If NCsoft refuses to comply, and the game shuts down, What is our revenge scheme?

Agent White



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
Ouch. Don't think the OP deserved that. Granted he is adovcating illegal activitiy that may harm other people's liveihoods (to I guess join those already damaged), bu tto tell him to grow up may be just a bit much.
It's more politely than I'd have stated much the same thing ("Grow the ***** up!"). The OP's post was way, way out of line.

Even without the advocacy of illegal activity, it was still silly. "Revenge?" For making what they believe to be a necessary business decision? I think it was the wrong decision, but then again, I don't know the details. Given that CoX was at least somewhat profitable, I'd be fairly certain this decision was made more for tax offset purposes, not simple balance sheet calculations. That's how corporations work: cold, hard mathematics. They're not out to "get" us or anything like that. It's just a matter of bottom line.

Avoid NCSoft's products if you feel you can't count on them not to shutter a game you decide to commit to (that's what I'm doing). But "revenge?" Don't be an idiot.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."




Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
THAT is what I would most like to stick it to NCSoft with.

THAT is how I'd like to see revenge.

Our unmitigated, unstoppable, unbreakable spirit.
NOT this ridiculousness:
Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
Personally, Those years of computer science and hacking lessons from my brother aren't going to be wasted.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
you have no idea how much money I'd pay TonyV and whomever he can get from Paragon Studios to join with him to form a company and produce a game called "Titan City" with a Kickstarter campaign.

Actually, I don't know how much money I would pay either... I'd have to check my finances. I'm old and have disposable income, but still...

It would be as much as I, my wife, and even son (who loves CoH, and who's still living with us but paying rent) can afford.

There'll need to be donations at some stage, if Plan Z turned out to be the only thing we can do to save the community - although tech and modeling experts volunteering to help get something off the ground would cut costs a bit.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
That's how corporations work: cold, hard mathematics.
What makes you think that the one bastion of mathematical clarity on Earth is Korean executive board rooms?

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I was waiting for someone to remember that this wasn't just a City of Heroes -- it was also a City of Villains.
In that case, my plan is to go and carry out various vaguely villainous errands for EA and Activision. Maybe a few errands for NCSoft too.



My revenge scheme is to buy GW2, and maybe Blade & Soul. That'll show 'em!!!



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
My revenge scheme is to buy GW2, and maybe Blade & Soul. That'll show 'em!!!
I don't think you've thought your clever plan all the way through...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Although that's the Plan Z option if everything else fails, some basic groundwork is already being done, just in case the worst happens.
Glad to hear it, Golden Girl. These are just my suggestions, but I hope ya'll won't skip a beat after November 30th--because we'll need the momentum of sliding neatly into the next phase if we want the community to stick together post-sunset. And sometime before sunset (end of October/beginning of November--or even sooner?), we should also make a push to have the forum community adopt the Titan Network's forums as City of Heroes default "official forums". Just in case NCSoft pulls these forums out from under our feet before November 30th.

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Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
Pretty much this. Not one member of my family or SG will buy another NCSoft product again if this comes to pass, and will be sure to tell others what they think if this comes to a close. While I don't consider this a blip on my radar, we all might be surprised.

I was in Game Stop the other day and the cashier asked me if I wanted to pre-order the new WoW expansion, and I (never having played WoW) said "Nah, I'm an avid City of Heroes player and buying anything for an MMO at this point isn't really something I want to do..."

To which she soberly replied "I'm so sorry, I heard about what's going on there..."

Two other people in the store also piped up. Nobody there actually played City of Heroes, but they knew what was going on, and were very supportive and said they were sorry the way things were going down. It was nice to hear, to be honest (the past few weeks have been a very low point for me for a miriad of reasons, including this). However, more importantly... gamers know what's going on. They know who is doing it and don't understand it any more than the rest of us.

I didn't ask if they bought GW2 or if it influenced their purchases from them... I was feeling awkward enough as it was by getting so much attention from an offhand statement I'd made, to tell the truth. I just wanted out of there and not to think about it.

