All Things Character Art




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Speaking of Legacy pieces, there are quite a few that represent a unique, unexplored costume theme that newer items have never really gone into. To avoid derailing further, let me give a few general ideas:

*Large Robotic gloves: Eight years after the fact, Large Robotic are still by far the game's largest gloves and the only ones that are big and round. They don't clip at the hand, they look pretty good and I'd like to see more gloves of that nature.

*Medieval shoulders: Eight years later, these are one of, um... Two or three sets of large shoulders and the only one with this particular "shoulders" form. The Olympian Guard shoulders are a great step in the right direction, but we need more large, bulky round shoulders,

*Large boots and gloves: This is an old idea - a static model that can have all the existing textures used on it. We can use a few more of those, I think, since it only really requires one mesh, but makes for a whole host of different items. They're not GREAT, but they're very versatile.

*Medieval helmets: These have had nothing new added to them since 2004. I'd really like to see a bunch of new helmets, beak helmet, for instance, as well as a bunch more fantasy-looking helmets. There's room for more.

*Glam hair: The female Glam hairdo is amazing, and we need more like it, both for men and for women. I get that this works VERY poorly with back details, but we can just not use back details with it. More very long hairs would be welcome.

*Horns: I don't really recall seeing any new horns for a long while. I guess the Organic Armour "horn crown" counts, but we can do more, I'm sure of it.

*Tails: We haven't had a new one in ages. I mentioned these, but allow me to mention them again - TAILS. Robotic tails are a big thing, and larger versions of the old ones would also be welcome.

*Stealth/ExoProto boots: These look like bare feet with socks pulled over them. See also: Zombie Feet. These are ten times better than the "bare" texture for the flat boot foot. These are not bare feet, they're boots with toes painted on them. We need a better bare foot model that looks like a bare foot, and the mesh for it already exists in the game.

*Large gloves -> Wrapper: These are what I like to call "man hands. Large gloves in general have a much thicker, larger hand, and with the Wrapped gloves, we have a skin hand that simply has big fingers. I'd like to see a hand option which gives us a hand this big without it being wrapped up in a glove.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
/Signed for all of those.

You have NO idea how ticked off I was to find that we got some piddly, anorexic little glove that NO NPCs use, rather than the big, awesome gloves the PPD and TEST get. That should have been in 'Large Robotic' without a first thought

All the hair needs an HD overhaul, really. There are SO few good hairs, especially for Males, and faces are twice as bad.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I hope that Fantasy category includes Magical Girl gear.

Also, totally voicing my support for the victorian/gothic stuff a couple pages back.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post


Long hair for men: Since the game came out, we've been asking for more long hair for men other than the one single Long hairstyle. Jay gave us a second one which is SHORTER in the Barbaric one, but that was years ago. We need more. We need the Glam hair from women made for men, essentially, and we need a lot more like it. Men can have long hair. I used to have shoulder-length hair, but mine is too weak to be that long.

Long hair for women: This goes both ways. Women have plenty of long hair, but most of it is pretty old, with most of the new hairs being short. We need more long hair for them. We can also use a few more "big" hairdos.

Dreadlocks: I really want to see this, and the hairstyles we have posing as this don't cut it. Take your average Rastafarian and do that. I'm talking about longer, thicker locks and a generally much bigger.
This reminds me to take a picture of my husband's hair... in a ponytail and loose, and post it here to give Dink and Co. an idea about what we mean by Long Hair.

Mine merely goes past my waist. My husband sits on his... regularly.

Both sexes need hair that long, and such hair is not just regulated to women.

We also need long Spiral Curls. We have the lovely Shirley Temple Sausage Curls, now give us that Permed Hair look.

We need a Mask Pack AND a Hair Pack.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



I have a question about the list. While I have nothing against a cheongsam, NPC ports, or thigh high boots for male models, I'm a bit confused as to why those things are apparently more important/high-priority/easier than the list of items that are "feasible, but not at this time." I may be misreading the list, since in the past, "not at this time, but it could be done in the future" has been a phrase devs have used to indicate that something is never happening. Essentially, I'm asking, what do the categories mean? Thanks. Also, thank you for making the list.

