what in the game mechanically/content has gotten worse in the past 2 years?




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Which is terrific- one more area where the devs paid attention to what players want and responded.
Which isn't always a good thing. I think trivializing the leveling process qualifies as one of those times where it's not a good thing.

This makes me question your understanding of AE.
Naturally, I'm not counting the obvious exploit farms. ( Old mitos, etc )

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Not more of these... dungeons and dragon-esque knights and wizards.
I'm with you no the more superhero content. But Dungeons and Dragons style Knights and Wizards haven't made much of an appearance yet IMO - I'd love a sincere Camelot/Western Fantasy zone with real D&D Knights, Wizards, Archers, etc., sometime around I29, instead of Dark Horrors Astoria, Rome, or others.

But before then? Moon Base/Space Zone, Underwater Zone, and maybe a full 2099 Bright Future zone. There's a lot of places left to go.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Everything is terrible and the entire city is DOOOOOOOOMED!

Back in my day, everyone ran either fire/kin farms or some variation of Willpower, and we liked it! Villains were Villains, except when they were patsies for Arachnos or misunderstood Heroes, and Heroes were Heroes because nobody played Villains!

We had story arcs stuffed with filler repeative defeat alls and glowie hunts on massive outdoor maps! None of this "interesting chained objectives in order to tell a story and involve the player in it." claptrap! We talked to the contact who gave us some excuse to kill all of the warwolves in the cake factory disguised as a warehouse and that was it! And we'd do that with every cake factory disguised as a warehouse in the city, of which there's 20!

There was none of this "releasing a new and interesting powerset at least once a month along with regular story arcs, that also include generally good and interesting writing, except for that one time with Manticore." or any of this "making it easier to travel from place to place and keeping story arcs within the same zone." Or any of these regular costume updates! Or finally giving an endgame and a form of advancement past level 50, which absolutely nobody at all ever asked for repeatedly. Ever.

No, this game has gone from repetitive, tedious, and infrequently updated to new and constantly evolving, and I won't have it! Therefore the game is DOOOOOOOOOMED!


Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
I'd love a sincere Camelot/Western Fantasy zone with real D&D Knights, Wizards, Archers, etc
And just to emphasize the time period, when we traveled there, there could be an accident or sabotage with the timestream and temporal scaling, so that'd we'd end up there with no powers at all - everything would be grayed out.
Then we could run a short zone intro arc like the one on Cimerora that's just talking to people to get background info on the zone, only this one would use the new temp power tray to give us stuff for the next arc - like a guard's sword, or a hunter's bow, or a woodcutter's axe, or a wizard's spellbook - then we'd be armed for the 2nd arc, whcih would also be short, but would require us to use the temp powers we'd just collected - and then after that, we'd start to get our normal powers back again.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So they were okay as long as you started in the zone where nobody ever started.
Sorry, I don't consider myself "nobody." And the only thing about the changes in the past two years that actually bothers me is the destruction of Galaxy City. Galaxy City wasn't the popular place, so it wasn't needed, so boom? And the heck with those of us who preferred it?

I feel just a tiny bit resentful every time I make a new non-Praetorian hero. I really miss Gregor telling them Azuria is crazy. I wish, probably in vain, I know, that they would create a new 0 to 50 series of story arcs that involve rebuilding GC. Only then will I forgive them for destroying it.

Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.



Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
Sorry, I don't consider myself "nobody." And the only thing about the changes in the past two years that actually bothers me is the destruction of Galaxy City. Galaxy City wasn't the popular place, so it wasn't needed, so boom? And the heck with those of us who preferred it?

I feel just a tiny bit resentful every time I make a new non-Praetorian hero. I really miss Gregor telling them Azuria is crazy. I wish, probably in vain, I know, that they would create a new 0 to 50 series of story arcs that involve rebuilding GC. Only then will I forgive them for destroying it.
Actually, I kinda agree. I miss having a different contact based on what origin I chose.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Ragdoll physics.
This right here. I think it might be the only 100% factual answer to this question... And it was said early in this thread and no one else understands/recognizes what they were talking about?

