Discussion: Salute to Statesman Loyalty Rewards on April 18th!




Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Wait, "cosmic energy" in the aura? Are we getting Kirby Dots for an aura? That'd be pretty awesome.
I thought I saw some kirby dots in the picture, but it was just the building windows filtered through the blue aura. Dang.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Anyone else think the Helm of Tartarus looks oversized for character it's on? Are we heading toward a Dark Helmet look?
I believe I know why. If you look at the placement of the two characters to street level and placement of the rularuu pet which early pictures have already been shown as almost tiny, I would bet anything that they made the two costumes/character very small to make the rularuu stand out much bigger then it really is. They look normal-sized but I bet anything they are actually around 3 feet tall in the tailor and probably forgot to re-proportion the head on recluse.

Also, maybe I am missing something or they are part of one of the vet costume packs but what are the legs on on the Recluse clone? I haven't seen those before... and the star on Statesman's chest for that matter. The two black background parts gave it away as something that isn't available now.



Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
Also, maybe I am missing something or they are part of one of the vet costume packs but what are the legs on on the Recluse clone? I haven't seen those before... and the star on Statesman's chest for that matter. The two black background parts gave it away as something that isn't available now.
*Blinks* those legs/bottoms on "RecluseLite" - want now, please. Thank you. That is all.



if you have the Celestial pieces, you already have them :3



The picture reminds me of kids dressing up for halloween...recluses helmets huge lol and female (boots style is only available on females)

looking forward to getting my hands on these

ill try to explain
they've put the sliders so far to the left the females head is outta proportion to the skinny body..and makes them look like kids
they shoulda used a male body to show off the wannabe recluse costume as genrally the female's shoulders / gloves are smaller than there male version
and prob makes the helmet look worse

im looking forward to getting my hands on these items so i never use them... just like i never use the vanguard pack

i hope this helps



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
if you have the Celestial pieces, you already have them :3
Ah thank you.. unfortunately I am still many tiers away from them but I don't think I have seen anyone with those and just wasn't sure.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Excellent! It's perfect for my new Statesmen's Pals SG.

(Statesman will always be in our hearts, Don't even think of taking the badge away.)

I'm the plus 1


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

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Originally Posted by morbious View Post
The picture reminds me of kids dressing up for halloween...recluses helmets huge lol and female (boots style is only available on females)

looking forward to getting my hands on these



Originally Posted by morbious View Post
The picture reminds me of kids dressing up for halloween...recluses helmets huge lol and female (boots style is only available on females)

looking forward to getting my hands on these
If the boots were your only hint, you're not looking close enough..



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I'm telling you right now that this line is going to get you into trouble on April 18th when people who weren't active during the necessary period of time start complaining about what they were "promised".

Yes, I know it says this later on:
People are dumb and will not see this. They'll see the word "all" in the first quote and think it means, well, all.

I really do like this game but at this point the marketing department is just forcing me to spam /em facepalm.
People that fail at reading shouldn't be rewarded by Marketing, or anyone else, by dumbing down the message. If those folks don't get what they thought they were getting, it's not worth the Devs worrying about.

It's a straight forward announcement for 99% of the players, and that's good enough.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



It's Positron's Pal badge now no more Statesman's Pal Badge.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Actually I disagree that there are free, as they have been earnt, this is my point about loyalty rewards.

And as for putting the items on the market, if it was bundled as a set and priced at the equivalent of $59.96 it would have my full support.
Wait, what? Are you saying you got nothing else from being subscribed for those few months? This program was an incentive to maintain a subscription for people who were already inclined to but wavering a little, not a reason unto itself. If it was for you, you have some messed up priorities and should stop projecting your values onto everyone else.




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I really do like this game but at this point the marketing department is just forcing me to spam /em facepalm.
I'd be spamming it too, but I don't use Facebook.

I qualify to get these items, but I do hope that they put them (and the facepalm emote) into the market at some point. Easy money is easy money.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Actually I disagree that there are free, as they have been earnt, this is my point about loyalty rewards.

