Until we meet again!




I did not always agree with everything you did but no RPG campaign is complete without someone complaining about the DM's decisions.

But your efforts and passion for the game were appreciated and will always be remembered.



Dear Matt "Positron" Miller,
Thank you for an excellent even peak gaming experience! I didn't expect a MMORPG to compare to the fun of in-person tabletop or LARP gaming but thanks both to the outstanding quality of work of produced by the Paragon Studios team(s) and the quality of the community of players who were drawn to and continued with City of Heroes, some for nearly nine years, City of Heroes far exceeded my expecations. As in other forms of gaming, game friendships here became real friendships. Hats off to you and all the wonderful staff at Paragon Studios. Very much looking forward to your next project(s), even as we players fight to somehow keep CoH alive. Thank you for all you've given to us.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



What only just occurred to me: I went to San Diego Comic Con for the first time this year and I was really hoping to meet you guys. You had been there before, after all. Say hi, shake hands, finally meet you, David and others in person... So many people I've only known through forums, chat or mails, but for so long. Heck, I remember when I went to California in Summer 2002 and had a half-invitation to drop by Cryptic Studios to say hi. Sadly, that didn't happen.
Anyway, you guys weren't in Diego this year. No problem, I thought, I'll go again next year and they will surely be there... I guess that won't happen now either.

So here's to the game that has long been a part of me, the team I wish I could have been a part of and to you, Matt, and all of you. Thank you. I look forward to what you have in mind for us next.




I am so sorry this happened to you (and us) as it appears you were just as surprised as we were.
I have not always agreed with you but, obviously, I haven't been so bothered as to quit in the 8 years I have played.
I am angry and cry whenever I think this game might go away. I have loved all the stories although I favor some more than others. I would've loved to have seen something more done to the Shadow Shard and was looking forward to years worth of new stuff.
I still cannot believe the f***tards (will I get banned now? lol) that dropped the bomb on all of us.
I love you, this game and most everyone I have met ingame!

Victory Server
Amethyst Angel - level 50 eng/eng blaster
Fireball Angel - level 50 fire/kin controller-confirmed 646 badges



Thank you, Posi!




Matt. Melissa, and all the people of Paragon Studios,

Thank you. Thank you for 8+ years of fun and friendship. I had never played, nor wanted to play, an MMO until a friend of mine showed me the costume creator. The g.a.y. in me went crazy! I ran out that night and bought the game.. only to find my video card wasn't up to snuff... with 15 minutes left before Best Buy closed, I had a new video card. My life had changed forever.

As a proud member of the g.a.y. community, I can't thank you enough for creating a welcome environment for everyone to play.. no matter race, religion, orientation, what ever. Hate was never tolerated. All of the people working on CoH treated everyone with respect and made all their players feel important. I NEVER felt like I was just another account paying my monthly fee.

I will never forget the one Hero-Con I was able to attend. Playing board games with Synapse. I brought a cake to the party and he told me that I had to make sure Positron got a piece.. and I brought you one. Or meeting Melissa at the 'CoH Lore' contest and realizing that I didn't know HALF of what I thought I knew about the game. JLove in cowboy hat... But the one thing that sticks out the most is how all of the members of Paragon Studios loved what they were doing and really pushed to make the users happy.

When it comes to video games, console or PC, I have the attention span of a goldfish. 8+ years with one game is a testament to the game and the creators. I never left CoH, even though I tried others... they never lasted a month. Nothing could compare to this game and I don't think anything in the future will. You have spoiled me.

At 47 years old, I never thought I would be THIS upset over the closing of a video game. You, and the user community, were family to me for 3 cross- country moves when I had no family or friends. CoH was a home for me when I was alone. Over 8 years, CoH was life support for me when my father, grandmother, and pets died.

In closing, I thank you again for being a major part of my life. You will all be sorely missed.

Chuck Salerno

Victory from start to finish
(and some of my favorites)
- Capt Colorblind
- Justen Sane
- Poisoned Puffer
- Happy Fun Ball
- Finding Emo
- Sugar Fix
- Kellie

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Dearest Posi, Devs and fellow gamers

Thank you for the seven plus years of this fantastic game. I remember entering Paragon city and in ahh over the winter event. I was luck to get a jingle jet and remember flying all around Atlas collecting presents. I remember not know what the Winter Lord was and running up to him thinking "Yea I can kick his snowy butt" but a poor level five had no luck. I meet great people on Liberty, many I still talk to today, When the announcement hit Friday, I was shocked and crushed. A Friend and I on here were talking about saving up for the next Hero-con and meeting up for the first time. Only one thing in this game I would of loved to of seen and it was Bar Stools for the base. You can not have a SG Called Drunk Canadians, have a two story bar in base with out bar stools. Sadly, we will never see it.

Just know one thing please.

If you build it, we will come

Ty for the great memories

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



Posi...Seriously. Thank you. Thank you so much for being such a big part of this machine that has absorbed us all and kept us entertained and enthralled for so many years.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



Thanks to you and the Paragon Studios team for making such a quality mmo and environment. I started playing about a year after the launch and have stayed a subscriber ...even doing the 12+2 renewal back in July.

I will always have fond memories of this place, and for lack of better words, I'll let Mr. Vic Fontaine of DS9 fame express some of my thoughts about this game and community.



Thanks you Matt. Thank you for helping myself and so many others like me live out our childhood dreams to fly through the clouds.



You did good posi.

Always remember that.

See you in another life my friend.




Posi I want to thank you for all the joy that you brought all of us. I tried other MMOs the all were missing something and that was this community. After reading your post I know why this game just seemed to hit home for me, and a lot of others. If I hear of you landing another MMO gig I will be there in a heartbeat because of all the hard work that you all put into CoH.

In the meantime I wish only the best for all of you and that you land quickly back on your feet.

I would like to give my personal thanks and best wishes to the employees of Paragon Studios for giving me so many fond experiences. You guys were the best!
@White Guardsman
Keep CoH alive...or at least try to...



Thank you, sir, for this wonderful, unprecedented, super game.

You took someone who didn't play MMOs (because they were all generic fantasy garbage, like the MUDs I played in college but with eye candy), someone who would never pay a monthly subscription, and you made them a believer.

I've been subscribed for 8 years straight. I wandered, but I always came back. And I'll be here right until the end.

Thank you so much.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



This is more sad than when Lost ended only possibly more unanswered questions. Thanks for the great game! I'll cherish this game's memories like the Nintendo games I played as a kid up until the day it wouldn't play anymore.



Matt, thanks to all you and the entire team (devs, community team, Marketing, management, Cryptic, even NCSoft) have done over the past decade on our behalf. Future MMO experiences have so much to live up to that it may be more than another entire decade before one even begins to come close.

Take care and best of luck to you all.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com / http://fallenlegion.guildportal.com

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to write.

Just over nine years ago, the best man from my wedding, Sean Fish said they studio he was working at was looking for designers and wanted me to interview for the position.

Wait, let me back up.

I met Sean Fish through a good friend of mine, John S. Sean and John starting playing CCG's and I was crazy jealous of him monopolizing John's time. He was "John's new best friend, Sean." Little did I realize how cool of a guy Sean actually was.

Wait, let me back up.

I met John S. at the first Amber (diceless RPG) game that I ever played. John was a legend in Amber circles, his name was in the rulebook! And here he was in MY GAME! I soon found out that he lived incredibly close to me and I was driving him to the once per month game and we became great friends.

Wait, I need to back up again.

I got invited into my first Amber game because one night at DunDraCon (an RPG convention here in the bay area) I was wondering around and saw a guy I had played ONE game with the previous year, Jim K. Jim was sitting alone and we soon struck up a conversation. Hours went by of us chatting about everything and soon one of Jim's friends, Jeff K. showed up (around 1 or 2am) and said he just played the most amazing Amber game of his life and wanted to run Amber now. I told him my roommate was a HUGE Zelazny fan, and we were both instantly invited into the game.

