How can you as a player easily make the game more fun for others?

Agent White



I try to live up to the Canadian stereotype, mixed with following instructions and being generally friendly.

This has backfired when a guy I calmed down from a fight brewing started pointedly going on about how he could *really* use a girlfriend at me. D:

I will try to make your team experience pleasant, but I will not be your girl is what I'm saying.

Uh, not that I can be anyone's girl.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Just do what I do - when I'm not flaunting my VIP status in Atlas Park and mocking the financial situation of freebies, I'm usually teaming, where in the unlikely event of me not being given the star, even when I loudly demand it, I make sure that everyone knows that I'm still in charge anyway, and my multi-tasking skills means that while I'm telling my team how to play, I'm also able to tell people in /Help how to play properly too.
Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
that doesn't work for me. My character's don't have large breasts
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Bust size has got nothing to do with it - I was giving an example of awful behavior

I make jokes, but not at other people's expense. I try to help out anyone who has fallen to get back up. And if someone looks lost, I'll send a tell asking if they need any help. Along with whatever else other people have said.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
As a general 'improve the game/community' I would say make a lowbie with XP off for doing red DFB. Lots of people quit the dark side when they can't get a support character or VEAT off the ground, myself included. Like everyone else on planet earth I'm sure you have an opinion about DFB and other easy levels, I don't care and neither do they. They want to DFB past the lowest levels, and the game is better off if a few more people are around on red side, so instead of standing in atlas waiting for 'nice costume!' tells when nothing is going on, join red DFB's.

If you're truly benevolent, do it on a PB with nova form. You can even level it to 50 if you want, and just leave the 2nd build not leveled past 6 using the going rogue pre-order procs in the nova attacks. (I say PB, not WS, because the -def is helpful to increase team DPS against AV's). If not a PB/WS, take assault at lv4 or 6.
I would think a better service would be to team through normal content on redside... you spend more time with people and might form some cool relationships that speed-running boring repeatable content ad nauseum doesn't really. Community is all about the relationships between its members... and the people who can't be arsed to level to 12 "by themselves" in regular content tend to also be the people who don't give a crap about other folks (this is based solely on my experience, not meant to be a generalization).

Also, you'd make the starting zone appear more populated as you run around doing hunts and things... also something DFB doesn't do.



Wait, based on my last post. Advice to players: Please don't hit on/try to cyber with your teammates just because they are (or you think they are) women. Because no.

It's not actually a problem I've had with roleplayers, who only ever sent me 'Do you ERP?' requests and then left me alone. I'm talking non-rper dudebros straight instant trying to talk 'sexy' too me, hitting on me, and in one case sending me pictures of their genitalia. All because they seemed to think that's acceptable to do to someone who appears to be a woman.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Wait, based on my last post. Advice to players: Please don't hit on/try to cyber with your teammates just because they are (or you think they are) women. Because no.

It's not actually a problem I've had with roleplayers, who only ever sent me 'Do you ERP?' requests and then left me alone. I'm talking non-rper dudebros straight instant trying to talk 'sexy' too me, hitting on me, and in one case sending me pictures of their genitalia. All because they seemed to think that's acceptable to do to someone who appears to be a woman.
That has to be just about the creepiest thing that can occur in the game. I've stopped using smileys for anything but defusing severe misunderstandings because some people seem to take even that as "must be a woman: harassment mode engaged."

Unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that those who do that sort of thing are neither aware of nor concerned about anyone's opinion of their behavior.



Wow, some really great tips! Bill and Golden took all mine!

Don't spam the same things over and over it just gets you put on ignore.

Be Patient, while i seldom do leagues( my poor old computer just does not handle all those heroes well) the ones i have seen, i often see people getting impatient to join, remember everyone's busy setting up or grabbing snacks or what not.

Conversely don't spend all day grabbing snacks and such people are waiting on you.

Don't pick at people's computers not everyone can afford the latest AESUS..

If your leading a league ( and team) relax it's suppose to be fun for you, and everyone else.

