though I wonder in the back of my head about redraw issues. On the other hand, if managed properly, all those regen clickies can make for an absolute BEAST as far as survivability, and will definitely give you a sense of "living on the edge." Someone else said it [a lot better] in a forum sig, but my mangled paraphrase is that "regen scrappers are binary creatures: they're either indestructible or they're dead." (And apologies for the quote butchery!)
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
You need a MFing Warshade.
My warshade was far and away the most fun experience I've ever had with this game. |
Then take it Redside. Now you're a Villain Warshade. Now you're having fun!
One of the most Soylent Cola characters I built- not the fastest, not the most powerful- was a Dark/Traps corruptor, emphasis on Defense and Acc Debuff. The enemies miss because you MAKE them miss- get them in the cone of tentacles, hit them with the other cone, drop stuff on them to make them weak and stupid. You have a small heal [if you hit!] and a lot of ways of digging yourself out of trouble- but you can get IN trouble if, say, you have an unlucky alpha, or your FF drone pops at the wrong time.
It was fun for me. It was like a Super Reflexes blaster with a lot of twiddling required to make it work.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
If you want busy, listen to Dechs. If you also want to play a toon where you're constantly chasing it's potential at the possible risk of being outperformed by other archetypes, also listen to Dechs. WS's are fun, but sometimes a little TOO busy.
Regen's also very busy, and can be EXTREMELY tough (at least against single targets).
If you want fun leveling, I would suggest pretty much any Brute, playing chase the Fury Bar is nice at the lower levels. If you want fun at 50, go Fire/Shield/Pyre Scrapper and leave bodies in your wake.
My main is a Dual Blade/Dark Armor scrapper. Alot of fun leveling with its own side game of watching the End bar going down faster than a blonde after prom.
What is the best class to play that doesn't get boring? I've played pretty much everything and a lot of it just seems boring at this point. What's a good class that I can play and not get bored with?
(By bored I mean, the toon gets stale and I get tired of playing it because it's bland.)