Illusion dom

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
The reason stated in the chat was precisely "inmortal tanks", not damage.
So what's the difference between a mob getting "chain-taunted" by PA as opposed to any other control?

The problem is not the immortality itself, but that they are damage-dealing immortal taunt machines, and the potential overpower it could bring to an already high-damage AT.

As someone else pointed out, enemies can't defeat Ice Slicks, Earthquakes, etc. Why aren't these powers a problem for Dominators? It's because of the little-to-no direct damage they cause.

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Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
So what's the difference between a mob getting "chain-taunted" by PA as opposed to any other control?
The difference is that any other control has a mag to it and completely fails at controlling if the target has enough protection. PA does not have this problem.



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
So what's the difference between a mob getting "chain-taunted" by PA as opposed to any other control?
AVs/Giant Monsters. Pretorians. Hamidon. Etc. Those are the problems. Content designed to be extremely mez resistance or nearly entirely mez proof.

As someone else pointed out, enemies can't defeat Ice Slicks, Earthquakes, etc. Why aren't these powers a problem for Dominators? It's because of the little-to-no direct damage they cause.
Ever seen an AV fallng back over and over on an Ice Slick?



It ought to be just ported straight out. Most powers wouldn't benefit from domination and it truthfully would be in no way more powerful than any Illusion Controller already is. If they replaced PA with some other power, even if it were a direct copy of Seeds, for example, I would be disappoint!

I play a lvl 50 Illusion/Sonic controller just shy of his Perma PA build (still getting my purples together), and he is a beast. The times he dies are few, but those times are when I managed to pull the aggro from PA. This is with 4 ST attacks/debuffs. Using a slew of attacks will only make it that much easier to pull the aggro away. Plus, without the ready access to the same debuffs that Controller secondaries provide, PA will output far less damage. The uncotrollable pets in Illusion would be less powerful in the hands of a dom and the majority of illusion powers would not benefit from domination, so giving them one power that can soft control any mob is not going to be a huge deal, especially when the Assault sets would be more than capable of breaking that soft control.



Here since the taunt of PA is what makes them to good for doms lets remove the taunt from Pa attacks.

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I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

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Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Curious: how many dominators have the control powers needed to have an EB entirely locked away during purple triangles? (I actually think the Purple Triangles in EBs is an issue with EBs in general, btw)
Afaik, just high-recharge permadoms with one of the fast-activating ST holds, unless animate stone can actually tank one. And I agree that it's the purple triangles that're the actual problem here.

These may sound like edge cases, but as it stands today, PA completely breaks high raid encounters. I am not sure if they have started to give these the ability to punch through phase shift, but my first grudge with PA was the day they took over my tanker's role in a Statesman Task Force fighting Lord Recluse.
Point of order: PA doesn't break those encounters unless paired with a high-recharge build that can eliminate the downtime. Base, that STF team will still need you to tank recluse for the 60s that PA is down.

But those dont taunt, cant even be attacked. Would you be fine with a Phantom Army that does not taunt and cant be attacked? If they were just given Holds and stuns instead?
Actually, against normal spawns, I wouldn't really care (although I'd be a bit miffed if you simultaneously got rid of the damage) as long as the mag were high enough to still affect bosses. I will continue to maintain that PA is not overpowered against anything below EB grade.

And I may agree with you. However you cant ignore the insane capabilities of PA against AV and the like. These entities should be able to dispatch the army relatively quickly, just like they can shrug off holds or (in occation) put a world of hurt on tankers and brutes.

Fighting AVs and mosnters are not edge cases. They are a significant point of the high end game and usually the main reason to have a tank in any TF team.

I don't think they will be nerfing controller's PA any time soon, but a dom vesion will deffintively be different and not unkillable.
*Fighting* AVs/monsters may not be an edge case, but *marginalizing* them with an extremely-high-uptime PA build would be. At base PA can mitigate these sources exactly half of the time, and you can ask any dom just how effective (or not) it is to control such a potent foe on a less than full-time basis.

I actually do agree that high-uptime PA used against normally mez-resistant boss grade encounters *is* rather overpowered. I would simply prefer to target the 'high uptime' part rather than the 'PA' part. I will freely admit that I mostly want PA in its current state because of its ability to mitigate mez-resistant encounters. I will not apologize for that, though, as I personally see it as countering one piece of bad design (purple triangles on EBs) with another (high-uptime PA). I would *not*, however, see PA as overpowered against those encounters if it had a ceiling on its uptime.

