Until we meet again!




Originally Posted by Dysphoric View Post
You forgot to mention about GW2 having Halloween weapon and armor skins you can only get by buying keys from the real money store. And that they only give a small chance at receiving the skins, to get people to buy even more.

GW2 Halloween event is not good, it's just new.
Not true, and has been discussed earlier in the thread, with regards to buying gems with in-game money. Which, btw, is not hard to make. 100%ing one zone - ONE zone, even a low-level zone - and selling my drops nets me at least 1 gold. If I were to go to a high level zone and farm some events, I can make about a gold an hour. *shrug*

But what isn't mentioned is that black lion keys DROP as loot (very rarely - I've gotten I think three, but it does happen) and are rewards for several stages of the Personal Storyline.

Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
You're suggesting that comic fans can't/won't also be fantasy fans? I'm not even sure where to begin with that failure in logic.

Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
But it would be nicer if they didn't discuss other NCSoft games.

You've pointed out how these forums were never all that sunshiney to begin with. You know, I actually agree. But within Virtue, I did have a bunch of really nice friends and those friendships were years long. Believe me, there are people around here who are losing something. Well, everyone deals with loss in their own way. Not everyone is like you. You shouldn't just have an objective understanding of that--you should feel a responsibility toward consideration. And you're swinging that big "DEALWITHIT" banner of yours around in a place that has been special to City of Heroes fans for eight long years.
You know what? Some of the REST of us have been playing this game for 8 fun years, too. On Virtue, no less. We are no less entitled here to post than you are. So please stop telling us we're not entitled to talk about where we are now and what fun we're having.

On to the topic: I actually don't enjoy this event as much as COH's ToT event (which is really the only part of COH's event that I liked - banners and zombies can blow me.)

The only fun parts of it (to me) are extremely reminiscent of COH. There's mystic doors that appear that you can "knock" on to get either a treat (ToT bag full of prizes or candy) or a trick (monsters!) There's a labyrinth that's extremely reminiscent to me (and several of my COH-playing guildies) of the haunted mansion.

And the "costume brawl" which some have (stupidly, IMO) labeled as "PvP" is great and makes me super sad for PvP, because instead of taking any damage, you smack the other people are are rewarded with "POW!" "BANG!" "POP!" type comic-book popup effects. It just... argh! We should have gotten that in COH, dammit!



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
I'm pretty sure GW2 has forums for you to recruit people to play with you.
I haven't started posting yet.. I guess as soon as I lost my gold name here any opinion I post becomes invalidated automatically.

As cold and bitter as these boards have gotten over the past several weeks I still value you all's opinions and feel like having a common history ties us together however faint that tie may be. Dark, I always loved reading your posts on the dom boards and if you ever make the switch Elementalist is the class you have always wanted doms to be.

Feycat and the other gw2 players, have you seen the actual pvp Halloween mode? Its like ghosts vs villagers, sort of like left4dead. There's a contact in most starting areas and lions arch. Unlike some of the gw2 players who have posted I genuinely am enjoying this event, maybe because I am not max level and still have so much I want to see and try out in the game. I did a /age check and it took me 140hrs to get 70... I dunno, maybe its because their pve is reminiscent to coh pvp?

Everyone else, sorry if I disturbed the vigil you seem to be having with these forums. Remember that no matter how much you invested in this game what made you love it was the people you played with. Let's not burn the bridges just because ncsoft seems to have.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
But it would be nicer if they didn't discuss other NCSoft games.

You've pointed out how these forums were never all that sunshiney to begin with. You know, I actually agree. But within Virtue, I did have a bunch of really nice friends and those friendships were years long. Believe me, there are people around here who are losing something. Well, everyone deals with loss in their own way. Not everyone is like you. You shouldn't just have an objective understanding of that--you should feel a responsibility toward consideration. And you're swinging that big "DEALWITHIT" banner of yours around in a place that has been special to City of Heroes fans for eight long years.

People will be coming here in these final days to commiserate over the loss of everything they found worthwhile here, whether it was a link the game provided to far away loved ones, or the new friendships they made, or some rough times the game helped them through. What you're doing is in bad form, plain and simple. Even if you're not pouring salt in these peoples wounds maliciously, you're still exhibiting antisocial behavior.

I can guarantee you that even if I were playing GW2, I would not parade my happy pretendy fun times around this eight year-old community for the same reasons I wouldn't try to hook someone up with a date at their departed wife's funeral. You might think that's an exaggerated analogy, but if you do, it only tells me you haven't been reading many of the personal stories of our community members here.

