All Things Character Art




More long hairstyles for female and male.
We got Glam and few more but too low on polygons, and low res rextures.
The newest hairstyles are awesome but since GR all we got has been short hair for females. We need some really long, curly, ponytails, long with bangs...

A similar piece like "Reaper" but less baggy, and a (ninja) scarf, both plain and tattered for capes. The olf scarf with little strips is a bit dissapointing.

Also, plain leather bolero with tattered and plain cut. Similar to Belladona Vetrano coat. Would love to have a tattered fingerless with texture gloves like her too.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Not Feasible at this time due to technical limitations:
  • Asymmetrical patterns on tights
This makes me sad, but from your earlier comment, I had suspected that was going to be the case. Thanks for answering, I've asked others several times, and never even gotten a "No", let alone a reason, before you.




One more thing: Is there a way to make the Arachnos cape (Used by Arachnos Soldier PC's) recolorable? A bit odd that I can recolor everything else but not that.

And the Chest Detail too.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I'm noticing something that was mentioned but I don't see on your list at all. I may have missed if you mentioned.

Shoulder and back Emblems? Both shoulders, one shoulder, whatever we could get would be amazing!

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Weapon sets really need some love. There are a ton of swords, and now maces seem to be doing pretty good. We do need more Claws, Bow, Titan weapon, and staff items though.

StaffFor Staff Items I would like a pure energy staff, yes like Darth Maul has. Or like the tons of staff weapons that were in Phantasy Star Online. Look there for inspiration, because there were some amazing weapons in that game. My real desire is for a Shepherd's crook though. I would also like to see something with glowing runes on it.

Titan Weapons: Axes, Sword, Scythe, and a tree trunk of some sorts.

Claws: The mecha claws are amazing, and I can see how ideas for claws could be hard to come by. However the Katar and the Roman Cestus (w/t blades) are all items weapons that you could look to for inspiration.

Bows: Bows Are even harder I bet. Because if you are not careful you start getting accused of copying that other mmo. I did love the Celestial Bow design that we saw in the concept art that didn't make it.

I find myself playing more and more weapon characters though. So I would really like to see more weapons of all types.

We have been told that you can't do weapon Auras, but is it possible to make the base model have an aura on it?

There are a bunch of swords that NPC have in the game that we still do not have access to. The snakes dagger, the Necro Knight MM Pet swords, ToV use both of these I think. I would love to get access to those weapons for BS, DB, and Katana.

DB still can not unlock the roman swords that BS can unlock. Which never made sense to me.

My last suggestions may sound a bit odd, but there have been some philosophical changes in the game. Staff and TW reflects these changes best. In both sets we have weapons that look like they could do smashing or lethal damage, and yet they both exist in the same set. Considering that, can we get a set of escrima sticks for DB, maybe some tomahawks, or other small axes? The excuse in the past was "We can't give it sticks because it does lethal damage." Well that no longer seems to be the case, which is apparent in TW and Staff. Maybe even change the name of the power to Dual Weapons. I am pretty sure at this point very few of us are worried about the damage type vs the weapon model.

Thanks as always!

One more thing. I would really like to see more LARGE glove options. I know I have sene Sam request this also. I love large gauntlets and gloves. More of those would be great!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
This makes me sad, but from your earlier comment, I had suspected that was going to be the case. Thanks for answering, I've asked others several times, and never even gotten a "No", let alone a reason, before you.
Perhaps, if it made it easier, you could add a new category of "Asymmetrical tights."

It could even come with "asymmetrical tights with skin" and such.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Not Feasible at this time due to technical limitations:
  • Holsters, sheaths, etc (Unless they are empty or weapon contained will be rigid)
To be perfectly honest, I'd be fine with empty holsters/sheathes/quivers/etc. Pistol grips are generic enough you could have them there instead, at least for classic hip holsters. That's totally okay. It's just having the holsters or sheathes or whatever there, where the weapon would go... except we're busy pointing it at evil, which is most of the time.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



This will be long. A lot of questions too.

