Champions Online: just doesn't cut it.

Ael Rhiana



I don't see anyone tearing down CO's community, either (not even GG, unless I just missed those posts). In fact, it's that welcoming community that makes me want to give the game a second (well, fifth or sixth) chance despite its flaws.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I don't see anyone tearing down CO's community, either (not even GG, unless I just missed those posts). In fact, it's that welcoming community that makes me want to give the game a second (well, fifth or sixth) chance despite its flaws.
Well she has made some remarks that did seem to tear into CO (GG that is).

Actually quite a bit of remarks.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I don't see anyone tearing down CO's community, either (not even GG, unless I just missed those posts). In fact, it's that welcoming community that makes me want to give the game a second (well, fifth or sixth) chance despite its flaws.
The forum community has their heads up their ***** and are quite hostile when it comes to villains (the desire for a redside, roleplaying as one or seeking other like-minded players). Some going so far as to say "If you want to be a villain so bad, go play CoH... oh wait you can't lol"

In-game, people don't seem to care much either way.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Blocking doesn't let you attack
I recently defeated a whole room of enemies by blocking.

And while blocking can be essential, it's generally an intermittent thing rather than a constant thing.

The tutorial is rubbish, gives no information, and pits you against an enemy so powerful he'll waylay you anywhere from ten to twenty times before you wear him down enough to kill him. Thank the stars he didn't have health regeneration or I'd have quit the game immediately.
Luckily, you don't have to go through the tutorial repeatedly. That fight didn't used to be so rough, but since they took equipment out of the tutorial that fight just got downright mean. "Skip Tutorial" became my new best friend.

Always fun to go to Canada at level 22 and wind up trying to escape level 32 ice demons because you decided to explore.
Reminds me of when I wandered into the pit of the Hollows and suddenly got dogpiled by animated bits of rock and lava.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I'm just shy of level 10 and perhaps I am "doing it wrong" somehow, but it seems like block does not do a whole hell of a lot for me. Maybe I will learn how to block "better" as time goes on, however right now its a very, very uphill fight, involving a hell of a lot of death.
It does a lot less when you don't have a Block power. And some of those do more than others.

Incidentally, while in the Powerhouse did you complete the mission (by choosing a primary Super Stat) with the Head Trainer and get (and equip) your starting gear? I didn't get it when I went through the Tutorial again for the first time and I've found it makes a big difference. Unfortunately, the mission seems more obvious when you skip the tutorial and get immediately placed in the Powerhouse with that mission already accepted.

Really? How on earth would new players know how and what those better powers are, as all directions given are vague in the extreme? Are they even available for people level 10 and under? I am being very serious here.
New players could try looking. That's what I do when I'm new to a game - explore the options. When I get to select a power for the first time past character creation I notice there are tabs on the top of the power selection window with various icons, and clicking them opens up a string of other icons. I see there is a "Filter" option for the powers and that I can have it show me "unavailable" powers. I notice that clicking on a power gives me a description of what it does (with an option to open an advanced description) and when I click on a greyed out power it tells me what I need to have before I can select it.

During character creation one can open up a complete list of powers for each of the Archetypes, too. I think each of the powers listed has a brief tooltip description of what it does, but I don't exactly recall.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Tried it again...still don't like it. Three strikes you are out.

I get that there are CO apologists on these forums, but it's not for everyone...kinda like CoH wasn't for everyone. I have simply come to the conclusion that there are currently no MMOs out there that bring me half the fun that CoH does.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
The archetypes in Champions Online are incredibly limited.
I'd recommend that anyone who tries the game out to dish out the $15 for a month's subscription so they can try freeform characters.

Energy Blast = Force powerset, for ranged blasts with knockback.
The only archetype who uses these is the Impulse, which you'd have to pay for anyway I think.

Kinetic Manipulation in Force would be your best slotted passive for a Blaster type character.

For Energy Melee you could take Burning Chi Fist from Unarmed Martial Arts (a good quick hefty punch with energy effects).
If you liked the Stun aspect of Energy Melee, I highly recommend Sonic Device in gadgets - its a 30-second self buff that makes your next attack do extra sonic damage, and a short duration stun. It creates a big spherical impact on the boosted attack, which looks great for a devastating "Cosmic Punch" kind of idea.

There's no real parallel to Energy Torrent or Explosive Blast. Force Cascade is a very fun all-out blast in Force, very much like what happens when Cyclops opens his visor fully.
Force Detonation is a ranged knockback AoE, but a bit more like Respulsion Bomb in Force Fields than an Energy Blast power.