You've sought to justify your behavior in previous posts and I don't expect you to stop, but if you can shove your point of view down our necks in post after post, I'm sure you can stomach a little bit of the same in return from me. And before you bring the Titan Network up as some kind of justification for your own bad form, please recognize that there are many different people here. Like you, I do NOT support generating negative press purely as a vengeance tactic (I supported it when it could have been used to save City of Heroes ). The difference here is that I didn't become hugely inconsiderate just because someone somewhere started doing something that I don't wholly approve of.

I'm glad people are having fun in GW2, and I wish Arenanet all the best. But it doesn't mean that I don't recognize thread titles containing "GW2>CoH" as unfair and unfriendly to many readers of these forums.
Utter tosh. This is one part of the rabid dismissal of anything non CoH that I don't like about the SaveCOH campaign. Believe it or not, there IS life outside of Paragon City, both in the real world and the virtual one. Yes it sucks that NCSoft is shutting it. Yes the way in which they did it was harsh and probably not optimal, but when all is said and done that's what's happening.

If you (not you personally), choose to boycott NCSoft games, then that is your prerogative, but why should the rest of us who live in the real world have to fit around you just to spare your feelings?

As I said in my original post, I am going to try games I look the look of, irrespective of the company holding the purse strings. Online gaming by its very nature is transient and won't last forever. Whatever game I choose to play, there is a strong likelihood that from the time I start playing to some indeterminate point in the future, I won't be able to play anymore. It'll suck. I wont be terribly happy about it, I'll want to try and do something to enable me to play it again, but when all is said and done, my life will go on and I'll play something else.

Rather than wallowing in negativity about a situation you can't realistically do an awful lot about, and also expecting other people to ***** foot around your fragile sensibilities, why not look at it as an opportunity to have a whole load of new experiences and "Happy fun times" in a different world? At least next time you'll have your eyes open about what you can realistically expect from the amount of time you'll get out of it.

Just as a bit of background info, I've been involved in online communities that have been shut down as a result of "change of focus" by their hosts for most of my adult life. Chat rooms in the 90s and early 2000s, for the most part. All of these involved me making friends that I regularly met up with in the real world and enjoying their company in a virtual sense between those times. Some of us kept in touch, most of us didn't. The sooner you accept that as a reality of online interaction, the easier it'll be to stomach when it eventually happens.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
I've been falling pretty deeply for gw2 lately but then this week the halloween event started. Trick or treating, costumes which unlock pvp in non-pvp zones, crafting cool rare stuff from holiday loot, lore revealed in a new scavenger hunt event, the main city hub getting a hogwarts makeover, pumpkin carving, and more stuff I havent even tried yet. And this is the first act of four culminating on the 31st.

I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.

I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.

Also, I have not heard of any of the other recent games doing holiday events. Does TSW or CO(or any other game people are transferring to) have anything like this happen?

It's hardly surprising they've pushed the boat out on this one for a number of reasons:
  1. It's GW2's first ever holiday event since launch. To not have something special would have sent the wrong message
  2. It's their first event after the announced closure of CoH. Again, not doing something good would have been seen as strange
  3. CoH: No devs. There wasn't anything they could have done. It's likely that we'd have got something interesting had things been different, but with I24 just landed probably not quite as cool. But there's a lot of legacy stuff so it all adds up to content
  4. It's hardly surprising then that GW2 is having a bigger, bolder event. It's NCSoft's one working product in the west now. They have to make it work or they may as well abandon the western market completely.
  5. No, they ain't having any more of my money. End of!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
Do ex-star wars galaxies players swear off sony electronics? PS3? Major motion pictures?
Sigh why people so eager to give this false example in this situation after all this time I wonder.

First: It was not Sony that cut off Sw Galaxies it was Lucas Arts to prevent collision with SWTOR. They simply didn't renew their IP license with Sony and let game die rather gloriously.

Second People who were playing SW galaxies were mostly made up from Starwars fans (those who cared for game mechanics and such itself already left after NGE if not as early as CU) so unlike in CoH's case which we loved the game itself and not the company behind it, they were actually loving the base product.

Third which is related to second SWG was closed only after SWOTR entered its final stage and was ready as a successor so the community eventhough in a different form got what they loved from the parent company AKA Lucas Arts.