First: what is this thread for, exactly ? As I understand, it is for player character costume models and textures, but not auras or power customizations which are covered by Tunnel Rat and Honey Badger. Is this correct ? What about costume pieces that contain particle effects ? What about costume pieces that interact with powers like rocket boots and piston boots ?

Second: that is an impressive list of things you cannot do at this time. "At this time" - released within next 6 months, I guess ?

Third: So what ARE you working on ? I understand not telling us about things that may never be released. But that is mostly applicable to tech, powers and concept art. Once the 3d art time is approved and first pass 3d model made, I really do not see how a player targeted costume set/part could never go live. And simply telling us what is in the pipeline, with no sneak peaks, would result in a) far better targeted suggestions b) aligned expectations, reducing post release drama.

Fourth: It seems inevitable that Monstrous will never get all the stuff normal legs have - shorts/skirts, new pieces to match new sets like Biolum, Mecha. Much less custom animations.
So let us approach this from the other side. Port the Monstrous feet to normal legs. The ankle joint is immobile anyway so just make the shin area closer to vertical. For example the insect claws already have both normal and monstrous versions.
Bonus: the new versions, being close to vertical will work with most pants AND will not look unbalanced in out of combat poses.

Fifth: new 3d effects on costume pieces: distortion effects, translucency shaders, flat textures drawn behind/inside models. "Not possible", "not now" or "shifty eyes" ?

Sixth: wings are not cape rigs and should not be mutually exclusive with them. Full body capes would probably clip too much but all waist capes should be allowed.

Seventh: new UI option "disable cape rigs" with settings "off", "all except player", "all". Purpose - allow multiple cape rigs on players without causing unavoidable performance impact when many players are in one place. Would also help people who have performance issues with the current "one cape rig per player" limit.

Finally: various costume suggestions in no particular order.

- Big tails. The tails we have so far, while nice, are all small.

- Animal Fur texture that is not Monstrous Fur with a different palette. Fluffy geo, while perfect, is probably not feasible. But even a plain fur texture with no skin showing would do.

- Reptile skin texture that uses two colors from costume palette instead of inheriting skin color. A version with scales everywhere would be great - the current reptilian option is naked in the belt area.

- Silhouette: full body tights that do not have a texture, do not take patterns and use the "glow" effect to prevent shading. One, changeable color. In itself, it would work as a "mysterious silhouette" and "energy being" with dark and light colors respectively. And it would provide a blank base for use with other costume pieces to simulate them being empty. Should be relatively easy to paint, yes ?

- "None" option for ears, especially for full masks.

- Cat feet (under monstrous) that do not have claws out. Because cat, seriously. And a scaled up version - bipeds need bigger feet than quadrupeds.

- Animal heads with their mouths closed. Because the hard part is already done.

- Ankle length boots and (more) shoes. Because existing pieces are few and limited, especially on males.

- Mantle back piece. Like High Collar but without the collar.

- A scarf that wraps around neck. With optional "trailing ends" cape rig - single rig with transparent space like the Scarf cape that already exists.

- Rularuu Staff. So we can go to Shadow Shard and poke the big eyes in the eye with an eye.

- Rularuu themed costume pack. Take the gloves and chest details from Rulu-Shin, add more stuff. Secondary versions where the eyes are textured as simple (glowing?) orbs, for mix-and-matching.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Fourth: It seems inevitable that Monstrous will never get all the stuff normal legs have - shorts/skirts, new pieces to match new sets like Biolum, Mecha. Much less custom animations.
So let us approach this from the other side. Port the Monstrous feet to normal legs. The ankle joint is immobile anyway so just make the shin area closer to vertical. For example the insect claws already have both normal and monstrous versions.
Bonus: the new versions, being close to vertical will work with most pants AND will not look unbalanced in out of combat poses.


Sixth: wings are not cape rigs and should not be mutually exclusive with them. Full body capes would probably clip too much but all waist capes should be allowed.

Seventh: new UI option "disable cape rigs" with settings "off", "all except player", "all". Purpose - allow multiple cape rigs on players without causing unavoidable performance impact when many players are in one place. Would also help people who have performance issues with the current "one cape rig per player" limit.


