28 -
been paying for 2 account for about 7 years... HELL YES i would pay $40 instead of $30....
i'm sucking up as much time as i can...
super freaking thank you and its easy to use!
Quote:In short, please keep your nonsense to yourself. Trying to save CoH is one thing - I think it's a pretty hopeless battle, myself - but do shut up about what you clearly don't know or understand. It's insulting to us.
uhm speak for yourself only plz, any help is welcome help. i love this game and would love to be able to keep it. your negativity doesnt help,,, -
Hey Golden Girl
the last few days have been hellish and hopeful and i feel like i keep getting emotionally thrown around the room then stepped on... then brushed off and shown a hall way of light... i want to run but... to the point, thank you for being reasonable and supportive and honest with your input and reply's, keeping my hope in check and my despair at bay.
evoL/drg -
i start typing then delete, then start again and delete
words... sometimes i cant shut up with my stupid jokes
last few days i just feel like i'm choking, puffy face, snotty nosed
i'm not good at this sentimental crap...
but i think, i hope you know how much the journey has meant for me
i really did and still do care about your RL, the people in it and what it does to and for you, what made you you to bring what you brought to GM and Justice and every Fing team you were on...
i have few friends
i count you among them
it wont be the same but we'll find another game, or 2
hugs, evoL
p.s. there was talk on forums somewhere about when the servers are shut down and we all find new games to escape RL, that we could/should start our new handles with something like CoH_(name of account, or toon) ... i dont know who all will see this, but i do think it's a good idea... and how welcoming would it be to get on a team in a new game and know you got family already there.... :-) -
Quote:Not keen on the idea but ... going to happen.*
I have to say I don't really see someone who would use Wal Mart, happily buying stolen goods in a car park (which is the equivalent of this merger).
But it's a game so whatever. I never thought redside was expensive because I play there more.
Can only presume this was more due to technical issues more than anything else. It's a shame they gave everyone so much notice though because the price gougers are going to have a field day.
imo, walmart is stolen goods (bads?)
with slave labor -
Quote:For a while i skipped Bone Smasher... then later found a way to bring it back. That was on an Energy Energy stalker.Ive made a new EM stalker and was wondering if total focus was skippable with a high recharge build. I know it does a ton of damage so I feel kinda dumb for asking but on a /sr stuff is tight. What are good attack chains? I was hoping that AS, Energy Xfer, Bone smasher and barrage would suffice or is it just dumb to ditch TF? Ive never played the set to a high enough level to get it but the animation time on it looks bad.
hmm, one problem. What makes a broadcast for sewer teams any better than a broadcast for AE teams?
From my experiance, over 5 years, nothing.
-drg -
what is the point of having a market / BLACK market if were not suppose to make money off of it? there are other ways of getting a circuit board... you dont have to pay the 1m inf to get it, run an ae mission and click the random salvage
i use the market to make money, sometime, other times i spend a ton of money on the market, i dont complain about the price of an item, if you wait, maybe a day, the price will go down... problem is most people can't wait, so they turn to the forums to cry about it.
-drg -
Just like Ice armor apparently wouldn't work for brutes because of the -recharge, but apparently having a defensive set with two mez toggles does work for brutes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stalkers are not Brutes.
the slow wouldn't come from chilling embrace, when i think of ice for stalker i think ice patch would take chilling embrace place on the armor side and chilling embrace and icicles would be taken out completly
ah heck, it'd look like this in my world
ice melee ---------------------- ice armour
frozen fist ------------------------- hide
ice sword --------------------------frozen armor
frost breath -----------------------glacial armor
assassin chill----------------------wet ice
build up----------------------------permafrost
frozen touch-----------------------ice patch
greater ice sword-----------------energy absorbtion
frozen aura------------------------hibernate
in my dream world
sorry . . . -
So i made a copy of this from Sunstorms response to Dark powers and what they have to deal with to proliferate them for trollers, doms and stuff. . .
Then there are the general AT wide no-no's. Such as: giving armor powers to non-armored classes, or overlapping powers alread in patron pools.
Now i know this is totally the wrong place for this question, proly should be in the Stalker section, but it could also be okay here coz it doesnt just deal with my main worry... which is... because HIBERNATE is a patron power for stalkers, does that then mean we will never have Ice Armor? Or if we have Ice Armor, would it be without HIBERNATE? i always thought HIBERNATE would be the tier 9 power.
Seriously i have been dreaming of an Ice Melee / Ice Armor Stalker since i first heard of proliferation!