Ragdoll physics were, unfortunately, busted a few issues ago. The NPCs flail and twist and bend and contort in horrific ways, hehe... When they have been defeated, they continue to writhe and spin, again, in very horrific ways, haha.
It's a shame, because the ragdoll physics have always been (since they were implemented) an aspect that brings great enjoyment for many players.
I think the problem may have been made a little bit better, but it is still messed up right now. A far cry from where it was a few issues ago (I can't remember which issue it became broken... 20? I can't recall).

I'm not saying this is doom and damn those lazy devs for not fixing it, blah blah blah, rant rant rant!! Haha, but it is the one thing that I can think of that has gotten worse. It is a bug and they'd like to fix it, that much I've heard. Of course, only being able to pin point one thing that has factually been made worse/buggy... is a very good thing for this awesome jumble of code that we all play!

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
What's wrong with ragdoll physics? And both of those are much older than 2 years.
As above, the NPC enemy ragdoll physics got messed up a few issues ago and they've not been able to fix it. Enemies will get caught with their waste twirled around a few times and will fall into the ground, writhing and spinning... sometimes before they're even defeated.
Take out an Energy/Energy Blaster and you're sure to see it quite clearly.
And, the point was that it was broken ("made worse") within the past two years.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Subjectively speaking (and none of this really bothers me very much, if at all... just throwing them out there for the sake of conversation)...

I agree with those who feel like the new starter missions are worse.
This is a matter of opinion, of course, and it really doesn't matter if Nethergoat agrees with it or not.

I know I'm not the only one (no idea about majority or minority, of course) that feels like the new tutorial is worse than the older two.

I really don't like how the new starter tutorial content and new starter story arcs introduce new players with game mechanics and styles that just don't represent the rest of the game (thankfully... And I certainly hope it is no one's desire to change the rest of the game to match the new starter content).
The main aspects being: the unreality - game-mechanics-wise of fighting in the tutorial, the go and defeat THIS specific NPC where there are several of them all re-spawning at ludicrous speeds... that just does not match the cool way that the rest of the game's world behaves (and, again, the way the rest of it behaves is part of the appeal this game has always had, as opposed to other options out there), while the transitions using the new tech for cleaning up the neighborhood and/or rescuing a contact's loved-one adds a cool feel to things, the tech also creates some whacky oddities that, again, can really throw off new players and their introduction to what this game is like.
The new introductory content just seems a bit buggy and less smooth than what we used to have (that was arguably less dynamic).

Anyway, this entire post was not anything I felt the need to vent or complain about, so I have typed enough about some minor negatives that I honestly don't have any agenda or motive to have altered to be more towards my liking...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



""can't think of anything.
No powersets nerfed to useless""

clearly you havent played much then have you? theres a few powersets we used to call Ice, Kinetic Melee, Assault Rifle. roll some new toons once in a while.



Some things that come to mind from a technical standpoint:

- the aforementioned ragdoll physics. It seems to be a bit better currently but enemies still twitch and twirl in ways they never used to after being defeated.
- NPC dialog that is spoken by an offscreen character. There are times where I've been unable to ascertain who is even speaking thanks to this:

[CAPTION]: Hey there, $playername, you'll find that secret lock of Manticore's hair in his shrine room.

And any new player that runs Death From Below or the Mathew Habashy starting arc will see [CAPTION] almost immediately and repeatedly. I can't believe QA hasn't reported the bug and don't understand why it hasn't been fixed yet. It may be small but it's right in your face, mission after mission and it diminishes the experience (unless every CAPTION is secretly Nemesis. I would accept this as a Nemesis plot).
- jagged, low poly rocks in caves. This is an old bug that has been fixed before but it got bugged again. In any cave mission look at the rocks (exception: rocks that are specifically placed for a particular mission, like SSA 1.2) along the ground and you'll notice that they are all very low-poly -- because a lot of the polys that *should* be there aren't. Again, not a critical, game-affecting bug but it looks sloppy.