- Big tails. The tails we have so far, while nice, are all small.

- Ankle length boots and (more) shoes. Because existing pieces are few and limited, especially on males.


- Rularuu Staff. So we can go to Shadow Shard and poke the big eyes in the eye with an eye.

YESSSSSS monstrous feet but on normal feet! i would love a human-shape-foot that has the bird claw toes on it.

yes, wings with buttcapes please. and give buttcapes to males too please.

that UI suggestion is gold. also, multi capes please. i'd crash for them.

yes big tales. i will send you an amazeballs example when i get home and can doodle it up

shoes without socks GAAAHHHH!!!

"poke the big eyes in the eye with an eye." -lmao



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
[*]Holsters, sheaths, etc (Unless they are empty or weapon contained will be rigid)
A question relating to this: Is it possible for an aura part to be solid? We have combat auras that shift state when you switch into combat stance; is it conceivable that we could have a holster/sheath "aura" that switches to an empty appearance when we go into combat stance?

It wouldn't be perfect, because there are powers that put you in combat stance without drawing a weapon; your sword would disappear when you pulled out your Nemesis Staff, for instance. It might be an angle to look at, though, if the static nature of sheaths/holsters as a costume part is otherwise a showstopper.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



hey, just thought of something else that would be nice. plantigrade beastly feet. yeah we have the animal fur on the uni-toe foot, but what I am talking about is the splay clawed feet from the digitigrade (beast) feet but modified to go on flat feet.

beast legs have a really limited amount of pants that are useable with them, we cant use armored legs or tucked in legs or any kind of bulky legs (can we add any kind of loose pants for them, that would be nice too) so the ability to have "regular" feet with the splay claws would be really nice.

one last thing, with the steampunk look we got "victorian"-ish outfits, that's great, but could we get any outfits based on the current "gothic" style? ruffles, frills, patterns like the baron coat, maybe some necklaces with general mystic and not overly specific religious symbols(maybe a general cross, star, 6 pointed star, ankh, Buddhist beads nothing too specific, but general stuff), this could lead to some neat outfits. maybe some facial piercings as a detail 2 and new makeup options.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
-No one cares if sheaths and holsters static.
No, someone does care - I care. I have no use for holsters unless they're dynamic. Champions Online let me have a holster that had a permanent gun in it so that when I drew, my character had four guns, and the guns in the holsters didn't even match the ones she pulled out. That character didn't last long, and I have no interest in using those if they're perpetually empty or perpetually full.

Quivers I can see, since they're less of a weapon container and more of an ammo container. It makes sense those would never run out since we never run out of ammo. Holsters that hold handguns, however, NEED to be animated.

Hell, I don't even want holsters per se. I'd be perfectly happy to be able to attach my Titan Sword to my back and run around with it. I'd be perfectly happy to attach my dual handguns to my thighs and run around with them. I don't specifically need holsters. I need persistent weapons.

Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
-Revamping old content IS new content. Plain and simple. You proved this with the Circle of Thorns, Galaxy City, Dark Astoria (and its enemies).
Revamping content is only new content when it doesn't backspace over old content. The new Atlas Park was exactly this, leading to me hating the low levels these days when I used to love them. Dark Astoria is less so, just because it had no content to speak of, only mission redirections. Circle of Thorns is a mixed bag - I enjoy the set for my own, but I like the look of the old CoT far better when they looked like wizards in robes as opposed to coral reefs on legs.

David Nakayama made the right call when he decided against "upgrading" old costume pieces and completely dumping the old ones. I know the Techbot is gung ho about "fix the old stuff" but I seem to recall him being one of the most vocal opponents of more reflective metal pieces to replace the old matte ones. I wouldn't mind seeing up-rezzed versions of old costume pieces, but I WOULD NOT want to, say, lose Tech Wired to something that's called Tech Wired but is shiny and reflective and completely different.