Let the RPers alone some of us and yes i am one enjoy to RP. i Don't give the stink eye to players that farm or min/max and i expect the same in return.

Again conversely leave the others alone too min/maxing and farming is part off -their- game.

Seeing a theme here

One Comment. when I'm on busier ATs i don't tend to talk as much because well i am "pushing teh butans" but i do get a giggle from my team mates and try to contribute between fights.

As i said in the beginning Golden and Bill said the same things i would have so i will sum up with...

Be Respectful. Be Polite, Have some Empathy, if you shoot for one of those three everyone around you will have fun!

That has to be just about the creepiest thing that can occur in the game.
I used to tend bar, yes i am a woman, anyway believe me i much preferred the guys hitting on me, than the guys starting fights and getting mean.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I try to live up to the Canadian stereotype,
you say "eh" alot? :P

personally I try and keep some banter going, ask people what they need or let people know the plans ahead of time. less confusion usually means more fun.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that those who do that sort of thing are neither aware of nor concerned about anyone's opinion of their behavior.
I've always vaguely wondered if people think acting like Creepy McCreepster is actually going to have positive results for them, or if it's just another way for them to have fun spoiling other people's game experience.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Never, ever, EVER, EVER tell someone a set is 'bad' EVER. You come off sounding like an elitist, and who knows? Maybe that person will absolutely LOVE your 'bad' set and play it better than anyone you've ever seen.
Except Dark Armor because, as Dechs and others know, Dark Armor sucks.

Generally i'd agree that the best thing is to be friendly and sociable without babbling constantly or trash talking other players. Try to answer other people's questions when you can.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I've been threatened with physical violins for mine. ...
*Imagine a news anchor desk. Behind the desk sits a small bespectacled lady. She picks up a piece of paper, squints at the camera through her thick black frames and speaks in a high-pitched, squeaky voice...*

"What's all this fuss I keep hearing about violins on television? Why don't parents want their kids to see violins on television? I thought the Leonardo Bernstein concerts were just lovely, now, if they only show violins on television after ten o'clock at night, the little babies will all be asleep and they won't learn any music appreciation. They'll learn to play guitars, and bongo drums and go to Africa and join these rock'n roll outfits and they won't drink milk! I think there should be more violins on television and less game shows, it's terrible the way... "

The news anchor interrupts her with a confused look and says, "Um, Emily, that's *violence* on television. Not violins."

"Oh. Well, that's very different. Never mind."

RIP Gilda.



In the TPN trial, when that gun guy* has you "Marked for Death", make sure to make a lot of Steven Seagal movie title puns.

*(What IS his name? Maestro? Monstro? Minestrone?)



Interesting thread....

While I'm all for being generally good humored and polite to folks, I don't rely on other people for my own happiness... therefore, I don't expect people to rely on me for theirs.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



During long, "remind us why we're doing this again" missions, if this are going smoothly enough to allow me to type, I've been known to start doing movie quotes to liven things up.

While running around the Shard doing one of the TFs, it's late, we're tired, and as we're making our laborious way through the Cascades, my character stops in midair, points, and bellows, "THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY! HURRY UP! MOVE THE THING!" Cue the rest of the TF livening up the remaining missions by adapting "Princess Bride" quotes to the TF...

On one Lady Grey TF, we decided to speak in NOTHING but movie quotes, replacing key words with "Rikti". I think we went something like 45 minutes until someone made one funny enough that we teamwiped from laughing and we had to stop.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



During a TPN trial (again!), one of the other players suddenly asked why we were going into these buildings and broadcasting stuff. What were we broadcasting? I made the suggestion that we were trying to sell them auto insurance, or something like that. Someone else piped up that were spamming them with commercials for Oxyclean!



"I can't believe we just failed a freaking BAF! But I got some good news!"


"I just saved a load of money on car insurance, by switching to GEICO!"



* Play support classes. No, really. I've done iTrials where 20 of 24 players were some kind of melee-type and one of the others was a Blaster. Make somebody else's Blaster or Dom into the star for a while. I got "Oh Thank God you're a /Cold Dom!" three different times tonight.