And not so technical:

- reducing the number of options when starting the game. You get one path or Death From Below and that's it.
- the bog standard end game system of raids to get slightly better powers (effectively, gear) in order to do more raids to get more slightly better powers. I was hoping that CoH would do something different but the design philosophy has hewed extremely closely to the established EQ/WoW formula.
- the new insta-spawns that materialize in front of you. CoH used to always hide this, unlike other MMOs. It helped immersion and made for a less annoying experience. This, along with tethering and phasing are examples of the game failing to innovate and instead simply following the lead of other games.

(I see Electric-Knight shares my dislike on a few of these things. EK, you don't need to practically apologize for not liking some aspects of the game. They're not going to send a GM to personally slap each of your characters in the face!)



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
(I see Electric-Knight shares my dislike on a few of these things. EK, you don't need to practically apologize for not liking some aspects of the game. They're not going to send a GM to personally slap each of your characters in the face!)
Hahaha, oh no, I wasn't apologizing to the developers! Just trying to not sound overly negative for the reader. Some people have had enough of the negativity on the forums, hehe.

Also, can anyone verify that they will, in fact, not send a GM to slap each and every one of my characters in the face?
(P.S. that's two drinks for those playing at home)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



QR without reading the rest;

Knockback. Or, rather, the ragdoll physics as a result of knockback. As in, it's still broken. Which might be nice when certain enemies effectively get perma-held because the broken ragdoll means they cannot physically stand up and resume hitting you, but it's hard to take things seriously when mobs are basically imploding in on their own skeleton. It's also REALLY annoying when it happens to your mastermind pets.

Which brings me neatly onto; A.I. Pet and rescue A.I. was never good, but it seems to get worse, better and then worse again in stages. We seem to be in a down curve section at the moment. Which sucks.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Hmmm find this interesting.. since the game has become "More" damage orientated. Take SR for example..Dusted mine off the other day to see the changes since alpha came out,dissapointing. There is alot of debuff going on now. Scrappers can practically Tank almost everything in the game, so can stalkers. Brutes have been given even Higher damage output. Poor tanks got resist buff , like they needed this before ? Guys Tanks are becomming obsolete hello...after lvl 35ish do you really need a tank ? . Try running master runs its harder to find tactical players in a world of speed everything



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
pre "gutting" 'everyone' still ran the sewers in preference to those terrible starter arcs.
I think you keep mistaking 'everyone' for 'I'.

Pre "gutting" I always ran through the AP (or preferably GC) and KR content. Because I liked it. Now there is no GC. There is practically no AP content, and one DfB run will take you past KR.

Maybe they were 'terrible', but I liked them. Much better than what we have now, at any rate.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Knockback. Or, rather, the ragdoll physics as a result of knockback. As in, it's still broken. Which might be nice when certain enemies effectively get perma-held because the broken ragdoll means they cannot physically stand up and resume hitting you, but it's hard to take things seriously when mobs are basically imploding in on their own skeleton. It's also REALLY annoying when it happens to your mastermind pets.
The physics from the old Agea PhysX card in general have gone tits up, if you'll pardon my English. Someone did something to them to "improve" them for Issue 20, and thus broke them almost completely. Nothing has been done to fix them since, or at the very least nothing has been announce or is noticeable in their broken behaviour.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The thing truly broken is the fact that the program now and then kills my internet connection. Forcing me to unplug everythionjg, reboot the computer etc bedore being able to move on. Very annoying.