I didn't realize it at the time, but that invitation was the DEFINING MOMENT of my entire life. I can trace my career back to it, I can trace meeting my wife back to it (a chain of friends back to Jim and Jeff and another Amber game that spawned from the first one), everything. If I hadn't chatted with Jim that night, I never would have become Lead Designer of City of Heroes (I am sure Portal Corp has cataloged these universes). Yeah, that's just how my mind works.

OK, I had to tell that story to brighten my mood up enough to get through this. This will be incredibly hard.

When I interviewed for Cryptic I had been unemployed for nearly a year. I am sure I landed the job by promising Melissa Bianco that my Star Wars Galaxy character would make her a house for free, (just hit up "Carbonite" on the Flurry server, I told her.) I loved writing the missions I got to write, designing the Enhancement System, determining the XP curves and implementing them, then launching the game. Next up was Badges, and implementing that system, then Craig Zinkevich called a bunch of designers into a room and said "we want to do something for Halloween, anyone have any ideas?"

I proposed that players could literally Trick or Treat in our game by clicking on doors. Craig's eyes lit up and he looked at the engineer in the room, who was lost in though. "Yeah, we can do that" the engineer said. Magic. I believe it was my idea to freeze over the lakes in Paragon for the Winter event too (my memory is hazy on that one).

When I took over the reign of Lead Designer I was extremely happy. I inherited the work of Zeb Cook, Jack Emmert, and Rick Dakan, and I was determined to make them proud. I grabbed the lore and ran with it. I invented things that would likely never see the light of day (how many remember my post about Gargarin Space Station and the Armstrong Moon Base?) I made the universe of City of Heroes my personal RPG campaign, and you were all my players. I loved getting new designers who had the same passion as I did, and letting them run wild making their own RPG campaign for you all to play in.

I learned so much about MMO's over this time. I tried to make an MMO that me and my friends would want to play. One that wasn't frustratingly hard. One that allowed us to play together no matter what level difference there was. One that allowed us to collectively play on a "Task Force" where our progress was saved even when we were logged off.

Nowadays a lot of MMOs get compared to World of Warcraft, because most of them are trying to emulate WoW. I would get new designers in and they would wonder why we had some systems that were NOTHING like what WoW did, and I have to explain to them that we were released seven months before them. It is a testament to the game that we were able to survive the Warcraft juggernaut, we had them beat in a lot of different areas. That's not to say WoW is a bad game. I've told people "You don't get 12 million players and still be a bad game" there were lessons I learned from WoW, just as there were lessons I am sure they learned from CoH.

But you want to know the most amazing part about my time on City of Heroes? It's pretty easy... look in a mirror. Seriously, it's you guys. CoH has THE BEST community in the gaming space, HANDS DOWN. We have players that praise everything we do . We have players that put us to task for our game balance. We have players that reverse engineer our math. We have players that criticize our storytelling. We have players that are passionate about the lore. We have players that make machinima movies and write stories where a character I created has a romantic relationship with a character they created. We have EVERY POSSIBLE TYPE OF PLAYER, and in the end I know they all LOVE City of Heroes because they ALL STICK AROUND, even the ones that apparently we could do no right in the eyes of!

And I want everyone to know, in my entire time posting on the forums, I have never, ever, put ANY player on Ignore (even though I have been sorely tempted). When I read a thread, I would read EVERY POST in it, everyone was entitled to their opinion, and I would be doing them a disservice if I didn't at least read their complaint (even if I didn't agree with it).

So the big question is, "what am I doing next?" Honestly, I don't know. I've got some ideas, and rest assured that once I have something to talk about, you'll hear it on the twitters (@MMODesigner) Yeah. I changed my twitter handle, but if you were following @Positron_CoH, everything switches over for you automagically.

I am going to miss the hell out of this game, but most of all I am going to miss the hell out of you guys. We had fantastic plans for the future, stuff we were working on right up until Friday. Stuff that would have made the passing of Neil Armstrong seem eerily coincidental. I would have loved to read your comments about the stuff we had planned.