You wont be able to mimic your character completely, but its pretty easy to create an effective character with knockback blasts and cool punches.
Thanks for advice Dr Harmony, it is nice to hear from you again since our last trip to Shadow Shard.
I would give your suggestions a try and see where that takes me. And if that toon works out and the game is fun to play I may try to port over my other 23 characters from COX.

Still... I wish CO adopted an Archtype system similar to COX as it certainly makes things easier to grasp. Blaster = range DPS, Tanks = well..tanks, Scrapper = melee dps and etc etc...
One more question though. How does CO handle falling from a great height? I know toons in COX take alot of damage if they fall from great height but they would not die from it. Does that work different in CO? I like the idea of KB punting baddies off a cliff/skyscraper and seeing them fall to death.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
The archetypes are just premade characters (with two powers slots less than freeforms)and they are not the best choice of powers and skill (no real player would create a character that way)The way to enjoy the game is to create a freeform character. Now even silver (free players )players can buy a freeform slot on the market.
What you would say about a girl that has superstrenght, invulnerability, fly,can shoot laser beams from the eyes and has superbreath ? That is one of my freeform characters not the cousin of that guy (okay i admit that i was inspired from her when creating that character lol )
That's okay, my main hero Destructeon was a Invulnability/Super Strength/Energy Mastery Tanker with Flight and Super Speed. I think it's pretty obvious he was inspired by that guy with the cousin. When I port him over to CO after the servers here go dark, he'll finally have super breath too like he's supposed to.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I know you are infuriated with me for daring to state in another thread that I am pro-choice. Please hold while I prove my prior point:
Honestly I don't remember names that well. I'm not infuriated with anyone.
1. I am talking about in-game, not their forums which I have hardly touched. Not unlike these forums, useful in-game info is very, very deeply buried if one seeks the answer to a specific question.

2. I have yet to see "veteran Co players giving assistance in game via channels." What I did see was a bunch of snark along the lines of "OMG here they come, the game is ruined!!!" Not to mention a lot of disdain for free players - unfortunately, I am not paying for anything until I see how well I like the game. Adorable. Makes me want to play, let me tell you.

I will join the CoX channel there. However it still seems that most people in-game do not want CoX migrants. Which is their loss, but whatever.
I guess I'm sorry for being snippy with you, but the experience you were communicating really struck me as probably not true since my own has been so vastly different. I did join the cox channel as soon as I got there, and that could be a lot of why my experience has been so different than yours.
3. You're a condescending jerk. I'd ask you to post your CO global so that those so minded could make a point of avoiding you in-game, but I am sure your sunny and helpful attitude would make you stand out in a crowd.
I was being condescending because you were being combative and insulting.
4. " Champions has better graphics than COH."


Have a nice day.

Yeah, alright.



When I played a few weeks ago (before TSW ate my time) I encountered major bugs in the Vibora Bay Apocalypse (Valerian Scarlet would despawn, preventing players from properly defeating her to advance the story...three or four missions in a row). Another was a mission you get from a Hunter Patriot in Canada, to defend a clone named Lee Telos or some such thing - that one was bugged as well.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
When I played a few weeks ago (before TSW ate my time) I encountered major bugs in the Vibora Bay Apocalypse (Valerian Scarlet would despawn, preventing players from properly defeating her to advance the story...three or four missions in a row). Another was a mission you get from a Hunter Patriot in Canada, to defend a clone named Lee Telos or some such thing - that one was bugged as well.
That darned Canada clone problem has been happening off and on since around launch.

And there was an underwater event mission thing, centered around the wreck of a giant submarine IIRC, that often bugged out and couldn't be completed.

Mind you, I've never played an MMO that wasn't plagued with some manner of bugs, but when they happen in ChO they *do* seem to be rather glaring.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I get that there are CO apologists on these forums, but it's not for everyone...kinda like CoH wasn't for everyone. I have simply come to the conclusion that there are currently no MMOs out there that bring me half the fun that CoH does.
Apologist is such a pejorative term. How about "people who enjoy CO?"

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That darned Canada clone problem has been happening off and on since around launch.

And there was an underwater event mission thing, centered around the wreck of a giant submarine IIRC, that often bugged out and couldn't be completed.

Mind you, I've never played an MMO that wasn't plagued with some manner of bugs, but when they happen in ChO they *do* seem to be rather glaring.
I remember the clone mission being bugged in beta. I think I annoyed someone when I commented it was broken that way in beta. Broken missions frustrate me more than anything in CO.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
Thanks for advice Dr Harmony, it is nice to hear from you again since our last trip to Shadow Shard.
I would give your suggestions a try and see where that takes me. And if that toon works out and the game is fun to play I may try to port over my other 23 characters from COX.

