How can you as a player easily make the game more fun for others?

Agent White



This thread leaves me really wanting to try paper plane blast! Take that evil villains! ---)>

But, I have to say that the people I find fun to play with are those who have a great sense of humor and remember that the game is supposed to be enjoyable (If anything you are doing in the City seems like a tedious chore, then I hope for your sake you enjoy that feeling, because it's supposed to be fun, remember? Otherwise, you might try doing something differently). It's hard not to have fun when you're surrounded by people who are having a really good time doing what they're doing, no matter what that might be. Be positive.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
At the same time, it's also pretty safe to assume that because of people like yourself, any of us who play those 'sub-par' sets or ATs have ALREADY heard the stalkers-are-gimped/peacebringers-suck/force-field-defenders-are-useless/ninja-are-useless song and dance often enough to find it more annoying than in any way helpful. As someone who plays a fair few of those types of characters, trust me on that one. There's no shortage of people all too willing to tell us how awful our characters are. You really don't need to worry about adding your voice to the chorus.
I hear that a lot when I offer to tank TFs on a whim.

"You can't tank, you're Dark Armor."

I then proceed to leave the group behind with Mr. Tank and smash half the mission while the other 7 players struggle to smash the other half.

Bright has a point. I've seen FF/AR Defenders played like Blasters on speed; I've seen Earth/Cold 'Trollers played like angry Corruptors; I've seen Ninja/Pain MMs cut things to ribbons better than a Scrapper duo. Just because you don't think a set is superior doesn't mean it isn't. It all depends on the player.

Play what's fun. Nine times out of ten, if you find that perfect in-game fun you'll outplay someone with a purpled-out DPS killgrinder just because you're enjoying yourself rather than spending your days min-maxing. Take it from a guy who could tank with the best of them using Dark Armor prior to the Invention System. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to get

[Tell] Teammate: wtf youre dark armor? nice

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."