what in the game mechanically/content has gotten worse in the past 2 years?




Hybrid-enough said.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
No, it's always been that terrible, nothing has changed in that respect in the past 2 years.
It's not always been terrible, but it has been for the last couple of years.

My robots used to stand mostly at range and shoot stuff back in Issue 6/7. I'd occasionally have to yank one of them back to their firing position, but generally I could keep them at range, and out of the way of the melee characters on the team.

Nowadays, I don't even bother, because the only reliable way I've found to keep the idiotic things out of melee is follow/passive <sigh>

Fire Imps used to be predictably psychotic, but now they're just psychotic.

There's a reason all of my pet using characters have the + key on the numpad bound to /release_pets, and have done since Issue 4 <grin>


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Expecting to not *have* to rerun it on the same character to accomplish the goal its targeted at should be fair, however.
who's making you?

It's a big game- if you're getting annoyed by something, go run something else for a while.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
who's making you?
The goal, and thus the people who create the goal.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
No, it's always been that terrible, nothing has changed in that respect in the past 2 years.
they didn't used to automatically charge into melee, which is AMAZINGLY irritating for certain characters of mine.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
The goal, and thus the people who create the goal.
Chase another shiny for a while.

Or whine, whatever- I'll be enjoying myself regardless.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Chase another shiny for a while.
That doesn't solve the issue, it just puts it off to another day.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That doesn't solve the issue, it just puts it off to another day.
so wait, they're not going to make any more incarnate content?

Otherwise "putting it off to another day" could well solve the issue.
Or at the very least alleviate impending burnout.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Ragdoll physics.
Critter AI that takes off running for the hills.
What's wrong with ragdoll physics? And both of those are much older than 2 years.

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To answer the OP though:

The gutting of newbie hero content

The over-use of DFB and DiB due to being TOO effective for early leveling.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
To answer the OP though:

The gutting of newbie hero content

The over-use of DFB and DiB due to being TOO effective for early leveling.

pre "gutting" 'everyone' still ran the sewers in preference to those terrible starter arcs.

There is no golden age of lowbie hero content.
Back when each origin had its own starter arc, they still sucked and people preferred grinding the sewers.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Not doing more revamping of old zones, no adding of SFs, no just QoL issues to fix proofreading errors or bugs that been around for ever.
Also lack of story arcs for the post 40 levels that does not have to do with Incarnates or the evil universe.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
so wait, they're not going to make any more incarnate content?

Otherwise "putting it off to another day" could well solve the issue.
Or at the very least alleviate impending burnout.
Given how they've gone about it so far, they'll probably never put out content to solve the issue. Indeed, experience shows that instead they'll more likely put out content that compounds the issue.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
Not doing more revamping of old zones
So they used to revamp lots of themuntil about 2 years ago?

We've had 3 zone revamps in the past 9 months, so I'm not sure what the rate was more than 2 years ago, but I'm pretty sure it was less than it is now

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

pre "gutting" 'everyone' still ran the sewers in preference to those terrible starter arcs.

There is no golden age of lowbie hero content.
Back when each origin had its own starter arc, they still sucked and people preferred grinding the sewers.
1. they did not all suck. Vahz was too tough. Clockwork were annoying but okay. And running the arcs in Atlas was terrible because you would be sent to the lvl 6 area down where you could not get back up. But running the council ones in Galaxy was fine.

2. people did do sewers. But lots of people in the golden age went to Hollows. Then when radios came out they went to KR to earn the jet pack. The sewers were for getting to level 8, not level 22



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So, what's "special" in your book?
Compared to which other story arcs in the game does DA fail to shine?
I think the 50 + zone should've been something a bit more grande instead of incorporating the old city map with some new art. In a time where they're doing zone revamps, they added a zone consisting, primarily, of old art/look. It also seems to have one primary theme to it - that of Mot, Banished etc. A little too fantasy/D&D for my liking. Where're the supers?? Where's the cool costumed types?

The game has been around for a while and the look and villains are stale. The formula is very familiar. They took a step towards variety with trials and the mini-event trials (Halloween, summer events) so good on 'em.

I really think it'd be cool to have a contest twice a year where players can submit original AE missions and the top 10 become canon and get turned into radio/paper/tip missions. Players can only submit unique, detailed content. Missions need to be short or very short. That would be kinda cool.