Still... I wish CO adopted an Archtype system similar to COX as it certainly makes things easier to grasp. Blaster = range DPS, Tanks = well..tanks, Scrapper = melee dps and etc etc...
One more question though. How does CO handle falling from a great height? I know toons in COX take alot of damage if they fall from great height but they would not die from it. Does that work different in CO? I like the idea of KB punting baddies off a cliff/skyscraper and seeing them fall to death.
Hi. PM'd you my global in CO.

Knockback does do damage to bad guys when they land. I'd opften punt someone over the horizon with Roomsweeper (a superstrength punch) and get an Xp notification and they wouldn't come running back.
I find knockback has a bit more joyful abandon in CO is that you're typically only facing a handful of enemies, so theres less stress about splitting up a group with knockback.

The closest equivalent to CoH archetypes really is your role and slotted passive I guess. If you choose a defensive slotted passive, you can go Tank role and pick up more hit points on top of your Regen/Force Field/ whatever.
If you pick up an offensive passive you can go Melee Damage or Ranged Damage role for extra damage and so on.

Of course, its trickier because you can have different builds on the same character at higher levels, and switch between them on the fly. I havent tried that out yet.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
New players could try looking. That's what I do when I'm new to a game - explore the options. When I get to select a power for the first time past character creation I notice there are tabs on the top of the power selection window with various icons, and clicking them opens up a string of other icons. I see there is a "Filter" option for the powers and that I can have it show me "unavailable" powers. I notice that clicking on a power gives me a description of what it does (with an option to open an advanced description) and when I click on a greyed out power it tells me what I need to have before I can select it.

During character creation one can open up a complete list of powers for each of the Archetypes, too. I think each of the powers listed has a brief tooltip description of what it does, but I don't exactly recall.
People don't do that anymore, in general. In games and in real life.

It's kinda sad, actually. If it's not shoved right in their faces with blinky arrows they don't seem to see it. Even if it's really right in front of them. They need to be hand-held through the learning process like children. I weep for the future.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I recently defeated a whole room of enemies by blocking.
... okay?

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
And while blocking can be essential, it's generally an intermittent thing rather than a constant thing.
I understand this conceptually, but I simply can't apply the mechanic of blocking intermittently. If I'm not blocking when my opponent attacks, I take a lot of damage.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Luckily, you don't have to go through the tutorial repeatedly. That fight didn't used to be so rough, but since they took equipment out of the tutorial that fight just got downright mean. "Skip Tutorial" became my new best friend.
Yeah, I was ecstatic when I found out I could skip the tutorial and hit level 6 with no fuss after completing it once. I promise you that if I'd had to fight Black Talon and his Bullsh*t Artilleryâ„¢ every time I wanted an alt I'd have A) only made one character and B) quit.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Reminds me of when I wandered into the pit of the Hollows and suddenly got dogpiled by animated bits of rock and lava.
Yes, but those were level 10-12's versus level 5-8's. Getting buttstomped by something ten levels your senior in any game is never fun, but it seems especially painful in CO since there's really no 'barrier' between the level ranges in Canada. Directly outside of the Canadian Wilderness base are level 16's. Further out are 22's. But if you go out of the CW base and hang a right and go 100 yards, bam, level 30+.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It does a lot less when you don't have a Block power. And some of those do more than others.
Chalk that up to another thing that irks me: Why are some blocks significantly better than other blocks? They're functionally the same power. I get that each 'flavor' of Block has its own special perks consistent with the theme of said Block, but you can get more mileage out of a few Block powers than you can the rest of them, and that doesn't sit right with me since they should all be doing the same thing. If you buy a car for $15,000 and find out there's a car with better horsepower and better fuel economy for the exact same price from the same manufacturer, I'd feel gypped and confused.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
New players could try looking. That's what I do when I'm new to a game - explore the options. When I get to select a power for the first time past character creation I notice there are tabs on the top of the power selection window with various icons, and clicking them opens up a string of other icons. I see there is a "Filter" option for the powers and that I can have it show me "unavailable" powers. I notice that clicking on a power gives me a description of what it does (with an option to open an advanced description) and when I click on a greyed out power it tells me what I need to have before I can select it.

During character creation one can open up a complete list of powers for each of the Archetypes, too. I think each of the powers listed has a brief tooltip description of what it does, but I don't exactly recall.
This is honestly solid advice, but even when you look at the detailed information of powers you don't know what's going to suck. I thought some powers from Unarmed would be powerful from the hard numbers and description-- wrong. I thought some powers from Force would be helpful in my survivability-- wrong. I'm still getting used to the CO forums so I'm not quite settled in enough to hunt down all the info I need, but the trial and error of picking powers in the Powerhouse and hoping they're useful outside is a big turnoff.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
People don't do that anymore, in general. In games and in real life.

It's kinda sad, actually. If it's not shoved right in their faces with blinky arrows they don't seem to see it. Even if it's really right in front of them. They need to be hand-held through the learning process like children. I weep for the future.

I really hope you browse by reading the files you manually download using the command line. (Even Lynx might be a bit too hypocritical).

UI (hopefully) advances. I weep for the future when UI regresses.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

Chalk that up to another thing that irks me: Why are some blocks significantly better than other blocks? They're functionally the same power. I get that each 'flavor' of Block has its own special perks consistent with the theme of said Block, but you can get more mileage out of a few Block powers than you can the rest of them, and that doesn't sit right with me since they should all be doing the same thing. If you buy a car for $15,000 and find out there's a car with better horsepower and better fuel economy for the exact same price from the same manufacturer, I'd feel gypped and confused.

This is absurd, this is true for basically every game that ever existed including COH. Eg. Broadsword and Ninja Blade. There's always going to be skills better than other skills, other wise everything would be the same.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
This is absurd, this is true for basically every game that ever existed including COH. Eg. Broadsword and Ninja Blade. There's always going to be skills better than other skills, other wise everything would be the same.
Broadsword was still usable though. It could still stand on its own and while NB was faster, the numbers were functionally the same when it came down to damage, debuffs,etc. Head Splitter and Golden Dragonfly did the same damage unenhanced, both were cone attacks, both had the same crit chance. NB was just faster. It wasn't marginally better and it came down to personal choice. Blocking in CO? Not so much.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Broadsword was still usable though. It could still stand on its own and while NB was faster, the numbers were functionally the same when it came down to damage, debuffs,etc. Head Splitter and Golden Dragonfly did the same damage unenhanced, both were cone attacks, both had the same crit chance. NB was just faster. It wasn't marginally better and it came down to personal choice. Blocking in CO? Not so much.
Wut? They all do as advertised, which is block attacks. You're talking about side effects that give 1 an advantage over another, much like all the dps sets in COH. They all dps, some are just better than others eg. TW because of momentum



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Wut? They all do as advertised, which is block attacks. You're talking about side effects that give 1 an advantage over another, much like all the dps sets in COH. They all dps, some are just better than others eg. TW because of momentum
Eldritch Shield gives 300% Resist to all but Physical (250%)
Telekinetic Shield gives 300% to Physical, and 250% to all others
Electric Shield gives 200% Physical, 250% to all others
Energy Shield (Power Armor) gives 270% to all
Most other shields are 250% to all.

These shields are most certainly not created equal as far as hard numbers go, and some of the advantages they get are miles better than others.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Eldritch Shield gives 300% Resist to all but Physical (250%)
Telekinetic Shield gives 300% to Physical, and 250% to all others
Electric Shield gives 200% Physical, 250% to all others
Energy Shield (Power Armor) gives 270% to all
Most other shields are 250% to all.

These shields are most certainly not created equal as far as hard numbers go, and some of the advantages they get are miles better than others.
More effects exist than the ones listed. Some linger even after you release the block button. The secondary effects are a factor.



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
More effects exist than the ones listed. Some linger even after you release the block button. The secondary effects are a factor.
I'm aware, and those Secondary effects are nice and varied-- some of them are more practical than others, though, and some of the purchased Advantages are significantly more desirable. Compare Energy Shield to Force Shield in purchased Advantages: Force gives a few seconds of block after you stop blocking. Energy gives block every time you attack. That's a pretty big difference, and it makes Energy WAY more practical.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I never played CoH because it was a super hero game. I've never been into those types of comic books (give me some Narbonic or Errant Story). So I'm not looking for another super hero themed game. I've moved to The Secret World for now. It was the community and personable/talented developers that kept me playing CoH for 8 years.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'm aware, and those Secondary effects are nice and varied-- some of them are more practical than others, though, and some of the purchased Advantages are significantly more desirable. Compare Energy Shield to Force Shield in purchased Advantages: Force gives a few seconds of block after you stop blocking. Energy gives block every time you attack. That's a pretty big difference, and it makes Energy WAY more practical.
IF... you are using melee attacks.