In our case;

First There is no successor to CoH around and by successor I mean a game that is in same universe with some form resemblence. Unlike in SWG's case if NCSoft jsut sit on IP we can't get a successor like SWTOR in any form legally.

Second Most of community was here becuase of CoH in general (not because of they are NCSoft fans) not just as base product but also its mechanics and such. There is no other game slightly resembles mechnaics in CoH neither its stories

What you are comparing is not even apples and pears it is more like comparing apples with fish totally on different dimensions and planes on their owns.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Sigh why people so eager to give this false example in this situation after all this time I wonder.

First: It was not Sony that cut off Sw Galaxies it was Lucas Arts to prevent collision with SWTOR. They simply didn't renew their IP license with Sony and let game die rather gloriously.

Second People who were playing SW galaxies were mostly made up from Starwars fans (those who cared for game mechanics and such itself already left after NGE if not as early as CU) so unlike in CoH's case which we loved the game itself and not the company behind it, they were actually loving the base product.

Third which is related to second SWG was closed only after SWOTR entered its final stage and was ready as a successor so the community eventhough in a different form got what they loved from the parent company AKA Lucas Arts.

In our case;

First There is no successor to CoH around and by successor I mean a game that is in same universe with some form resemblence. Unlike in SWG's case if NCSoft jsut sit on IP we can't get a successor like SWTOR in any form legally.

Second Most of community was here becuase of CoH in general (not because of they are NCSoft fans) not just as base product but also its mechanics and such. There is no other game slightly resembles mechnaics in CoH neither its stories

What you are comparing is not even apples and pears it is more like comparing apples with fish totally on different dimensions and planes on their owns.
Actually in the case of Star Wars, a case could be made for the NGE release of it, considering that they did effectively gut out the *original* release, to make it something totally different (more WoW like), which wasn't the game that they had originally paid for and played.

Did people quit the game over that? Hell yes.

That is why there is the Star Wars Galaxies Emu project up and running, to bring back the *original* experience of the game, and not the more "up to date" version.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
As I said in my original post, I am going to try games I look the look of, irrespective of the company holding the purse strings.
This is why immortal amoral piles of money are effectively above reproach. Well, I suppose if you want to buy is more corporations behaving like NCSoft because no one calls them on it go ahead, I can't stop you.

I'd rather have corporations that actually look beyond next quarter's profits but oh shiny must have!



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
This is why immortal amoral piles of money are effectively above reproach. Well, I suppose if you want to buy is more corporations behaving like NCSoft because no one calls them on it go ahead, I can't stop you.

I'd rather have corporations that actually look beyond next quarter's profits but oh shiny must have!
Please. Morality has nothing to do with it. They aren't killing puppies or withholding the cure for cancer in order to drive the price up. They're discontinuing an under performing product line in an increasingly difficult market.




Some people act like NCSoft is LITERALLY burning their houses. It is a business decision regarding an online GAME.

Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Please. Morality has nothing to do with it. They aren't killing puppies or withholding the cure for cancer in order to drive the price up. They're discontinuing an under performing product line in an increasingly difficult market.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Please. Morality has nothing to do with it. They aren't killing puppies or withholding the cure for cancer in order to drive the price up. They're discontinuing an under performing product line in an increasingly difficult market.
Morality does have something to do with it. Albeit nowhere near the level of animal abuse, slavery or genocide, but then only the most overwrought on either side would claim otherwise. Morality is not a binary choice between everything's hunky-dory and GENOCIDE!, that's just silly. Someone deciding to steal a candy bar or pet a kitten is making a moral choice, just not a very significant one.

Now, it seems odd that NCsoft didn't cite CoH's lack of profitability as their reason for shutting it down since they've done so for other titles. All the more so considering the abruptness with which it was done, going from full-bore development on at least two titles to "as of today you're all laid off" in one day, and that most financial analyses suggest that the game was viable, if not exactly a profit blockbuster. There are older MMOs still going with smaller player bases. i still think it was most likely more a case of making an example of CoH as a dramatic show of NCsoft's commitment to their new direction.

Still, what's done is done at this point. City of Heroes will be shut down fairly soon and will most likely never come back as the game we currently know. While i find the [anti-CoH/CoH deserved this] posters' need to constantly belittle and heap scorn on the CoH fans who aren't happy about losing a game they love a bit bemusing i'm reluctant to see it as anything more than a combination of sour grapes and schadenfreude.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Morality does have something to do with it. Albeit nowhere near the level of animal abuse, slavery or genocide, but then only the most overwrought on either side would claim otherwise. Morality is not a binary choice between everything's hunky-dory and GENOCIDE!, that's just silly. Someone deciding to steal a candy bar or pet a kitten is making a moral choice, just not a very significant one.

