Until we meet again!




Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Sorry for being such a pain. .
Apology accepted.

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Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



Just gotta grab this First Post After Red Name.



Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Matt thank you very much for everything over the past 8 years. I am with Golden Girl and the others to try to salvage this game. I sure hope something can be done in time so that we can get you guys back together before time runs out.

Hope and Determination are a strong combination. I have a hunch a miracle is going to happen before the years end.



I can't think of anything to say but thank you so much Posi & everyone involved for the 8+ years. Realize it or not, you were there for for some of the best times in my life and helped me get through one of the toughest. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



Matt, it has been a real honor to work with you.

Your efforts are what ensured that this was the longest I have ever played any game.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Sorry for being such a pain.
Apology accepted.

Well played.



I'm a relative newcomer and semi-lurker to boot, but thank you for letting us play in and become a part of a world unlikely anything else out there. This was the first and only MMO I've ever subscribed to, and like many players, I'd taken it for granted that all these incredible zones and stories would always be out there waiting for us to discover them, and our motley list of characters would always be available. Now the race is on to experience as much of it as we can before the last day, to screenshot and record everything and save as many memories as possible. If there's any hope amid all this, it's that you and the rest of Paragon might create an even more open and imaginative game that sparks its players' creativity the way this one did. I'll look forward to playing that game whenever it comes, and I'll never forget the one that started it all.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Stay gold Posi.



Originally Posted by Dr_Toerag View Post
Dear Lord I thought I was out of tears.

None of us are mate!

Mr Positron, thankyou for everything.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



If you read every post, then you'll know I wish you best of luck in the future and sincerely hope that the legacy of CoH will not be just a legacy.
Thank you for all you've done.



Thanks for Everything, Thanks for all the work you did for us.





Please let us know someway what game you are working on next. So long as it isn't WoW, or anything fantasy (I'm tired of the genre) related I would love to be a customer over there.
I didn't always like everything about every issue, but I did stay with this game from the beginning, since beta. (Only break is sub I had was a 2 week period when I was in Iraq and couldn't get resub'd right away.)

If your next project is anything like this one then I will definately want to experience that.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Howie's Game Shack, 2008. This was the first ever game Meet & Greet me (or my wife) ever attended. There, we had the pleasure to meet, among others, CuppaJo (April Burka) and you, Positron. And we had a blast!

Throughout the years, my wife and I made it a point to go to various CoH M&G events when we could, with ComicCon 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 (a solo flight for me as my wife was in the family way), and for the first HeroCon (with the winning team, Lucky 13). And each time it was a pleasure. And part of that experience was you, Matt.

I want you to know that, although my feelings for the game were tepid at times, I've never had any doubt that it was always in good hands. As surprised and saddened (surprisingly saddened, admittedly) to learn that a game I though unkillable would be ending by the end of the year, I know, with what you've done since you started working with Cryptic and later Paragon Studios, that you, and everyone else who helped make this my most-played MMO of all time, and that regardless of what happens to CoH in the coming weeks, will all move on to projects worthy of your talents. And if this game isn't purchased or saved by another publisher (if that is even possible at this point), than the gaming industry will be worse for it.

Matt, we will meet again. Don't know where, don't know when... but someday, I hope to run into you again, shake your hand, and in person, say once again, "Thank you." Not only for the game, but for all of the friendships and fond memories that came along with it.

Vera, play me out.



I can't make it through the replies right now; it's just too much. Hopefully I can get thru the bulk of posts before the boards go away.

Thank you, Matt. I have enjoyed every minute of my ride on City of Heroes, starting back in 2005. There are things that happened, directions the game took that I didn't like, but you can't have it all your way. There were so many wonderful twists, surprises, updates and happenings that far outshine the negative. That you and your team have been so communicative to us over the years is simply amazing. There are times I was directly responsible for a game changing decision because you listened to what I had to say. That you would host fantastic world events on holidays and what not always made me smile.

