Sentinel+ character extractor: Here it is!

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Plus, it already exports your Vault storage, even when the window isn't open.



super freaking thank you and its easy to use!

evoL Love, -Pretty Hate Machine, Taelus, Lie-Taelus, evoL II Love, Maerd dreaM, King of Hate, Cie-Taelus, Vie-Taelus, Ifand Orbuts, Candi L. Stien, Hell's Dreaming, Hell's Freezing, ecIce, Phillis Sy, the Last Splash, S. Wayland, Crimson King?, Dream Ghost, Gusher, Dawn of the Red and the Moment After



Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
Hey Tony, this is great. Thanks for all the hard work and energy you've poured into this and the game, and best of luck with the efforts to save it.

I don't think I can bring myself to log in right now, but I'll definitely be using this before the end.
i'm sucking up as much time as i can...

evoL Love, -Pretty Hate Machine, Taelus, Lie-Taelus, evoL II Love, Maerd dreaM, King of Hate, Cie-Taelus, Vie-Taelus, Ifand Orbuts, Candi L. Stien, Hell's Dreaming, Hell's Freezing, ecIce, Phillis Sy, the Last Splash, S. Wayland, Crimson King?, Dream Ghost, Gusher, Dawn of the Red and the Moment After



Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! This here is the bare minimum I was wishing for - just some way to have a save file of my characters so they still existed SOMEWHERE.



Thanks for this, Guy & Tony & Company... Even if we never have an emulator or anything of that sort, it's an excellent way to save our character's information for future reference.

You guys rock. ^_^

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Works like a charm! great job! Only did one, maybe ill do the rest soon.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Me too. I posted a "Help wanted" on the Titan Forums to try to find someone who is an experienced Mac developer with all the tools and compilers and such, but no luck yet.
*raises hand*

Send me the source code and I can take a crack at it. PM me for info.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Thank you for all the hard work that you and the Titan's are putting into saving our home. Your efforts are very much appreciated.



I'm having Sentinel+ claim it can't find anything:

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 1865-63EB

Directory of C:\PROGRA~2\Sentinel+

09/06/2012 08:11 PM <DIR> .
09/06/2012 08:11 PM <DIR> ..
09/06/2012 08:10 PM 66,574 SentinelPlus.exe
1 File(s) 66,574 bytes
2 Dir(s) 398,298,882,048 bytes free

Sentinel+ Extractor v1.0 - 2320.201207182341.1
Titan Network - August 4, 2012

ERROR: Could not retrieve character information.
* Is City of Heroes running?
* Is it the right version?
* Is the character logged in?

Press any key to continue...
I log into CoH, pick a character -- standing inside the tram in Talos -- use /infoself to bring up the info window, alt-tab out to the Explorer window I have open to the Sentinel+ directory, double-click the icon, and get the 'huh?' message. Same thing happens if I open a shell window, go to the directory where I put the executable, and get everything but the <cr> entered, then go back to CoH, make sure everything's ready, alt-tab to the command window, hit ENTER, and same thing.

Or do you have to be in windowed mode, so you can fire off Sentinel+ without alt-tabbing away from CoH? <edit> No, tried that, still fails. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Professional.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Found an old (~1 year) copy of Wine I had... CoH wouldn't load past the banner image (not even the splash screen). If it works on Wine on Linux, I'd bet that it'd likely work on OS X. I'm sure someone else with an OS X machine will be around to test... if not, I'll try to grab a newer copy and see how that goes.
Did you pass the "-renderthread 0" command-line parameter? Multi-threaded rendering works on Windows, but it doesn't work on Linux, and I suspect it won't work on MacOS.

The export tool works fine for me with Wine 1.4.1 on Linux.



Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
*raises hand*

Send me the source code and I can take a crack at it. PM me for info.
Do I detect an OSX hero?



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
I'm having Sentinel+ claim it can't find anything:
When you start City of Heroes or NC Launcher, does it prompt you to elevate it? If so, right click on SentinelPlus.exe and select Run As Administrator and see if that works.

Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Did you pass the "-renderthread 0" command-line parameter? Multi-threaded rendering works on Windows, but it doesn't work on Linux, and I suspect it won't work on MacOS.
Nope, I used the command line that cider uses (launcher auth and project). I know other people have used it with Wine, so it was likely just an issue with either my old version or something like the lack of disabling renderthread.