* Don't be afraid to start a team in the first place. I hate doing it, myself, but I'm also used to playing on low population servers on off-peak hours.

* Use Player Notes so you can remember which are the fun people and which are the weirdos who want to hot chat.

* If people are unfun, just leave. You're not married to a PuG and if the are idiots or drama or drama with idiots, find a different group or just go play some other toon. If it's miserable for you it's probably miserable for the rest of the team, too.

* Play along with role play if you can figure out their deal. Usually the RP-types are happy to explain their characters and I've actually seen it infect an entire team.

* Long-time vets can get a lot of mileage out of knowing long-time vet stuff: "Hey, we're only about 100m away from an exploration badge at this mission door." I've spent free time on PuGs and TFs explaining to someone-or-other on a team how IOs work or what Gladiators are. Not everyone reads the forums or knows about Paragonwiki.

* When all else fails: hoorb

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
my tips

1. When you join a team say hello. If someone joins a team say hello.
bonus: if just one person joins a team say hello and their name

2. When you leave a team say you have to go. As simple as "I need to go" is far better than just leaving.

3. When you are at a group of players - training, shopping, a team - look over the other characters and compliment the name or outfit of any you like
bonus: say a specific part of their outfit that you like. "Nice outfit - I like the mask"
A nice cup of tea.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



my answer, is just play with them. while teaming is not required for mmos, it can make things significantly more fun, so if you hear a call out for something you may have the badge for and dont personally need, but hear someone else asking for people to run, its nice sometimes to be the facilitator of other people's fun.



I was gonna make the game more fun for others but then that trick arrow guy shot an arrow in my knee



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
A nice cup of tea.
That's the third time you've made that reply. Are you trying to make Eddie crash? What if we need him to steer the ship?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Never, ever, EVER, EVER tell someone a set is 'bad' EVER. You come off sounding like an elitist, and who knows? Maybe that person will absolutely LOVE your 'bad' set and play it better than anyone you've ever seen.
Nothing wrong with that. There are still some pretty bad sets in the game, and I'm going to call a spade a spade.

The last part of your statement betrays some of your assumptions. See, when I say a set is bad, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from playing it. I'm just informing them it doesn't perform to the level possible with other powersets, and what they do with that knowledge is up to them.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Nothing wrong with that. There are still some pretty bad sets in the game, and I'm going to call a spade a spade.

The last part of your statement betrays some of your assumptions. See, when I say a set is bad, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from playing it. I'm just informing them it doesn't perform to the level possible with other powersets, and what they do with that knowledge is up to them.
Actually, I do wonder what's the point of doing that.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Nothing wrong with that. There are still some pretty bad sets in the game, and I'm going to call a spade a spade.

The last part of your statement betrays some of your assumptions. See, when I say a set is bad, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from playing it. I'm just informing them it doesn't perform to the level possible with other powersets, and what they do with that knowledge is up to them.
In my experience, that knowledge is useless. I don't play sets for "da numbers" but rather for a particular concept. Plus, I plan to have at least one character with each powerset on my account... so whether a set is "bad" in your opinion or not is like informing me what color underwear you have on. I simply don't care. And it usually comes across as someone proclaiming superiority or telling me how to play, even if that is the farthest thing from the person's mind.

I find the advice you quoted far more apt than you seem to give it credit for.

I am sure many other folks who don't read the forums, or read the wiki religiously feel similarly as those folks are even less likely to be interested in the numbers the less "plugged in" to the game they are (of course this is a pretty big assumption).



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
In my experience, that knowledge is useless.
Correction: it's useless to you. It may not be useless to another player - I find this sort of advice useful, so I try to offer it. The way I see it, since you're not interested, you can easily ignore it anyway, and if it comes off as proclaiming superiority that's due to your personal assumptions which I can't do anything about.

Many people enjoy the game without getting involved in the character optimization side of things. I've no intention of trying to change their playstyle or proclaim that mine is superior, unlike those who look down on character optimization. However, I do believe in giving players what I consider accurate information so that they can make decisions for themselves.