Until we meet again!




Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
no matter how many emoticons are used
Lol.... ok I'm still smiling after that one.

...but yeah, the 'savecoh' and 'plan z' efforts will bleed people steadily. I'm sure it's over.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'd rather have corporations that actually look beyond next quarter's profits but oh shiny must have!
And that's YOUR choice, and it's a valid one.
Some people won't invest in companies that produce guns, liquor, gambling, etc. I have no problem making money off such businesses. We all have free will. And, hopefully, we all have the strength of character to not give a damn what random strangers think about our choices.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project




Guild Wars 2!!



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
But will people remember when it does come out?


Yes and yes and yes! Because it will be all over the press. It won't be just "NCSoft launch Wildstar" it will be "Remember NCSoft, that cancelled City of Heroes? They just launched a new game."

Positron said it best. The CoH community changed the way games are sunset.

Wildstar could be great, but it'll tank in the west because whatever $$$ they throw at marketing the twitter and facebook feed will be "@NCSoft lolwildstar"

nobody who researches MMOs is going to touch it with yours because of NCStink

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
And will anyone not in the SaveCoX movement care?

See above

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



And by press you mean the occasional blog.

If you honestly think Massively or Joystiq are going to state such things in an article you are severely misinformed. None of the mainstream gaming media outlets are going to say such things...sorry to burst your bubble but they aren't into promoting/publishing hate...they are into promoting games. If you think a few hundred people on twitter yelling @NCSoft lolwildstar is going to be an effective smear campaign...I point you to the success of a lil hashtag known as: #savecoh and remind you November 30, 2012 is getting closer every day.

Reality check.

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

Yes and yes and yes! Because it will be all over the press. It won't be just "NCSoft launch Wildstar" it will be "Remember NCSoft, that cancelled City of Heroes? They just launched a new game."

Positron said it best. The CoH community changed the way games are sunset.

Wildstar could be great, but it'll tank in the west because whatever $$$ they throw at marketing the twitter and facebook feed will be "@NCSoft lolwildstar"

nobody who researches MMOs is going to touch it with yours because of NCStink

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

Yes and yes and yes! Because it will be all over the press. It won't be just "NCSoft launch Wildstar" it will be "Remember NCSoft, that cancelled City of Heroes? They just launched a new game."

Positron said it best. The CoH community changed the way games are sunset.

Wildstar could be great, but it'll tank in the west because whatever $$$ they throw at marketing the twitter and facebook feed will be "@NCSoft lolwildstar"

nobody who researches MMOs is going to touch it with yours because of NCStink
Honestly, I find this exceedingly unlikely. Potential new players will look at the developer, and if NCSoft even enters the review equation, it'll be "Yeah, they closed an 8 year old game that was in decline, and that had some of the most hardcore of its small player base upset, but they are clearly committed to GW2 and look how well it is doing."

Passion aside, SaveCoH has neither the numbers nor the popular support to make a difference in future NCSoft releases. You don't even have the full support of the current CoH player base. Those products will succeed or fail on their own merits and the state of the market, not because of anything former CoX players say.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Uh, GW2 PvE is reminiscent of COH PvP... what are you smoking?
I meant that coh pvp was the only thing as engaging as gw2, coh pve is pretty much baby food because they intended for the game to make you feel like a super hero being able to kill tons of enemies without a scratch. gw2 has that feeling but only after you the player become skilled, this is very similar to how coh pvp was pre-i13.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And by press you mean the occasional blog.

If you honestly think Massively or Joystiq are going to state such things in an article you are severely misinformed. None of the mainstream gaming media outlets are going to say such things...sorry to burst your bubble but they aren't into promoting/publishing hate...they are into promoting games. If you think a few hundred people on twitter yelling @NCSoft lolwildstar is going to be an effective smear campaign...I point you to the success of a lil hashtag known as: #savecoh and remind you November 30, 2012 is getting closer every day.

Reality check.
I disagree. I would imagine Massively will mention it, just don't expect it to be the lead. They may work it in while discussing features and compare them to the "now closed City of Heroes".

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And by press you mean the occasional blog.

If you honestly think Massively or Joystiq are going to state such things in an article you are severely misinformed. None of the mainstream gaming media outlets are going to say such things...sorry to burst your bubble but they aren't into promoting/publishing hate...they are into promoting games. If you think a few hundred people on twitter yelling @NCSoft lolwildstar is going to be an effective smear campaign...I point you to the success of a lil hashtag known as: #savecoh and remind you November 30, 2012 is getting closer every day.
Comment bombing articles works just as well

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



LOL if you say so. Don't be surprised when your bombs end up duds.

Sometimes I do read the comments on CNN articles - it amazes me how stupid, bigoted, and uneducated some people are there...seriously check them out. Very rarely do you see an actual sane comment there; usually they are just homophobic insults, racial slurs, or just plain idiocy.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Comment bombing articles works just as well

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Very rarely do you see an actual sane comment there; usually they are just homophobic insults, racial slurs, or just plain idiocy.
And this differs from comments on every other internet sight ever in what way...?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
it amazes me how stupid, bigoted, and uneducated some people are there.
I worked customer service for many years and now I simply assume everyone is like that. It's less frustrating, and it's a treat to encounter the rare individual that isn't.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post

I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.

