Guys...We are still here. (PLEASE READ THIS)




2 questions since you guys are reading this thread,

1) Is there any hope in saving the game? Can you push the community in a right direction if you think there is a chance. I believe the current attempts are: a) petitions, b)E-mail/call campaign to ceo of NCNC, C) People exploring the ability to get it purchased (valve e-mail campaign and TonyV's attempt)

2) I was asked to ask you Z if there was anyway at some point you can unlock Char slots for premium players so they can "say good bye" so to speak to their alts. I didn't want to PM you because I am sure you have way too many PM's at the moment.

Thanks in advance if you get a chance to read this.

Also you could just give me mod rights and let me loose!!! muhahahahaha I think I have broken almost every rule so I am fairly familiar with them

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Love... is all I have for you guys and this game

Anger... is what I am left with after that love is stolen from me and thousands and thousands of other truly devoted fans.

My 12 year old is quite devastated along with me. He has been playing since 2004, when he was just 4 years old; it was the first game installed on the PC I built him that Christmas. He and I both just renewed our subs the DAY BEFORE this was announced too...

I had the honor of knowing you, Zwill and company, through good times and bad. I choke back tears when I salute you all at Paragon Studios for literally giving my son and I a way to bond that has seen us through a helluva lot these 8 long years together (single dad).

We over here in Michigan will miss you immensely. You are the elite; a unique group of intelligent, good-natured people who created something so very special and the highest caliber fun I've had in all my 38 years (and my son's 12 yrs) playing games of any type. Some of my favorite moments in this game were watching you all on Ustream... You are really a great team of folks and some of my favorite on this planet.

Go forth and rise again, my friends! I wish you all the best. You truly deserve nothing less.

From my son and I to you awesome people at PS and everyone in the community... We will never forget you

Love... just isn't a strong enough word

Goodbye, my friends, and truly fare well...



While i have dislike for some of you for various reasons i hope you are able to find new jobs swiftly.

Will kind of miss this game. Even if the game got boring this was one i could always return to.



A good time for a quote from Beta Ray Bill...



Zwill, i hope you find a way to tell us about your probable new job in the future when the lights go out, and if you are working with anyone from Paragon.



Zwill, any chance you could make me a VIP forum member so I can PM some people goodbye?

If not, no worries. Thanks for being a (mostly) good sport over the years.

I'm sure your bright eyes will find somewhere new. Best of luck on the job hunt. I am sure there will be something out there for you.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Zwill, any chance you could make me a VIP forum member so I can PM some people goodbye?

If not, no worries. Thanks for being a (mostly) good sport over the years.

I'm sure your bright eyes will find somewhere new. Best of luck on the job hunt. I am sure there will be something out there for you.
PM's have been enabled for *all* Forum accounts...



The forum moderators, all past and present, have always done a great job here. Many thanks and I hope you guys find improved employment.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Originally Posted by Moderated_IRL View Post
This ruins my plans to let loose on people I don't like and let dem know what I tink o' dem.
If you have to wait until it doesn't really matter anymore and the time for such things is past, you're doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure all the people I don't like in this game knew it while they were around.

Somewhat related, I'm going through my archived PMs and man, I can't even remember half the warnings I got from mods. Good thing this one came with a quote to remind me of the context:

Originally Posted by Moderator 08

Discussing snuff fic on the City of Heroes forums is not acceptable content. Please discontinue such practices in the future.

Originally Posted by Niviene

Hello Eisregen,

I locked your thread "Give Statesman Breasts".

Please remember that these forums are PG13 and such topics will only lead to flaming, trolling and other forum rule violations.
Originally Posted by Niviene

Hello again Eisregen,

Your post
Go back to school. Don't pass Go, don't collect your unemployment check and don't come the [censored] back till you got a GED.

Then, and only then, come back and explain what the [censored] you're talking about in clear, concise terms.[/QUOTE ]

was removed from the forums for being in violation of the Rules and Guidelines
I love the again in that one.

There's more but those made me chuckle. Can't find the exchange where I got CuppaJo to pull a thread asking for the Asgardian pantheon to be put in game for violation of the forums rule outlawing religious discussion. That wasn't even a joke; Odinism/Asatru is still alive and well in the world. But they're not getting the same respect as stuff that is patently made up. Crazy world out there.

No idea why I'm posting this here.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Oh right, now I remember. I posted that to make a point to the guy I was quoting. It's thoroughly possible to speak your mind freely if you're willing to accept the consequences. When I was posting I got into a lot of arguments with players and mods cause I'd rather not shut up and accept whatever punishment they deemed necessary while the game was alive. (Funnily enough, I also got a lot of uplifting PMs from players who'd agree with me but weren't comfortable saying so in public.)

Settling scores as the world is about to end is as cowardly as it is pointless. Oops, there I go again.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
If there were a forum cartel he would need 7,999 more posts in 69 days, or an average of 116 posts per day.

Or he could just induct himself because he's a moderator.

I wonder if anyone here remembers when CuppaJo gave me the forum cartel title. People started asking about it as soon as they saw it, and I denied everything. People really tried hard to convince me my title said forum cartel, too. I'm surprised no one sent me a screenshot.