And I *extremely strongly* disagree with the notion of giving doms a nerfed version of PA and not touching the controller version. If it's too potent for a dom to have, it's too potent for a controller as well. Nerfs are sometimes necessary, and while it's not a good idea to completely revamp an existing set, if an overpowered option can be reined in short of that, it should be done.

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Again, only Arbiter Hawk thought that it would be problematic. Synapse actually said he'd think that it wouldn't perform as well on Dominators. Let's look at Phantom Army synergies for Controller secondaries...

Illusion Controller

Cold Domination: Infrigidate, Benumb, Sleet.
Dark Affinity: Twilight Grasp, Tar Patch.
Empathy: None.
Force Field: None.
Kinetics: Transfusion.
Nature Affinity: Corrosive Enzymes, Spore Clouds.
Poison: Envenom, Venomous Gas.
Radiation Emission: Radiation Infection, Enervating Field, Lingering Radiation, EM Pulse.
Sonic Resonance: Disruption Field, Liquefy.
Storm Summoning: Freezing Rain.
Thermal Radiation: Heat Exhaustion, Melt Armour.
Time Manipulation: Time Crawl, Time Stop, Slowed Response.
Trick Arrow: Acid Arrow, Disruption Arrow, EMP Arrow.

Basically every power that does -Regen, -Res or -Def is useful to Phantom Army. Now, the Dominator secondary synergies...

Illusion Dominator

Dark Assault: None.
Fiery Assault: None.
Earth Assault: None.
Icy Assault: None.
Electricity Assault: None.
Psionic Assault: Drain Psyche.
Energy Assault: None.
Thorny Assault: The powers that do -Defence.

The damage that the Illusion Dominator would be putting out with the secondary would actually be going towards mitigating the heal back from the Phantom Army's attacks. The only major debuffs that a Dominator can get access to are in the Ancillary/Patron pools - Sleet, Melt Armour and, to a far lesser extent, Poisonous Ray.

Controllers, on the other hand, get access to powers like Ice Storm and Fireball in their ancillaries. While they don't do as much damage as the Dominator's versions, the Controller gets access to powerful debuffs and buffs to boost the damage.

If anything, levelling up an Illusion Dominator would be a smoother playing experience than an Illusion Controller simply because a Dominator can contribute to damage rather than sitting around spamming Spectral Wounds and Blind because the majority of the secondary powers are useless with Phantom Army. I imagine some Illusion Dominator combinations could also be frustrating, particularly Energy Assault and Electricity Assault, because the damage will be reduced by illusory heal back. By the time the two get to level 50 things will have evened out somewhat with Controllers possibly pulling ahead due to superior debuffs that are up more often than the Dominator's Sleet.



Well Illusion would be more powerful on a controller than a dom due to controllers having access to their secondaries which act as Force multipliers...mix that their APP blast and boom no contest. You have controller secondaries out there that can provide over -80 to -100% Res roughly each mob and controllers have blasts.

If I was a member of the powers team I would take the Illusion set and do a complete overhaul. Phantom Army should stay but powers like Spectral Wounds, Superior Invisibility and Spectral Terror would have to be scrapped.

Spectral Wounds...since Doms can't really benefit from it much just make another power in its place or maybe make it a cone? I don't know...I would say it has no place being on the Dom side of things but look at Gravity...hrmm.

Superior Invisibility is not a Dom friendly power and it's a horrible power. They could replace this power with a click buff called "The Illusionists Guise" it could grant the caster +HP and +Absorb.

Spectral Terror is a great power but we need something else in its place to help with domination...Maybe a somewhat slow Recharging pbaoe power. Maybe a Mag 2 Pbaoe fear that has a chance to proc for Mag 3 50% of the time? I'm just throwing numbers out there. Or since it's Pbaoe I guess Mag 3 straight out of the box would not be OP.

You could also make PA killable but have their toughness equal to that of Singularity of Animate Stone...I think when it comes to it the Devs should come up with their ideas and then present it to us the players and we should take it from there...changes for Illusion needs lots and lots of feedback IMHO.



Phantom Army has the problem of not being sure whether it is a control power or a single target DPS cannon. It's a really problematic power for a number of reasons. Personally, I'd consider it about as strong on most Dominators compared to most Controllers.