I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.
No thanks.




Slighty OT, I discovered Otherland over the weekend and after looking at some of the game play videos and other info I really like the look of where RealU are going with it.

It's based on a series of Sci Fi novels by author Tad Williams where the internet is vast network of virtual worlds. The devs are promising the most comprehensive character creator ever and the ability to change your look on the fly.

I love the look and feel, love that it's not yet another cookie cutter fantasy clone, and some of the ideas they're toying with sound fantastic.

www.otherland-game.com if you're interested.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Otherland sounds quite interesting. It remains to be seen if it'll be any good, of course, but it's definitely on the watch list.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Yeah, I'm watching it, but that series is one of my favorites, so the bar is VERY high.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
AKA, d*****bags everywhere! Yay!

Read further.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

**** NCSoft.
Ah, so you'd rather be ignorant than educated about the actual facts. Fair enough, that's your choice and I respect it.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Actually in the case of Star Wars, a case could be made for the NGE release of it, considering that they did effectively gut out the *original* release, to make it something totally different (more WoW like), which wasn't the game that they had originally paid for and played.

Did people quit the game over that? Hell yes.

That is why there is the Star Wars Galaxies Emu project up and running, to bring back the *original* experience of the game, and not the more "up to date" version.
Yes I forgot this but emu project actually has some IP so Sony sold them or rented them something I don't know how much but i think as long as it is not engine related they can use it which makes this case even more a bad example since NCSoft is not even intend to sell IP so giving it as an example of why people are not boycotting Sony but Ncsoft fails on so many front.

Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
GW2 is as much a successor to COH as SWTOR was to SWG - which is to say, not at all. SWTOR had little to nothing in common with SWG, except for the basics of the IP. GW2 has some good mechanics lifted and tweaked from COH, but other than that, is not a successor.

So? If you felt that LucasArts screwed you over, with the NGE, with shutting down SWG, or even with those awful freaking prequel movies (that's where *I* stopped spending any money at all on anything Star Wars - a friend had to buy SWTOR for me to get me to try it because I refuse to give Lucas one more thin dime for taking such a giant, hairy dump on my childhood) then it would be reasonable to NOT buy SWTOR because you don't trust/like LucasArts anymore.
First you are wrong about one thing. Both SWG and SWTOR are sci-fi oriented MMO's which utilises magic in form of force so genre is same while GW2 is fantasy oriented while CoH is superhero no relation at all. Second both SWTOR and SWG is in same universe in different timelines GW2 has its own universe so does CoH. For these two points both SW games can be counted as successor/predecessor while vast difference between CoH and GW2 makes it a vvey long shot in a galaxy far away.

Third approach by companies makes the difference both Lucas and Sony kept game over 8 years despite having a big failure like NGE didn't closed it on a whim and they let emu project to have some sort of IP to prduce old game on their own. NCSfot cut the game like a hot knife on butter and don't inted to give IP in any form away. You may have agrudge against Lucas or Sony just like we are having a gainst NCSoft but calling them same is outragous.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
AKA, d*****bags everywhere! Yay!

No, because it's not PvP. I'm really not sure why the OP used that word.

It unlocks shapeshifts that allow you to "attack" other people who are also shapeshifted, in a way that does no damage, only big "POW!" and "BAM!" visual/sound effects and sometimes does knockback.

But y'know. D'bags everywhere. 'specially here, these days.



Tbh GW2 isn't really that bad. Its a game that I really enjoyed playing solo or with my friends. The holiday events are frankly quite amazing even though I haven't done the costume brawl.

This does not mean that I condone what NCSOFT did to COH. I bought the game before they announced the closure of COH. Right now, I'm tempted to put in some money to buy extra inventory slots and char slots but the only reason I'm not doing so is the way NCSOFT handled closing of COH.

Anyway I have to give credit where it is due. Anet did an amazing job with GW2 and I really hope NCSOFT wouldn't shut them down in the someday in the future.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Well the realist in me has to point out: Guild Wars 2 will end... maybe not in 2014 or even 2017...but eventually it will. It could end because of Guild Wars 3 or for a plethora of other reasons. It is a beautiful game; just not my type of game (Like I have always said... I am not an MMOer..I was a CoHer).

Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
Tbh GW2 isn't really that bad. Its a game that I really enjoyed playing solo or with my friends. The holiday events are frankly quite amazing even though I haven't done the costume brawl.

This does not mean that I condone what NCSOFT did to COH. I bought the game before they announced the closure of COH. Right now, I'm tempted to put in some money to buy extra inventory slots and char slots but the only reason I'm not doing so is the way NCSOFT handled closing of COH.

Anyway I have to give credit where it is due. Anet did an amazing job with GW2 and I really hope NCSOFT wouldn't shut them down in the someday in the future.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!