An Update




Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
In the absence of moderation, trolls can easily control any conversation however they see fit, or bury the topic under a pile of cinder, even if they're 'ignored'.
Yeah, and even WITH moderation they aren't TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong, just making pains of themselves. Its not so bad here, but on other forums I visit I sometimes have entire pages taken up by "You are ignoring this/these user/users".

On topic, thank you for the update, Golden. You probably posted this over on the Titan forums and I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Yeah, and even WITH moderation they aren't TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong, just making pains of themselves. Its not so bad here, but on other forums I visit I sometimes have entire pages taken up by "You are ignoring this/these user/users".

On topic, thank you for the update, Golden. You probably posted this over on the Titan forums and I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
It is in the "Current position/Update thread" IIRC (although that is on page 2 of the Titan Boards)



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
It is in the "Current position/Update thread" IIRC (although that is on page 2 of the Titan Boards)
Thank you Gangrel, much appreciated.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



all i see is the op creating false hope on something already dead..time to put your big girl panties on and leave the house..your pretend life is over in 14 days.time to grow up.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
all i see is the op creating false hope on something already dead..time to put your big girl panties on and leave the house..your pretend life is over in 14 days.time to grow up.
Awww! How sweet! Another one! What are you, like ten? "Some one is trying to spread hope! I MUST NOT ALLOW THIS! TIME TO BRING OUT THE SILLY SAYINGS AND INSULT PEOPLE WHO PLAY VIDEO GAMES!"

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
all i see is the op creating false hope on something already dead..time to put your big girl panties on and leave the house..your pretend life is over in 14 days.time to grow up.



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Awww! How sweet! Another one! What are you, like ten? "Some one is trying to spread hope! I MUST NOT ALLOW THIS! TIME TO BRING OUT THE SILLY SAYINGS AND INSULT PEOPLE WHO PLAY VIDEO GAMES!"
And you accuse someone else of immaturity? With this?



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
And you accuse someone else of immaturity? With this?
Oh well. We've established which people are REALLY dealing in absolutes and which ones aren't. Everything else is sheepdip now.



Let's face it, we went past the point of no return ages ago. All that's left is to see if we can drive NCSoft's stock price down a bit further...

Frankie says it best.



Eh, editing this out. Trolling the troll didn't feel as good as I thought it would. I felt all...dirty.

I will say though, that nothing you say ever has any weight, Brillig. You pick what little tidbits you can an attempt to turn them into some percieved insult against the quoted, you do nothing but go around stirring up negativity, and all the while attempt to act like you are superior to everyone else involved. You are far, far more immature then even the person I quoted, and yet you try to act like everyone else are the ones stooping to some level. You will not be missed.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
time to put your big girl panties on and leave the house..your pretend life is over in 14 days.time to grow up.
Yes, it is. So, are you planning to do so any time soon?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Uhm CoH/SAVE/Titan isn't driving NCSoft stock prices down. Their stock is declining true, but it has nothing to do with CoH Are you prepared to state that their stock is being even moderately affected by CoH/Save/Titan if their stock prices go they did on the day of the announcement A 50,000 sub MMO closing had no impact on 8/31...and if you think 100 people blogging/tweeting is... well that's just plain silly. A LOT of stocks are currently down big Microsoft, Google, Apple, Activision Blizzard, Sony, and even Walmart have all taken dives the past 2-3 months... damn you Titan!

Paragon/CoH has not even registered a blip in South Korean news, and hasn't really been NEWS here in the US outside of some gaming sites and blogs. There are MUCH bigger reasons their stock is currently down. Sorry to hit ya with a reality bomb, but stock fluctuates and not because of a few people screaming #GAMEKILLER, a weekly Joystiq article, comment bombing, or blogging.

Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post
Let's face it, we went past the point of no return ages ago. All that's left is to see if we can drive NCSoft's stock price down a bit further...

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Uhm CoH/SAVE/Titan isn't driving NCSoft stock prices down. Their stock is declining true, but it has nothing to do with CoH Are you prepared to state that their stock is being even moderately affected by CoH/Save/Titan if their stock prices go they did on the day of the announcement A 50,000 sub MMO closing had no impact on 8/31...and if you think 100 people blogging/tweeting is... well that's just plain silly. A LOT of stocks are currently down big Microsoft, Google, Apple, Activision Blizzard, Sony, and even Walmart have all taken dives the past 2-3 months... damn you Titan!
Actually I had already thought cutting CoH might have affected prices on the day of the announcement.