Illusion on Dominators as a whole would be somewhat more balanced now that Blast sets can nuke more reliably. But only somewhat. The base issue is that Illusion itself is a really old, really lopsided set that is essentially so overpowered in certain situations that the developers haven't touched other aspects of it in years. I always assumed this was because there is a tacit understanding that if they ever do touch it, they'll have to address Phantom Army directly.

You could also make PA killable but have their toughness equal to that of Singularity of Animate Stone...
I agree with you. There would be a deafening amount of screaming about it, most likely. But IMO the army should be both buffable and killable as a normal pet. (Your enemies, after all "believe" that you can buff and heal the army, and that they are possible to kill.)



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I agree with you. There would be a deafening amount of screaming about it, most likely. But IMO the army should be both buffable and killable as a normal pet. (Your enemies, after all "believe" that you can buff and heal the army, and that they are possible to kill.)
I'd gladly trade off the unkillable PA for a buffable PA, but I'm coming from the bias of playing an ill/kin.



Illusion on doms would not even be as powerful as illusion on controllers, let alone moreso. As outlined by Snowzone, Assault sets have almost no compatibility with Phantom Army. Time and Rad specifically have an absurd amount of compatibility with PA, both having -def, -res, and +rech on yourself to have more uptime. With doms you have none of this and therefore no way to 'buff' PA's damage outside of enhancements.

So I don't think Illusion should have to be altered (no further than usual anyhow) to appear for dominators.

Whatever potential changed are done to PA should be for both trollers and doms.

However, I don't think PA should be touched. I think a better solution, if indeed there needs to be one, would be giving AV's a resistance to PA's taunt, but not a players. I recall something like this being done with the old Hamidon, where he was changed to prefer attacking players to PA.

This way you can still use it for regular mobs and it'll be just like volcanic gasses, ice slick, ect. Unkillable mitigation. On AV's it will provide some mitigation but it wouldn't be nearly as complete as it is now. So PA would still be unique in affecting AVs, but it wouldn't make them completely harmless.



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
If Phantom Army has value as a "taunt control" but the damage output is problematic, could they just reduce their damage? Alternatively, have Dominators put out two phantoms instead of three, and call the power Phantom Duo?
Or how about just remove their damage entirely? Honestly Dominators don't need the damage output from PA like Controllers do. Removing their damage but leaving the power untouched otherwise would allow PA to be a true Control power for Doms.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Or how about just remove their damage entirely? Honestly Dominators don't need the damage output from PA like Controllers do. Removing their damage but leaving the power untouched otherwise would allow PA to be a true Control power for Doms.
Or increase the "heal-back" portion of PA's damage. To maybe something like 50% of the base damage (not enhanced damage). IE if PA smacks something for 100 points of damage...50 points heals back at base. If PA's damaged is bumped up to 150 via enhancements, the heal-back is still 50 points as its going off base damage before enhancements...which IIRC is how it currently works...just with a smaller % of the damage healing back.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
Or increase the "heal-back" portion of PA's damage. To maybe something like 50% of the base damage (not enhanced damage). IE if PA smacks something for 100 points of damage...50 points heals back at base. If PA's damaged is bumped up to 150 via enhancements, the heal-back is still 50 points as its going off base damage before enhancements...which IIRC is how it currently works...just with a smaller % of the damage healing back.
That is how it works... but they're actually quite a bit worse than that already. 77% of their base melee damage already heals back, and 70% of their base ranged damage does.

To really reduce their damage any more (in any notable way) you'd basically need 100% healback for their base values.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
From their discussion during the coffee talk, it sounds like this is exactly the hold-up. The idea of a potentially perma-unkillable tank on a damage archetype.
Ill/storm is pretty much a "damage" set on a controller AT. Get perma PA and you have your unkillable tank.



I don't think the PA is overpowered. I think its an edge case the devs don't want to propagate. Synapse and Arbiter Hawk for opposite reasons, but still.

Its an extremely unique power that opens the door to certain interesting activities, some of which can happen almost no other way, particularly with a support archetype. But in actual fact the edge case actions Illusion can perform very rarely generate high reward earning rates, which are the usual hallmark of an out of bounds power.

The Phantom Army is part of the chaotic control for Illusion. Concentrate them on one target and they are invincible and extremely difficult to shake. Put them in a crowd and they will randomly do weird things and have absolutely no problem with letting 95% of the spawn stomp your head. They deal a substantial amount of damage, but that's offset by the fact that Illusion has almost no AoE containment options. My gravity controller deals more damage against normal spawns than my Illusion controller.