Now, it seems odd that NCsoft didn't cite CoH's lack of profitability as their reason for shutting it down since they've done so for other titles. All the more so considering the abruptness with which it was done, going from full-bore development on at least two titles to "as of today you're all laid off" in one day, and that most financial analyses suggest that the game was viable, if not exactly a profit blockbuster. There are older MMOs still going with smaller player bases. i still think it was most likely more a case of making an example of CoH as a dramatic show of NCsoft's commitment to their new direction.

Still, what's done is done at this point. City of Heroes will be shut down fairly soon and will most likely never come back as the game we currently know. While i find the [anti-CoH/CoH deserved this] posters' need to constantly belittle and heap scorn on the CoH fans who aren't happy about losing a game they love a bit bemusing i'm reluctant to see it as anything more than a combination of sour grapes and schadenfreude.
For it to be immoral, there would have to be some conflict with generally held morality. What facet of morality is being conflicted here? What taboo are they breaking, what intent to harm was their goal?

The answer is none. There is no moral conflict in discontinuing a luxury entertainment product. There is no malice, and no intent to harm. Any lasting trauma on the part of the individual is not the fault of the product or the company.

As for your last point, you see scorn and belittlement where I see stages of acceptance. There are no sour grapes. There is no schadenfreude. Everyone here is in the exact same situation, namely, they won't be able to play CoX past the end of the month. Some people have accepted it, and some have not. Each at their own pace, and for their own reasons. I have plenty of friends who were upset about the closure, and I consoled who I could by helping them understand that this is not personal. It is not some directed attack at the CoX players, their life choices, their belief structures, or anything else that matters. It is a business making a decision about how best to invest their limited funds to maximize their returns. The perceived intelligence of such a decision, and the ultimate success or failure of the attempt are outside the scope of the discussion. NCSoft will either be right or they will be wrong, and neither will bring CoX back.

If you want to project some dark glee at the expense of others onto that viewpoint, that's your prerogative, but no such feeling exists, at least on my part. The worst I've seen is some frustrated retaliation after being attacked for daring to not still be in the denial or anger stages of grief.

Edit: I'm sorry, I know this has nothing to do with anything, but I can not help but giggle at your icon. The spread eagle after the jump is what does it.



Just one thing regarding your statement. I think MOST people can accept that CoH was profitable, BUT that profitability was small. CoH has never been a profit making powerhouse and frankly no matter what was done to it could make it one. So NCSoft looked at the slowly declining revenue and made a decision...cut it before it starts losing money. You state most financial analyses claim the game was viable - but those analyses are based off LIMITED knowledge of the financials of CoH. NCSoft knows what the expenses are for Paragon, knows what the revenue is for the game, and their analysis is what matters; not some person on a forum speculating.

It was/is a business decision...one which NO ONE on these boards can understand because they are not in NCSoft's position of knowing everything that went into that decision. People are ASSUMING so many reasons why they chose to sunset CoH...but many fail to stop and detach themselves a little and see it was just business and nothing personal.

Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Morality does have something to do with it. Albeit nowhere near the level of animal abuse, slavery or genocide, but then only the most overwrought on either side would claim otherwise. Morality is not a binary choice between everything's hunky-dory and GENOCIDE!, that's just silly. Someone deciding to steal a candy bar or pet a kitten is making a moral choice, just not a very significant one.

Now, it seems odd that NCsoft didn't cite CoH's lack of profitability as their reason for shutting it down since they've done so for other titles. All the more so considering the abruptness with which it was done, going from full-bore development on at least two titles to "as of today you're all laid off" in one day, and that most financial analyses suggest that the game was viable, if not exactly a profit blockbuster. There are older MMOs still going with smaller player bases. i still think it was most likely more a case of making an example of CoH as a dramatic show of NCsoft's commitment to their new direction.

