Until we meet again!




Thank you.

Gibraltar: Stone/SS Tanker, Infinity
E. Rectorzet: Elec/Dev Blaster, Infinity
Doctor Tindalos: Bots/Traps Mastermind, Infinity



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
John (as Orion, the Cimeroran Manticore): "I'm not following Imperious' orders. He just happens to be going where I'm going."
Sean Fish: "Yeah, you've definitely got Manticore's mindset right."
Heh, I remember the line a bit differently, but I think what really "made" the comment for Sean was my mildly sarcastic tone and the completely unconcerned shrug that went with it.

And wasn't Protean one of the players there, before he was a dev?..

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I am going to miss the hell out of this game, but most of all I am going to miss the hell out of you guys. We had fantastic plans for the future, stuff we were working on right up until Friday. Stuff that would have made the passing of Neil Armstrong seem eerily coincidental. I would have loved to read your comments about the stuff we had planned.
Losing Paragon City and the Rogue Isles is going to take a surprisingly big chunk out of my life; until NCSoft's announcement, I had never really thought about how many ties I had to people through the game. I've been playing since about ten days after launch -- without checking with NCSoft, I think my account creation date is May 8, 2004 -- and I've seen many changes over the years, including a mass character move from Pinnacle to Guardian when the friends I had been playing with -- most of whom were in the military -- either deployed or moved to other games.

In the first day or so after the announcement of CoH's impending shutdown -- and the already-accomplished out-of-the blue sacking of Paragon Studios -- my mind kept coming back to Prospero's valediction from Shakespeare's "The Tempest": (audio of John Gielgud's presentation)

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And -- like the baseless fabric of this vision --
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself --
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a wrack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
You and the rest of the Paragon Studios staff have given us the stuff to create such glorious dreams. The world you created let us rise above ourselves -- become someone better (or worse) than we were, escape our daily lives, not to a world where we merely exchanged the daily grind of work for a protracted grind to stay in the same place relative to the NPCs, but to one where we grew above them and became the heroes and villains that made the news and were known all over. Between the player community and the developer community, there was a bond bringing people together in a way I haven't seen in any other game. You and your fellow developers gave us that, and you have made it incredibly difficult for any game to meet the bar you set.

If it turns out that there is no way to save City of Heroes, and we can't create a way to save the essence of what Paragon City was, then our revels may end, but I will go away with eight and a half years of memories, and a connection to people I have never and may never meet that will trail across other games and through conventions. All of us share the link of having been part of the grand vision that you spread out before us and invited us to play in... and my life will be richer for having been able to be part of it.

If Paragon Studios and City of Heroes were to be pulled back together under another company, or on its own, I will continue to support it as I have for the last eight years. If it can't, and a successor is built, then I hope that whoever builds it can bring back as many of you as possible and continue at least the heart of what made City of Heroes what it is. But regardless of what happens, I want you to know that you, and all of the rest of Paragon Studios, go with my deepest thanks for having given me these eight years, and my best wishes for your futures.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Like many others here, I've been around since beta, although I was never as vocal on these forums as the Cartel crowd. But at one point prior to Freedom I maintained 3 monthly subs for myself and my family. While other homes may enjoy family pizza/movie night, we were always doing family/superhero night. It was always a fun past-time and gaming was part of our family entertainment budget.

So rather than repeating what's already been said countless times over already, I'll just give you a personal note of thanks instead.

To Posi and all the team, and to those who came before you, thank you for giving us a make-believe land where our real-world troubles and trials could disappear for awhile. You gave us a reason to log on repeatedly, month after month. You made the investment of time and money worth it and we got far more back out of it than we invested. You ensured that the juice was always worth the squeeze.

Thanks Posi. We will miss this world you've made for us and the campaigns you've created for our enjoyment. There may be other worlds that wait us, but you will always be a point of comparison.

Take care!