I think this will impact NCSoft more than they realize, in the western market at any rate. That will probably be 'revenge' enough.
That's very good to hear. I stated as much would be happening in another thread already.

I think NCSoft doesn't know it yet, but our vengeance is already taking shape.

Worst PR Nightmare - EVER. (Well at least in the MMO world anyway.)



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
The revenge I want to see is all the fired members of the Paragon Studio to get their own game development studio, get some serious funding, kickstarter maybe, and role out a new MMO that blows everything out the water. NCSoft can only watch and feel shame as they realize what they let go.

I think you misspelled, "I'd like to see all the Paragon Devs go work for Cryptic!"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Although that's the Plan Z option if everything else fails, some basic groundwork is already being done, just in case the worst happens.

Don't worry you guys, Golden Girl is here now.

Controversy solved!

Everyone leave the thread.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Who's up for a Costco run to buy pallets of TP?

Or we could go all Bond villainy and induce the North Koreans to invade the south. That should hurt NCSoft's bottom line.
Better yet... we acquire a school bus... now bear with me here... we acquire a school bus, paint it up all CoH themey and assemble it ON THE ROOF.

Barring that... I'll pitch in for some eggs. TP and egging go hand in hand after all.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I stopped reading here, because this is exactly right. Let's just pretend for a second that I could snap my fingers and have Guild Wars 2 just disappear and NCsoft to go bankrupt because of it's stake in it. I wouldn't do it. You know why?

Because I wouldn't have wanted an avid Tabula Rasa fan to have done it to us.
I'm with Two-Headed boy on this. No money to NCsoft. You pissed me off, so I'm taking my business elsewhere.

I don't WANT Arenanet or GW2 to fail. I'd love to support them. They seem to have a very innovative system going.

And as soon as they become an independent studio on their own no longer beholden to NCSoft or sharing profits with them, I'll be on board.

But not until then.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Don't worry you guys, Golden Girl is here now.

Controversy solved!

Everyone leave the thread.
Best forum advice evar! You forgot this though:

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Or we could go all Bond villainy and induce the North Koreans to invade the south. That should hurt NCSoft's bottom line.
That sounds like a Nemesis kind of plan to me. Way too much collateral damage.

If I had the expertise to do so and CoH does shut down, my version of revenge would involve shutting down all their other games for a week starting on the day of CoH's shutdown. Of course, I can't do that. I'll just have to settle for warning people off of NCSoft because of their horrible practices.

I am wondering if something will happen if CoH shuts down though. If someone with the knowledge to do so is planning somehting, they're definitely not going to announce it here on a public forum. Unless they're really itching to lose their computer for some reason.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Personally, I wouldn't see NCSoft going bankrupt as revenge. I see it as foiling a Ponzi scheme.
I think you need to look up Ponzi scheme.

They may have gone about the closing of the game in the worse possible way. (I can't really describe that properly without profanity. Feel free to spice it up in your head.) But they haven't committed a crime. At all. We all knew the game would close its doors at some point.

What if NCSoft cut off a different game in the future that developed as close a community as the one we developed here?
I won't be investing in any NCSoft games beyond GW2, which I received as a gift. I won't invest anything but a bit of time in that. I won't participate in the community, as it will be the third or fourth most played MMO on a list of six or seven I play. I'll pretty much solo in GW2 until I get bored of it, and play with my wife and father-in-law from time to time. I'd advise others not to invest too heavily (emotionally or financially) in any other NCSoft title.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Don't worry you guys, Golden Girl is here now.
Golden Girl's sense of loyalty is old-fashioned and pretty extreme, which is why she'll still be fighting for this game and community long after the game is taken away from us. She'd be indispensable in the case of a Plan Z, still slogging away and helping in any way she could, long after many others lost interest in a game they could no longer play without getting a ton of hard work out of the way first. Despite everything ya'll throw at her, she'll still do her best to save the reason for our being here. That's why Golden Girl is one of the biggest real-world heroes here, and it's why I'd throw my chips in with her any day of the week.