Still, what's done is done at this point. City of Heroes will be shut down fairly soon and will most likely never come back as the game we currently know. While i find the [anti-CoH/CoH deserved this] posters' need to constantly belittle and heap scorn on the CoH fans who aren't happy about losing a game they love a bit bemusing i'm reluctant to see it as anything more than a combination of sour grapes and schadenfreude.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Just one thing regarding your statement. I think MOST people can accept that CoH was profitable, BUT that profitability was small. CoH has never been a profit making powerhouse and frankly no matter what was done to it could make it one. So NCSoft looked at the slowly declining revenue and made a decision...cut it before it starts losing money. You state most financial analyses claim the game was viable - but those analyses are based off LIMITED knowledge of the financials of CoH. NCSoft knows what the expenses are for Paragon, knows what the revenue is for the game, and their analysis is what matters; not some person on a forum speculating.

It was/is a business decision...one which NO ONE on these boards can understand because they are not in NCSoft's position of knowing everything that went into that decision. People are ASSUMING so many reasons why they chose to sunset CoH...but many fail to stop and detach themselves a little and see it was just business and nothing personal.
I think that one of the more important changes that happened to City of Heroes recently that affected its visibility, was when it was removed from Steam.

Not sure as to why it was pulled from the store, we can only speculate over that. But missing out on 4million+ sets of eyes is definitely a bit of a **** up.




Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
Feycat and the other gw2 players, have you seen the actual pvp Halloween mode? Its like ghosts vs villagers, sort of like left4dead. There's a contact in most starting areas and lions arch. Unlike some of the gw2 players who have posted I genuinely am enjoying this event, maybe because I am not max level and still have so much I want to see and try out in the game. I did a /age check and it took me 140hrs to get 70... I dunno, maybe its because their pve is reminiscent to coh pvp?
Uh, GW2 PvE is reminiscent of COH PvP... what are you smoking? I've got an 80, 60, 3 40s, 2 30s and a new 20 and I'm enjoying the heck out of the PvE. And leveling is super easy - and also doesn't matter, since I spend a good portion of my time playing with lower-level friends in downleveled zones

On to your question - yeah, I played the mini-game PvP, reminded me a bit of League of Legends. Nope, didn't like it, but I've never been a fan of "scenario" PvP.

Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Sigh why people so eager to give this false example in this situation after all this time I wonder.

First: It was not Sony that cut off Sw Galaxies it was Lucas Arts to prevent collision with SWTOR. They simply didn't renew their IP license with Sony and let game die rather gloriously.
GW2 is as much a successor to COH as SWTOR was to SWG - which is to say, not at all. SWTOR had little to nothing in common with SWG, except for the basics of the IP. GW2 has some good mechanics lifted and tweaked from COH, but other than that, is not a successor.

So? If you felt that LucasArts screwed you over, with the NGE, with shutting down SWG, or even with those awful freaking prequel movies (that's where *I* stopped spending any money at all on anything Star Wars - a friend had to buy SWTOR for me to get me to try it because I refuse to give Lucas one more thin dime for taking such a giant, hairy dump on my childhood) then it would be reasonable to NOT buy SWTOR because you don't trust/like LucasArts anymore.

It's a perfect parallel to NCsoft and the COH/GW2 thing, actually. If you feel the parent company screwed you over in some way, you're much less likely to purchase another product from them - this whole argument is a perfect example.

Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
This is why immortal amoral piles of money are effectively above reproach. Well, I suppose if you want to buy is more corporations behaving like NCSoft because no one calls them on it go ahead, I can't stop you.

I'd rather have corporations that actually look beyond next quarter's profits but oh shiny must have!
Uh, NO corporation gives a crap about anything but the next quarter's profits. They don't have feelings, or morals, or beating hearts. They're all about money. That's why they're a business.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Uh, NO corporation gives a crap about anything but the next quarter's profits. They don't have feelings, or morals, or beating hearts. They're all about money. That's why they're a business.
I do not believe that all things are acceptable in the name of profit.

Corporations that behave badly don't get my money. If enough people followed suit either the behavior changes or the corporation is put six feet under. But when putting out a new shiny is like going to confession and all sins are forgiven there isn't much incentive to behave.

Go enjoy GW2. Give NCSoft more money and tell them you endorse their handling of Paragon Studios. Then when Arenanet is axed to offset a quarter's temporary losses due to Wildstar's development costs being put on the books before the sales of it, proudly proclaim that you supported that and anyone who complains is a dirty bleeding heart hippy because it made NCSoft profit and that justifies everything.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I do not believe that all things are acceptable in the name of profit.

Corporations that behave badly don't get my money. If enough people followed suit either the behavior changes or the corporation is put six feet under. But when putting out a new shiny is like going to confession and all sins are forgiven there isn't much incentive to behave.