I have been playing for a long time and as you can tell by my post count I have never done much in the forums till now. Mr. Positron sir, and you shall always in my heart remain Positron, this game has been something that I have grown to love more than you can ever know. I still have lots of hope that we will save it. I fear that if we don't there will never be anything that I can find to even come close to it. I may never play another MMO again. If City Of Heroes goes away Real Life with my Harley and other things is what I will be doing. Maybe someday something you are working on or something will come close to COH again. Someday I can only Hope.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Thank you Positron. CoH is the longest MMO I've ever played in actively. More than 5 years straight from 2005-2010. I haven't been active the past couple of years, except logging in once in a while to play with friends, check messages, etc, but CoH has always been special to me. I had plans to go VIP once again during the coming holidays.

So many memories in this game for me. Meeting new friends. Experiencing forming my first online guild (SG). Building the first giant robot in a base. Soloing AV's and Pylons. Creating an MA Arc (Pandas vs Rikti) that got a Dev's Choice Award.

I'm saddened to see the game go. Thank you once again for this great MMO. And good luck to you and the devs at Paragon Studios wherever life takes you next.



I've been in the game less than a year, I wish I discovered it sooner because now there are many things I will never get to see.

Thanks for making it a real Role Playing Game, not just an MMO. I loved this game for the stories. I've played Dungeons and Dragons and Mutants and Masterminds for many years. I've played other MMOs as well, and none came close in how immersive the stories were. Only MYST gave me a similar feel.

I did my best to support this game, I got to Tier 9 in 9 months. Unfortunately my 6+1 + 2 friends I converted to VIP ran out in the last week of August while I was on holidays, so I'm stuck on Premium now.

I don't have the millions to save this game all by myself, but I'd contribute if I could.

Thanks to the whole Paragon Studios Team.



I remember first seeing an announcement for City of Heroes from GameSpy and then signing up to the forums in what must have been September / October 2001. Medieval fantasy MMOs didn't really interest me, but a superhero MMO sounded fantastic.

I remember the drip feeding of information that came during that pre-release period, the Giant Tapeworm thread, the long silence that many interpreted as CoH being vapourware, the announcement that CoH was no longer going to have a freeform powers creation system and how Streamweaver shut down his fansite at the news.

I also remember being invited into CoH's beta and having to get up at about 4am to play it, making UnSub an AR / Katana Blaster and being absolutely thrilled at the game. After so long, after so much build up, I hadn't wasted my time! CoH was not just a great MMO, but a great game!

I spent many years in-game and "arrested" a lot of villains using grenades and bullets. Many a good time (and some very frustrating times too!) were had.

A big thanks to all the developers - those who had red names, those who didn't, those who moved on, those who stayed - who helped craft CoH/V into what it was and what it became.

(And in the spirit of revelation, I'd like to announce that I was a long term player who wasn't asked to work on CoH/V in any capacity. Shhhh, don't tell anyone! ;-)



Good work to the best staff. I am with those that wish to not see the end, but if it must end, then what a ride.

Until we meet again Positron.

Your Friend,
Paragon Vanguard



Godspeed Positron. I drifted away from this game and this community a while ago, but I'll always be a huge fan. I credit this community with helping me win my spot on WWTBASH ~6 years ago, and Positron's support in particular was a big part of what made that possible. That's not a debt I know how to repay; whatever it is you do next, rest assured I'll be there, not because I owe you, but because you helped make CoH the best game on the market.




Why Best Wishes to the Pargon Staff, i kep hoping that you soon be recalled to work. I am doing what I can with SAVE COH. I do this because I love the game and the community. I don't want to see either go.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to the goodbye threads from Paragon Studios. I learned about the announcement on the day of my wedding (to Fatare, aka Iris, whom I met in game, and met in person for the first time at HeroCon 2008) from one of my groomsmen, who is in the game industry. We then immediately went on our honeymoon, and I haven't had the time to reply properly until now.

Thank you for this game, Matt. Thank you for all the work you've put into it. Thank you for taking it over when it needed a new Design Lead, and thank you for making the decisions you've made that kept it going strong (even if I disagreed with some of them, I know I loved most of them). I want to list a series of things I believe you to be responsible for, but I may end up making a mistake and thanking you for something you didn't do. I'm pretty sure you pushed for Power Proliferation, Flashback, Side Switching, and Super Sidekicking, so I think I can safely thank you for those, and I know I can thank you for the badge system as a whole.

