Goodbye, Justice...




Not sure where to even start this, some of you may know me (@Dark Sparrow) some probably not. Some may know my Stalker, Blade Shadow... if not, that's okay too. I just know I wanted to say "Thank You" to all you people while I have the chance. Thank you for letting me be a part of a wonderful group of people for the last 7 years and thank you for all the Itrials we ran (even if we didn't win) and thank you for giving me a smile now and then on JU or JFA. I'm tearing up writing this so forgive me if I tend to ramble, but its just so damn hard to let go as I'm sure most of you know all too well by now. Thank You to the great guys and gals of DoIDD for letting me join your amazing SG and Thank You to the folks of General Mayhem for letting me be a proud member of your menacing ranks, it was an honor to serve with you.

I'm heartsick that I'll soon be forced to be without this game and you good people, you took me in when I needed a home (server) and I never regreted it. We weren't the largest group of misfits : ) but you guys never let it be said that Justice didn't care about its players. You cared, you showed me you cared. Even when I was too bumed to do anything but solo (which I did alot of and do regret now) somebody always had a one-liner or just some ridiculious comment to make in the globals to make me grin.

I just hate that I didn't get to know more of you folks better now that its over. I always considered myself the "ghost of Justice" always lurking about and only being seen now and then to jump on an ITF, BAF or something somebody else was starting up. Maybe I was just to timid to start chatting some of you up out of fear or rejection, I don't know why, none of you ever gave me a bad time but I'm not gonna go down that road now. All I really want is to say "Thank You All" for giving me the best time I could have had in a game that I truly loved to play and will miss more then I care to think about and hope that I can wake up tomorrow and find out that all of this is just a Rangle Plot *tm* (Sorry, couldn't help myself lol).

To those of you that read this and know me "Thank You" for being a part of my life and sharing a bit of yours (you know who you are) to the rest I hope whatever life has in store for you brings you as much enjoyment as City of Heroes has brought x100 because for what its worth, you deserve it for making a poor schmuck like me have the time of his life.

Goodbye, Justice: my friend till the end...





i start typing then delete, then start again and delete
words... sometimes i cant shut up with my stupid jokes
last few days i just feel like i'm choking, puffy face, snotty nosed
i'm not good at this sentimental crap...
but i think, i hope you know how much the journey has meant for me
i really did and still do care about your RL, the people in it and what it does to and for you, what made you you to bring what you brought to GM and Justice and every Fing team you were on...

i have few friends
i count you among them
it wont be the same but we'll find another game, or 2

hugs, evoL

p.s. there was talk on forums somewhere about when the servers are shut down and we all find new games to escape RL, that we could/should start our new handles with something like CoH_(name of account, or toon) ... i dont know who all will see this, but i do think it's a good idea... and how welcoming would it be to get on a team in a new game and know you got family already there.... :-)

evoL Love, -Pretty Hate Machine, Taelus, Lie-Taelus, evoL II Love, Maerd dreaM, King of Hate, Cie-Taelus, Vie-Taelus, Ifand Orbuts, Candi L. Stien, Hell's Dreaming, Hell's Freezing, ecIce, Phillis Sy, the Last Splash, S. Wayland, Crimson King?, Dream Ghost, Gusher, Dawn of the Red and the Moment After