I've already deleted the copy of wine, so I can't check if that was the issue or not without downloading a newer version anyways. Hopefully, though, a native version can be made, since having to mess with creating a wine wrapper for CoH isn't exactly friendly.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
I'm having Sentinel+ claim it can't find anything:
I log into CoH, pick a character -- standing inside the tram in Talos -- use /infoself to bring up the info window, alt-tab out to the Explorer window I have open to the Sentinel+ directory, double-click the icon, and get the 'huh?' message. Same thing happens if I open a shell window, go to the directory where I put the executable, and get everything but the <cr> entered, then go back to CoH, make sure everything's ready, alt-tab to the command window, hit ENTER, and same thing.

Or do you have to be in windowed mode, so you can fire off Sentinel+ without alt-tabbing away from CoH? <edit> No, tried that, still fails. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Professional.
Try right-click on the Sentinel program and run as admin.



Fantastic. Thank you sooo much Titan Network peoples.



Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
Do I detect an OSX hero?
I'd save the praise for when I actually produce something. I got an initial inkling of how they're doing this and it's not trivial.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Just finished backing up 152 characters (including all the ones my six-year old daughter made over the last two years when playing with the character creator, which have sentimental value even if the game never returns in any capacity.) Thank you so much to everyone who made this. I know it's only the first step, but just having that information on my hard drive, on my computer, where nobody can take it away...that means a lot. Thank you.

(On the technical end, did you know that it won't save any character with a question mark in their name? Had to do some clever stuff to get around that. Not complaining, but I know programmers love their feedback. )



Getting this whenever I run it. I have CoH open with Personal Info window up. It works when the game isn't up, but when it is, it automatically crashes:



Thank you so much! I have been really down over the thought of losing all of my toons. Now I can have a little peace of mind knowing they will always be here with me. Like a relatives ashes in an urn or a crygenically frozen head. Silly I know but I guess I'm just sentimental like that.

I do hope the game continues on.... but if not... thank you for this.

"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies



So far, the tool seems to be working for me fine. Backed up three servers, a few to go.

How ironic, this is a tool I always wanted and a couple of times asked the devs for (I know I bugged pohsyb about it). And actually, in a real sense its a player-created City Vault.

FYI, just because, these are the things it seems it doesn't grab that might be nice to have:

PvP and Arena stats
Temporary Powers (yeah, yeah)
Current Zone and /loc (which might require a /loc)
Contact and current mission information
Supergroup name and info

Still, its nice to have this information for my characters. Thanks Guy and thanks to the rest of the Titan team.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Thanks much for this, Mr. TonyV!

It works perfectly under Linux, with wine 1.5! I had to remember to run it under the same wineprefix as my CoH. I also made sure SentinelPlus.exe lives in the same directory as cityofheroes.exe. It might not make a difference as to function, but I figured why chance it? That is where the xml files are deposited, of course.

As for Mac users having problems running Sentinel+ using wine... I have no experience, but I might have an idea. Try running CoH with wine as well for this purpose, instead of using your usual method. The problem I THINK you're having is, if you're using the NCSoft launcher, it's probably still using Cider, which is basically a different version of wine. If CoH and Sentinel+ are both running under the SAME wine command (which should be the same wineprefix), they should interact with no problem! But running CoH under Cider and running Sentinel+ under wine, they'll never even see each other -- you could tweak a few things, but that requires extra steps...




Does this program preserve supergroup bases aswell, especially io bins?

Program worked fine for me all except 2 characters there 50 and i dont want to lose them.

I tried logging them into different zones and i get this ERROR Could not open file for output:name of toon

Strange it only happened with 2 toons



Originally Posted by lee3232 View Post
Does this program preserve supergroup bases aswell, especially io bins?
It does not preserve SG bases, but fortunately there is already a way to do that.

Just walk into the base and type /demorecord yoursgname

That's it. You can zone out or log out, or type /demostop after that. Then look in your COH Install directory under client_demos, and find the file named yoursgname.cohdemo. Save it -- that's your base. There's an encoded data block inside that includes the full layout of the base, including the contents of storage bins.

Fortunately we already know what the format is and will be able to write tools at some point to do useful things with it, like generate an overhead map, or a report of what items were stored.