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Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Don't worry you guys, Golden Girl is here now.

Controversy solved!

Everyone leave the thread.

"Gwenny Lou gained the power to generate light and energy and project golden force beams from her hands"

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post

Or we could go all Bond villainy and induce the North Koreans to invade the south. That should hurt NCSoft's bottom line.
Just what I was about to post (in jest, of course)! It wouldn't be too difficult to provoke North Korea (they are a bit nuts, after all)... maybe send some notes insulting Kim Jung Un over the DMZ via balloons laden with Christmas lights and South Korean flags? Granted, thousands (if not millions) of people could perish in the ensuing conflict, but such is the price of denying us our ability to run around in virtual tights! The plot just needs steam-powered robots and some plots within plots... maybe a mole machine or two...




Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
I think this will impact NCSoft more than they realize, in the western market at any rate. That will probably be 'revenge' enough.
Sadly I don't think that's true, they've already had massive success with Guild Wars 2 since the announcement and it's just passed two million box sales, likely to go far higher due to it's 'buy to play' nature.

I'm a little uncomfortable with the calls to boycott NCSoft games, which although understandable runs the risk of hurting other development studios who are just as good as Paragon. It's running too close to pure spite, kind of a "if I can't have my toys then NOBODY can" and that just feels wrong.

On top of that the OPs suggestion is just ridiculous, illegal and certainly not going to do anything for the CoH communities reputation.



If we are keeping it legal which i assume we are the options are limited. But if we all refuse to buy any NCSoft title ever again and tell our friends and relatives not to do so that would hurt NCSoft at least in their western markets.



Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
I think you need to look up Ponzi scheme.
I think you need to look up the definition of the term Ponzi scheme.

They let the game go on eight years. Eight.

That's an enormously long time for an MMO.

Personally, I got my money's worth. I've played the game since CoV came out, and, yeah, I'm gonna miss it. But I'm not gonna dwell on the loss, and I'll move on.

I pre-ordered GW2. Fantastic game, I've already spent some money on gems, because it's a good game.

If you think NCSoft was hosting this game purely out of the goodness of their heart, or that any corporation does anything purely out of the goodness of their heart, something's wrong with you.

Edit: And...

Originally Posted by Zanddara313 View Post
If we are keeping it legal which i assume we are the options are limited. But if we all refuse to buy any NCSoft title ever again and tell our friends and relatives not to do so that would hurt NCSoft at least in their western markets.
Trying an American boycott of a company that gets 95% of it's profits from Asia, even more now with the closure of CoH, isn't really gonna do anything.



Originally Posted by Zanddara313 View Post
If we are keeping it legal which i assume we are the options are limited. But if we all refuse to buy any NCSoft title ever again and tell our friends and relatives not to do so that would hurt NCSoft at least in their western markets.
Doesn't seem to be making a difference right now. I'm pretty dissatisfied with GW2 for a number of reasons (guilds in other games I play are all but dead because leadership ditched for that game, did not like the first one, possible correlation to CoH endtime...)



My only revenge on NCSoft will be that I don't intend to give them any of my money again until I can get a better explanation of why they ended the game like this. I don't want them to collapse as a company, they still kept City going for years and a lot of other people enjoy their other games.

Otherwise I'll play other games when City ends, maybe give Champions a proper try and give support to any kind of City successor game that turns up. The best 'revenge' will be ending up with a great City style game that becomes a big success.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
The revenge I want to see is all the fired members of the Paragon Studio to get their own game development studio, get some serious funding, kickstarter maybe, and role out a new MMO that blows everything out the water. NCSoft can only watch and feel shame as they realize what they let go.
This. I know they can do it. Whether they plan to, I don't know.. I just know that if they did this, the game would be ten kinds of amazing.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.