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capes like the Widows have, but for every one.

i can get behind the mythical themed sets, but I'd like new horn options in general. mostly ones that go straight back starting ether behind the ears or at the temples. also a single horn coming off the forehead, ether straight up, at an angle or straight out, or all 3

more back options. and not in the VIP T9 ether

Rularuu weapons for Titan and Staff

Vanguard weapons for Titan and Staff

now for the less feasible request...

Naga like 'legs'. the snakes already show it can work with the weapon based sets and for set like Martial Arts and Street Justice, the kicks could be replaced with tail slaps, which would be more awesome imo

cause i really really wanna beat something down as a Naga for some weir reason

more muscular/larger female models: so my female tanks/brutes can actually look like they can do the job



Ok so I decided to step away from this thread for a few days, my level of emotion was getting a bit high.

I would like to request that Sashes for Male and Huge models be moved to a priority position. It really has been a long requested item by many of us, and now one of the three models has it.

I only have four real requests. I realize two of them are pretty large projects, and while I would love to have them, I realize there is a large amount of work involved. I as I have said many times am willing to buy them as costume packs. If you need to be sure if others will also then I suggest running a poll to attempt to determine the value of these items to the community.

I will go in no particular order.

Sash: This is an item that has been requested by the whole of the community for over 6 years. Now a 3rd of the community has access to the item, and the other would really like to also have one. I understand Dink that you may not be the person to make the decision, but I do hope whoever is in charge sees this, is reading this thread, and takes note that more people than just I repeat this request.

If they really want to be industrious, they can go back and look in Jay and David's threads and see the same request being made there. As I said before this is not a new request. I am sure many of us would love to know who thought it was a good idea to release the sash for only one model. That however is water under the bridge.

Right now I agree with you, and in this instance we need to move forward, and figure our how to get the huge and male model a sash. Also how to get this item moved to the top of the priority list once you are done with Retro Sci-Fi.

The Circle of Thorns Mage costumes: The majority of costumes we purchased in the CoT set were from the minion class characters. I think many of use found this frustrating, I know I did. There were a thousand assumptions at the time of why we did not get the most desired items from the remade CoT. Some really baffled us, like the large hat. Some like the Guantlets we assumed it may be a color issue. The long skirt is well..a long skirt. And the belt we thought may be signature. I think we were all wrong.

David created the real problem when he let it slip that Jay had created these items on the player Model, and that he was pretty sure we would be getting all of them. That had a lot of us scratching out heads when we saw what we did get. So, I began to hope a second pack would come that contained the missing items. That has yet come to pass.

I now think the real reason is because those costume items were only created for one of the three models which is male. If I am right (not hat anyone would ever admit that I am) then the CoL set should have never been released. This is one of those times where I really really want to be wrong.

To the point: I would request that the players (of all three models) get access to the mage costume items. I would like for this to become a creation project for the costume team. To convert the gauntlets, hat, belt, spiky back, and long skirt over to the player models. I love those costumes, and I think we the players could make some amazing costumes using them.

The Black Knight Armor I don't know who did the concept art, or who did the actual pieces for the game, but they are amazing. With color options I have so many characters just sitting in my imagination waiting to be build, and start saving the world. I could find a use for every item they have, and I so hope their swords make it into the character creator.

For me though the number one item is the Lobster tail helm many of them wear. There appears to be a visor up, and a visor down option. I want them both. I could see making one casual version with it up, and then a tf/trial version of the same costume where the visor has been lowered.

This is the set that make me really hope you (devs in general) were being truthful about all future NPC parts being made with the idea of giving them to the players. I want these items so bad. Right now it is light years away from anything knightly we have in the game.

Weapon Models More please. I am not sure we could ever have enough, or too many. It is hard to say that I have powers because I carry the great sword of Balmung when Joe Dirt next to me has the exact same sword.

Those are my major requests. They are the big things I would like to see in the game. Oddly the top of my list is held by a single item, the coveted Sash.

Dink, thanks for taking the time to make and read this thread. I suggest as you make items inspired by this thread you let it be known. Have all of the guys/gals do it, even if you post it for them. It would be cool to know that we helped inspire a portion of the process, and it may give others the courage to share their ideas.

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Not sure if this is possible but we do lack a great deal of true mutation costume options.
For example tentacles/additional body parts coming out of shoulders/legs/arms etc.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Gosh, I'd love some more feather pieces. Feather tights textures, feather tails, feather shoulder pieces, feather gloves, etc, etc. Not a feathered headdress, unless you can make it like a cockatiel crown and not a sacred object. It'd go well with the bird pieces we already have!