Add, don't replace. We even have a toggle now that hides costume pieces that match a certain criteria. If clutter or ungainliness is a problem, add a toggle to hide "old stuff." However, I will never agree that something I like be taken out of the game because someone else things it makes the game uglier. It's my call.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
[*]Muscular females (Looking into)
Nice! That's my biggest wish, really, so having that on a list as "looking into" is pretty satisfying. I just hope something comes of it eventually.

I have a few more requests that I forgot but people have reminded me subsequently:


Long hair for men: Since the game came out, we've been asking for more long hair for men other than the one single Long hairstyle. Jay gave us a second one which is SHORTER in the Barbaric one, but that was years ago. We need more. We need the Glam hair from women made for men, essentially, and we need a lot more like it. Men can have long hair. I used to have shoulder-length hair, but mine is too weak to be that long.

Long hair for women: This goes both ways. Women have plenty of long hair, but most of it is pretty old, with most of the new hairs being short. We need more long hair for them. We can also use a few more "big" hairdos.

Dreadlocks: I really want to see this, and the hairstyles we have posing as this don't cut it. Take your average Rastafarian and do that. I'm talking about longer, thicker locks and a generally much bigger hair.

Animal feet

I agree with enabling regular plantigrade legs to have digitigrade feet. Pick pretty much any Disney movie and you'll see what I mean, though Baloo is not a bad example. Or, hell, check out the Swat Kats. We actually do have a legitimate digitigrade leg under Tights for women, at least, which is a significantly less curved Insect foot. Maybe we can have more of that?

As for the actual Monstrous feet, I agree - cat's paws without the claws would be nice. More monstrous feet in general would be nice, as well, with boots, with ornaments and armour strapped on and so forth.


It's been so long since we got new tails it's actually frightening. I guess the scruffy copy of the Mutant Pack fox tail that was in the Animal Pack counts, but that was STILL a long time ago. I want to see a robotic tail, I want to see a tail made out of energy like the Celestial wings, I want to see more monstrous tails.

Also, BIGGER tails. Aside from the two fox/wolf tails, all of the animated versions of legacy tails are very small. The cat's tail is tiny and the devil tail is just string-like. I'd like to see a few tails with more meat on them. The "tastes like me" tail was a good example of a thick, furry tail, which is what I mean. We also need a legitimate reptile tail, since the lizard one we have right now just isn't very good.

That's all I have for the moment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, someone does care - I care. I have no use for holsters unless they're dynamic. Champions Online let me have a holster that had a permanent gun in it so that when I drew, my character had four guns, and the guns in the holsters didn't even match the ones she pulled out. That character didn't last long, and I have no interest in using those if they're perpetually empty or perpetually full.

Quivers I can see, since they're less of a weapon container and more of an ammo container. It makes sense those would never run out since we never run out of ammo. Holsters that hold handguns, however, NEED to be animated.

Hell, I don't even want holsters per se. I'd be perfectly happy to be able to attach my Titan Sword to my back and run around with it. I'd be perfectly happy to attach my dual handguns to my thighs and run around with them. I don't specifically need holsters. I need persistent weapons.
You explained perfectly what I have been trying to say about Quivers for a while now. They are not a weapon carrier, but an ammo carrier. Also, Arrows all look the same on the back end. Basically it is a quiver of endless arrows or quiver of returning if you like. We just need different styles of like a tech version (I just saw the Avengers), Natural version, and like a magic version or just a version to match each arch type.

With Gun holsters I disagree a bit. Most guns like arrows look abut the same on the back end and may could be covered with a few versions. A lot of modern tactical holsters have a flap over version and the gun can't be seen at all. Bit more of a problem with a western version

On the issue with melee weapons, I agree completely. I just need a static version of the weapon. I am tired of pulling it out of thin air. I also would not want a static version. If I am using rularuu swords, I want to see rularuu swords in my scabbards.

I agree with the stance the devs have take on this issue, all except the stance on quivers.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Revamping content is only new content when it doesn't backspace over old content. The new Atlas Park was exactly this, leading to me hating the low levels these days when I used to love them. Dark Astoria is less so, just because it had no content to speak of, only mission redirections. Circle of Thorns is a mixed bag - I enjoy the set for my own, but I like the look of the old CoT far better when they looked like wizards in robes as opposed to coral reefs on legs.