Some suggestions:

- More uses of the bolero/trenchcoat rig, especially more usuable by all three models: a trenchcoat made out of cloth rather than leather, perhaps ports of some bolero coattails to the male model (these would make good wizard-robe-like-things), a furry coat or furry-lapeled coat, as seen on Cossacks, etc.

- A turban, perhaps with an optional huge jewel or feather stuck in the front. (Throw someone whose main character has been a genie since 2005 a bone! )

- Sash part for male models. This need not be a dynamic system, as the female one is, at least for me, though that would be the ideal.

- For female characters (heck, for male, too, I suppose, though it only exists as a female part now), make the flower from the Leaves with Flowers hair, or a similar flower, an option in Detail 1, which would allow a character with "ordinary" hair with a flower stuck in it.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Speaking of Legacy pieces, there are quite a few that represent a unique, unexplored costume theme that newer items have never really gone into. To avoid derailing further, let me give a few general ideas:
I am not sure how it is derailing. The whole point is to request what we would like to see. Past aesthetics, there is nothing in this game that can't be done in a MUD or a table top game. That is why how this game looks is so important to so many of us. ALL of the game play mechanics can be done in a less aesthetically pleasing way, however we want to see it done in this game. We want it to look awesome in this game.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Large Robotic gloves: Eight years after the fact, Large Robotic are still by far the game's largest gloves and the only ones that are big and round. They don't clip at the hand, they look pretty good and I'd like to see more gloves of that nature.
I agree with you so much. In fact one of my suggestions was for more bulky gloves in this game. We keep seeing them on NPCs but they never get ported to us. The Praetorian Pilice, and Circle of Thorns are two good example. I don't know why I think big bulky gloves are cool, I just know that I do, and I would like more of them. The gloves are one of the things really cool about the black knight set also.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Medieval shoulders: Eight years later, these are one of, um... Two or three sets of large shoulders and the only one with this particular "shoulders" form. The Olympian Guard shoulders are a great step in the right direction, but we need more large, bulky round shoulders,
Here again i agree 100%. Also yet again the Black Knight set comes to mind. The art team gets that these themes are cool, because they are putting them on NPCs. I just don't understad why they are not also putting them on us.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Large boots and gloves: This is an old idea - a static model that can have all the existing textures used on it. We can use a few more of those, I think, since it only really requires one mesh, but makes for a whole host of different items. They're not GREAT, but they're very versatile.
Argh man! We are on the hive mind today! Over the weekend I started reading Ex-Patriots the sequel to Ex-Heroes best Zombie apocalypse books ever. Because they also have superheroes (done well) in them. In the books there is a power armor hero called Cerberus. Between that, and Avengers, I REALLY wanted to make a power armor character. So I decided to do it on test. This is where I discovered there are really only 4 maybe 5 good boot sets for bulky power armor. One of those is only attainable at level 50. Also one of those 5 are not on the live servers yet. I did however take the weekend to make costumes for my one day Rad/Rad scrapper using those parts. I subbed in EM/Invul brute for the time being.

Any way the point is, Sam is right and we also need more bulky boots. In a bad way.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Medieval helmets: These have had nothing new added to them since 2004. I'd really like to see a bunch of new helmets, beak helmet, for instance, as well as a bunch more fantasy-looking helmets. There's room for more.
There are days you drive me nuts, and days I really love you. I am highly medicated this morning, so I love you man. I really do. The Black Knight Lobster tail helmet is perfect, really perfect. Not that we couldn't use more. That one however is amazing. I prefer fantasy styles to true medieval styles, but in the case of that Black Knight help in is perfect.

I am sure many wonder why we would want options like this. Well, the hero out of time is a very appealing concept. Also Angelic, Demonic, Elven, extra dimensional and the power armor created by the D&D geek are all viable concepts in a game like this.

I would like to note that any option made for full helm, should also be made for half helm, and hat. This is very apparent with the Mecha set. Truth be told there are a lot of items that are in the Hat category that I can't figure out why they are not in the half helm category. Vanguard, Cyborg, Enforcer, Elemental Order all seem like they becong more in half helm than in Hats.

The Elemental order Mast option is the most blatant offender in my opinion. That would be so perfect for the front of so many helmets, second would be the Ascension head detail. That would great on helmets!

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Glam hair: The female Glam hairdo is amazing, and we need more like it, both for men and for women. I get that this works VERY poorly with back details, but we can just not use back details with it. More very long hairs would be welcome.
Jay did a new round of hair a few years back, and that is all I use now. The old hair is really that bad. It was great for its time, but that time has passed and it needs an upgrade, or just a replacement.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Horns: I don't really recall seeing any new horns for a long while. I guess the Organic Armour "horn crown" counts, but we can do more, I'm sure of it.
There were the Omega, and the Organic Armor that were both horn like, Again I agree though, it is another category that could use some love. LARPs are a great place to look for inspiration on horns. Nero has the Mystical Wood Elfe and they all have some sort of horn. One of two other races also, they just are not coming to mind. There tends to be a vendor or 4 at Dragon Con (tm) selling them.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Tails: We haven't had a new one in ages. I mentioned these, but allow me to mention them again - TAILS. Robotic tails are a big thing, and larger versions of the old ones would also be welcome.
I don't use them, but I love seeing them in game. This means more is better. I am kinda shocked with Black Scorpion running around there is not a blast set that comes from the tail, unless that is a copyright infringement, and I could see where it would be.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Stealth/ExoProto boots: These look like bare feet with socks pulled over them. See also: Zombie Feet. These are ten times better than the "bare" texture for the flat boot foot. These are not bare feet, they're boots with toes painted on them. We need a better bare foot model that looks like a bare foot, and the mesh for it already exists in the game.
Really? I actually like those two boots. When worn with jeans they look like some of the sneakers/cross trainer/ tennis shoes on the market today. Which is what I mostly use them for. The Sport Boot under the cammo pants makes the best combat boot you could ask for (if used w/t laces). Past that I use work boots for combat boots. Booth look more like combat boots than the boot called combat boots.

That is a complain/question I would like to voice. Do all boots have to go to the knee? I have several pairs of combat boots, and work boots, and tactical boots irl that are only an inch or so above the ankle. Is there any way to cut those down a bit and put some bare leg there?

This goes back to the one pair of tenni shoes (which look like low top converses) having socks that go all the way to the knee. Some low cut or no show socks would be cool. The 70's are gone, and I know some still wear their socks pulled up like that (I see it on multiple kids at every wrestling match) the majority of us do not wear our sucks pulled up to our knees. Even if we did it would require glue to keep them there. or those sock garters you see in British shows and movies.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Large gloves -> Wrapper: These are what I like to call "man hands. Large gloves in general have a much thicker, larger hand, and with the Wrapped gloves, we have a skin hand that simply has big fingers. I'd like to see a hand option which gives us a hand this big without it being wrapped up in a glove.
Going through the female costumes with my daughter this weekend made me realize how many glove options women have that I would love to see on the male and huge models. Prime amongst them was the bracers. Those are really nice, I openly admit feeling a pang of envy when I say them. It was the same way with the Small padded gloved., those were the perfect mma/ufc gloves. those things are at the top of my list oft things I would like to see ported over.

Any way despite my two rants this weekend. Which I would like to apologize for. I was in a lot of pain physically, and the post topics just exacerbated things. My pain meds have been adjusted again, and while it takes me much longer to write a post, it is much more rational.

I would say I am openly sorry to any I may have offended with my rants this weekend. I meant what I said, it just should have been much more tactful. I have always said that the two things I am most passionate over in this game are Scrappers and Costumes.

Dink, you are doing a great job, and looking at Night Ward your team is making some beautiful stuff. I hope we are privileged and get to see some of that in the creator in the near future. Shoot, I hope we get to see ALL of it in the creator in the near future. Although I would love to see a snake person do a storm kick...

Sam, thanks for putting into words something's I was having trouble lining up in my mind to post. I have turned your post of text into an even greater wall!

To Rainforest Drake, you were right to call me to carpet for it. Thanks, some times even the best (of which Ia m not one of) need our poor behavior pointed out.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Really? I actually like those two boots. When worn with jeans they look like some of the sneakers/cross trainer/ tennis shoes on the market today. Which is what I mostly use them for. The Sport Boot under the cammo pants makes the best combat boot you could ask for (if used w/t laces). Past that I use work boots for combat boots. Booth look more like combat boots than the boot called combat boots.
You misunderstand. I'm not criticising the Stealth/ExoProto boots. I'm criticising the only "bare feet" we have access to in the game, which is Flat boots with the "Bare" texture selected. The problem is that Flat boots don't look like feet, they look like boots, so putting a skin texture on top of them looks horrid. It looked bad even back in 2004.

What I'm saying is we already have at least three boots with a MUCH more foot-like shape, those being Stealth, ExoProto and ESPECIALLY Zombie. These look like feet, Zombie even has a semi-separate toe and they'd make for much better bare feet, but none of those have the right texture. Stealth and ExoProto only really have their own textures while Zombie does have a skin-like texture, but it's nasty and rotten and doesn't really work well with a Tights With Skin bottom. Plus, I don't think you can put patterns on it.

What I'm saying is "We need better bare feet!"

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would say I am openly sorry to any I may have offended with my rants this weekend. I meant what I said, it just should have been much more tactful. I have always said that the two things I am most passionate over in this game are Scrappers and Costumes.
Don't worry about it, we all have days like this. For what it's worth, I was one of the people who strongly requested that women get gender-neutral costume pieces AND female-only pieces where necessary, so I may be part of the problem. Mostly, though, when I say "female-only," I'm talking about such pieces that male characters CAN'T wear without going into controversial territory and bringing up themes of "cross-dressing." I'm not judging, I'm just saying I'm fine with those being female-only. I can't really think of any costumes that males can wear which females can't, however, with the obvious exception of going topless.

Also, men do get two whole models to female characters' one. I've been campaigning for a muscular female model, but David pretty much killed that dead, so now I'm campaigning for a more muscular texture and more muscular swaps of human arms in the Robotic Arms category. It won't be a new model, but it might be close enough to it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You misunderstand. I'm not criticising the Stealth/ExoProto boots. I'm criticising the only "bare feet" we have access to in the game, which is Flat boots with the "Bare" texture selected. The problem is that Flat boots don't look like feet, they look like boots, so putting a skin texture on top of them looks horrid. It looked bad even back in 2004.

What I'm saying is we already have at least three boots with a MUCH more foot-like shape, those being Stealth, ExoProto and ESPECIALLY Zombie. These look like feet, Zombie even has a semi-separate toe and they'd make for much better bare feet, but none of those have the right texture. Stealth and ExoProto only really have their own textures while Zombie does have a skin-like texture, but it's nasty and rotten and doesn't really work well with a Tights With Skin bottom. Plus, I don't think you can put patterns on it.

What I'm saying is "We need better bare feet!" [quote]

Ahhh. Okay, I get it now. I agree, and not just bare feet either. Beast style feet that look like hands would be cool too.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Don't worry about it, we all have days like this. For what it's worth, I was one of the people who strongly requested that women get gender-neutral costume pieces AND female-only pieces where necessary, so I may be part of the problem. Mostly, though, when I say "female-only," I'm talking about such pieces that male characters CAN'T wear without going into controversial territory and bringing up themes of "cross-dressing." I'm not judging, I'm just saying I'm fine with those being female-only. I can't really think of any costumes that males can wear which females can't, however, with the obvious exception of going topless.

Also, men do get two whole models to female characters' one. I've been campaigning for a muscular female model, but David pretty much killed that dead, so now I'm campaigning for a more muscular texture and more muscular swaps of human arms in the Robotic Arms category. It won't be a new model, but it might be close enough to it.
I actually agreed with all of that for the most part. It was not till the CoL set and the sash that I got upset.

I still want a sash for my male and huge toons.

I have a wife, an 18 year old Daughter, 15yo son, 7yo daughter, and 4yo daughter. I know all about how females can wear male clothing. I know ALL about it. Often I say "Hey honey, have you seen my .....Shirt?" only to hear "Oh, it is dirty, I borrowed it."

I ordered a Twins Special Hoodie (they make Muay Thai gear) from Thai Land a few years back. Only for it to disappear a few months after I got it. Later I found it in the possession of my 18yo daughter "It makes me feel close to you daddy." Yeah right, she just wanted my hoodie. My son has he same kinds of problems. Shoot, the girls even wear some of his old hand-me-downs.

So I get the concept. I just want a sash for my Martial Arts characters, and I don't want it to be on the back burner because there is already one in the game. That really was my whole gripe, I just wish my head was more clear and I could have made the argument better.

Any way, back on topic.

I was thinking. If we got the Black Knight Armor Set, including the Knights, Templar, Guardsman, and Archer outfits, would we still need a fantasy pack? It seems to me between that pack, and the rest of the CoT pack (which I still hope we get) that Fantasy would be well covered.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



13 pages later and the thread is completely derailed. I'm so glad I didn't contribute ideas now, lol. They soooooo would have gotten lost and buried for all time.



Let's please keep the focus on this thread to requests and suggestions for Dink and the rest of the art team to focus on.


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



An additional question about the list: I get the impression from reading it that individual costume pieces aren't likely to receive the art time necessary to make them, while costume sets might. (This seems logical, given that costumes are a source of game income these days, and it's much easier to sell $5,000 worth of Magic Packs than the same dollar amount of Wizard Beards.) With that in mind, is it unrealistic to suggest individual pieces, since the art time to create them may not be available? Or am I reading too much into the whole thing?

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
An additional question about the list: I get the impression from reading it that individual costume pieces aren't likely to receive the art time necessary to make them, while costume sets might. (This seems logical, given that costumes are a source of game income these days, and it's much easier to sell $5,000 worth of Magic Packs than the same dollar amount of Wizard Beards.) With that in mind, is it unrealistic to suggest individual pieces, since the art time to create them may not be available? Or am I reading too much into the whole thing?
I think that if they get enough good suggestions for parts that don't really make a themed set, they might consider doing some kind of "accessories" pack.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Let's please keep the focus on this thread to requests and suggestions for Dink and the rest of the art team to focus on.

In my Defense, even in my rant(s) I was suggesting items I want to see in the game. A schedule of what is in the works or is being planned would help a lot. I say that knowing why you can't though.

I would like to see the elemental mask moved to the half helmet category please. As well as all of the mecha helmet items. Half helmets are pretty awesome.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



I'd still love to see Circlets ported towards male models, along with the crown items you see on female characters. Black Knight armor is a must, too, please!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
An additional question about the list: I get the impression from reading it that individual costume pieces aren't likely to receive the art time necessary to make them, while costume sets might. (This seems logical, given that costumes are a source of game income these days, and it's much easier to sell $5,000 worth of Magic Packs than the same dollar amount of Wizard Beards.) With that in mind, is it unrealistic to suggest individual pieces, since the art time to create them may not be available? Or am I reading too much into the whole thing?
If you have enough little item ideas, suggest an Accessories Pack... it could be something like:

Accessories Pack - all items for all body types
Sashes with matte (velvet) and metallic (lamé) texture
Plain long waist capes with matte/metallic textures
Plain short waist capes with matte/metallic textures
Porcelain style face masks with matte/metallic textures
Fez style hat
Turban style hat with matte/metallic textures; with/without large gem in center
Shoulder item: glove extensions in normal tight/shiny tight texture - used to extend current Tights and Shiny Tights gloves into Long Opera style (or new style gloves with matching shoulder option if that is easier)

There could be more items in such a pack... still thematic (with matte/metallic/shiney versions of everyhing) but still cover a range of items... especially those most requested.

In fact... I'd *really* like to see such a pack. If the devs are at all interested in quieting the masses then such a way of providing would be, imo, a big step.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Some of these have probably already been mentioned, but anyway:

Is there a way to make the colors match better between the head/neck and the rest of the body? With nearly every skin color, there is a distinct line where you can see a slight color difference. And this carries over to Masks, which are often just slightly off from the same color on the Chest piece.

"Sleek" option for Masks - it looks silly when my character has the "Tights Sleek" option on the chest and then a matte, painted-on mask.

I'll second (or third, or fourth) cowls, or at least masks that don't look painted on. As it is right now, a light-colored mask on a light-skinned character (or dark- on dark-) is really an ineffective disguise. The faces look exactly the same, as if I simply changed the character's skin color. I find myself forced to go with goggles or other eyewear when I'd prefer a simple mask, simply because the masks don't actually disguise the character if I use the color I want.

For female characters: Makeup options that are completely separate from masks. Why can't my female characters wear lipstick and mask/glasses/goggles?

Winged boots that aren't armored. I just crafted the "Winged Boots" recipe for my character, "Girl Mercury", figuring they'd go well with her name and her Super Speed, and was disappointed to discover they look armored and almost knee-high. The only other winged boots I've seen are the Valkyrie winged boots and one other plate-metal armor set. A pair of lightweight, ankle-high winged boots would be awesome.



Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
I'll second (or third, or fourth) cowls, or at least masks that don't look painted on. As it is right now, a light-colored mask on a light-skinned character (or dark- on dark-) is really an ineffective disguise. The faces look exactly the same, as if I simply changed the character's skin color. I find myself forced to go with goggles or other eyewear when I'd prefer a simple mask, simply because the masks don't actually disguise the character if I use the color I want.
Slightly off-topic, but this problem is relevant to my argument about "painted-on clothes" vs. entire textures with both skin and clothing combined. The reason I want to retain the "painted-on clothes" is that you can swap the skin and clothes independently, so if you had five skin options and 50 tops options, you wouldn't have to duplicate anything, whereas if they were all baked-in textures, you'd have to have 250 separate costume items.

This is the problem with masks not being face paint - they'd need to be a texture, but if they're a texture, then you can't swap the face underneath, meaning either we need a separate face per face/mask combination (leading to a list of masks*faces in length) or we'd need to create some kind of texture-blending technologies which could apply two different textures to the same costume piece. So far, I don't know of any precedent to suggest this is even possible.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



An accessories pack would be fabulous! I know we have all said (and I still believe) that we would prefer the sets to be more finished/higher quality, than to have something every month. But would it be feasible to have small things put out, which aren't a part of a set?

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't always buy the sets. I probably should. I am certain that I have spent more points buying parts piecemeal, than if I'd just gone ahead and bought that set I thought was sort of "iffy". But that's my point: I continually spend points on costume items, because a piece I once thought was ugly, turns out to be the one perfect piece to complete an outfit. I am not alone in this, all my friends (with the exception of 1, who has to buy all costumes available) do the exact same thing.

Is it possible to take some of these bits and pieces that are continually being asked for, and just make that item and sell it, all by its little lonesome?

Would people buy these items, even if not part of a set?

NOTE: Am presuming new items to be similarly priced to the price of individual pieces from sets are now.



Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
What horns are we missing? o.o
We have oodles of horns!

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Tail feathers?

Could I have a set of generic tail feathers for the bird head, wings and legs you put in the game?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
I'll /sign this idea!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Here are some *very* random suggestions. I tried to go for a mix of things - some whole sets, others just individual items and a couple of patterns that could already complement what we have in game. Hope this helps!

Aladdin Costume:

Fish Scale Pattern:

French Aristocrat Costume:

Frizzy Hair for Women:

Greek Hero costume:

Greek Goddess Hair:

Hard Diving Suit:

Honeycomb Pattern:

Italian Renaissance costume:

Men's Wesco Thigh High Boots:

Mummy costume:

Musketeer Costume:

Quilted Leather Motorcycle Boots:

Robin Hood costume (Halloween?):

Retro Robot Costume:

Retro divesuit:

Serpent Armor Costume:

Skeleton Suit or Full Body Pattern (Halloween?):

Suction Cup Arm Gauntlets/Knee Pads/Boots:

Track Suit:

Traditional Wetsuit:



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I'll /sign this idea!
I'll go with this. I would finally be able to make the Horned King



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post

I like Racing games, and building my own cars in these games. The solution they use is one I wish we could use. They have multiple color pallet types. So rather than the part being metallic and reflective in nature, I would just choose a high gloss paint to put on my car. It is a shame we can't do this in CoX.

Actually, we can. And we do. But only rarely, and not at all recently.

To explain. In the costume creator select Tights top -> Fanged Skulls shoulders. There is a second menu that lets you select either a Basic or a Metallic shader for the piece. And yes, the metallic one is shiny/reflective while the basic is not.
Many of the pieces that were added with CoV (Bone, various spikes and skulls) seem to use this approach. The more recent pieces do not.

To Dink: why do the new pieces do not have the option for different shaders ? Could we have that going forward ? Could we add that to the more recently released pieces ?

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
To Dink: why do the new pieces do not have the option for different shaders ? Could we have that going forward ? Could we add that to the more recently released pieces ?
THE NEWEST actually do. Hop onto Beta if you can and check out the Retro Sci-Fi set. It comes in "leather" and plain finish, i.e. in "shader" and "no shader" variants. Not quite "matte/leather/metal/chrome" like in Champions, but within reason, at least.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.