Could we have a single horn? Like a unicorn horn? There was a character in a book I read, called Acorna, who was a girl with unicorn traits, and I always think of that for costume concepts when I start with magic, but I just can't do that.

More hair! Please more hair. I made a suggestion in the suggestion forum for new hair textures (here: ) which would increase the use of the hair without needing new meshes.

Nice dreadlocks, please. Like what Marauder has. Um. Kind of an anecdote here. See, I suggested the exact same hairdo Marauder has now, back before he was revealed. For player characters. And then it became a signature hair.

Anyway, I was very very sad. I would appreciate dreadlocks that look like real dreadlocks and an electric attack. Please. Pretty please.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Nice dreadlocks, please. Like what Marauder has. Um. Kind of an anecdote here. See, I suggested the exact same hairdo Marauder has now, back before he was revealed. For player characters. And then it became a signature hair.

Anyway, I was very very sad. I would appreciate dreadlocks that look like real dreadlocks and an electric attack. Please. Pretty please.
Hear! Hear! The so-called dreadlocks we have now look terrible. Something more along the lines of Jack Sparrow's or Jason Momoa's dreads would be nice. Slightly thicker and more uniform ropes of hair than those might be even better.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



First: I'd like to throw my vote behind more buffed out female skins (Tights, flesh etc).

Second: Masks with the eyes whited out. (Batman, Robin(s), Wolverne, Ms. Marvel, Spiderman(woman) Deadpool).

Third: Another vote for longer hair options for toons.

Also David mentioned at the Pummit that all Titan Weapons can be scaled down to 1 handed versions. Can we get that soon. I'm tired of the Hellraiser cube in a twig as a "tech" War Mace option.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Hear! Hear! The so-called dreadlocks we have now look terrible. Something more along the lines of Jack Sparrow's or Jason Momoa's dreads would be nice. Slightly thicker and more uniform ropes of hair than those might be even better.
I REALLY want good dreadlocks hair, myself, but ONLY if it comes without a goofy colourful hat, at least as an option.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Since the villain epic AT came out i have only wanted 1 thing and that is for the Nightwidow to get the correct black metalic tint that the NPc's have instead of the purple tint that we have.
Or maybe an option for both.
Please please please.
It's just a metalic tint to tights but it would make me so happy.




I think Cyberpunk costume pack (Not sure if part of the Super packs) will come with a dreadlock hairstyle.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I think Cyberpunk costume pack (Not sure if part of the Super packs) will come with a dreadlock hairstyle.
It just now dawns on me that the Space Pirate pack could thematically have a sash for male and huge models in it! If it is there I hope it works with all of the Chest/top types.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
It just now dawns on me that the Space Pirate pack could thematically have a sash for male and huge models in it! If it is there I hope it works with all of the Chest/top types.
Isn't the Space Pirate one only available through Super Packs?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hi, Dink! I'm not going to ask for a new piece. What I actualy want is an additional option for Think Tank and High Collars.

Think Tank - "No Bowl" option under Bowl.

I'm pretty sure you have seen some of the headless toon designs going around, I believe I even saw one in a official Dilemma Diabolique screenshot, so a No Bowl option would be appreciated, since even when covered by an aura, the bowl is still visible under certain lighting.

High Collar - "No Cape" option under Cape.

There used to be a bug in the costume creator that allowed you to achieve this (only in the creator of course, not in-game), but it appears to be fixed. With this option, we would be able to achieve a look like this or this, without the need of an extra costume piece.

Now, if we could also get a tartan pattern for High Collars, that would be awesome.



Did somebody say Space Pirates?



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Not Feasible at this time due to technical limitations:
  • Having skin with 2 other color options, you get 2 colors max and skin will take one of them.
And this is the same reason we can't have multiple patterns and a tertiary color. I do wonder how much of a technical hurdle this is though.

In UDK (which I realize is not what CoH uses) to get a third color involved with a second pattern, it's super easy to set up.

What we have now is the equivalent of this:

Blue is the primary color, White is the secondary color, and the texture sample stripe there is our pattern.

So what I want to see is the equivalent of this:

Here we have the same base setup. We just duplicate a bit of what's going on and we end up with a tertiary color of red and the circle is our second pattern. (To make this all work with Tops with Skin, the mask/skin texture choice would go in where the circle is so that the pattern would show up only on the "tights" (aka bodypaint) part and not on the skin).