The peak of that climb was the weekend of the Unity Rally. And the result of that was NOT just blogs and tweets. Maybe it was just blind luck then, that the highest NCsoft got in the whole 3 month span just happened to be that same weekend. Or maybe it was just Karma being the middle-man.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
What fascinates me here is, A_F, one of the people who claims to be on the side of common sense, is still accusing GG of not only astroturfing, but getting paid to do so. That G_G is still here arguing, contradicts that. There is nothing left to astroturf, and no studio left to employ anyone for doing so. If A_F were just tossing the fanboy/girl title around, that would at least make more sense.

But it sounds like there's much more of a personal grudge in this case.
Actually A_F was asserting that Arcanaville was doing the artificial landscaping, not She of the Emoticons. At least that's how it read.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war.


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The stock slump has to do with the financial report, with Aion, Lineage and Lineage II taking massive revenue hits and Blade & Soul isn't performing up to know...over in Korea. It's not rocket science. But you have to drop the hate and BS when you analyze stocks and companies.

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Actually I had already thought cutting CoH might have affected prices on the day of the announcement.

The peak of that climb was the weekend of the Unity Rally. And the result of that was NOT just blogs and tweets. Maybe it was just blind luck then, that the highest NCsoft got in the whole 3 month span just happened to be that same weekend. Or maybe it was just Karma being the middle-man.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Actually A_F was asserting that Arcanaville was doing the artificial landscaping, not She of the Emoticons. At least that's how it read.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war.

Which makes it even more amusing.

Right, on with the show.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The stock slump has to do with the financial report, with Aion, Lineage and Lineage II taking massive revenue hits and Blade & Soul isn't performing up to know...over in Korea. It's not rocket science. But you have to drop the hate and BS when you analyze stocks and companies.
Indeed, but looking at the financial reports with the eyes of an accountant, there's quite a few things that just don't add up the way they should. Even if NCSoft's stock hadn't been dropping for the past several weeks, I still wouldn't touch it.



Their western income was what, 5% of their world wide total and CoH was ~45% of that, so while I doubt the western response to closing CoH had much to do with their stock dropping like a rock, the management decisions including and not limited to closing down CoH are much more likely a cause.

Closing CoH may be one of many millstones they hung around their own necks.

For the people concerned that SaveCoH is going to shutdown GW2 I'd recommend being more concerned about NCSoft shutting it down in their attempt to pull out of their stock nosedive if it continues as it is.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Actually A_F was asserting that Arcanaville was doing the artificial landscaping, not She of the Emoticons. At least that's how it read.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war.

Oh well. Regardless, the lack of anyone being around to keep an astroturfer on a payroll remains the same.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The stock slump has to do with the financial report, with Aion, Lineage and Lineage II taking massive revenue hits and Blade & Soul isn't performing up to know...over in Korea. It's not rocket science. But you have to drop the hate and BS when you analyze stocks and companies.
You mean the 2Q report? The one after which stocks continued to climb for a whole month?




Originally Posted by Ogi View Post

For the people concerned that SaveCoH is going to shutdown GW2 I'd recommend being more concerned about NCSoft shutting it down in their attempt to pull out of their stock nosedive if it continues as it is.
The likelihood of NCSoft closing GW2 due to the stock price dropping is exactly the same as the likelihood of NCSoft closing CoH due to the stock price dropping. Zero.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
The likelihood of NCSoft closing GW2 due to the stock price dropping is exactly the same as the likelihood of NCSoft closing CoH due to the stock price dropping. Zero.
Actually, my speculation (granted, just that) about why the rush to close NCSoft rather than the normal "ramp up the pressure" ending is that after the lousy quarterly result and stock issues, the word came in to do something significant. And after the announcement, stock went up, maybe it was taken as "doing something serious about focusing on profits".

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NO the one that was released 2 weeks ago.....which was not as good as stock holders had hoped for. Why would I reference LAST quarters report when I am talking about their stocks NOW after the 3rd quarter report?

Top that off with weak sales of B&S in Korea (where NCSoft is...) as well as other under performing titles (Aion/Lineage/Lineage II) in the East.... NCSoft stock is not made or broken by Western issues as the Western Market is minuscule compared to the Eastern Market. I don't care how many emoticons people throw out there...the reality is NCSoft stock is reacting to much bigger Asia.

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post

You mean the 2Q report? The one after which stocks continued to climb for a whole month?


Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
NO the one that was released 2 weeks ago.....which was not as good as stock holders had hoped for. Why would I reference LAST quarters report when I am talking about their stocks NOW after the 3rd quarter report?
Because in response to the idea that the SaveCoH rally triggered the landslide, you were saying, "No, it was the financial report." 3Q wasn't published until 2 months AFTER the stocks began dropping. So why would I think you were talking about the 3rd quarter?