I'm sorry that it's come to this, but I have to agree with Golden Girl. The game's quality has been improving as of late. Dark Astoria, the Praetorian War, Low-level arcs...A general improvement of the old "Collect 20 bear behinds and pimp slap a boss" formula. I will admit that Redside tends to get shafted as far as content, and they really should have taken Goldside further than level 30...But overall, my decision stands. I like newer content.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Vestulance View Post
Brutes have been given even Higher damage output. Poor tanks got resist buff , like they needed this before ? Guys Tanks are becomming obsolete hello...
Your first two points are absolutely wrong. Brutes have had their damage caps lowered. Tankers received a regen buff, not a resist buff. And as for the third point: that's very subjective, and I'm willing to bet also not very on-the-money. Tankers still have the best innate self-defense in the game. Brutes CAN get very close, but not without outside buffs or heavily-specialized IO builds. Currently, Brutes are a nice mid-point between Scrappers and Tankers. Besides, the developers do still want to take another look at Tankers; they've said as much.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
There is practically no AP content
There's as much as you always got on a pre-I21 run through

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
I'm with you no the more superhero content. But Dungeons and Dragons style Knights and Wizards haven't made much of an appearance yet IMO - I'd love a sincere Camelot/Western Fantasy zone with real D&D Knights, Wizards, Archers, etc., sometime around I29, instead of Dark Horrors Astoria, Rome, or others.

But before then? Moon Base/Space Zone, Underwater Zone, and maybe a full 2099 Bright Future zone. There's a lot of places left to go.
Night Ward gave us wizards, British cops who apparently play Grim Reaper, and Warhammer-esque black knights complete with giant shoulders, knee pads, and swords larger than the wielder. That's what I was referring to. We already have so many great villains to choose from that have been forgotten about. Let's put the focus back on them instead of having Recluse or Requiem make cameo appearances.

And tbh I don't think we need all those zones. More maps that take us to those places, yeah, but this game's starting to get too congested with zones that get intro'd, then either completely forgotten about next issue or the new zone causes another zone to be obsolete and forgotten about. Like if a moon zone was a new incarnate zone, it'd either be ignored 'cause we have Dark Astoria, or Dark Astoria would be empty yet again as everyone migrated.

Let's fill up and utilize the zones we have more, and focus on making more kick ***, memorable mission maps.



They didn't intend this problem, but in the AE, soon as you step onto a map any kidnapped NPC spouts out their dialogue. The line they're supposed to say when you get near, the line they say when you show up, the line they say when you've beaten up their guards (iirc, I haven't set foot in there in a bit, even though I have one arc about 80% near completion).

This pretty much ruins any kind of story flow an author had planned. Being it's the AE, I seriously doubt they've even taken one look at fixing it or will. But hey we all know it's only used for farming anyways, right?



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Which isn't always a good thing. I think trivializing the leveling process qualifies as one of those times where it's not a good thing.

Naturally, I'm not counting the obvious exploit farms. ( Old mitos, etc )
Completely disagree.

Anything that makes folks get the hell out of AE farms of one ss/fire doing all the work on a cave map is good.

Yes its still easier than running the old sewer farms and hollows idiocy (how anyone can say that was the golden age is beyond me. The hollows were ******* terrible as content, especially if you are trying NOT to piss off new subscribers. please stop.), but at least now folks form teams and learn SOME team dynamics instead of running AE farms.

AE farms were/are terrible, take no team work, and someone does all the work while you door sit dead. To say the DFB and DIB are comparable to that in terms of xp gain or anything else shows a complete lack of AE understanding. Exploits have nothing to do with it. DFB and DIB are more enjoyable than the early AE farms, exploits or early coh atlas copy pasta, boring as watching spit dry contacts. And yes that's how I really feel. **** the hollows. (Bad memories here.)

We'll have to agree to seriously disagree. The old COH content was plentiful but was indeed terrible dreck.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Old Task Forces. (Synapse, Shadow Shard TF's, etc.) Some or most of them need revamps or just need to shortened.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
They didn't intend this problem, but in the AE, soon as you step onto a map any kidnapped NPC spouts out their dialogue. The line they're supposed to say when you get near, the line they say when you show up, the line they say when you've beaten up their guards (iirc, I haven't set foot in there in a bit, even though I have one arc about 80% near completion).

This pretty much ruins any kind of story flow an author had planned. Being it's the AE, I seriously doubt they've even taken one look at fixing it or will. But hey we all know it's only used for farming anyways, right?
I don't know if this broke in the last 2 years, but it is really annoying