Sanctuary RIP
it is sad to see a well produced show go.
While I don't like the various reality shows and such that come along, I can't say that I'll miss Sanctuary. I tried a few times to get into it, as the premise is something that could be right up my alley if done well, but the show failed to grab me every episode I watched. It came close every time I saw an episode with Tesla.
Also, I cringe every time Amanda Tapping's character talks.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
A shame. It had a good premise, but the last couple seasons haven't wowed me. I've got the last 10 episodes of the last season sitting on the DVR and still haven't gotten around to watching them.
Well they did tie it up in a neat bow at the end of last season just in case. Not bad for a green screen series done on the cheap.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Bloody Hell!
Yay....Universal keeps killing off shows that are actually worth watching because they are too cheap to pay "real" actors and instead replace those shows with game shows....yes reality shows where there is a winner is indeed a game show.... |
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Could always do the sensible thing and make everything CG. In a few years, we won't even be able to tell that there are no actors in a TV show or movie. After all, why pay $50 million for an actor when you can just use computers to generate the actor's image and voice. No problem with them doing controversial scenes or physically impossible scenes since CG actors have no rights.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Could always do the sensible thing and make everything CG. In a few years, we won't even be able to tell that there are no actors in a TV show or movie. After all, why pay $50 million for an actor when you can just use computers to generate the actor's image and voice. No problem with them doing controversial scenes or physically impossible scenes since CG actors have no rights.
Bit of a shame. Even though it was quite silly, I enjoyed this show
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Could always do the sensible thing and make everything CG. In a few years, we won't even be able to tell that there are no actors in a TV show or movie. After all, why pay $50 million for an actor when you can just use computers to generate the actor's image and voice. No problem with them doing controversial scenes or physically impossible scenes since CG actors have no rights.
Bloody Hell!
Yay....Universal keeps killing off shows that are actually worth watching because they are too cheap to pay "real" actors and instead replace those shows with game shows....yes reality shows where there is a winner is indeed a game show.... |
No loss. This show was dead to me from the moment they killed off Magnus' daughter, who was really the only reason to watch.
Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb
My problem was the scheduling. 3 or 4 episodes and then a longs break followed by a few more then a long wait for the next season which by the time it came back around they had already showed several episodes before i found out it was back on.
No loss. This show was dead to me from the moment they killed off Magnus' daughter, who was really the only reason to watch.
Huh, that must be the prettiest Dane I've never heard about.

Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Fur is murder, yo!
Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb
I wasn't a fan but my wife really liked the show
It's not surprising. SlyLie isn't in the habit of attempting to evolve shows anymore. Eureka's much the same way: Instead of evolving the disaster-a-day format into any one of the short-lived meta-plots and shifting focus around a bit, they cancelled it as well.
Sanctuary was the same way. The "Freak of the week" formula worked for a while, but the show really got fun when you saw Magnus' "Daring Adventure Story" episodes. (And Tesla is just the bomb... I'd what a show based just around him). But instead... SyFy just takes the attitude of "OK... done with that now, cancel it" to make more room for more "Imagine Greater" programming.
I hope that Ms. Tapping takes Sanctuary (or an off-shoot thereof) back to the web.
... Hit it ...

I just have to hold out and hope to god that whoever replaces those calling the shots at sci-fi are replaced with people that actually @#$#@$ like the format it's SUPPOSE to have in my lifetime, if not? Kill the channel. It's been braindead for years anyway.
I just have to hold out and hope to god that whoever replaces those calling the shots at sci-fi are replaced with people that actually @#$#@$ like the format it's SUPPOSE to have in my lifetime, if not? Kill the channel. It's been braindead for years anyway.
Very few specialty channels stick to their "supposed" format anymore.
year or two back....need to edit the link to my webpage in the descrip...that webpage is more or less obsolete
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Bloody Hell!
Yay....Universal keeps killing off shows that are actually worth watching because they are too cheap to pay "real" actors and instead replace those shows with game shows....yes reality shows where there is a winner is indeed a game show....
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker