How can you as a player easily make the game more fun for others?
Be socialable--unless you are RPing someone who is not
I always say hello and like making silly comments about situations during missions and the like. Teasing people who almost die or for doing something crazy. We're a team of friends, working together toward a common goal. I love the band of brothers feeling of a great team.
Be socialable--unless you are RPing someone who is not
![]() I always say hello and like making silly comments about situations during missions and the like. Teasing people who almost die or for doing something crazy. We're a team of friends, working together toward a common goal. I love the band of brothers feeling of a great team. |
I've tried it a few times and had it blow up in my face with the person taking it the wrong way. My modified advice would be to do that in teams that are running like that. If you find the people are SERIOUS BIZNESS types I'd avoid doing that when something goes wrong.
Now if you are playing with your friends or sg, go nuts.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

I have to agree with this. There's nothing worse than a silent team with a leader who expects everyone to know what's doing. This is especially bad in trials. In those I can understand minimal conversation, but I expect the league leader to let folks know what to do, even if everyone's done it a million times, because there's always that handful of folks that learned to do it differently than the current leader expects. That said, it's why I'm very picky about who's leading the League event, and don't do them often.
In general teams I like chatty/friendly people, when I'm in the mood to team outside my SG. I've been in a few PuGs where I say hello, make jokes about NPC dialogue and whatnot, and not get a response at all from anyone. I don't stay long in those groups.
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Make sure at least 2 spawns are agroed at a time.

Just do what I do - when I'm not flaunting my VIP status in Atlas Park and mocking the financial situation of freebies, I'm usually teaming, where in the unlikely event of me not being given the star, even when I loudly demand it, I make sure that everyone knows that I'm still in charge anyway, and my multi-tasking skills means that while I'm telling my team how to play, I'm also able to tell people in /Help how to play properly too.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone in the room.
Be silly. Even if you have to resort to cheesy puns. Don't believe people when they say they hate cheesy puns, because they don't. The true humor is in the situation in which someone uses a pun, and not necessarily a pun.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
Just do what I do - when I'm not flaunting my VIP status in Atlas Park and mocking the financial situation of freebies, I'm usually teaming, where in the unlikely event of me not being given the star, even when I loudly demand it, I make sure that everyone knows that I'm still in charge anyway, and my multi-tasking skills means that while I'm telling my team how to play, I'm also able to tell people in /Help how to play properly too.
that doesn't work for me. My character's don't have large breasts

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
- Be yourself.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Being myself tends to involve moving forward, having half of the team follow me and the rest screaming "wait! we're not ready" and everyone but me die as a result. Then they ask if I have wakies, but I don't 'cause I'm converting everything into lucks.
Don't believe people when they say they hate cheesy puns, because they don't.
They're kind of like really fantastically bad movies; the worse they get the more entertaining it is.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Toss 100mil at a time to random newbies? Cause that's always fun.
Though that's more difficult now that we've got free players who can't receive trade requests. Does anyone know if there's an easy way to give free players inf?
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I don't care about making the game fun for others. It's apparently an occasional side effect of my own fun when I get on a team, but it's not something I strive to accomplish. If I were playing with my actual friends it would be a bit more of a concern for me.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Make others feel like they're actually contributing.
I try to remember to say "great buffs" or "thanks for heal" even if I didn't strictly need it.
Do stupid reckless stuff.
Once, I was on an LGTF where the whole team was really paranoid and the leader insisted on taking out the portal generators one by one (in my 4 years of CoH, the only leader ever who brought up this plan). I ignored her, popped magus, blew up all the generators at once and helped the team fight off a billion Rikti ambushes. The leader was furious but everyone agreed it was the most fun they'd had in a long while.
+1 for do stupid reckless stuff.
There are lots of people who role tankers and brutes and then hessitate constantly, lots of people playing healers in groups with overpowered brutes/tankers that never get hurt, and lots of groups with both parts. If you play a dom or blaster, just run and start blappering stuff without sprint on or teleporting or anything. Just mosey in.
Someone (likely seven people) will feel superior and awesome for pointing out you're not supposed to go in first. Someone on a tough AT will use their powers to get in ahead of you and stop hesitating, someone will NEED to buff/heal at least you at first, but if the group starts moving faster when the brute grows a pair, they'll be useful to everyone again once there's less downtime between fights.
For me, I just make sure my characters use their 2nd build for a lowbie setup so I'm not stuck at high levels.
As a general 'improve the game/community' I would say make a lowbie with XP off for doing red DFB. Lots of people quit the dark side when they can't get a support character or VEAT off the ground, myself included. Like everyone else on planet earth I'm sure you have an opinion about DFB and other easy levels, I don't care and neither do they. They want to DFB past the lowest levels, and the game is better off if a few more people are around on red side, so instead of standing in atlas waiting for 'nice costume!' tells when nothing is going on, join red DFB's.
If you're truly benevolent, do it on a PB with nova form. You can even level it to 50 if you want, and just leave the 2nd build not leveled past 6 using the going rogue pre-order procs in the nova attacks. (I say PB, not WS, because the -def is helpful to increase team DPS against AV's). If not a PB/WS, take assault at lv4 or 6.
{}... .-
I like to pop fake silly "mistells" in the middle of dead-silent teams (usually with some sort of innuendo attached to them, but nothing outright vulgar). If that doesn't get them to say a thing or two, then the team is hopeless..
Being myself tends to involve moving forward, having half of the team follow me and the rest screaming "wait! we're not ready" and everyone but me die as a result. Then they ask if I have wakies, but I don't 'cause I'm converting everything into lucks.
I used to be more of the antisocial scrapper type but now the metagame for me is amusing my teammates. It isn't much fun to play with people who are angry.
As someone who frequently claims to hate cheesy puns I'll gladly second this comment.
They're kind of like really fantastically bad movies; the worse they get the more entertaining it is. |
Don't nitpick.
Don't be a build nazi, but if you see someone's having trouble that something they skipped could help, point it out - politely, and once.
Don't be an IO/set/bonus nazi.
Don't say someone's being useless unless they're just standing at the door. For every mission.
Find that line between being silent and being a cheerleader. Constant "Great heals!" "GJ" etc. can be *just* as annoying (and somewhat condescending sounding) as seeming to ignore everyone. (Not to mention it can make some people feel their *own* contribution isn't being appreciated - "great heals" when the team's not getting hit thanks to buffs/debuffs can grate on people.)
Chat. Be a person, not just pixels.
Have fun. Don't do it at others expense. Do it in a way that's infectious. And by that, I don't mean in a way that requires a visit to the doctor.
Obey Wheaton's Law.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

my tips
1. When you join a team say hello. If someone joins a team say hello.
bonus: if just one person joins a team say hello and their name
2. When you leave a team say you have to go. As simple as "I need to go" is far better than just leaving.
3. When you are at a group of players - training, shopping, a team - look over the other characters and compliment the name or outfit of any you like
bonus: say a specific part of their outfit that you like. "Nice outfit - I like the mask"