David Nakayama made the right call when he decided against "upgrading" old costume pieces and completely dumping the old ones. I know the Techbot is gung ho about "fix the old stuff" but I seem to recall him being one of the most vocal opponents of more reflective metal pieces to replace the old matte ones. I wouldn't mind seeing up-rezzed versions of old costume pieces, but I WOULD NOT want to, say, lose Tech Wired to something that's called Tech Wired but is shiny and reflective and completely different.

I like Racing games, and building my own cars in these games. The solution they use is one I wish we could use. They have multiple color pallet types. So rather than the part being metallic and reflective in nature, I would just choose a high gloss paint to put on my car. It is a shame we can't do this in CoX.

With a reflective, metallic, iridescent, or matte color pallet I could decide how my costume looks.

Is what it is though, and I just wanted to throw it out there.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, someone does care - I care. I have no use for holsters unless they're dynamic. Champions Online let me have a holster that had a permanent gun in it so that when I drew, my character had four guns, and the guns in the holsters didn't even match the ones she pulled out. That character didn't last long, and I have no interest in using those if they're perpetually empty or perpetually full.

Quivers I can see, since they're less of a weapon container and more of an ammo container. It makes sense those would never run out since we never run out of ammo. Holsters that hold handguns, however, NEED to be animated.

Hell, I don't even want holsters per se. I'd be perfectly happy to be able to attach my Titan Sword to my back and run around with it. I'd be perfectly happy to attach my dual handguns to my thighs and run around with them. I don't specifically need holsters. I need persistent weapons.
Apples and oranges IMO.
We're not looking for weapon effects, just costume parts.

Nothing says the pistol on your side is 'THE' pistol you pull out with dual pistols, or that it has to be used by dual pistols characters. The official belt for example lets you have a pistol and nightstick on your AR character. He would never use them, but his character might carry them 'just in case' or as part of a uniform.

Some can work with power sets even while static, like a samurai style belt with two swords stuck in it.

One version with both swords, one with an empty long scabbard, one with an empty short scabbard, and another one with both empty. You could get the samurai look to go along with any given weapon set of choice, even if you were Katana using a mecha beam saber or TW using a giant Nodachi (which I'm sure they'll put in soon... >.>), you would still want to carry your regular swords.

If you were dual blades and ran around with them out, you might like seeing the two empty scabbards. You can even fake an animation with macro for a costume change emote + build-up to start fights with, that changes to a costume version missing the appropriate swords and also perhaps adds an aura like glowing eyes, burst into flames, whatever you do when you start fighting.



Walking through the Pocket D, it hit me! We need the Monkey Fight Club Icon as a chest emblem!

But it has to be low enough so that it'll fit on the Tank tops

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
Walking through the Pocket D, it hit me! We need the Monkey Fight Club Icon as a chest emblem!

But it has to be low enough so that it'll fit on the Tank tops
As I recall, you can't put chest details on tank tops.

EDIT: I could be thinking of patterns. It's late and I lack coffee.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
With Gun holsters I disagree a bit. Most guns like arrows look abut the same on the back end and may could be covered with a few versions. A lot of modern tactical holsters have a flap over version and the gun can't be seen at all. Bit more of a problem with a western version.
The size of pistols varies greatly with the pistol. The Match Compensators are huge, and the new Mecca Armour pistols are ABSURD (and I love it!), while at the same time some having huge hilts like the uzis or unconventional shapes like the flintlock. As far as I'm concerned, we need one of two things:

1. A holster shape unique to the pistol
2. A system that simply hangs the pistol on the side of our legs in the same way our shields are held on our hands with no straps or anything of the sort.

I want to run into Standard Code Rant for a minute. Here's what we know: Weapons are animated costume pieces which have two major "states" to them. Weapons are ALWAYS present on our characters, but they toggle between the states of visible and invisible depending on the activation sequence a power is used with. Provided this is true, let's say we have a separate, related costume piece, say a holster, which has two states - full and empty.