Any answers? Ideas?
drg -
Brute > Regeneration
Scrapper > Energy (pri and 2nd)
Stalker > Ice (pri and 2nd) -
[ QUOTE ][*] When a plan comes together
The A-Team? -
I use the market quite extensively, so I can tell you you're flat out wrong here. The market trends clearly and inarguably indicate that a substantial portion of the player base has returned to playing regular content.
No it has not. If you use search, you see almost every zone is barren. The only common salvage I have seen really drop in price is that which most common to lowbies. Mostly because they have gone back to doing sewer teams on blue, and Kalinda/Burke on red. I belong to four chat channels: one for finding Teams/TF's on Protector, Liberty, Pinnacle, and a cross server channel. The Pinnacle use to always have 200 to 250 people, but now it is in the mid 100's. Protector which use to be 125 or so is almost dead. The Liberty channel, which use to rank in the low 300's is low 100's. The cross server has dropped and mostly are asking for AE teams. Realistically, we can argue these pseudo facts and numbers for our point, but NCSoft has the real stats, and if it was not a huge problem, they would not have made it such a public problem and implement dramatic measures. That is a business fact no one can ignore.
My wife and I made new toons on freedom last thursday. Level pacted and already at 18. I see a bunch of lowbies sitting in ae atlas trying to get on a team(and failing) a few vastly overleveled toons forming ae teams with other overlevel toons(not inviting the lvl 2-15's). Occasionaly someone will attempt to start a posi tf(but not often) ITF and LGTF and KTF are starting every now and then. Whole lot of solo'ing going on around them. If the lowbies in atlas would start a sewer team, they could be lvl 8 in an hour. They choose to stand there and bleat looking for AE farm. NOT finding them from all appearances.
So do we need to eliminate xp or institute a IQ test in outbreak?
pay to play a game and they end up sitting, waiting...
edited to include quote -
at first i didn't like this idea
but then i looked again
i would be okay with this and still use the MA system both building and exploring -
Ice armor Dark melee
the defence from ice armor will work nicely with the -tohit from dark melee :-) -
I have a dark melee fire armor brute, the aoe's are crazy, 2 heal powers, 2 build ups and 2 end recovery powers... with GW as a patron,,, really fun
I'd love to see Rad Blast for Blasters, along with Radiation Manipulation (which I would hope would be a combination of Radiation Emission and the Rad melee attacks of the Shivans). Dark Blast would be cool as well, but they would need to re-work it. Far too much AoE power in there for blasters to have.
All the other suggestions sound legit, except for Ice Armor and Fire Aura Stalkers. Those (along with the already present Elec Armor) really don't work with the Stalker theme. Think about it: when hidden, you would be a walking ice suit or fire humanoid. Not exactly stealthy, hard to believe the NPC enemies wouldn't notice that.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Stalkers ability to hide doesn't need to come from the same theme as the Secondary. My EM / Regen doesn't regenerate so quickly that she can't be seen. She wears a stealth suit, and the nanites in her blood are what make her heal faster.
If you NEED a thematic Hide for Ice Armor or Fiery Aura, you can always look at it this way. The Ice Stalker covers himself in a thin sheen of ice that refracts light around him. The Fire Stalker uses his ability to generate heat to cause the air to shimmer around him, creating a mirage. You only need to be a walking ice cube or big ball of flame if you want to be. My Electric Stalker wears a stealth suit powered by his bioelectric field.
Comic book physics and real world physics are not the same thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
yes yes yes
bring on the ice stalkers! -
I've been wanting an ice ice stalker forever!
these would be kool too
dark dark blaster
rad rad blaster
rad melee rad shields (brute tank stalker scrappers, dom's even)
sonic melee, sonic armor (brute. . .)
dark assault for doms
more app for scrappers -
So your pretty much Saying Ravens that the game can get better for you but it cant for me. Play that crap somewhere else because theres always room for improvement. This would benefit everyone and not only me.
[/ QUOTE ]
it would not benefit stalkers very much -
Brutes do not have the option of hibernate
and hide, it's what makes stalkers, uhm stalkers -
Telstar, that looks to be the problem. Don't mean to sound like a jerk but I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.
My method of dealing with it was to just start over, and copy and paste stuff over, republishing every 5 min so I don't lose so much text/dialog. Really hope they fix this soon!
I spend so much time editing and re-editing I hardly have time to play the game I love!
Thanks all for respones!