And as for putting the items on the market, if it was bundled as a set and priced at the equivalent of $59.96 it would have my full support.
That makes zero sense. You didn't spend that much money on these items. You spent that much money on complete access to this game, including free points every month. You will be rewarded with free items for maintaining said subscription.

To those that didn't subscribe, or happened to of missed this period of loyalty, they should be allowed to spend extra money on purchasing these items in the market.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
I'd be spamming it too, but I don't use Facebook.
Neither do I.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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This is a loyalty program and the rewards suffice to those who choose to keep their account going. this isnt a debate, i dont care who or what says they want it, the whole point of this is to be loyal to the game, just because us PAYING customers get this for free dont mean the people who cant pay for it or wont should aswell, im all for balance and fairness but if this ever goes live for free players or in the market, then COH will lose this customer for sure, i dont know how the rest of the community feels about this, i do feel bad for those who are loyal but maybe missed out on a month, but if they have like 5 years to show for this i think they should get it too, definitly not premium players tho, i think its good that theres a neutral balance that people who pay should get a few things to boot, and the free players, well they can suck it up or start paying



My whole opinion is that in a ways this LOYALTY program is pure BS. Both me and my wife had been subscribed and devoted followers of the game and lost out when they killed our accounts a day EARLY from the time it was said to cancel. All due to it being a Holiday that Business day and we couldn't even get into the bank to deposit money on our cards. That was this last New Year's Eve. So I was already ticked about it and we renewed about a week later when we could. Hell people work and all and it was still in the same month it ended that we renewed... I believe it should be offered on the Marketplace at least to those who had these issues. Heck to leave people out of it is like getting free cash at your business and then expected to pay it back cause you weren't paying for your membership in thier business.... Seriously? I mean how many people who have spent tons of hard earned money in these trying times to keep what they have. Just to get all they can at the expense of real life issues and problems is nuts.... This is why alot of people have been giving up on the game for VIP and some are jumping ship to other games who feel they are treated better. This isn't the first FREE MMO nor is it the last...... but rest assured..... Tick off enough people with this screwy deal of this and that.... and your gonna push people to less play mmo's and go back to console gaming all over again.... (let's not get me started on that with the price gouging and all.)



If I had one day where my subscription was out in between Dec 1 and April 30th will I be ineligible for the rewards?



Originally Posted by Soopa View Post
If I had one day where my subscription was out in between Dec 1 and April 30th will I be ineligible for the rewards?
If it was less than a 24 hour gap, you should probably be ok.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hooray! I think that it was.



Originally Posted by WiFi View Post
Wait, what? Are you saying you got nothing else from being subscribed for those few months? This program was an incentive to maintain a subscription for people who were already inclined to but wavering a little, not a reason unto itself. If it was for you, you have some messed up priorities and should stop projecting your values onto everyone else.

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That makes zero sense. You didn't spend that much money on these items. You spent that much money on complete access to this game, including free points every month. You will be rewarded with free items for maintaining said subscription.

To those that didn't subscribe, or happened to of missed this period of loyalty, they should be allowed to spend extra money on purchasing these items in the market.
Sadly I think that you are both missing my point.

If the items are offered as an incentive to remain a loyal customer (and no I didn't subscribe just to obtain them) then what benefit do loyal customers get if the items are then offered to all a much lower cost? Basically it negates the whole idea of it being a Loyalty Reward, doesn't it? They may as well have not offered it in the first place?

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I think the problem is that people don't see that this was a loyalty program that rewarded NOT GOING TO ANOTHER GAMES RELEASED IN THAT TIME FRAME, not a program that rewarded long-time players (that's the Paragon Rewards).
If they offer the rewards for less that the subscription price of that time frame, then it defeats the purpose of the program. Why should I maintain my subscription and not spend the money in the new game if not only can I get the rewards later but maybe I can get them cheaper?
Think about that.

Edit: NH, you wrote the same thing while I was. :P



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Sadly I think that you are both missing my point.