I remember it quite well and you know I have always hated that title.

Thanks for everything you guys are doing and will do until the end, Z. If there's anything I can do to help, to have but to ask.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Every single emotion you guys are feeling right now, we at Paragon feel as well. Many of the thoughts we were sharing yesterday would have been censored on these forums. It's understandable and justified to feel that way.

But keep it clean. You don't wanna go out like that
We don't want to go out at all. It is a sad thing, to have success turned to failure simply by way of fiat. Perhaps though, it wasn't all rosey, perhaps there were financial troubles in the weeds. I do have a story though, one I figured I'd share, one I thought I never would. If anyone is interested, I think I'm going to post my build in a new thread.

I know that probably sounds odd, but it's quite personal for me. Thank you, Zwillinger, everyone. I certainly hope you aren't doing this off the paycheck.

I wouldn't.

But those of paragon studios deserve to see their game end with some modicum of grace, where the dignity of warning and preparation was clearly not afforded them.



CoH has been a superb experience - my first MMO and still the gaming highlight of my last eight years - so here's hoping that Z and all the other good folks at Paragon will find a good new venue for sharing their creativity, humor, and sense of adventure.

I'm sorry for all the things I said about you when I was lost in Perez Park.



Andy, Jessie and Kevin.

I'm not going to go on some wild rampage, but I've had enough with walking such a tightrope as I have since Eric was there.

I may slip on a few things but nothing that will be too severe.

If you must, you must, but it won't change how much I respect you three guys.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
So please, let's not go hog wild.

Let's keep the forums a place where everyone can share their memories and plan for the future.

On a personal note, I've got a lot to work on right now, so please help me out here in any ways that you can. I empathize with the feelings some of you are going through right now. I understand it.

Help us all go out on a happy note

If you're still here, that means that the soda mini-fridges are still fully stocked!
GET 'EM!!!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I was VIP for a split second...and then it was taken away from me again! Nooooo! :'(



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Some of us aren't planning to.
I'm certainly not. I'll be over at Titan doing everything I can. I hope some of the Paragon staff (current or former) can get in touch with the guys over there as well.

We didn't give up when the Rikti leveled every major city on Earth. We didn't give up when a god of death started eating people with giant mouths that shot out of the ground. We didn't give up when Tyrant nuked his own city and grew giant. I don't see any reason to give up now.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



GL Z. I now realize how much I am going to miss you guys. I have (at times) been a hotheaded poster who stepped out of bounds. I am not posting much now. There is no reason to. I KNOW my voice is heard, my feelings are known. We all hate this. I feel so sorry for you nd the crew that have been placed in a sudden really bad job situation. My heart goes out to the pinkslipped and their families. Thank you for taking the pressure of staying on. I'll try to make this easy on you.

I loved my 5 years making up the most detailed costumes I could imagine here and hanging with the best group of geeks in the world. Thank you all. Jeffrey



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I was VIP for a split second...and then it was taken away from me again! Nooooo! :'(
That happened to me as well...I could even see my avatar and sig for a was glorious. I tried to log in to unlock my toons but alas...still locked.

I just want enough time to screenshot all of them...*and play them a healthy amount as well >_>...whut?*



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
So please, let's not go hog wild.

Let's keep the forums a place where everyone can share their memories and plan for the future.

On a personal note, I've got a lot to work on right now, so please help me out here in any ways that you can. I empathize with the feelings some of you are going through right now. I understand it.

Help us all go out on a happy note
Thank you, Zwill, for all the laughs from the vidcasts. Thank you, Paragon, and everyone there, for a wonderful time and helping to make it last as long as it lasted!

I wish you all the best of luck!

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
Oh right, now I remember. I posted that to make a point to the guy I was quoting. It's thoroughly possible to speak your mind freely if you're willing to accept the consequences. When I was posting I got into a lot of arguments with players and mods cause I'd rather not shut up and accept whatever punishment they deemed necessary while the game was alive. (Funnily enough, I also got a lot of uplifting PMs from players who'd agree with me but weren't comfortable saying so in public.)
Haha, no, I definitely am all too familiar with actually letting people know what I think of them (a GM has told me my in-game account has "quite a history"), and it was more of a joke that I could just be a total butthead without the fear of being perma banned, since the game is being shut down anyways.

You know, not that I've ever been perma banned before.

Multiple times.

Or anything.

The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

If you're still here, that means that the soda mini-fridges are still fully stocked!
GET 'EM!!!

Pffft. Forget the sodas. Start pulling copper wire out of the walls.




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To put this more in perspective: NCsoft isn't moderating the forum. I am. Freitag might be. Hitstreak might be. They're also looking for a new job and trying to deal with everything that has happened.
Lesser community managers in your circumstances might simply wash their hands of their old forums, but we appreciate how the overall pleasant and civil tone here is both your legacy and ours.

So, I'll just limit myself to using sarcasm instead of a tactical nuclear missile...



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I just want enough time to screenshot all of them...*and play them a healthy amount as well >_>...whut?*
Well, the former you can still manage from the character select, albeit without a wide choice of poses or backgrounds. The latter, however, I do not know how to remedy.

I really need to save off all my costumes and take screenshots. I'm really going to miss some of my characters...