I was planning on sending my final Fan Art Battle pieces up to Paragon, because I felt you guys deserved to have them. I guess I will frame them instead, now, unless someone of the Paragon team is really enamored by them. (see my signature for the pictures)

I follow you on Twitter, and look forward to seeing what you do next.

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Maybe Matt , I hate the global defense nerf , that followed by jack statement 3 minion .

Most of all I hate BaBs and the whole team getting fired suddenly ....
That was what made me take a long break away from CoH .

But all that is past and bygone , thank you for creating and upholding such fine game and wonderfull community as CoH .

Especially sad to see a end like this , I hope atleast you morally support those who want to continue the tradition of CoH and it's community.
Sorry think they deserve it .



Thanks for helping create the game that I just could not leave alone. Every time I got back to CoH and I kept my account running even if I was doing something else for a long time. This game gave me what I needed.

Great stories, the ability to solo, to team, to chat as I liked to. I loved the fact that this was not a grinding game and that I as a casual and inept player could participate almost as well as the real pro's.

It has been a great almost 8 years for me and I will remember this game fondly for the rest of my live.




I have not always agreed with every change you and the team have made, you always did a wonderful job explaining the change and while that didn't make the change any better I atleast had a better understanding of why the change was needed. In the end though you guys made alot more changes for the better in my eyes. However this isnt about the past.

I can say this without a doubt, whatever game you go to, if you are in a leadership capacity, I will be there. I have been here for 8 years, I had hoped to be here for another 8 years but that seems far more unlikely after Friday. I have hope, but I will not blind myself to the current reality. Your efforts have always been appreciated by myself and I am sure by the majority of the community. I wish you the best and hope you have an opportunity to build something so wonderful as this game again.




Thank you so much for surrogate table top RPG experience!



That post did it. I started crying FINALLY. Loved all the tiny nods to people like Golden Girl and Samuraiko. You're fantastic.



Best of luck Posi.

Next MMO though, please: 1 or 2 currencies tops.

Not 47 (influence, infamy, prestige, 3 or 4 different kinds of tokens, tickets, shards, threads, salvage, etc, etc.).

And don't stress so much over powergaming and farming. It happens no matter what.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
We have EVERY POSSIBLE TYPE OF PLAYER, and in the end I know they all LOVE City of Heroes because they ALL STICK AROUND, even the ones that apparently we could do no right in the eyes of!
I think that the perennial gripers would agree with the paraphrase from Winston Churchill, "City of Heroes is the worst MMO ever created, except for all the others." There are things that it's done wrong, and some of them live on to this day, but even though it's a niche subject, City of Heroes has done more right than any other single MMO. Some of them do this thing better, and some of them do that thing better, but you and the other devs have given me, at least, a game that has set a bar that no other MMO has come close to reaching, and which is going to be difficult for any future MMO to reach. You are leaving enormous boots behind you, and looking back at my experience with CoH, I despair of ever seeing them filled.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



cant believe coh is closing.

Wasn't really a full time player but I was off and on since 2005/06. Lots of fun memories

Really regret dropping a hundred bucks on this game over the summer tho >.>

end of an era



I would hazard to say that most of us as children (regardless of how long ago that was) spent endless hours dreaming of being a superhero, leaping into danger to save the day and fight for justice.

I can still remember that same wonderous feeling washing over me running the streets of Paragon for the first time, I remember the cheezy grin that I couldn't wipe off my face when I finally got Nova to LV14 and took to the skies. I could FLY!!!
To this day, I still log in sometimes just to enjoy the experience of flying through the familiar vistas of a city that feels almost real to me.

No matter what happens with the IP, you have given us all something we will remember fondly for the rest of our lives and that is something special, something priceless.

Thank you and best wishes to all the developers, and thank you Matt, you will always be Positron to us.



Best of luck Matt & the rest of the team and thank you for all the great late night gaming over the past 7 years! I will really miss this nightly treat to blow off steam after work and enjoy hanging out with the other friendly players. Cheers, TechnoBlapper