I'll give you an example: Let's say I pick Match Compensators as my pistols choice. These would come in two versions - one with just the pistols and one with pistols and holsters. The pistols would be rigged to be invisible in all activation sequences EXCEPT the Pistols one, when they'd be visible. The holsters would be rigged to be empty in the Pistols activation sequence ONLY, and full in all other activation sequences. Essentially, they'd have a "reverse weapon" in them. Each time your character drew his pistols, he'd do it exactly as before. He'd grab somewhere in the vicinity of his holsters, the pistols in the holsters would disappear and the pistols in the hands would appear. The character doesn't have to interact with the holsters in any way, they'd just be decorative, with their state of visibility corresponding to the REVERSE of the state of visibility of the weapons in the hands.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I like Racing games, and building my own cars in these games. The solution they use is one I wish we could use. They have multiple color pallet types. So rather than the part being metallic and reflective in nature, I would just choose a high gloss paint to put on my car. It is a shame we can't do this in CoX. With a reflective, metallic, iridescent, or matte color pallet I could decide how my costume looks.
That's a good idea and I agree with it. I'm not adamant about seeing this for all future assets since I KNOW metallic reflective costumes can be done tastefully, as the Clockwork set proves. What I want an option for is legacy sets that get "upgraded." For instance, I want to old Tech Sleek back because the new one is ridiculously reflective to the point where it's unusable for what it used to be good for.

I do agree with the general premise, however. I want to see fabrics given a choice between matte, glossy and leather, metals given a choice between chrome, dull or flat and skin given a choice between flat, oiled up or porous.

Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
Apples and oranges IMO.
We're not looking for weapon effects, just costume parts.

Nothing says the pistol on your side is 'THE' pistol you pull out with dual pistols, or that it has to be used by dual pistols characters. The official belt for example lets you have a pistol and nightstick on your AR character. He would never use them, but his character might carry them 'just in case' or as part of a uniform.
I don't disagree. What you say makes a lot of sense. I just wanted to dispel the claim that "nobody cares if the holsters are animated." I don't disagree with adding holsters and scabbards as static costume pieces... I would just personally have no use for them whatsoever. I've never used the pistol/night stick belt because it makes no sense for me to use it on a character who can't use those weapons.

In other words, you could add static gun holsters, but they really wouldn't solve the problem of drawing weapons, at least not for me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Revamping content is only new content when it doesn't backspace over old content. The new Atlas Park was exactly this, leading to me hating the low levels these days when I used to love them. Dark Astoria is less so, just because it had no content to speak of, only mission redirections. Circle of Thorns is a mixed bag - I enjoy the set for my own, but I like the look of the old CoT far better when they looked like wizards in robes as opposed to coral reefs on legs.

David Nakayama made the right call when he decided against "upgrading" old costume pieces and completely dumping the old ones. I know the Techbot is gung ho about "fix the old stuff" but I seem to recall him being one of the most vocal opponents of more reflective metal pieces to replace the old matte ones. I wouldn't mind seeing up-rezzed versions of old costume pieces, but I WOULD NOT want to, say, lose Tech Wired to something that's called Tech Wired but is shiny and reflective and completely different.

Add, don't replace. We even have a toggle now that hides costume pieces that match a certain criteria. If clutter or ungainliness is a problem, add a toggle to hide "old stuff." However, I will never agree that something I like be taken out of the game because someone else things it makes the game uglier. It's my call.
We agree on this, at least. Sure, don't get RID of anything. That's just stupid. But, frankly, the Costume Creator lists are a gorramn MESS as of right now. NONE of them are in proper alphabetic order.

We need a 'Legacy' drop-down for all parts, and to sling all the current old parts in their. Then have updated versions in the main list.

As for metal stuff, I REALLY wish they could do a 'matte' and 'shiny' option. Sometimes I don't WANT everything metal to be perfectly shiny. I mean, christ, has no one heard of paint? Or Matte paint? Or dulled metal? It takes the mick after a while...