Thank you for the opportunity you gave me in 2008, which I totally blew, but have a funny story about as a result (I detailed it in my wedding announcement/goodbye to Paragon and CoH thread, if you want to read it). Thank you for HeroCon, without which, I would probably not be married to my wife. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me and other CoH players at various cons and events.

Thank you for City of Heroes, the best make-your-own superhero game ever made, and that probably ever will be made in my lifetime.


Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Like many posters, COH was my first MMO. I learned a lot of things about online gaming that made me appreciate this game, and the industry, much more. You've done a lot of great things, features that I've since taken for granted, and now want (but find that - very often - I can't). It's amazing how far COH has come in eight years.

I also met a lot of great people, some whom I've since called friends. Though I don't know many of you personally, I've always considered the COH community (both in and out-of-game) the best online community I've known. Perhaps, I'll ever know.

So, thanks to the community and the devs for an AWESOME GAME! It is these wonderful memories that I will take with me.



I don't think I've ever been this upset to see a game go...almost feel ridiculous for feeling this way. Just a game right? I mean, I met some amazing people here. Relationships that I've held on to even when I wasn't playing this game, people who I've come to call friends. It has inspired me as an artist to get back into drawing and more so, creating concepts of my own. Just a game? Can't really sum it up like that cause it's been more then that.

How many of us not only met some great people due to this game but life long relationships? Congrats to those couples.

Paragon is in my opinion the most community friendly development team. I've migrated to several MMO's, none of them come close to the level of interaction with their fans.

Thank you guys. I hope you don't move to save CoH. I hope you come back strong and release a new Hero MMO under the development of Paragon Studios. I'd be there.

Much love.



Originally Posted by Veikira View Post
I don't think I've ever been this upset to see a game go...almost feel ridiculous for feeling this way. Just a game right? I mean, I met some amazing people here. Relationships that I've held on to even when I wasn't playing this game, people who I've come to call friends. It has inspired me as an artist to get back into drawing and more so, creating concepts of my own. Just a game? Can't really sum it up like that cause it's been more then that.

How many of us not only met some great people due to this game but life long relationships? Congrats to those couples.

Paragon is in my opinion the most community friendly development team. I've migrated to several MMO's, none of them come close to the level of interaction with their fans.

Thank you guys. I hope you don't move to save CoH. I hope you come back strong and release a new Hero MMO under the development of Paragon Studios. I'd be there.

Much love.
Dear Veikira, I completely sympathize. CoH was for so many of us way more than "just a game"; it was (is) a community where we shared our hobby/passion investing lots of time, creativity and to varying degrees money. I havent done much with other MMORPGs and from what little I have done, City of Heroes was entirely "my cup of tea" and other MMOs mostly arent. Like you, in the event CoH isn't saved (as looks increasingly likely at present) then I also hope the remarkable development team that gave us CoH gives us an MMORPG as good or better than CoH. For sure, I'd check it out and likely stay.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



@Positron and co.

Thanks for the great years of gaming, friendly chats at cons, and helping me track down a copy of that Dark Horse promo comic! Now if only I could get my hands on the novels, heh. Best of luck in whatever your next endeavor will be sir!

Hope is the opposite of despair, an overwhelming love will consume you in the end.



This may be my first post in the forums, too bad this is the reason.

CoH wasn't the first MMO I played but it was definitely the first that I truly enjoyed. I took a break now and then but not for other mmos... none of them were good enough after I played this one. I would try one and immediately dump it. Whether it not enough variety, or not enough customization, or lack of easy travel, or being locked into the "holy trinity" or lack of attention to crippling problems, my dissatisfaction with other games knew no bounds.

I have a great appreciation for what the Devs have given us over the years. They took on an extreme amount of work trying to keep this game current and balanced (with varying degrees of success it's true), ironing out snarled code, producing more content and powersets than I would have believed possible, and even found time for a lot of QoL adjustments that we craved. Then they actually lent us their tools so we could create our own stories. As far as I know that's unprecedented.