So this isn't goodbye. I will end up somewhere and I hope that I can "run an RPG" for you all again someday.

Until we meet again,

Thanks for the game Posi. I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of the people you felt tempted to ignore at some points, but for what it's worth, I only invested so much into all of my views because I was so passionate about the world you created for us all.



Thanks for this, Positron, and for everything else.

It's funny you should mention the late, lamented Roger Zelazny, because ever since this whole sudden... thing... happened, I have often remembered him.

I still recall very vividly the day he died, back in 1995, reading about it online while I was working in the residential life office at ASU. It came so suddenly, so without warning, at a time when he had just recently begun releasing new Amber-verse material. I remember feeling a profound sense of loss, that I would never read any more stories* about Corwin, Merlin, et al, and how sad I was that I could never know how their universe would turn out, how the last scenarios in which he had cast them would unfold.

And then, as selfishly sad as I was for myself for this, I thought about how much of a tragedy, a loss it was to the world and to Roger's loved ones, that he was not going to be around for them any longer.

That's pretty much how I felt on Friday, reading about all of this. Any time I start to feel bad for the stories I will not be able to live and relive, all the content present and future that I haven't/willanonhaven't played, how much worse it must be for you and everyone at Paragon Studios to have the rug pulled out from under you, without warning, so suddenly, and at such an inopportune time.

So my heart goes out to all the COH fandom, and to you and the Paragon Studios staff more than anyone, and I thank you for all that you were able to give us in the time you had given to you to do so.

Goodbye, and hello, as always.



Thank you Posi.

The only regret I have from city is that I couldn't experience the game all graphically pretty, and I am continually floored by how low end a system can play the game. Thank you for not updating the requirements (even though I suggested you should :P).

This game is and will be one of my all time favorite games and experiences for the rest of my life.

((p.s. I do have one confession... I broke the initial NDA by allowing my then 5 year old nephew to watch the game as I played.. and might have even let him play.. as long as he ate all his veggies that is. I have never seen a kid eat their veggies so fast. At 14 he still eats his veggies and looks forward to coming over to play City of Heroes when he is down this way. He will miss the game greatly as its always been here for as long as he can remember."



Posi... man. What can I say?

This was something that floored me. Like a kick to the gut.

So sorry for you and the rest of the devs. You guys have been so amazing over the years. I can't see somewhere picking you up. The vision, the talent, the skill... COH to me is what a MMO was supposed to be. I have yet to find any other MMO which creates the special chemistry between players that you guys created with this.

It's an amazing achievement.

The game will be missed. But it is my most fereverent hope that you - and the devs will not. That you will continue on to other games and places we can enjoy your works from.



Thank you very much, happy gaming

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Never in my life would I have thought I would pay a monthly fee for a game, never in my life would I have thought I would play a game for nearly 8 years, never in my life would I have thought I could come so close to my dreams about being a superhero as I did when I read comics and never in my life was I so excited to Fly for the first time. (the last line was a metaphor for my entire experience in the game).

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for making all of this and more possible!!! I've had 8 years to experience other MMOs, so as far as I'm concerned you ARE and forever will be the BEST MMO that ever existed.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



If i ever find you in real life, i will hug you, and i will not stop.

Worth the restraining order.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Some of it (especially the secret project) may be covered under NDA agreements with NCSoft and they may not be able to without opening themselves up to lawsuits, loss of severance package if there was one, etc.
That makes no sense. Why would content that will never exist be under an NDA now?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
That makes no sense. Why would content that will never exist be under an NDA now?
A lot of companies have termination NDAs, when it comes to things under "trade secrets"

That being said, Posi did say on Friday that if they do get to go to work on Tuesday, he will try to set up an Ask Me Anything session where we can find out any unresolved plot issues we have. If they don't end up doing it I may start bugging him over Twitter to get the gang together at some offsite system to talk to fans.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Thank you, Matt.

And welcome to the illustrious list of 16 people I follow on Twitter. I look forward to hearing where you land, and to playing in your next campaign.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.