But the legacy costume parts are starting to look so dated it hurts.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
But the legacy costume parts are starting to look so dated it hurts.
Speaking of Legacy pieces, there are quite a few that represent a unique, unexplored costume theme that newer items have never really gone into. To avoid derailing further, let me give a few general ideas:

*Large Robotic gloves: Eight years after the fact, Large Robotic are still by far the game's largest gloves and the only ones that are big and round. They don't clip at the hand, they look pretty good and I'd like to see more gloves of that nature.

*Medieval shoulders: Eight years later, these are one of, um... Two or three sets of large shoulders and the only one with this particular "shoulders" form. The Olympian Guard shoulders are a great step in the right direction, but we need more large, bulky round shoulders,

*Large boots and gloves: This is an old idea - a static model that can have all the existing textures used on it. We can use a few more of those, I think, since it only really requires one mesh, but makes for a whole host of different items. They're not GREAT, but they're very versatile.

*Medieval helmets: These have had nothing new added to them since 2004. I'd really like to see a bunch of new helmets, beak helmet, for instance, as well as a bunch more fantasy-looking helmets. There's room for more.

*Glam hair: The female Glam hairdo is amazing, and we need more like it, both for men and for women. I get that this works VERY poorly with back details, but we can just not use back details with it. More very long hairs would be welcome.

*Horns: I don't really recall seeing any new horns for a long while. I guess the Organic Armour "horn crown" counts, but we can do more, I'm sure of it.

*Tails: We haven't had a new one in ages. I mentioned these, but allow me to mention them again - TAILS. Robotic tails are a big thing, and larger versions of the old ones would also be welcome.

*Stealth/ExoProto boots: These look like bare feet with socks pulled over them. See also: Zombie Feet. These are ten times better than the "bare" texture for the flat boot foot. These are not bare feet, they're boots with toes painted on them. We need a better bare foot model that looks like a bare foot, and the mesh for it already exists in the game.

*Large gloves -> Wrapper: These are what I like to call "man hands. Large gloves in general have a much thicker, larger hand, and with the Wrapped gloves, we have a skin hand that simply has big fingers. I'd like to see a hand option which gives us a hand this big without it being wrapped up in a glove.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



*Horns: I don't really recall seeing any new horns for a long while. I guess the Organic Armour "horn crown" counts, but we can do more, I'm sure of it.
What horns are we missing? o.o
We have oodles of horns!



Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
What horns are we missing? o.o
We have oodles of horns!
How about these? I never said we were missing horns, I just feel we could use a few new ones with a few new shapes. They don't have to be anything fancy, just so long as it adds new options.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd buy every single outfit Rian Frostdrake put up. In a heartbeat. Without thinking twice. Would love to see more stylized, contemporary, theatrical costumes I can mix up with other things! If supers really did exist, and were the age most supers in the game seem to be (low to mid-20's) and were dressing to Get Noticed, I think they'd have a much greater tendency to dress like a pop or a rock star, than anything else. By quite a far margin, too.

Also want to second the notion of actual fur. See, my Bi-Polar Bear character has white fur - which is to say, she has white skin with large tufts of unsightly grey body hair. She looks more like a 60 year old accountant at his first beach day of summer! (And if you can't fix the fur, I'm going to have to insist on sandals with dark ankle socks be made available!) Now, the ears are just fine (except that she has four of them), why can't the body match this?

And also second the quiver backpack! It doesn't have to be functional for a quiver. I get the argument about other weapons, but that doesn't apply to a quiver. A Robin Hood hat and short boots - maybe even a unisex crenelated-at-the-bottom tunic? - would be wonderful set, and something I've wanted since I made my first archer.

Some robes for the men-folk. Can be like the boleros we have now, but, of course, masculine. The lack of non-armor or non-tights options for males is really horrible. Rather than do yet MORE armor options, it would be nice to see more types of options available.

As always, thanks for listening!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How about these?
Oh god, Oh GOD! The emo! The emo, it burns, it hurts, get it awaaaaaay!!!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.