Now, I know that CoH is probably completely different from UDK, but this was the best way to show what I want to see in CoH. I'd love to actually get a chance to see how CoH's materials are set up and get my hands dirty with it. I'm willing to bet I could figure out a way to make this work.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
Now, I know that CoH is probably completely different from UDK, but this was the best way to show what I want to see in CoH. I'd love to actually get a chance to see how CoH's materials are set up and get my hands dirty with it. I'm willing to bet I could figure out a way to make this work.
Perhaps. Of course, they may already *know* a way they could technically get it to work, but doing so may impact game performance in a way that they've decided it's not feasible.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by MrMountie View Post
And I'd also throw a vote in for a hairstyle something like Reed Richards, and several other notable male characters, with one main colour, and then another at the sides, so it can be used as a 'salt and pepper' look, or for more mature, aging characters.
We sort of have this already, although it deosn't work well with all colours and the second colour applies to the entire lower half, not just the sides. Here's a pic of my main, Hitback, without his mask:



Just a short list of Costume Parts I have been thinking on.

Loin Cloths (For an 8 foot tall, blue, cat-faced, pony-tailed character. You know what Im thinking)

Deer Antlers. I see a lot of different horn styles, I think deer antlers would fit nice there.

Cloaks. There are a lot of cape options, a cloak is like a cape, but wraps around the front a little more. Take a look at pics and sewing patterns online for circular cloaks. I think the half circel (or, semicircle) cloak might be easy to reproduce in the game world. To get an idea (and I know youre probably not tailors, youre game designers), cut a half circle of cloth about to the back of the knees or to the ankles and then cut a half circle out of the big half circle you already have in the middle of the straight edge big enough to go around your neck (Use the length of a shirt collar to get an idea of how much (basically, the length of your shirt collarX2 and divided by Pi gives the diameter of the half circle you need to cut out for the neck)). I know it sounds wrong giving you the instructions to make a half-circle cloak in a thread for a video game, but you will see the big difference between cloaks and capes (some people cant tell the difference, as a cloak wearer I have met someof these people). Adding the Arcane or Occult option to it (like with the magical cape) would really make it pop.

Which brings me to my next thing. Add Occult to the hood option, just like Arcane is.

More robes. There is a good amount of choices for martial arts robes, but that is the extent of Robes. How about Wizard Robes. You could import the Witches Hat from the female build into the male build and call it a Wizards Hat along with it. Watch the movie "The Color Of Magic". They did a good job of portraying the traditional wizards robe. Although, now that I think about it, a Wizard Robe could be placed in a seperate category, similar to Magic Bolero.

Female Huge build. It seems kinda unfair that there is no female huge build. I understand that there havent been very many female characters in the comic books with the "huge build", I can only think of one.

While Im that subject, how about something to allow someone with two or more character slots to change one of those character slots from regular to huge, or vice versa. One per character. So that you can have a character who changes from his or her "secret identity" into their larger "alter ego" a'la Bruce Banner/Hulk.



Originally Posted by Ookamikagegingetsu View Post
While Im that subject, how about something to allow someone with two or more character slots to change one of those character slots from regular to huge, or vice versa. One per character. So that you can have a character who changes from his or her "secret identity" into their larger "alter ego" a'la Bruce Banner/Hulk.
You can sort of do that now. The super tailor from the store allows you to do costume transformations from one model to another. Say from male to huge. As for the difference in power and power level, that one is going to be up to you, I suggest turning toggles off if you want to have a less powered version.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I REALLY want good dreadlocks hair, myself, but ONLY if it comes without a goofy colourful hat, at least as an option.
Same - I want a redo (not a replace) of the current dreads, the cornrows moved to females and new dreadlocks of varying sizes. I want a revamp of the old one since the geo plays nice with crowns and elf ears (what Goblin Queen uses). The texture on the old dreads are so dated tho - it hurts us it does.

Edit - and goofy colorful hat as an option, yes - an option - like the Tin Crown hair style thingy.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
You can sort of do that now. The super tailor from the store allows you to do costume transformations from one model to another. Say from male to huge. As for the difference in power and power level, that one is going to be up to you, I suggest turning toggles off if you want to have a less powered version.
Ok, I was not aware.



Forget animated hair.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Ookamikagegingetsu View Post
Ok, I was not aware.
Let me know if you find it. Here is a good bind to use it with too.

/bind numpad0 cc_e 0 ccofyourchoice

You can do this for all 10 costume slots, and uses a different for and Change emote for each if you want. There is also a way to make the character say something when changing.

/bind numpad0 "local Say what you want to$$cc_e 0 ccofyourchoice"

Just remember that the first costume slot, the base one, is slot #0.

To see the slots you can /k or select costume in the menu.

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As suggested by Omega in this thread, a shark style back fin would be nice. And with a water blast set coming up other aquatic themed parts. A fish head with gills, or back tentacles, say...I'd suggest a Cthulhu-style octopoid head with tentacles, but that would resemble mind flayers from D&D too much.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



could you please port the fish-head fin detail to the regular heads as a Detail 1 option pretty please?