The combination of weirdness in Illusion that makes it an edge case controller would make it an even weirder Dominator. For controllers, Illusion is their offensive set. For Dominators, its supposed to be the control set to supplement their offensive set. But rather than do it, it would in effect be a second offensive set: dominators could deploy the pets in one place while attacking in another, or they could supplement the pets offense with their own while letting the pets draw aggro.

What Arbiter Hawk said about the PA is probably also true for the entire Illusion set. Its not something the devs would make if they made it today. So I think if Dominators get Illusion, it will be in concept only. Its not going to have a grant invisibility, an indestructible phantom army, a fear pet.

In fact, my guess is that Darkness control is what the devs would have created if they were creating illusion today. And something like Darkness control is probably closer to what Dominators would get as an illusion control set than Illusion control itself.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And something like Darkness control is probably closer to what Dominators would get as an illusion control set than Illusion control itself.
Most would be fine with that so they need to unleash the Kraken.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by CyWolf View Post
If doms got illusion but phantom army was changed or replace would you still want to play it?
Yes, I would. But I suspect that really isn't the only holdup or even the primary one. Illusion on Dominators makes me salivate, and its not because of PA.

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If Doms can't have Phantom Army when Illusion Control is proliferated to them, I'd hope they'd get compensated with much cooler effects instead. While I do want PA on my Illusion/EA dom, I also wish there was more 'illusionary' stuff in the set.

All things said, PA and Phantasm look kinda dumb. Spectral Terror looks kinda cool though...and most of the rest of the set is bleh or meh looking.

If they roll out with a new type of Illusion, I'd like something more closely resembling someone that controls illusions in comics/manga.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I have a more interesting question:

Would you play a Dominator Illusion Dom that has phantom Army, but his army:

Can be hurt and killed.
Have Minion level HP.
Have Minion level damage.
They still taunt but are no tanks.
I would not play this on a Dominator UNLESS PA had near instant recharge.

The only reason I want Phantom Army on my Dominators is because it would be ridiculously overpowered for me to have perma-pets plus blasts, not to mention I really want to see what Dom will do to Spectral Terror.

I suspect we'd need to have the dev team run over by a bus for Doms to get Illusion Control as is. Now, I'd be willing to pitch in for a bus rental myself, but there we are.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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In response to Arcana - The set is already in the game and as pointed out it's not leading to masses of rewards so why not give it to the only other AT that shares the primary? Even engaging two spawn at once is not going to yield crazy rewards since there are only two other mass controls that illusion has to allow doms to engage a second spawn: one is a long recharge PBAoE hold and the other is an unreliable pet fear. Quite frankly this is low hanging fruit that would satisfy the playerbase and have next to no major impact beyond seeing more Illusion players. Not sure if that would cause some sort of server load problem, but I can't see it being any worse than MMs are currently.

Of course, I'm in the proliferate everything camp, so take that for what it's worth.



This notion that a straight up port of Illusion to doms would be op is a head scratcher to me.

1) Cast PA
2) Debuff enemies (PA does more damage)
3) Blind - Spectral Wounds
4) Trow fiyah (or whatever your epic blast is)

1) Cast PA
2) Blind - Spectral Wounds/other secondary attack
3) Repeat 2
4) Repeat 3, maybe trow fiyah

I don't see how the dom scenario is in any way better, let alone broken, compared to the troller.

The mature ill troller chains blind + sw + epic blast. The dom would be able to do this (hold-blast-blast) early, that's the ONLY advantage I can envision.

So to answer the question of would I play an ill dom with some nerfed PA? Aw hail no.

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Why would anyone take dominator illusion if they change the bread and butter power?

Meanwhile, you'd be okay getting 2 invisibility powers???

If you want to change anything for a dom port look at the invis powers.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I have a more interesting question:

Would you play a Dominator Illusion Dom that has phantom Army, but his army:

Can be hurt and killed.
Have Minion level HP.
Have Minion level damage.
They still taunt but are no tanks.
I'm pretty sure you just described Haunt.



Originally Posted by Sir Hextor View Post
In response to Arcana - The set is already in the game and as pointed out it's not leading to masses of rewards so why not give it to the only other AT that shares the primary?
Because "why not" is not a good reason for doing anything. It isn't even a particularly mediocre reason for doing anything.

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