As far as I'm concerned the Devs here are the most engaged, responsive and hard-working people in the business. I'll miss you guys and hope you will see great successes as you move on. You deserve it.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

I'm glad people are having fun in GW2, and I wish Arenanet all the best.
Unfortunately, they're tainted by association, so they're going to feel the impact too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
As far as GW2 goes...meh. CoH pretty much spoiled me as my first MMO and try as I might I just cannot get into other MMOs; even the other "super hero" ones. Has nothing to do with the publisher but rather the fact I am not an MMOer...I was a CoHer.
Ditto. This is so true for me. Every game I try I always find myself comparing it to CoH. Even ones I'm having fun playing like "The Secret World" there's still that "But it's not CoH." that puts a damper on things.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
NCSoft has demonstrated they shut down MMOs more than any other MMO company. I will not trust them ever again with any MMO. It's not a boycott. It's just not being stupid enough to trust them again.
This is my take on anything NCsoft puts out. Because I'm investing my time with a game, I don't appreciate that it will be so casually turned off.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Unfortunately, they're tainted by association, so they're going to feel the impact too.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I haven't had a chance to try it yet. My computer died and I recently just got the replacement parts. Looking forward to it. I always enjoy seeing how all the various MMOs celebrate Halloween and the other holidays.



What the thread title says is that GW2 is better than CoH Halloween. Then, the post goes on to invite CoH players to join the OP in GW2.

So I disagreed their event is better and then suggested the OP go to the GW2 forums if he's looking for people to join him celebrating GW2's greatness.

Then I said go ahead and play GW2. Have fun. But don't get all pissy if people here who enjoy CoH and dislike NCSoft and their remaining products tell you to **** off.

Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
And yet the point stands. If you see a post with GW2 in the title, don't click on it. It's no one's fault but your own if you read a topic that irritates or upsets you when the title is so blatant.

To use the funeral analogy, if I've just buried a loved one, I'm not going to open emails about fun vacation spots the next day. I won't begrudge friends sending them to me, but I simply wouldn't click on them.

As many people have already pointed out, time is short for the game and these boards. Which would you rather be spending your remaining time doing; reading posts that make you happy and playing the game you loved, or trying to police other people's posts that just irritate you and waste what little time you have left on negativity? Is that really what you want your last memories of the City of boards to be? Arguing with someone about what they should and shouldn't post?

Me, I wouldn't waste my time. I'd read what I liked and ignore the rest.

Please buff Ice Control.



Ahh so you have played the GW2 event then? I mean since you disagree I am assuming that's because you have actual experience on GW2 and in their event? Otherwise you just come across as someone spouting off because they don't like NCSoft. I tend to find opinions based on actual experience a tad more reliable than one's based off pure speculation and bias.

Nothing wrong with them telling people about the event and trying to get more people to play GW2. You do know there is a THRIVING CoH community in GW2 as well right? There are several guilds over there of CoH players...inviting people to go to GW2 and play with fellow fans of CoH is not a bad thing...as it strengthens and maintains something people are supposedly fighting for...community.

Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
What the thread title says is that GW2 is better than CoH Halloween. Then, the post goes on to invite CoH players to join the OP in GW2.

So I disagreed their event is better and then suggested the OP go to the GW2 forums if he's looking for people to join him celebrating GW2's greatness.

Then I said go ahead and play GW2. Have fun. But don't get all pissy if people here who enjoy CoH and dislike NCSoft and their remaining products tell you to **** off.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
What the thread title says is that GW2 is better than CoH Halloween. Then, the post goes on to invite CoH players to join the OP in GW2.

So I disagreed their event is better and then suggested the OP go to the GW2 forums if he's looking for people to join him celebrating GW2's greatness.

Then I said go ahead and play GW2. Have fun. But don't get all pissy if people here who enjoy CoH and dislike NCSoft and their remaining products tell you to **** off.
So what you're saying is that you've decided that people aren't allowed to invite other CoXers to come play GW2 with them, and you would rather spend the final days of the CoX boards miserable while making sure everyone else knows it.

That's fine, and you won't have to put up with it much longer. My understanding is that all these terribly objectionable posts will be gone by Dec 1st, so you have something to look forward to.

Regarding GW2 itself, I enjoy the event well enough. What I love about the game is the exploration and jumping puzzles. I thought the player story was also great....up to a point. Sadly, it went from great to pttthbpt over the course of about 3 missions, and it's been hard for me to work up the drive to finish it off. :/