If the items are offered as an incentive to remain a loyal customer (and no I didn't subscribe just to obtain them) then what benefit do loyal customers get if the items are then offered to all a much lower cost? Basically it negates the whole idea of it being a Loyalty Reward, doesn't it? They may as well have not offered it in the first place?
Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Why should I maintain my subscription and not spend the money in the new game if not only can I get the rewards later but maybe I can get them cheaper?
Think about that.
I'm not missing any point, and understand what you're getting at. I'll touch on that later, as I do semi-agree with you. But let's say, hypothetically, they post these items on the market in six months for 400 paragon points. We, the loyal customers, got exclusive access to these items for an entire six months before anyone else. Plenty of time to flaunt them and enjoy the fact that these items are ours before inevitably forgetting about them in favor of newer, shinier items. So there is, in fact, benefit.

As to your point about loyalty and inspiring folks to stay subscribed, though, yeah this program failed for a number of reasons. Mainly the fact that they spent all of one day advertising it a week before the program started, and all they had to show off was a sketch of what the items are planned to look like. Then months go by and the mods, aside from Zwill once or twice, act like this program never even existed. But I doubt that if these items someday not-very-soon get put on the market that it would've effected the amount of loyal subscribers very much at all. The last program was the Vanguard pack, a pack consisting nearly solely of items we've had access to for years already, but people still loved getting them.



My only disappointment, here, is the fact that recently I returned to the City after a break, and re-upped my account mid-December. I had no idea that there was a new loyalty thing going on until seeing this post, and while I haven't left the game for anything new being released, I re-subbed just a hair too late to get in on this.

Now, frankly, it's not that big a deal. A badge (my inner badge-collector will cry but move on), a couple of helmets which I might only use once, a chest emblem I probably won't wear, a costume change emote, a non-combat pet I won't use, and an aura. It's not the end of the world.

My thought is simply that the program might be better served as tying in with a variation of the Paragon Rewards program, but not just the standard badges, since you can earn them simply by spending more money. Relate these not to specifically keeping an account for a specific time/date (which circumstances beyond one's control might hinder), but to specific lengths of time. With the old Vet Rewards, after an account reached a certain age, the reward kicked in. If finances meant you had to stop your account for a month, you didn't miss out, you just had to wait longer.

Sure, I recognize that some of this is to fight losing the playerbase to newer, shiny games, but, let's face it, this isn't amazing enough to really stop someone from taking a month off to try out SWTOR or something...nor should it be, I'd rather the time and resources of the team go to the actual game content. It should just be recognized that players who have real-life issues aren't being "disloyal".



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'm not missing any point, and understand what you're getting at. I'll touch on that later, as I do semi-agree with you. But let's say, hypothetically, they post these items on the market in six months for 400 paragon points. We, the loyal customers, got exclusive access to these items for an entire six months before anyone else. Plenty of time to flaunt them and enjoy the fact that these items are ours before inevitably forgetting about them in favor of newer, shinier items. So there is, in fact, benefit.

As to your point about loyalty and inspiring folks to stay subscribed, though, yeah this program failed for a number of reasons. Mainly the fact that they spent all of one day advertising it a week before the program started, and all they had to show off was a sketch of what the items are planned to look like. Then months go by and the mods, aside from Zwill once or twice, act like this program never even existed. But I doubt that if these items someday not-very-soon get put on the market that it would've effected the amount of loyal subscribers very much at all. The last program was the Vanguard pack, a pack consisting nearly solely of items we've had access to for years already, but people still loved getting them.
Some good points here and likewise I partly agree with some of them.

And as I said earlier in the thread I’m not bothered about everyone having the items it’s just the principle. Believe me I know what times are like and I find it a struggle to maintain my subs lately.

But no matter how you look at it, it’s a fact that currently you've had to pay X amount to get these rewards, it’s not a valid argument to say that a VIP gets other things – the rewards have cost X amount (this is the only way you qualify) – end of story.

If they are eventually released on the Market, fine and I hope Paragon Studios does well on them, but I will still feel ripped off, as effectively I had to pay X amount and others will pay a much lesser cost.

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