An Update




Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
Was there anything before this part of the quote? What does 'it' refer to?
The "it" is the latest idea/angle of attack to get our game back - more details should be out in a day or two.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not all the core team have taken up new jobs yet
The interesting part is that it doesn't make it any more believable.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Which one?
The one where she said CoH had profits of $800k a month.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is the latest we have from Mercedes Lackey and Brian Clayton, the Producer at Paragon Studios:
Thank you.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

Btw it's a little telling that casual people are aware of the misinformation the titan forums are spreading but the front men arent
You think they're unaware? I don't. I think they're completely aware and acting deliberately.

It's the same as GG's "Which thread?" "Where?" BS. Just trying to waste time and obscure the issue.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, lets go back to the titan network forums shall we?

Originally Posted by Victoria Victrix
First off, this post is NOT meant to discourage you guys. Just remember we have to deal in facts as well as hope.

Larry did some fact-checking and money-tracing (he's the brains of our operation, I just do the heavy-word-lifting). This is what he found.

"The essence of it all appears to be as simple as this: NCsoft is owned by Nexon Co. Ltd., and Nexon has a record of only being interested in what benefits Asian gamers, and last quarter, their push was heavy East and EU.

Paragon Studios employed 80 people. Nexon employs 3,400. City made $800k clear profit a month. Nexon's quarterly was $242 million, and their latest 1 of 60 MMOs registered 3 million players in China last month. Nexon has been at a steady $1.1 to $1.2 billion dollar company for 3 years.

As big as CoH has been to us, City wasn't even a blip seen from Tokyo and Seoul. Someone 5,000 miles away (who likely never played any game the corporation owns---and even their largest shareholder only has a 21 percent share) said "reduce North American assets," and this happened. And with a billion people in China as a market for Nexon's free-to-play/micropayment 2D MMOs versus a highly-technical American-based 3D MMO, they saw no reason to bother (or, really, even take notice)."

This is actually something we can parlay. I mean, hello? $800k PROFIT PER MONTH with an 80 person staff? That sounds like a THRIVING small business to me! This is something worth investing in! If any of you actually write on small business blogs, this story would be worth starting over there--giant asian firm DUMPS profit-making business. This could get any potential investor worth his salt salivating.
*bolded the important parts*

In this post alone she says it twice.

And she was asked about that figure as well. As far as I am aware, she has always defended that figure, although there was enough evidence to the contrary to prove that CoX was *not* making $800K/month profit.

Ok, so maybe not $10mill+, but $9.6mill is close enough to $10mill.

Please note: I have never said that the game made $10mill profit per year, well at least not recently. During its opening couple of years, it was likely.

Just in case you are wondering, I have found 3 threads where she has stated the 800K/month figure (there might well be more, these are the ones that popped up for me on a quick search).

Re: Potential argument to investors (September 9th 2012)
Re: Shipping Jobs Overseas (September 9th 2012)
Re: Star Power (September 9th 2012)

Now, a couple of people over there *did* contest this figure, because to them it didn't make any sense. However, from what I can tell on the threads, it looked like it was a general uphill struggle to get a "how did you get to that figure" answer.

I am actually still waiting for the answer anyways.



Seems to me that she actually took the numbers someone else was throwing around, actually.

By that, I mean someone within the studio handed them to her.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not seeing where she said it...

here maybe these will help.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Seems to me that she actually took the numbers someone else was throwing around, actually.

By that, I mean someone within the studio handed them to her.
So how much profit was COH making? I mean, given the probable salaries of the Paragon Studios staff they'd have to have been making SOME kind of profit or they would have been shut down well before this.

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Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Seems to me that she actually took the numbers someone else was throwing around, actually.

By that, I mean someone within the studio handed them to her.
Actually, the implication is that "Larry" gave her the numbers, not someone in the studio. "Larry" being Larry Dixon, her husband.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
So how much profit was COH making? I mean, given the probable salaries of the Paragon Studios staff they'd have to have been making SOME kind of profit or they would have been shut down well before this.
80 person dev studio. Silicon Valley wages and cost of living. Add servers and support.

It's quite possible that Paragon wasn't making a profit at all, but was kept going because NCSoft wanted them to deliver the new game/secret project. probably wasn't making a profit the last couple of years either, after the last GW expansion. NCSoft kept them going in order to cash in on GW2.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Actually, the implication is that "Larry" gave her the numbers, not someone in the studio. "Larry" being Larry Dixon, her husband.
Think it was more likely Brian Clayton who handed them to her, myself.

Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
So how much profit was COH making? I mean, given the probable salaries of the Paragon Studios staff they'd have to have been making SOME kind of profit or they would have been shut down well before this.
I don't know, but probably enough to finance the development of a second game under an entirely different IP.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
80 person dev studio. Silicon Valley wages and cost of living. Add servers and support.
Don't forget that over half the studio weren't working on CoH.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't forget that over half the studio weren't working on CoH.
Which is ultimately irrelevant if NCSoft considers Paragon Studios as a whole rather than breaking it out individually.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Think it was more likely Brian Clayton who handed them to her, myself.
Which, in turn, would mean that Brian Clayton had no idea what the real numbers were.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
I don't know, but probably enough to finance the development of a second game under an entirely different IP.
It also depends on long-term investment plans - for example, EA spent 5+ years pouring 200 miilion dollars into the TORtanic, which had a 600+ dev team - so they were quite prepared for several years of "losses" on a project in the expectation that they'd get a major teturn on their investment once it went live.
NCsoft did the same with GW2 - GW1 wasn't earning enough to support the development costs of GW2, but they incested in GW2 in the expectation of a retun on that investment eventually.
The costs of the super secret Pagaon project would have been treated as an investment, and the outlay for supporting it wouldn't have been placed on CoH.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Which, in turn, would mean that Brian Clayton had no idea what the real numbers were.
Now that really is getting desperate

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
You know, I was watching an argument between an awesome dude and some loser some months back when the awesome dude made an awesome quote: "Socialists are not defined as 'anyone with which you disagree'". I think exchanging the word "socialists" for "trolls" is pertinent here. Go away.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Which is ultimately irrelevant if NCSoft considers Paragon Studios as a whole rather than breaking it out individually.
Think of it in ArenaNet terms - some devs were still working on GW1, while the rest were working on GW2 - the cost of developing GW2 was an investment, and wasn't palced on GW1 to support.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not that really is getting desperate
Pretty sure the implication was that Racist Terwyn doesn't know what they're talking about, and ML was parlaying second-hand "research" as fact. Again. Thus casting doubt on the OP.



This is really doom.