Go enjoy GW2. Give NCSoft more money and tell them you endorse their handling of Paragon Studios. Then when Arenanet is axed to offset a quarter's temporary losses due to Wildstar's development costs being put on the books before the sales of it, proudly proclaim that you supported that and anyone who complains is a dirty bleeding heart hippy because it made NCSoft profit and that justifies everything.
You're wrong on many, many levels. I will point a few out.

I didn't say anything is ACCEPTABLE. I said that's how CORPORATIONS work. They are not people. They are profit-making machines. They don't exist for warm fuzzies and hugs. They exist to make moola. I don't like it, but that's the world we've built and live in. It sucks, but the only way to change it would be an enormous, systematic reworking of how the entire world works, at this point.

Also - I gave NCsoft NO money since COH has been axed. I received the game as a gift, pre-ordered long before COH was shuttered. I have bought gems with in-game gold. They have not received a dime from me, nor will they unless Anet buys itself free of NCsoft.

I have never proudly suppoted NCsoft, nor called anyone else a dirty, bleeding heart hippy. As a dirty, bleeding heart hippy, it wouldn't make much sense.

The name-callers are on your side of the fence, bro.



The closure of this game and Paragon Studio may have more to do with trying to right the sinking ship of NC Interactive, which Paragon Studio was considered part of. NC Interactive handle the NA release of NCSoft's Lineage II, Aion and sometime soon Blade & Soul as well as City of Heroes and Paragon Studio. Neither Carbine Studio, which is under direct control of NCSoft Corporation or ArenaNet, which is it's own subsidiary have anything to do with NC Interactive.

NCSoft published just the profit/loss of each of their subsidiaries. They took control of the game at the end of 2007 so I'll start with 2008. Figures are in million KrW.

2008 3623
2009 -3600
2010 -13691
2011 -24774

First half of 2012, -14207. There is something very financially amiss with NC Interactive, it's hemorrhaging money. Now remember NCSoft's Q2 loss was only -7263. NC Interactive's Q2 loss was - 7798.

Now NCSoft may be willing to operate their core MMOs at a loss in NA and they need NC Interactive to localize Blade & Soul but they can't ignore how much NC Interactive is losing. So they may have close Paragon Studio and as a side effect, since without a studio you can't keep cranking out content even for a F2P MMO, City of Heroes simply as a way to show they are trying to reduce those losses.

If City of Heroes minus the cost of Paragon Studios was as highly profitable as some of the vocal #SaveCOH movement insist it was, this would be a very dumb move since it would make NC Interactive run even more into the red. However if the profit was very small, the negative impact would be minor before any write down due to it's closure is taken into account. I would not be surprised if in Q4 they show NC Interactive reversing it's downward trend and that will be all the validation NCSoft needs to show they did the right thing for their stockholders.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Also - I gave NCsoft NO money since COH has been axed. I received the game as a gift, pre-ordered long before COH was shuttered. I have bought gems with in-game gold. They have not received a dime from me, nor will they unless Anet buys itself free of NCsoft.

Haven't given NCSoft a dime either since CoH got cut. Like you all my gems have come from converting in-game gold. I love that feature. It lets me be a constant drain on NCSofts profits. Every gold to gem conversion is money they didn't get from me, and every purchase I make with those gems hurts them. Sure it's the equivalent of a paper cut, but those are the ones that are the most annoying.



Wildstar is quite a vulnerable target to a negative campaign about NCSoft - as it's not been published yet, they're lacking player or press reviews to counter the negativity.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
But will people remember when it does come out?
This campaign against NCSoft is long term

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



And will anyone not in the SaveCoX movement care?



In an attempt to keep this thread on topic, act III just happened. It was a live event that permanently altered the main hub city of the game. Its like if the atlas statue got explodedized by Rularu or something and on top of that the hole from where he came out of became a new explorable(equivalent to a task force).



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
In an attempt to keep this thread on topic, act III just happened. It was a live event that permanently altered the main hub city of the game. Its like if the atlas statue got explodedized by Rularu or something and on top of that the hole from where he came out of became a new explorable(equivalent to a task force).
We don't actually know if it's a permanent alteration - I'm willing to bet the statue will be rebuilt after Oct 31.

And the explorable won't be available after Oct 31.

That being said, I enjoyed the HECK out of that fight!!



no matter how many emoticons are used

Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
And will anyone not in the SaveCoX movement care?

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!