I also think devs need to poll the players more often than not. Players need more input into the direction the game is going with added content. Not absolute control but have the devs provide options and let us pick; this might be good with story, canon, content etc. for part of an issue.

Basically, Nether, I am not minding what we have but it isn't very exciting.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
1. they did not all suck. Vahz was too tough. Clockwork were annoying but okay. And running the arcs in Atlas was terrible because you would be sent to the lvl 6 area down where you could not get back up. But running the council ones in Galaxy was fine.
So they were okay as long as you started in the zone where nobody ever started.


2. people did do sewers. But lots of people in the golden age went to Hollows. Then when radios came out they went to KR to earn the jet pack. The sewers were for getting to level 8, not level 22
The Hollows was its own kind of hell back in the day.
I mean I did it too, because that's what there was to do, but it also sucked- giant spawns, weird level changes that made sending some guy with Hover on a 10 minute trip across the map so he could TP everyone individually to the mission door a reasonable thing to do, etc etc.

I really don't get this sudden nostalgia for the "old" starting game.
I can do without a multiplicity of options when said options are boring, or irritating, or difficult, or tedious, or often all of the above.
In the words of Robert Graves, good-bye to all that.

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I thought the new Dark Astoria was far more in the vein of Lovecraftian Horror than anything resembling a standard knights-and-wizards, elves-and-dwarves-and-hobbits D&D-style fantasy.

And if you think that magic or Lovecraftian horrors have no place in a superhero themed comic book game, then you've never heard of Dr. Strange or Shuma-Gorath.

My biggest disappointment with the new DA was - and this is minor spoiler for the end of the arc, so look away now if you haven't played through it yet, and yes I'm deliberately being wordy to make sure you have plenty of time to look away, plus I'm making it a terrible color so it'll be slightly harder to read, especially on the Villain skin - the "final boss", which took the form of a slightly larger version of the Sentinel, rather than something new. (I was expecting something even more alien, with the eye-on-a-stalk motif found in a lot of Mot's "decor")



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

pre "gutting" 'everyone' still ran the sewers in preference to those terrible starter arcs.

There is no golden age of lowbie hero content.
Back when each origin had its own starter arc, they still sucked and people preferred grinding the sewers.
I didn't see it so much. Yes, a LOT ran them, but not as much as run DFB now. DFB is hands-down more effective than old sewer runs were. Hell, more effective than a lot of the AE farms were.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Hell, more effective than a lot of the AE farms were.
Hahaha. No.

I say that with all mirth and no snark.



Escorts are still horrid, and made even worse when you are on a Stalker and every few steps they say:

"$name, where are you?" "$name, I need help!"

Don't even mention nuke escorts in Warburg, where a set of stairs is too much to figure out for your average atomic scientist. And they're slow as paste too.

I'd love for them to spend a little quality time with this AI, give them max perception and a little more awareness...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I didn't see it so much. Yes, a LOT ran them, but not as much as run DFB now.
I see no difference in the volume of chat spam between sewer team meet-ups in the old days and DFB now.

DFB is hands-down more effective than old sewer runs were.
Which is terrific- one more area where the devs paid attention to what players want and responded.

Hell, more effective than a lot of the AE farms were.
This makes me question your understanding of AE.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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The focus of the game has gotten worse. When are supervillains like Lord Recluse, Nemesis, Requiem, Malta group, Countess Crey, etc. gonna be relevant again? Introducing legit angels (Taskmaster Gabriel, Astral Christy, etc.), having us fight one man's lieutenants for two years, and focusing all our stories on the dullest areas of a dimension that's not even our own is beyond stale and so far off the original mark this game hit on so well it's sad.

Give us an issue where Nemesis nearly succeeds in one of his grandiose, well thought out, infamous plots. Have Requiem make his return with a big bang as he takes over Atlas Park with his massive army of loyal soldiers and super machines. Give us a mystery involving possibly Crey and Malta teaming up as Malta rounds up metas and hands them over to Crey to be disposed of. Please make these things the focus of an issue. Not more of these gods, Praetorians, dungeons and dragon-esque knights and wizards.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Give us an issue where Nemesis nearly succeeds in one of his grandiose, well thought out, infamous plots.
I'm pretty sure we've already had one of those in Issue 10

@Golden Girl

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